Private Tales Stuck!

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Fire Kitten
Character Biography
"You MORON!"
Thraah had held it together for hours. She had put up with Leander and his bullturds all day as they delivered the old tapestries from the Academy to be repaired in the City of Vel Anir but now.
Now it was getting dark and they were stuck because the rain from earlier in the day the wheels were stuck and the cart had come completely off its axel which startled the horse which was now making its way to Kress knows where at speeds she could only dream of achieving now.
"I told you to take it slow on the way back."
Much as she wanted to lay this all on Blondie and his thick skull deep in her heart Thraah knew she should have been watching out for trouble spots on the road, but she had fallen asleep and as they stood under the darkening sky they both came to realise they would have to wait until morning to continue. Problem was there was nothing around for miles except dirt and rocks. The odd tree made its stand bravely enough but they were thin and small. Hardly good for shelter.
She fixed Blondie with a look that might have killed a charging rhino. *Why did I have to get stuck with him?*

Leander Urahil