Open Chronicles Solace and Respite || The Weary Nomad

A roleplay open for anyone to join

Nino The Harengon

Wandering Apothecary
Character Biography
River background.jpg

The sound of rushing water dances with the brisk winds and rustling trees, the Sayve River flowing briskly westwards towards the sea afar. Birds chirp and glide around, the local animals nearby using this source to clean their dry throats and refresh themselves from the shining sun above. Amidst the bushes and grass was a cautious white Harengon, a bag slung over his arm while he hugs a leather book close, practically the size of his small chest. His eyes scan the environment, ears and vest moving with the breeze, savoring the moment of solitude and peace before stepping closer towards the river

Nino Celeste is a wandering apothecary and a nomad. Seeking expertise and knowledge, he took on this life for a selfless cause; To help those in need, no matter who or what. Dread is contagious and can spread easily, and the Harengon hopes to be the cur. But he knows he can’t ever get close to that dream without practice, or a lack of supplies.

Closer to the river, he gently kneels down nearby some rocks, adjusting his cap to keep the brim over his eyes as he slowly places his book down upon a dry patch of grass. Opening and silently searching through it’s pages, he stops upon an excerpt of a useful herb; One that should be common to find around where he’s currently at. And with the reference nearby, he began to search, hands hovering above the rocks and grass as he investigates. Any he finds, he would carefully pick out from the ground and caringly store within his bag, repeating the process, easing into the peaceful scenery…
While it was rare for her to leave the city of Alliria, Zara Velkuno was lent a horse by a client from The Shallows to deliver a letter to one of their subordinates in a town along the Sayve River. Although Zara figured the letter had something to do with the movement of goods along the waterway, she knew it was not her job to be concerned with the contents of the sealed envelope. The exchange of the message and her payment had been as uneventful as her short journey to the town, where she stocked up on enough supplies for her return trip before departing to go back home.

Zara had been slowly but steadily riding for some time when she decided to give the horse a break. Knowing that the Sayve River was not too far, she dismounted and led the horse there by pushing through the foliage. While normally very perceptive, she was not expecting to run into anyone else in the wilds and was making no effort to be stealthy or look out for other travelers. This meant that anyone who was in the area would almost certainly hear her marching forward in her bulky ring-mail armor with the horse following closely behind before she had a chance to spot them.

Emerging a little way upriver from the apothecary, Zara did not see him kneeling down between the nearby rocks and bushes. She was close enough that she could easily hear him shout if he chose to do so, but she was far enough away that she very likely wouldn't notice him if he preferred to remain hidden. After she led the horse to the river so it could quench its thirst, she did the same by pulling out one of her waterskins.
  • Frog Sweat
Reactions: Nino The Harengon
Nino continued to quietly scavenged the riverside, calm and tranquil, occasionally having to pick himself and his book back up to shuffle over a new spot to continue gathering anything useful he could find. The herb-picking left him deep in thought, most sounds being drowned out by the rushing water and loud thoughts. However, during one of these subtle relocations, he lifted up his head to look around, mostly in an attempt to gauge how much time has passed. But that's when he noticed something. Off in the nearby distance, upstream. A stranger who wasn't any ordinary animal. But rather a human. A traveler with their steed...

It was always a rarity for the Harengon to spot another stranger out in the wild. And if he did, it would usually end in two ways: The other briskly having to leave due to important matters, or the other attempting to commit a devious act. So despite saying cautious, a strange sense of curiosity would always cloud his mind whenever spotting a wandering stranger. He slowly settled himself down again, but instead of continuing his gathering, he sat there and watched. He was rather easy to spot himself, no attempts at hiding being made as he didn't feel threatened.

Although distant, his eyes tried his best to scan her from afar. Take into note what she was wearing, and how she looked aiding her horse. She seemed to be taking advantage of the water source, just like he and many other natural beings were doing. That ring-mail armor she wore made the Harengon assume she was readying for some sort of fight, though at the same time, it could probably just be some passive defense she always keeps on in case an ambush happens. He never understood how some could get used to wearing metal and steel on their clothes for an extended period of time. All the meanwhile, he continued watching. At this point, practically staring...
  • Frog Sip
Reactions: Zara Velkuno
While waiting for the horse, Zara turned to look around, and almost immediately her dull gray eyes froze on the individual watching her. She instinctively began sizing them up, noting their diminutive size and apparent lack of weapons, but another part of her was more confused by what exactly was in front of her. Judging by their stance and clothing, they were clearly sentient. Deciding that there was no immediate danger but otherwise being at a loss for words, she opted for the simplest of greetings and shouted just loud enough to be clearly heard over the distance between them, “Hello!”

Zara had heard of animal-folk before, most notably whispers of the snake-like Naga raiding the southern coastlines, but this was her first time seeing one in person, and she had never heard of rabbit-folk. As such, many questions went through her mind, such as where this individual was from and what they were doing. She also did not understand how someone could travel through a region like this without some kind of armor. However, even she knew that these questions were all too nosy to ask someone who hadn't even had a chance to speak to her yet.

With her shout having pulled the horse’s attention away from the water, Zara began unhurriedly walking forward so she wouldn't have to talk so loudly. She normally wasn't a curious person in the slightest, but it wasn't every day that she met a new species and, despite her rough appearance, she was not even thinking of trying anything malicious. Although she was raised in a place like The Shallows, Zara had no interest in harming innocent people and detested those that did, such as bandits and thieves. Instead, she followed up her simple greeting with a simple question to at least determine if they spoke the same language: “How do you do?”
Her voice pierces the calm air, and once it hit the Harengon's limp ears, his eyes widen in surprise. He didn't expect to be spotted so soon, and it caused his heart to jump a bit as he quickly swings his arms down, scooping up his book and shutting it close, pressing it's cover right against his chest. At least he didn't attempt to flee, although his footing suggested otherwise. He stood his ground for now, in case she drew a weapon.

But as she got closer, showing no aggression, Nino began to ease up and relax. She seemed friendly so far, even with the way she walked! Almost as if she trusted him. His shoulders eased up, and his footing shifted to become more stable as he sucks in a soft breath in and out, sheepishly smiling in return. As she spoke, Nino responded in the same normal language.

"J-Just fine, thank you-", Nino's voice sounded very soft and light pitched, the soft-spoken rabbit-folk's eyes glancing downwards towards her legs, an animalistic trait of not showing any aggression, "S-Simply just using the river's resources like a-any other critter else would."

He pauses, though quickly flinches upon realizing how rude he was being! "I-I'm sorry for staring at you from a distance like that! I just n-normally don't come across other travelers out here in the wilds."
  • Yay
Reactions: Zara Velkuno
Not wanting to further distress her fellow traveler, Zara moved close enough that they could easily hear each other without needing to raise their voices but far enough away that they were out of arm's reach of one another. However, her tired expression became emphasized as she frowned even more in response to the rabbit-like individual's apology. She hadn't realized she was being watched for so long and mentally scolded herself, knowing things could have turned out much differently if it had been one of the many brigands in the area watching her instead of this rabbit-folk. Realizing how visible her disappointment was, she spoke to quickly reassure the traveler, “That's quite alright. I wasn't expecting to run into… well, anyone else out here myself.”

Now that she was closer, Zara quickly looked over the being in front of her once more, noting that he really had no weapons or other visible means of defending himself, though she supposed the book looked heavy enough that it might leave a bit of a bruise. Still very curious but not wanting to be too pushy, she quickly followed up her response with a proper introduction: “The name's Zara. I was just stopping for a quick rest on the way back to Alliria.”

As she said this, Zara turned slightly to lazily point towards the southwest. Normally, she would have assumed anyone else would know where the massive city of Alliria was and not bother with such a gesture, but she was still recovering from the fact that she was talking to a rather kind rabbit-folk. She then looked back at him before continuing, “What brings you out here? Just passing through?”
Alliria was a familiar sounding location to the Harengon, having heard rumors about it's fantastical infrastructures and architect. It filled his mind with wonder, though he quickly snaps out of it as Zara introduces herself to him. "Ah-! Uhmn, well, y-you may call me Nino! Nino Celeste!"

He briefly lifts up a hand to the brim of his cap, tipping it downwards in a small gesture of greetings. Though, he'd stumble ever so slightly as it got over his eyes, wobbling a bit as he tries his best to reposition it while not looking a grip on his book. The little fumble brought a small tinge of blushing embarrassment on his cheeks, quickly fading away as she reminds him why he was here. Setting the book down carefully, he opens and digs into his bag, pulling out a handful of herbs he's collected.

"I arrived here searching for some valuable herbs to restock on. Things I could use that can help treat wounds.", Nino explains as he holds the herbs out for her to look at. Besides the one collected here, the amount and variety he held within his hands suggested that he's traveled quite a lot, "A few others here are more meant for aiding the sick. I just simply haven't found a place where I'm needed yet."
  • Bless
Reactions: Zara Velkuno
Zara noticed the shift in Nino's demeanor as he spoke of helping others, surprised by how quickly his expression became more confident as his stutter vanished. Her own tired look remained steadfast, likely masking the variety of emotions she had in response to his enthusiasm. His seemingly genuine altruism was almost inspiring, but she pushed down the feelings of guilt that tried to creep into her mind over some of her own choices and instead focused on the herbs in his paws.

Zara was impressed and perhaps a little overwhelmed by the sheer variety of plants in front of her, as well as by Nino's ability to immediately recall the purpose of the different herbs. She knew that a more novice herbalist would likely have to carefully compare the shapes of the leaves and the colors of the flowers to the descriptions in their books.

For the most part, Zara had already assumed she could not be more different than Nino, but then she felt more empathetic once he expressed his desire to find a people and place that truly needed him. However, given all their other differences, she wasn't sure they'd be able to help one another find what they were looking for.

“Well, Nino, there are always people looking for help. I heard rumors of a terrible storm up north, but I don't know how bad the damage is. Even in a place like Alliria, some people are down on their luck, especially those living in those huts outside the city walls.” Zara looked back at the herbs he was holding. “What about you, though? I might not have the eye of a herbalist, but maybe there's something I could help you find.”
  • Aww
Reactions: Nino The Harengon
Nino falls silent for a minute, trying his best to stay attentive as he listens to Zara talk about the rumors and Alliria’s poverty issues. However, unlike the criminal, the Harengon had a lot more trouble hiding his own intentions. Even if not on purpose, his eyes seemed to wander in a strange way, shimmering under the sunlight. It was almost like he was looking past her, as if a shadowy veil loomed over her shoulder, towering over him in a heavy darkness. He seemed distracted for a second, an expression of worry and slight sadness crossing over him. It was almost as if he sensed that guilt, although he wasn’t purposely trying to fish for it. Yet, by the time Zara requested to help him, he shudders as his expression quickly changes to a more sheepish one, pulling away his paw and storing away his herbs as he quickly responds, “T-There’s no need! I have everything I need, I-i think. I wouldn’t w-want to waste your time making you p-pick up plants or anything, ahah-“

After chuckling his nervousness away, he gently readjusts his hat again, holding the brim of it while still holding his book with the other, “As for Alliria… I haven’t l-learned much of that place, b-but if people need help there, t-then I guess I’ll be there to provide! I haven’t r-really decided a path for myself, a-as I’ve been mostly wandering around aimlessly. S-So perhaps this’ll be a good s-start!”

His smile grew wider as he grins, his fur slightly ruffling with the wind. The Harengon was pure with his intentions and genuine with his plans. And although unaware of the many horrors or troubles the world could provide, he almost seemed unafraid by it all if it meant helping another…
  • Yay
Reactions: Zara Velkuno
Zara had little experience with magic in general and knew nothing about Empaths. This, combined with the fact that she had long ago decided it was safer to conceal her emotions, meant she had no reason to think Nino's sad expression had anything to do with her own demeanor and instead assumed he was upset at what she said. Besides, she rarely considered her own past hardships and certainly didn't expect anyone else to do so. Regardless, she quickly pushed her feelings of guilt down as she listened to his response.

Zara took a moment to consider what to say next as she thought about extending an offer for Nino to travel with her to Alliria. Normally she was slow to put faith in anyone, but she knew the dangers of traveling alone, and it was hard not to trust the unassuming rabbitfolk. After a brief silence, she responded, “It's a great place. I've never been to any other major city, but from what I hear, few of them can compare to Alliria. Still, no place is without faults… it's a fairly long trip there, but you're welcome to travel with me, if you'd like.”

Of course, Zara would understand if Nino refused the invitation. After all, they hardly knew one another, and he had come out there to collect valuable herbs. That, and there was a major road not far from here, so the odds another traveler would come by just as Zara did were higher than they would be in most other areas. Even still, she felt oddly compelled to offer before she considered leaving on her own.
  • Yay
Reactions: Nino The Harengon
The Harengon’s eyes slightly widen at Zara’s invitation, as he himself was quite surprised a thought like that would pass through her mind. He leans over to the side, spotting her horse, thinking over the details. Logically, the offer was actually fantastic! The trip by horse could possibly save a bunch of time, and with a kind traveler by his side, the trip would most likely be a safe and calm one. Yet there was a small part of him that hesitated, a more uncertain side of him that swelled up. He trusted her, there was no doubt about that, even though they just met. But he wasn’t sure that he himself would be worth the hassle…

Nino hesitantly steps backwards as he looks away, eyes trailing downwards once more. He seemed quite nervous once again, wanting to accept the offer, yet being held back by his own insecurity. He spoke up with that familiar quiet tone, “T-The offer is… F-Fantastic, b-but… are y-you sure I-I wouldn't be a b-bother? I-I’m used to traveling long distances, b-but with you, t-the trip could be quicker. B-But I might end up s-slowing you down, and then I wouldn’t be doing any good for the both of us. B-But what if I end—”

Nino quietly rambles and mumbles on as his finger quietly trails across the edges of his book, anxiously fidgeting with the corner of a page. He seemed uncertain, but not of her, but rather himself.
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  • Stressed
Reactions: Zara Velkuno
Not wanting to interrupt, Zara allowed Nino to ramble for a moment before she realized he was only getting himself worked up by compounding his self-doubt. Zara had never been good with motivating or reassuring people, so she decided to take an alternate route. “I'll be primarily sticking to the main roads, and there's a couple of good-sized villages between here and there. If either of us decides things aren't working, it'll be easy for us to take our own supplies and go our own way.”

Zara paused briefly to think how she could end her response on a more positive note. “Of course, I don't think that'll be necessary. You said you're good at traveling, and you've been surviving out here on your own already, so I don't see how you would be a hindrance. Besides, I think we could both use a second pair of eyes. This area is safer than most anything out east, but traveling alone always has its own set of dangers.”

Although Zara had just met Nino, it was hard to not wish success for someone who seemed so charitable. She was not sure what opportunities would await him in Alliria, though in a city so large there were always people looking for help. The road there was long but fairly well-traveled, so it was just as likely that the journey would be safe and uneventful as it was that they might run into someone who needed help or wished to do them harm.
  • Yay
Reactions: Nino The Harengon
His voice drifts, becoming softer until he became quiet, thinking over the things Zara explained. It only became more apparent that denying this opportunity would be rather foolish, despite his constant worrying. He takes a second before allowing himself to draw in a slow, deep, calming breath to compose himself. After that, he looks back up at her, trying to look, at the very least, confident about his decision.

“I-In that case… I-If it really doesn’t bother you… I-I wouldn’t mind tagging along. T-The faster I g-get to Alliria, the sooner I can help people.”, He stands up straighter, that cotton-tail behind him twitching with hope. To think that this would possibly be his chance at doing what he wanted to do filled him up with a dorment excitement.

Nino knew he could be gullible at times. He’s easy to fool and trick due to his pure nature, after all. But talking to Zara, he had no reasons to doubt her intentions so far. Why? Simply, she was kind. Kind and nice. Why doubt someone who’s only been showing kindness for far? But then again, Nino had yet to see the true horrors the wide world could offer…
  • Wonder
Reactions: Zara Velkuno
Zara nodded in before looking up to the sky to locate the sun and estimated they still had about half of the day ahead of them. While she had no urgent need to rush back to Alliria, she also wanted to make sure they were using their daylight hours well. She looked back down at Nino before responding, “Once you've gathered everything you need, we'll start moving.”

Although Zara had no desire to manipulate or harm Nino, it would be inaccurate to say she invited him to travel together without partly considering her own interests. After all, she still wanted to learn more about him, as the rabbit-folk was unlike anyone she had ever met. More importantly though, she knew the importance of traveling with someone trustworthy, and she couldn't envision him turning on her. With his wide eyes and large ears, she had also considered how he could be skilled at spotting potential trouble before they stumbled into it.

Zara checked over her own equipment, making sure everything was ready to go, before turning her attention to the horse following her. She didn't know much about animals, but she knew the steed temporarilygiven to her was bred for long journeys and was more than capable of traveling between the small towns and villages across the Allir Reach. While making sure the horse was prepared to start traveling again, she noticed that the creature's back was notably higher off the ground than the top of Nino's head. She spoke while moving around her equipment to make sure there was enough room for both of them, “Will you need help? Getting up here, that is.”
Nino nods as he swiftly scans the ground underneath him, just to make sure he wasn’t leaving anything valuable behind before they got going on their trip. As Zara checked over her own equipment, the Harengon seized the moment to kneel down and pick up a few herbs from around him and stash them away before getting back up, trotting over to his new temporary partner. He looked nervous, but also quite excited for the journey ahead.

The small rabbit-folk didn’t seem to think of the logistic side of things too often. He was more-so joyful over the fact that he’ll be traveling alongside a friendly acquaintance towards a new location. A place where he might be able to assist a ton of people! His mind raced with thoughts on how it may all go. It could go great, and many would have smiles on the faces! Or it could go poorly, and Nino could be shunned and pushed away! Maybe nothing much really happens, and the Harengon would eventually have to hit the road again.

Zara’s voice crashes his train of thought as he halts to a stop, realizing he almost ran face-first into her. The question drew a small blush over his cheeks as he takes the moment to analyze the situation, looking over towards her steed. Indeed, the ascent was quite tall. And although he could probably make it with a good hop, the risks of startling the horse and harming himself would be high. Looking back over towards Zara, he shyly responds, “T-The assist would be a-appreciated, if you don’t mind…”
  • Yay
Reactions: Zara Velkuno
As it was hardly an inconvenience for her, Zara was happy to help. Once Nino was comfortable, and she had led the horse back to the path she had initially emerged from, the unlikely pair began their journey. Not one for small talk, she still tried to occasionally engage her companion by asking questions she thought inoffensive, such as the nature of the herbs he had collected and how long he had been in this area. In the moments of silence between such conversations, she too thought of what would happen once she returned to Alliria and had returned the horse to her temporary employer. Considering all their differences, she wasn't convinced that she and Nino would remain together for long after reaching their destination.

Although they were not traveling particularly quickly as Zara did not want to overexert their mount, it was not long before the natural environment gave way to the first of many farms liberally dotting the landscape that the duo would likely encounter while traversing the Allir Reach. While the region became much safer as Alliria drew nearer, it was still not unusual to deal with aggressive wild animals, bandits, or other threats around farms such as this one that lay on the edge of Allirian territory. Judging by how close to the ground the wheat of this particular farm was, it was clear that most of it had recently been harvested.

A little way ahead of them, Zara spotted a slightly portly man standing in the field next to a small batch of wheat that still stood at full height. For the moment, his back was to them, and he gripped a scythe in his hand, though he didn't make any moves to harvest the remaining wheat. He had no visible armor or weapons, save for the tool of reapers he gripped in one hand, and he was just too far away to hear the two travelers exchanging words in their normal speaking tones, though he was likely to notice them if they continued moving down the path. Zara paid him no mind and instead continued her current conversation with Nino. “That reminds me, those last few plants you grabbed, are they for anything in particular? I wouldn't imagine there's too many… exotic herbs in the area, but I admit that I'm rarely ever out this far.”
  • Aww
Reactions: Nino The Harengon
With how lightweight the Harengon surprisingly was, it was hardly an inconvenience, Nino propped on the horse and ready for the travel. His smaller size left a lot of room for Zara to comfortably ride, and Nino made sure not to get in the way as he opens up his book and begins to study to pass the time. Anytime she asked Nino a question, he glances over at her with a smile and answers swiftly, often leading to the Harengon rambling on with whatever he was trying to answer with a bright smile on his face. However, whenever his hometown was mentioned, he’d stutter and look a bit more nervous, gaze dropping. He had fond memories of his home and childhood life, but the tragedy that happened to his family would always surface in his mind whenever thinking about Fogbrooke Village. Either way, he tried his best to answer as honestly as possible.

Although he would take breaks to look around and admire the view, or making sure if Zara was ok, he’d often continue staring right into his book. It was massive, with its contents being filled to the brim with information about herbs, medicine, biology of many races, and many more stuff revolving around healthcare. And despite there being countless of handwriting styles scattered throughout the pages, the book seemed in fantastic condition! So much knowledge and information stored into one massive book could probably sell for quite a lot. Yet the Harengon was more interested in using it as study material.

As Zara asks about the herbs he collected, Nino pauses for a minute, trying to think. With a few large flips through the pages of his book, his eyes shimmered under the sunlight, “I-Indeed, it isn’t really exotic. It’s not even that potent. However, when combined with water and a little bit of heat, I-It’s practically a special kind of tea. Best served to patients who have light headaches and migraines, sore throats, and colds! R-Really, it’s a much more trustworthy remedy, as newer patients would o-often trust a cup of water compared to anything else more complicated.” He smiles proudly at her with a light chuckle, not seeming noticing the man next to the pile of wheat they passed by due to his nose often being between the pages.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Zara Velkuno
Zara was rarely a talkative person, but she was still curious about Nino and wanted to learn more about the individual she would be traveling with. However, knowing that her own upbringing was a sensitive subject, she noticed that Nino was hesitant to talk about his past and did not push him for details. As they continued traveling, she asked fewer and fewer questions, settling more into her usual reserved personality. She was also grateful that the herbalist had not asked Zara much about her own past. She had a tested series of half-truths from previous conversations describing herself as a mercenary, but as long as her companion was content to leave those questions unasked, she was happy to leave them unanswered.

Zara nodded in response to Nino's answer. When she thought of herbalism, her mind jumped to cures for deadly poisons or grievous wounds, and she hadn't considered there would be a greater need for more mundane concoctions. “Well, I'm not sure how many good spots there will be to find more ingredients between here and Alliria with all the farmland, but we can make quick stops if you think there's something worth looking for in the area.”

Zara then became silent, listening to Nino to see if he had a response, but otherwise continued scanning the surrounding land. They continued moving down the road on the edge of the farm's property when the nearby man in the field suddenly noticed the pair of travelers. He bellowed out to them, “Hey! You there!”

Before he had even finished speaking, the man had begun barreling directly towards them, rushing over the recently cut crops with the curved scythe still firmly planted in his hands. “Stop!”

As he drew closer, Nino the Empath might be able to sense his confusing, if not overwhelming, mixture of anger, sadness, and other negative emotions, which outweighed any of the guilt or greed he had sensed from Zara. Zara herself was eyeing the rapidly approaching man, considering what to do or say next. He was still far away enough that they could quickly ride away on the horse if they so desired.
  • Gasp
Reactions: Nino The Harengon
Nino giggles softly, ready to respond, only to then jerk from the man’s sudden shout, back straight and tense as he turns back to watch The stranger rush towards them in seemingly desperate need. His voice pierced the air and ran into his ears, those emotions sending shivers down his spine. He could sense it. And it was indeed overwhelming. Without even thinking, Nino reaches forward as a paw tightly grips onto Zara’s side, as if trying to get her attention, although she was already looking at this strange phenomenon.

“Stop for a minute, will you?”, He speaks with a frown on his face, still staring over towards the stranger rushing towards them, “He needs help.”

Nino’s heart beat heavily within his chest. It was almost as if the man’s emotions were reflecting off from him in a strange way. It made his soul cry hearing such painful cries, and all he knew was that he needed to help. In some way. Somehow…
  • Aww
Reactions: Zara Velkuno
Zara readily obliged, bringing the walking horse to a full stop. Even if only to just hear what the middle aged man had to say, she was already considering stopping and would have done so if Nino had not been there. The man in question moved close enough to the duo to talk to them and then took a brief moment to catch his breath while gently leaning on his scythe, curiously eyeing the rabbit-folk for just a second before immediately making his point.

“I have coins in my home.” The man began, likely referring to the moderately sized cottage in the near distance, “I'll pay you, but I need someone with a horse to ride to the nearest town and send for a healer. I'd do it myself, but the rest of our family took the horses and wagon to sell the crops in Alliria.”

He gestured to the mostly leveled field behind him while continuing to talk, “Please, it's just me and one of my boys—my adult son. The wound itself isn't bad, but he was bit by some kind of animal, and it's become infected, I think. It wasn't so worrisome at first, but as the days went by, it got worse, and he's been drifting in and out of consciousness now. It's too far to walk and leave him alone, and you're the first travelers I've been able to stop. Please.”

Not being able to sense emotions anywhere near as well as Nino even without his magical powers, Zara was first interested in what the man had to say as he opened with a promise of payment. However, she forgot about this as he shared his story and couldn't help but want to answer his pleas for assistance. The man primarily looked to her for a response, but she was still processing the situation.
Nino’s stare was deep. He gazed into the man’s eyes, his expression becoming stiff, being able to feel this stranger’s despair and panic. His heart felt pained, and mind become numbed with empathy. This man needed help, and Nino knew he needed to do just that.

“Coin? Forget the coin.” Nino replies hastily as he pushes himself right off from Zara’s horse, stumbling slightly as he landed on the cold ground below. Gripping his book with a sense of purpose, he spoke with a straight voice, “My name is Nino Celeste, and I’m a wandering apothecary. Although still a novice, I will try my absolute best to help your son and lead him to a full recovery. If you would be so kind as to lead the way, I will start the moment I assess the injury.”

He pauses and takes a deep breath, only to then turn his head around to glance back at Zara. His smile, although still sheepish, had a bit of hope behind it. His voice breaks slightly, “I-I know you have places to be, b-but I’d r-really appreciate it if you joined me. A-A second opinion is always best, after all-“