Ahead and behind him, the small caravan of mercenaries strode into town as such caravans often did; in a winding, staggered line of haggard and tired travelers. Somewhere up ahead the Commander was off to find accommodations for the night, and the others had their own needs to see to. Usually that meant ale, or a blacksmith. They'd need to shelter here a month at least to get their equipment back to fighting trim.
Many of the towns they came to in the aftermath of battle were so similar that you could forget where you were but for the name of the place where you'd just fought. But not this one. He realized immediately that this woodland town was crisscrossed by canals and nearly overgrown with flowers, ivy and lichen. Needing to find a stable, he broke off from the group, knowing his armor would be safe with the rest of the carriages.
His sword was kept on his person, and his muddy gambeson would need to be patched and cleaned. "C'mon boy," he mutters to the pale horse at his side, "let's find you a place to rest." Giving it's flank a pat, he let out a breath that made his shoulder's slump. At least the stone roads meant he didn't need to fear his boots coming off in the mire.
"You earned it."