Private Tales Requiem

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Former and the Foal

The Steed of Hellet
Character Biography
A horse stood vigil for days on shattered land.
His long head dipped low, his fur hot like the sun.
No grass nor brush would tempt his taste.
No water nor dew would quench his thirst.

Stand as long as you must. What has been made cannot be undone.
That fear of loss, now you must face.
Else you'll be trapped again. Not by reins of steel, but those of emotion.

How could I forget the one under which I was free?
I once believed that I would always remain unchained. No king nor lord could keep me caged.
Yet then I met a man (like me). Once more I would protest, trash and rear and charge.
Though he was as stubborn as me.
He was like me.
Never truly free.

And I knew you too were trapped.
Was it a sense of duty or loyalty that held you elsewhere.
When you would rather have soared the wind with me.
There when even the land 'neath us could not stop us.
Yet now you lie here, in some godforsaken land.
With one cage shattered, and you free of it.
Yet one chain still remains.
The one I too know.
The one that demands too much of us.

I wish I could take you with me.
I hope you too will one day be truly free.

Old friend.
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