Roleplay OOC Retribution: Part I

Character Biography
Open Quest Thread
Retribution: Part I

West of the Spine, in a town that no one has ever heard of or even seen before, join Erën on a quest to uncovering the mystery of this town, and ultimately, a dark and terrible secret that involves his homeland, his people, and a prophecy which, if true, could mean the end of an era in Arethil, and the ushering of a new and horrible age of terror, and dread.

So, if you haven't read the IC thread, then the link is here. If you have then never mind, and welcome to the Retribution: Part I OOC thread.

If you're interested in joining just drop a line in here.

We can use this thread to share questions and provide any clarifying remarks.

And before starting, there's a few things I will just clarify off the hop:

- I know sometimes it's hard to hang back if a story his going well, but sometimes our writing mates are not able to keep a particular pace, or need to pause for a time, due to circumstances beyond the site. So, unless otherwise stated once people join and a post order has been established, let's maintain that. Usually if someone knows they need to take a leave from writing they will say something on the discord or on the site.

- That said, if someone takes an unspoken leave, attempts to reach them will be made, and if there is no communication after a period of time then, well, the show must go on.
I'm interested in joining, though is this a direct continuation from the previous thread's events or a sort of soft reboot?

Scratch that, just realised it's directly related.
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I'm interested in joining, though is this a direct continuation from the previous thread's events or a sort of soft reboot?

Scratch that, just realised it's directly related.

Awesome! Please feel free to either include your character in the party immediately, or make any other entrance you'd like to!

That said, Toruuk Stoneheart and Traecon Maxwell, I chose to write things a little lax in case you weren't interested, but (obviously) I'm kicking things off again if you'd like to join up.
Ah, The Spine. The greatest place in all the realms! Because Samara hails from a reclusive home in those reaches herself even if she can't return home now.

Still, nice place for a dark haunt. As a monster hunter (and monster, herself) and former mage, perhaps her services would be of benefit in exploring the mystery?

Eren'thiel Xyrdithas

I think she would be an excellent addition to the story, very interesting character! Welcome!
Aye, I feel for Suule. I had a solo thread with Moulder (discord) going on b4 i had to abruptly leave. Funeral for the elderly from my dad's side. Speakin'o which i should holler to em
Oh, i wasnt up to date on who was next. Need to work a bit so Gimme a few hours and ill have mine ready.
  • Yay
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