Fable - Ask Something Lurks in the Shadows

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Character Biography
The carts stood in the road, their contents untouched. If not for the complete lack of people near to hand, it wouldn't have been near so odd, or so patently creepy.

The sun shone high overhead, but the thick canopy of the trees prevented the majority of the brilliant light from reaching the ground. Raea looked about the caravan for a third time, but she did not really expect to see anything new. There were no answers to be had here, anymore than there had been in the little town half a day to the south; the bill posted there was hardly the only such posted on the hunt boards, but it was by far the strangest, After all, those seeking aid generally had some idea what it was they faced - brigands, beasts of tooth and claw, supernatural entities. This?

'A great many who travel the roads of Greentear turn up missing.' Local authorities were willing to pay coin to anyone who could solve the mystery - and mystery it was! Far from simply vanishing without a trace, the people who went missing often left behind everything they had with them. Wagons, carts, sometimes the draft animals. When it was homesteads, it was clothes and even meals left; fires untended to go out or catch their homes alight and burn them down with nary a soul to fight the flames.

It would have been passing strange if they had simply vanished, but there were always signs of struggle. No blood, though, no bodies, no broken doors or weapons.

Raea was new to adventuring, but she was no fool. The silver chased basket of her rapier gleamed in the dappled light of the understory, the leather wrapped handle worn smooth with use. And her hand stayed near to it, just in case. She was lone, and her slight frame certainly would not intimidate anyone with bad intentions. Not especially since she wore only a light leather studded leather vest and leather pants, hardened leather vambraces a more recent addition to her attire. All were dyed in deep blue, worn over white woolen underclothes to prevent chafing.

It was well that it was early in the season. She should have been sweating, but she had a predilection to warm clothes because she was so often cold. Sickly - dying, in fact - sometimes she simply couldn't get and stay warm.

Dark eyes regarded the carts. Scuffs in the leafmould showed a struggle - as had been reported - but were limited to the places near the wagons. It was almost as if the people had started to fight...and then simply stopped. Walking up to a cart, she pulled back the canvas covering the load. Iron bars were neatly stacked in the back, and sealed barrels lined the rest of the bed. Nothing looked disturbed and, more importantly, nothing seemed to be missing. Nothing but the owners and carters.

Nothing but the hired swords that were supposed to guard it all.

Raea tsk'd to herself, and dropped back onto her heels. She wrinkled her nose as the breeze shifted, bringing the pestilent miasma of rot with it; the oxen that had been drawing this cart lay dead on the ground, still in its traces. No mark indicated a cause of death; no scavengers had come to glut themselves on the free meal. The bloated, distended guts looked fit to burst and Raea kept casting a wary eye at the dead animal.

A shower of of rotting innards would not make her day very pleasant. She stepped away from the cart and its attendant corpse, and paused as she heard something. A crunch, as of a foot on dry grass or a branch, but directionless. Despite herself, her hand dropped to the worn handle of her weapon, and she dropped into a near crouch, brushing her lusterless brown hair out of her eyes as they scanned the woodlands near to hand.
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Zulryn Oknu
This is the quietest place Zulryn has ever seen.

The birds were her only companion as she walked, flying overhead. People have shut themselves in the town nearby. She had only meant to pass through there, but the board had caught her attention with a mysterious note : People vanishing into thin air with all their belongings left behind. Nothing else was written, except the reward money.

The quietness made her a bit uneasy and she clutched her bow tight. Her cloak was shrugged off in view of the scorching sun, but now she wished for it’s comfort and safety from invisible eyes. This stopped when she spotted someone near a wagon. And a vicious, putrid smell made it’s way through her nose.

As she walked closer it became clear what the smell was. An ox was lying dead tied to the wagon, decomposing faster in the summer and thus giving off that smell. Zulryn shuddered at the sight.

The person—a woman—seemed to have sensed her presence and crouched into a defensive stance. Zulryn carefully stepped out of the bushes, hand up in a peaceful gesture. “Hello, miss. I am here to investigate the disappearances, I came here from the notice board in town. Are you here for that too?”

Raea Stormcrow
Her hand dropped to the handle, actually touching it, for a moment. But only for a moment; whatever the words of this stranger, their mannerism did not speak of hostility. Raea relaxed a touch, and let her hand fall away from her weapon. The eerie silence here did nothing good for her nerves, and she couldn't imagine that it was much better for the girl before her.

She nodded wordlessly to the question, and arched an eyebrow at the declaration. Here to investigate the disappearances? Although her skin hinted at an orcish lineage, it was clear that she was not full-blooded. It was also clear that she was young, perhaps too young to be out on such dangerous adventures on her own. And you are?

Pale cheeks flushed at her own derisive thoughts.

"There is no one here," she said, stating the patently obvious. She did not ask the question that haunted her thoughts, though. Time enough for that later, if it became necessary; this could be a chance meeting in the woods and nothing more. "I had thought maybe the tale was exaggerated - as some are wont to do. But it appears that the petitioners spoke true."

She looked round, and gestured at the caravan. Four carts, canvas drawn over them, and one dead oxen. "No one here, but all their stuff. You didn't see anyone from where ever you came from?" Raea did not get any closer to the girl. She had been taken for a fool once, and had no desire to lower her guard entirely. Not yet at least.

The silence was eating at her confidence as surely as acid would have.

Zulryn Oknu
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Zulryn Oknu
Zulryn thought back, then shook her head. “No, the town was completely empty.”

She stepped closer to the cart. Looking closer, it seemed that whoever had vanished had really left their things behind—though not without a struggle, if the marks were anything to go by. Keeping a safe distance from the putrid dead animal, she looked around for anything that would give her a clue.


She frowned. Holding her breath, she slowly lifted up the canvas of each cart, revealing nothing but some items. She went to pull it down over the third one when her eyes caught onto something. It was another sign of struggle, placed beneath the cart—but that wasn’t what caught her attention. Instead, it was the pair of upside-down buskins smeared with dirt, the laces seemingly torn apart.

“Huh, someone left their shoes here.” Zulryn kneeled down to inspect it.

Raea Stormcrow
  • Yay
Reactions: Raea Stormcrow
This place was really getting to her. Paranoia was not somethings she usually suffered from; being afraid of things required a concern for her well being, and at this point that was fairly laughable. Still...there was something in the air here, almost like a ghostly whisper on the wind. She felt if she just tried hard enough she could...

...she shook her head. "Someone left their everything here," Raea remarked drily. She did not approach the girl, still; regarded the other woman with a healthy dose of skepticism that was frankly warranted given the setting. "Its frankly spooky."

Raea stepped round to get a better look at the girl. Look up, as it were. The long ears actually made her seem more youthful, so it was possible that she was older than she looked. "Not to be rude, but you are? Not some ghost or demon trying to lull me into a false sense of safety with that youthful mien, I hope," Raea said at last.
  • Yay
Reactions: Zulryn Oknu
The shoes were not anything special. They looked to be an adult man’s size, and made of cotton cloth. This was normal for any peasant or non-nobility. The only weird thing was that the laces looked shredded, like someone ripped through it with a knife.

“Hm? Oh! My name is Zulryn, I come from a town near Fal’Addas. It’s quite far from here,” She adjusted her cloak and stood up. “May I know your name, miss?”

A breeze blew by at that time. Zulryn’s sharp ears seemed to pick up something; she whipped her head around. “Do you hear that?”

Raea Stormcrow
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Raea Stormcrow
Like a ghostly whisper on the wind. There seemed to be some kind of sense to it, as if it were trying to tell her something....but she could not make it out. She nodded to Zulryn's question, and looked into the woods. There seemed no one source for the sound - a song, it almost seemed.

Everywhere and nowhere.

"I am called Raea," she said slowly. "I hail from Alliria, but I am an adventurer without a home," she said. Truthful and not at the same time. She did have a home, but she had abandoned it in pursuit of her quest for adventure - her final quest, the end of a painful life.

Something moved in the woods, almost beyond their ability to see. Something shadowy and large, a hundred yards into the boles of the trees. "Hear it, also see it. You?"
  • Love
Reactions: Zulryn Oknu
“Nice to meet you, Miss Raea!” Zulryn smiled.

Her ears picked up that noise again, at the same the woman asked her the question. Something running? She squinted into the woods—there! A huge figure, bolting through the forest. She gripped her bow.

“What should we do?” She asked nervously. She had no idea if this bow would even be effective against whatever was there...

The sound came closer.

Raea Stormcrow
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Raea Stormcrow
"Don't do anything yet," she answered simply. She saw the shape moving through the woods, too, but it remained at the edge of sight, almost as though it were little more than a shadow. It was quite frankly spooky, and she did not like it at all.

She heard the sound that Zulryn had been hearing for a bit, and turned her head toward it. Whatever it was, it was not a large creature, not like the shadow they had seen moving through the trees. Raea's hand dropped to the handle of her rapier as the crashing sound grew loud enough that none could ignore it.

"Be ready..." she said, and even as she said it, the source of the commotion broke from the trees.

A young man. His clothing was torn, although he himself did not appear to bear any words. Sandy hair framed dark eyes that were about as terrified as anything she had ever seen in her life. The lad was unarmed, too, and as soon as he broke free of the undergrowth, his eyes swiveled and found them.

"Please! Please, you must run! Run, before they catch you," he panted.
  • Love
Reactions: Zulryn Oknu
She listened to Miss Raea and didn’t attack. The sound came closer, before finally breaking through.

The man looked like he had seen better days, and his terrified voice echoed through the clearing as he scrambled towards them. "Please! Please, you must run! Run, before they catch you."

Zulryn unconsciously relaxed when she saw the man, though his words made her worried. She lowered her bow, putting her hands up in a peaceful gesture before saying in a soft voice, “Hey, it’s okay, alright? Calm down, can you say who this ‘they’ is? Who should we be running from?”

She kept an eye on the forest, ready for anything else coming out of it.

Raea Stormcrow
"Its not okay," the man panted at Zulryn, his eyes wild and unfocused. "They'll get into your mind, burrow down into it. Make...make..."

Raea stepped back from the pair, her own eyes wide. The raw terror in his voice was enough to cause her to be uneasy. What could drive someone to such extremes of despair and fright? She had limited experience in such things as this. "Get into your mind...?"

"Singing!" He darted frantic looks all round him. "Singing their songs. Songs without words, words without meaning! They reach in and take your mind and...and...and then they make you do things. Terrible things! Terrible terrible!"

She looked to Zulryn, this other stranger that she had met here, with distinct unease. What kind of thing could this fellow be talking about? "Well, they aren't here now. You're safe," she said to the nameless man. Her words appeared to have no affect on him, almost as if he didn't even hear her. He kept muttering under his breath, and started to stumble away as though to flee them as well.
  • Love
Reactions: Zulryn Oknu

That confused her. Singing…Perhaps mind control? That was a frightening prospect. They would be truly helpless if they got under anyone's control.

For now, Zulryn focused on making the man calm. As he started to move back, she spoke again, keeping her voice as gentle as before, “If you go back there, you will be in danger again. Stay here, they won’t harm you here.” Whoever this ‘They’ was, clearly didn’t have good intentions. At least by staying here the poor man could gather himself.

“Deep breaths, don’t worry, you are safe here. I promise you.”

Hopefully she will be able to keep it.

Raea Stormcrow
  • Yay
Reactions: Raea Stormcrow
But he was not continuing in the direction he had come from; he moved past them, ignoring the road and made to head into the timber opposite them. Zulryn's soothing words did not even appear to reach the fellow; he muttered and spoke to himself in gibberish words that made no sense.

And then there was another sound coming from the woods, from the direction he had come in. A fearful crackle of underbrush and fallen branches and leaves; Raea immediately became quite alert, eyes snapping to the woods, hand on the basket hilt of her blade again.

And, a moment later, the song began. A lilting tune comprised of not-words, a rhythmic thing of beauty and ugliness, of friendliness and terror. It washed over Raea like a physical thing, and immediately she knew pain. The song tried to burrow into her mind, driving icy-hot daggers through her skull. The fellow that had stumbled out of the woods shrieked in terror, then, and scrabbled towards the cover of the woodland. His legs did not seem to work properly, though, and he stumbled.

The song abruptly ended. Raea, staggered by the power of that tune, clapped a hand to her forehead even as the source manifested itself.

Two women and three men burst out of the enclosing trees thirty yards away. All had the wild-eyed look of the insane, wearing tattered clothing that exposed too pale flesh streaked with blood where the branches and undergrowth had slashed them. They bore no weapons, and they seemed to have no eyes for the two women. They were focused on the man alone.

They charged.
  • Yay
Reactions: Zulryn Oknu
Zulryn’s scalp turned numb as soon as she heard the song.

The pain almost sent her backwards as the man ran into the woods, screaming. It was unlike anything she had felt before, and it brought tears to her eyes.

It being over as soon as it began didn’t help her head, and blankly turned towards the new people before reeling with shock. These are not human!

She clasped a hand to her mouth as they began running for the man, and her body reacted on instinct and fear as she drew out an arrow and nocked it to the bow…

Raea Stormcrow