Fable - Ask Sinking Slavery

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
The deathly serious expression on his face turned slowly, almost as if one had somehow rewound his emotions, and then rewound them too far. His face turned to one of almost glee. Yes, he'd be perfect. "I knew you were special, Vulpesen. That... blind valor. It's exactly what I need from you." He exclaimed with an almost infectious excitement, springing to his feet and offering him a bow. The shifts in his expression and mood were growing more and more wild. Perhaps a testament to his failing psyche, his inability to transition from thought to thought smoothly.

"The marks that adorn my skin. I assume you noticed them, no? They are wards, designed to control the magical energies of my body. I am a mage, as I told you already. However..." His exuberance petered out a small bit as he stepped closer, a hand clutching his cloak tight to his skin. "I am admittedly a failed one. I allowed myself to delve too deep. Now, my own strength must be warded if I am to avoid tearing myself and everything around me apart. These wards must be periodically re-burned into my flesh to be effective."

The fervor in his voice had settled, as he revealed his true motives for tying himself to Vulpesen. "The wards are weak, at least until I reach Arethil and retrieve my warding tools to reapply them. It is likely I will succumb to the madness of my own magic sooner rather than later. When that happens, somebody needs to put me in my place."

With Orion jumping up, Vulpesen's hand switched from a basic grip to a cut and thrust, a finger looping through the guard while his other went to one of the daggers resting along his waist. Adrenaline flooded his system and his while body tensed.

Still, with no aggressive actions, Vulpesen simply watched the manic man, his body coiled like a spring ready to strike out at a moment's notice. When the mage finally got around to explaining himself, Vulpesen's eyes slowly went from a predatory gaze to an analytical one, roaming over the man for any sign of danger, but open to hear what was being said.

This man was certainly dangerous, but he was at least aware of it. He was asking for a warden to keep him in check, and that was something that while not familiar with doing, at least fit well in Vulpesen's skill set and desires. "I suppose I can do that. But know that if it comes to it, I will hang you from the mast by your toes. Also, I can make no promises that the captain won't keel haul you if you pose too much a threat during your less than lucid moments."