Suggestion Separate Participation and Reading Lists


I have been using the "watch" feature regularly, both on threads I'm participating in and on threads I'm reading only, which is very handy. However, it gives a false notification number in terms of what threads I'm participating in, and has lead to quite a bit of surprise and some needless fretting on my end due to the stacked up number. The only way to differentiate is checking each individual character for participations and reads, which can be slightly overwhelming. So I'd like to suggest a "main" watch list for participation, and a secondary "reading" watch list.

(And if you're wondering why I follow threads I want to read with specific characters and not just all on my OOC here, it's a theme thing lol)
Ideally, it would either be a secondary tab under the alert bell for unread messages, that only shows a number once the bell is clicked on to check posts, that way the reading list numbers don't interfere with the writing list numbers, or, and this one is potentially more difficult so I didn't suggest it initially, a secondary icon like a book. Bookmarks don't have a notification icon at all and I'm bound to not recall until there are fifteen replies since I last read lol

My rationale at least personally for not dumping all of my reading threads into only one OOC account is a semi-compulsive desire to sort things. KoA threads on my KoA characters, Alliria/gangster/demonic threads on my Fiend, &c.

But I completely understand if this would only end up being useful to me in the long run, lol :)