Private Tales Retreive for the Yaztherians

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Jaken had been around the snowy areas of the Eretejva Tundra. A boat had given him the favor to take him over there. He was far away from the warm woods of Elbion and Alliria. Though the change of weather was something he could adapt, it still made for a challenging transition from temperature to temperature.

He heard news about a bounty on the lands of the tundra. SInce the towns had been swept clean from bounties, he guess he could wander on these lands. Besides, a little field trip wouldn't be so bad. New horizons and lands to meet, people that could turn to usefull contacts. The bounty he had heard about was an item that was stolen from an empire. He couldn't remember what was the name of the people the item was stolen from. But he knew that it was important, and that they would pay him well for it.

It was nightime. There was a slight blizzard that made him even more cold. But not enough to kill him. He found some high trees that could cover him from the wind and made a campfire, keeping him a bit warm "<<It will be fast. Just get it over it.>>" he thought. He undressed and let it began.
Fur started to grow in his skin as his muscles started to deform and grow in size. His nails and teeth expanded to reach the size of those of an intimidating and uncontrollable beast. His legs broke outwards and started growing, and growing. His feet deformed and reached the shape of a wolf's. The lower part of his spine stretched out to become a fluffy and big black tail. His mouth expanded to imitate the shape of the snout of a dog's. His eyes became blue slowly, replacing those pure brown eyes into the deep blue ones he possessed. And finally The Marks of Runes started to weakly glow on his back as the transformation was complete.

The werewolf howled to the moon, the blizzard caressing his fur. He was warm now, with his fur covering him and keeping him nice and comfy.

He laid down. Resting...
Unknown to the werewolf, there wasnt just snow in the Tundra. A wandering hunting party has been wandering around for a while when they spot faint tracks in the snow. They slowly follow the tracks up the snow bank, heading towards a faint glow in the woods. As the party gets closer, they draw their weapons in case it was something hostile, and creep up on the fire. They freeze when they see the large werewolf laying there, obviously asleep, but just as intimidating. A few go around it and poke it a bit, to make sure its asleep, before they move towards his belongings, searching through them for anything of value, though they arent very quiet about it.
Jaken had drifted off to sleep moments later after the howl. In his werewolf form, his senses allowed him to stay alert even in the deepest of his dreams. Jaken knew that maybe this was not the best idea: sleeping in the open of the tundra, with only few trees covering him and a fire that was rather exposing. It wasn't the best strategy, but the blizzard made him do it. If he hadn't made the fire, maybe he could catch a cold, even in his wolf form (which was rare).

He felt something poking at him. Jaken reacted but stayed on the ground, sometimes, doing nothing is the best option. Fooling the enemy to slit the throat when it had turned its back on him. He heard some voices.
"Is it asleep?"
"i think so. Let's not push our luck. Thought that werewolves were not around here."
"Yeah, but you DO know there are ways to travel all over here right?"
"Quiet!! You may wake the dog up."
"<<4 different voices.>>" Jaken thought "<<I'm dealing with a party over here. I' not sure how many are there. Better pretend to be asleep and wait to strike.>>"
"Le'ts just loot it's stuff and get out of here."
"Do it quietly then."
Jaken heard steps walking away from him and into his bags. He subtly turned his head around to verify there were no more members. This was going to be easy. Apparently, the four members were too busy looting his packs to notice the werewolf standing slowly and stealthily. However, before ending their lives, Jaken wanted to scare them. He inhaled deeply and roared at them. As loud as he could. The party obviously noticed the roar. He saw the party had spears and a basic bow. Jaken moved swiflty to climb the trees and stalk them.

That was his favorite part when hunting. Stalking his prey.
Making them fear.
Making them WANTING to be dead.
He enjoyed it.
*The hunters, now panicked, look around through the trees and brush, trying to see where the wolf is. The longer they look and the more noise they hear from the woods, the more nervous they become. When they notice a branch falling the archer draws his bow and fires a flaming arrow into the trees, trying to light up the way. Meanwhile the spearmen, now scared, form together into a circle formation, pointing their spears out in every direction*
The party was panicked, he could feel hear their accelerated breathing. That was delightfull. The prey shaking in fear, not knowing when will they die. Jaken was agile, even though he was heavy in his werewolf form. His mass was not obstacle to move freely on the branches of trees. And using the snow-covered leaves to remain hidden. The party kept looking around the area, all curled up in a ball. Somehow, that was pathetically adorable. The werewolf creeped around, using the flora to remain hidden and make the party terrified. He usually shaked bushes on purpose to make the party terrified.

Eventually he got tired of it and decided to take them down. Or maybe... just a little more fun. He landed with a hard thud and sprinted towards the party. He rammed the members one by one, disarming them by making the members toss their weapons far away. Some tried to protect each other by shooting aarrows or striking with the spear. The only thing they managed to do was just scratch the werewolf, and nothing more. After disarming the guards, Jaken collected the weapons (that he secretely took away) and placed them behind the bush. That was so fun. The party were cowarding together, luckily they did not found the crossbow and knives in his backpack. It was time... to kill them.... no.... maybe just.... a BIT more fun...

The werewolf gave a sinister laugh from behind the bush he was hiding, stepping out slowly. With every heavy step, he felt more confident and his laugh grew. "Now that was adorable." he said "You know, I just love when my prey knows they are screwed. I love their faces." he stepped closer, digging his claws into the white snow "The face of fear and impotence once they found out they have nothing to fight with." he laughed "Now... which one of you will taste better? No! NO! First.... what are you doing here? Looting my things, I don't take kindly those who steal my stuff."
Hunter: "We was searching for anything to help us survive to cold."
Hunter 2: "In case you haven't noticed, being a Yaztherian means your stuck in the cold year round."
*Yaztherian.........the Yaztherian Empire! These hunters were from the group that set up that bounty that Jaken was following. Now that he is able to see the hunters better, he notices that they are actually bigger than the average human, well built and dark haired, with pale white skin due to a lack of sunlight. After a bit they stand up, appearing to prefer fighting till death than giving up*
Hunter Leader: "But our question is who are you and what the hell are you doing this far north? No one comes up here unless they got a death wish. The cold kills all non-natives."
"Oh well." the werewolf said "I suppose I can tell you before killing all of you." he chuckled "I am Jaken Larsten. This cold has no chance against my fur. I am here to fulfil this bounty around these woods." something popped in Jaken's mind "Could it be getting rid of annoying hunters like you. Because beleive me." he snarled as he stepped closer, putting his hands in a claw-attack position "I can complete that bounty." he growled "Now, I wonder if you taste better." he said to Hunter 2 "Or will you." his growls got bigger "Your lungs should taste exquisite and your liver should be nutritioussss.... your heart, pounding a 100 per hour, must be swelling with blood... mmm.... I can already taste it.... <<Ok, this is just overkill.>>"
*Suddenly he hears something behind him. But when he turns around he see's actual soldiers have surrounded him, their chainmail armor loudly jingling as they form a circle around him, spears and hand-axes aimed at him while roundshields act like a barrier. Suddenly a much larger warrior, as big as Jaken himself and clad in thick metal plate armor, walks over. The only unarmed part is his head. He is white skinned, pretty good looking, with messy dark brown hair*
Alex: "What the hell is going on here?"
Hunter: "This werewolf, Jaken Larsten, is here about that bounty you set up my lord." *All of the warriors and hunters instantly turn to the armored man and kneel before him*
Alex: "ooooooh, you mean this bounty?" *I hold up a copy of the bounty poster that Jaken saw*
Many soldiers surrounded Jaken, putting him on alert, right now. If he made a move, he would be dead. I he goes by instinct that is, he had to think. The werewolf adjusted in combat position, extending his claws and snarling, showing his fangs to everyone. There had to be an opening. Something that the soldiers were not aware about: a weak spot, there had to be something. He snarled more. He saw his equipment behind some of the soldiers, so he could not make a jump for it. He was trapped, but he was sure he could get out of the situation.

From the soldier, a gap was made, maybe that could be an escape route, though, why would they voluntarily open an exit for a werewolf. It haad to be a trap, that's what they wanted him to do. But he wouldn't fall for that. From the gap, a human stepped. He was of Jaken's human form height (if not, a bit taller), which made the werewolf look 20 centimeters down. When the man appeared, everyone kneeled down to him. Jaken knew what this was about. Apparently, this was the leader of the party. He had seen behavior like this before. The leader seemed calmed, so maybe he could use it to his favor.

The leader seemed to know about the bounty, the soldier had said everything. So THIS was his 'boss' for the job. Indeed, the poster he saw back in the warm areas of the woods. This was who he was looking for. Jaken looked at the emperor's eyes and said "So you are the one who want this back huh? Ok. Where can I find it?