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The troop of Regulators from Gild found themselves under siege.
Campania, the Bloody Crescent, was a region of warring neighbors. Yet it was not uncommon at all for these feuding states, sometimes even in the midst of war, to request the specialities—services and goods—of their fellow states. And Gild was renowned throughout Campania for having the best forces for dealing with magic gone awry, be that in the form of a fiend, a traitor, a curse, or anything which wickedness could conceive.
So it had been with Omma, the Iron Aristocracy. Or, more precisely, a particular town in Ommite lands. The local Headman of the town of Ereshun, unable to find help from the Aristocracy of his own land, reached out to the Church of Jura and the Regulators of Gild. He feared that Fae creatures were abducting or killing men who ventured into the deep woods north of the town.
And so a dozen Regulators, led by the Praetor Boesarius Terral, departed from Gild to answer the plight of Ereshun. But trouble would find them.
An Ommite patrol, ignorant to the reason of the Regulators' presence in the land of Omma and unwilling to listen, attacked them. Arrows flew from the Ommites, bolts from the Regulators. Men fell. A fighting retreat ensued, with the Regulators, largely outnumbered, on the run. The Gildans came to an old Ommite fort, a small garrison meant only as a base of operations rather than as a formidable stronghold, with crumbled walls and damaged towers of stone and wood.
And it was in this fort that the Regulators took cover, and prepared to make their stand.
* * * * *
Leah Kadashal hid low behind a battlement atop one of the towers, her back pressed to the stones. She worked at reloading her crossbow.
She feared nothing at all. Even in the night's gloom, with the stars and the moons shining silver on the old fort and the landscape thereabouts, with the Ommites down below outnumbering them some three to one, she feared nothing. For this was meant to happen. This was meant to be. And she was happy! She rejoiced! For Regel had delivered upon his promise, that very promise he had made to her so long ago when her life had been saved.
For it was but her and Avric Warstromal, alone atop this one tower. They had gotten separated in the fighting from the rest of their Regulator kin, who all held strong in the fort's other standing tower nearby. A standoff had ensued.
(this is fated)
Down below, in the murk of the fort's ruin, Ommites shouted taunts and threats to the Regulators: "Gildan scum! Throw down your weapons!"
"Surrender to the authority of the Iron Aristocracy! And you will live!"
One of the Regulators from the other tower yelled profanity back at the Ommites.
"Avric," said Leah, her voice calm, almost serene, despite the circumstances, "do you think these Ommites know? That they were born merely to die at our hands?"
Avric Warstromal