"It's too much," Kaska dismissed, shaking her head at the woman. She leaned forward, not persuaded by the smile, and not buying into this subtle political type pratter going on. She cut right to the point, speaking firm and half pointing at the woman as she did so. "I get you want to do this right, but you're making things harder than it needs to be. Just because you've completed the mission doesn't mean you've done it right, or in any efficient manner. We were specifically told to make this appear like a casual trip, and you are being fool hardy by ignoring that detail. What if the owner of that bracelet is being watch, the very fort we're going to has eyes along the road, looking for unusual behavior, by riders none the less. And here you come in, acting out of the character we were ordered to take, and you give it all away and get it stolen? I mean really, you sit there making judging eyes at me, when you're just as blind sighted and risky as I am. We were given. Orders. We should follow them. To. The word."