Private Tales Return to the Twin's Home

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Knight-Shepherd of the Lost; Lord of Twin Home
Character Biography
Sweet little one,
Sweet little two.
To you I run.
How I love you.

Quacey hadn't had much time for the past three months to focus on his poems. He needed to bring Ethir back to Twin Home with him so she could work on finding her path.... At least that was the original purpose. A month in and he had discovered their enjoyment of each other had results. She was with child and now had a more permanent place in his family. So for the next two months he had gotten them moving as quickly as possible with no interest in anything other than her care and safety.

The three months had past and finally at the top of one of the highest peaks in the Spine came into view his home. A large, walled castle or monastery that seemed to reach towards the sky with fervor. Stones of the densest granite. A gate of wood heavy as the mountain that cradled it. Clouds seemed to float as much around as above the place.

Quacey came up to the door and set Ethir down. "Welcome to my home Ethir. Our home.... Would you like to enter now?"

The fae waited long enough she might answer, but regardless of what was said he reached to the gate and began to push. As usual it gave resistance requiring an effort but allowed it's owner entry. He had somewhere to be right now. It had been too long that he was away and he was in a hurry at the moment. Ethir not forgot in any ways as he did, but it would have been clear the closer they had gotten the more impatient he had become.

A large courtyard was opened to them. In it worked pixies, brownies, and other lesser fae often outcasted or held at length by fae societies. A few duanann moved about as well looking more like scholars or monks or nuns than servants or guards. They all greeted the Lord and his guest but went about their duties sensing what was on his mind. None would hinder his path as he marched towards the gate door. His focus on what lay within.

The door to the large keep was opened and as soon as Quacey stepped inside he yelled out, "Quinn! Othello! Daddy is home!"

  • Blank
Reactions: Ethir
Three months.

Three months had passed since Quacey had freed her from the Suntory Market. Three months since she had lost her false beauty. Three months she had been travelling with Quacey. Three months pregnant with Quacey's child.

Ethir's entire life had been upended and changed in three measly months.

When they arrived at Quacey's house- estate, really- Ethir could not wait to take a hot bath (by herself) and sleep for days in a real, comfortable bed. Her feet were killing her and she was pretty sure her ankles were swollen. She was always tired and very nearly always sick, and wont to be happy one minute and grumpy the next.

She stopped beside Quacey when he paused a minute to look upon his home. "What do you think," she grumbled in response to his question as he continued on down the path to his front gates. He pushed them open, revealing his front courtyard.

Ethir was glad she was not showing yet; especially as she followed Quacey inside past all his attendants and as he called out to his children. She would have liked to say she had forgotten about his two children but that would have been an impossible feat, even if Quacey didn't like to talk about them all of the time. Their existence weighed heavily on her mind and of all things she felt guilty. She didn't like that feeling and so tried to shove it down. Her hormones were quite helpful when it came to that, in fact.

  • Sip
Reactions: Quacey
A part of toddlers were carried out of one of the halls by pixies. The kids looked upset until they saw Quacey then got all excited and screamed "daddy" as loudly as they could. He took them into both arms and showered them in kisses. The biggest, most love filled smile on his face. He picked the two up and carried them over with him to Ethir.

"Ethir meet my children. Quinn and Othello." He slightly raised up his girl first then his boy when he said their names.

Quinn seemed a bit shy but happy to meet the new person. Othello seemed like he would rather not. Quacey didn't seem to notice either of their reactions to Ethir.

"She will be staying here and giving you a baby brother or sister. Be nice and maybe call her mom."

The large fae was clearly over the moons as he bounced his kids in his arms. They didn't understand a thing he had been saying to them and just seemed happy their dad was home. Quinn glancing over at Ethir very curious about her while her brother Othello just glanced at her like he was wondering when she would leave.

The pixies however did understand everything and had already taken off to gossip. Everyone would soon know not just of his return but what his return entailed.

  • Nervous
Reactions: Ethir
Ethir had been anticipating this moment for the past three months. She had thought she would hate Quacey's children for some awful jealous reason but as he carried them over to Ethir, she could not help but smile. Maybe it was because the twins were adorable, or maybe it was because of how excited they were to see Quacey, or it might have even been because of how excited Quacey was to see them.

But then her happiness dropped briefly when she noticed something Quacey hadn't. The two pixies that had brought Quacey's children to him had heard what he had said about Ethir staying with him, and also about the fact that she was pregnant with his next child. So much for keeping it a secret. She should have known it wouldn't last long.

Ethir didn't linger on that thought for too long though; her happiness quickly returned when her brain latched onto one of the things Quacey had said.

Be nice and maybe call her mom.

Suddenly there was a lump in her throat. She blamed it on the hormones.

Quacey had to have said that for her, right? The twins didn't seem to comprehend a word he was saying and seemed more focused on deciding whether Ethir was scary or friendly.

Ethir swallowed hard and smiled at Quinn and Othello. "Hello there," she said softly, her voice in a sweet tone that could have been described as motherly that she had never heard herself speak in. She blamed that on the hormones too.

  • Bless
Reactions: Quacey
If Quacey hadn't been so wrapped up in showering his twins in affection he might have noticed the motherly voiced that Ethir had used just now toward his kids. He might have noticed a lot of things that had begun to take place. Servants moving in the background. Things being set up, tidied, and readied. Stares ranging from joy to pride to jealousy directed their way. Whispers filling the silence springing life into the halls.

But all of it went missed as the proud dad had his gaze and smile directly on the kids in his arms. Both as overjoyed to be in his presence as he was in their's.

After a bit he did look over to Ethir. "Apologize. Are you hungry Ethir? I can get the kitchen to prepare us whatever you desire. Or we could lay down and rest if you are tired. I am certainly both."

Despite what he had said the large fae looked ever as usual just glowing with joy. The twins being rocked from side to side in his arms lulling them into sleep. An act that was working as first Quinn shut her eyes then for her brother Othello to follow after a bit of trying to fight it off as he stared at Ethir. Not her burn or scars but her hair and eyes.

While Quacey didn't seem to notice those around him, Ethir certainly did. She instinctually placed a hand over her stomach.

Finally Quacey came to his senses, at least somewhat. "I'm not particularly hungry. But I could use a nap," she replied softly. His two babies had fallen asleep at last.

Ethir turned her gaze to the house behind Quacey. It was huge, and if she was perfectly honest, she would enjoy living here. With Quacey and his children. And, in six months, hers too.

  • Bless
Reactions: Quacey
The large fae nodded to Ethir in response to her words. A nap sounded divine. The long travel had worn him out. The brunt of it done with him carrying her as he used his magic to speed up their travel. It was not as if he saved his energy any. Just their time. The trip took out of him what it was always going to cost plus more for the convenience of swiftness.

"Follow me then. Can rest in my room till your own is prepared for you. These two need to be laid in their cribs as well."

Then he turned and began to move. His eyes locked on his children's sleeping faces. As he walked he seemed to know exactly where he was going. No hallway missed. All obstacles in their path avoided. No servant moved to the side but rather continued on with their work. The pixies and brownies and other fae much smaller than even Ethir holding no fear of their large lord trampling over them. Instead his path always seemed to find its way around of them without issue.

Eventually they arrived at a set of somewhat plain but in a quality way doors. They were opened by a passing servant so Quacey and Ethir could enter. Behind them they were closed without a word. Inside she would find a bedroom with a large bed and a singular crib next to one side of it. The crib big enough to easily support both of the twins. He moved to it and laid both of the kids down with practiced ease. A warm smile on his face the entire time as he tucked them in under their shared blanket.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ethir
Ethir nodded in response to Quacey but she didn't know if he saw or not- his focus was mainly on his children. She followed him through his house, pretending she did not notice how all his servants' gazes slid off him and landed on her. She was certain there would be plenty of gossip about what she was doing here and how she and Quacey had met and just how long she was going to stay and where exactly she got those horrid marks on her face.

Ethir bit down on the inside of her cheek and picked up her pace a little, following Quacey into his rather large bedroom. The doors were shut behind them and she let out a little sigh of relief. It was just the four of them now. Quacey set the twins down in the crib beside the bed; a soft, warm smile lightening his features.

She realized she had been looking for a bit too long and cleared her throat softly, moving to set down the stuff she had been carrying from their trip. Her wardrobe had doubled in size since three months ago, but it was still rather pathetic. She had somehow managed to keep her new green dress new and clean on their journey, though she wondered if she would still be able to fit into it.

She pulled off the pair of boots she'd stolen from the Suntory Market before leaving and set them off to the side. They no longer felt a couple sizes too big, although that might have been due to her swollen feet; from walking more than she'd walked before and the baby growing within her.

She sat down heavily at the foot of the bed, wondering if it might be prudent to bathe before crawling into Quacey's bed. She hadn't truly bathed in a couple of days and she felt rancid and she knew she looked it too.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Quacey
While Quacey watched his children sleep, the fatigue of their entire journey began to creep up on him finally. He was fit and trained for endurance for a reason, but all things had their limits. His had already been reached but he had reasons to ignore it and continue on until now. Important reasons that all currently were in his room with him. Children both born and yet to be along with their mother.

He turned his gaze finally to Ethir. She was looking worn out as well. The last of their travels had seen them with few if any comforts or luxuries to enjoy. One he knew she enjoyed partaking in the most was bathing. Perhaps the hot water would do them both some good by allowing them to finally and fully relax before sleep.

The large fae stood up and went to the door. He opened it and stood for a moment before he said something to whoever it was that had shown up. Then they were off with a nod before the door was closed once more. He walked over to Ethir and placed a hand on each of her shoulders. Gently he began to massage them.

"They will have everything prepared for a bath for us soon. If you have any requests go to the door and tell the brownie there. They will make the arrangements as best as possible.... And then after we can have some well earned rest." He smiled at her. "Is this acceptable?"

The large fae could feel it in his bones that if he sat back down on the bed, much less lay down on it, he would pass out and not be able to rise again for only the Twins knowing how long.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ethir
Ethir looked up at Quacey when he walked over to her. She had almost let her eyes drift shut and she likely would have fallen asleep just sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Yes; a bath and sleep sound lovely," she said, her voice soft and laced through with exhaustion and discomfort. She did notice Quacey had said "a bath for us" and not 'a bath for you' but she didn't particularly feel like putting up an argument for her own individual bath. The sooner she was clean and in bed, the better.

She forced herself to rise again wincing as her feet protested. "Do you have a bathroom or are we to bathe in a bucket again?" She asked, in part because she was genuinely curious and also to distract herself.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Quacey
The distinction between a bath for us and a bath for you was missed by Quacey. His thoughts still in that place of travel were sharing certain luxuries was required. But now they were in his home where those luxuries could easily be had individually without any issue.

"A true bath in tubs large enough to fit multiple people if you wish or need to."

The large fae moved over to Ethir and took her things so she didn't need to keep holding onto them. He placed them off to the side.

"Relax Ethir. We have arrived safely."

Quacey offered her a smile. "You may have a room for yourself. What would you desire of one if you do?"

Time for everything to be prepared was required and this was something they had yet to talk about. Now that they were here it seemed like the time was right to sort it out.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ethir
Ethir thought a bath with multiple sounded rather uncomfortable and awkward. It had taken quite a lot of convincing for her to even share a bath with Quacey, and she certainly didn't want to add anyone else to the mix.

Her stuff was taken from her and set down. Quacey seemed a bit distracted but then his children were sleeping only a few feet away and he had just been reunited with them after at least three months away from them. She didn't think she'd ever be able to leave her baby when it was finally born.

"I don't mind sharing a room with you. Unless you want your own space," she replied, adding the last bit just in case Quacey wanted to be alone with his twins. She couldn't blame him.

With the distraction of his own twins settling down along with them in their crib, Quacey was able to put thought into other things. In this case his mind focused on Ethir's words in response to his own. She seemed more interested in them sharing the room together. It made sense after all the time they had been spending together. He was not adverse to the idea. Truly there was no reason he had to say no.... Aside from a warning for her about the sleeping habit of the twins.

"You are very much welcome to share the room with me and the twins.... But you should know they never sleep peacefully through the night nor day. They never awake at the same time and prefer to spread the misery of keeping you from sleep out. If we are lucky then it will be all at once rather then just before sleep takes you... Is this acceptable or would you rather have precious sleep while you can?"

The large fae smiled faintly at her. He prayed to the Twins often that his words were in jest. Sadly they were not and the look on his face would tell her as much.

He did seem to realize something and decided to add it after a pause. "Also we do not need to share a bath. After all that time forced together you no doubt would desire some alone time in the soothing warmth of the water."

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Ethir