Boesarius Terral
Appearance and Equipment
* Medium length wild sandy blond hair, light stubble, dark eyes, fair skin, 5'11", lean build.
* Wears the dark coat and garb common among Gildan Regulators. Also wears an assortment of beaded necklaces, a long, dangling earring on his right ear, and a beige wide-brimmed hat.
* Usually armed with a fighting axe, iron throwing knives, iron boot knives, iron knuckles, occasionally a crossbow with iron-tipped bolts, a torture toolkit, and various anti-magic devices, including cuffs.
Skills and Abilities
Praetor Anti-magic: Boesarius's anti-magic is comprised of two components to give it its name: Pulse and Lockdown. The Pulse is an invisible wave of detection, emanating out from Boesarius and traveling to a long range and then returning back to him—this process taking a few seconds to complete. Upon its return, the Pulse brings to Boesarius's awareness any instances of mages or magical effects in its range, hence making it particularly well-suited for detecting illusions, glamours, and other deceptive magics; more powerful mages/effects will, of course, be more difficult to fully detect. Once aware, Boesarius may Lockdown a detected mage, preventing them from using their magic, or may negate a detected magical effect; again, a more powerful mage/effect will be more taxing to Lockdown. Multiple mages can be Locked down at once, but each additional simultaneous Lockdown comes at a greater cost than the last, making sustaining multiple Lockdowns far shorter than Locking down a single target.
Praetor Training: Praetors of Gild are warrior statesmen, though Boesarius couldn't care less about the statesman part. Receiving martial training like the rest of his Praetor compatriots, Boesarius's fighting style is typically quick and vicious, seeking first to cripple his opponent, leaving him the choice of finishing them off, or worse...letting them live a little while longer.
Regulator Training: Regulators of the Church of Jura are trained in various methods of identifying and combating the foulest magics, the supernatural and the occult, and monsters. Boesarius's specialty happens to be in luring, hunting, trapping, and killing Fae.
Personality and Characteristics
* Hates the Fae, and anyone who associates with them.
* Sadistic and cruel, Boesarius is a born torturer. There is no act of inflicting pain too horrific for him to abstain from. Callous to a high degree.
* Given completely to indulgences of cold wrath. Relentless in the hunt, vicious in the execution.
* Possessed of a razor sharp wit, a raw intensity about his person, and something of a dark allure.
* Fearless, unrepentant, driven, certain. One smirk will tell much.
Stories Told of Him
+ Once hanged a guard captain in Alliria in the extrajudicial effort of freeing an imprisoned Gildan.
+ Once helped his brother Balian (an esteemed Gildan historian) by raising enough money to pay his ransom, for Balian had been taken as a prisoner of war by an enemy army.
+ Once, while he was in the War College, he asked an Instructor if there was anything he could do to earn extra marks while out on holiday leave. The Instructor jokingly said, "Certainly. Bring back the head of an archmage." Upon return from leave, Boesarius did just that, offering the severed head of a Dark Magic sorcerer to the Instructor.
+ Once spared the life of a young, feral girl, a wild sorceress, in the Spine. After beating her down, he gave her a choice: "Go to the Church in Gild and repent, or present your neck." So frightened had the wild sorceress been by the encounter, that she remains a staunch and devout Penitent to this day.
+ Once, when asked by a little dwarven boy, with wonder and reverence in his big eyes, "How can I be like you, mister?", he kneeled down, smiled, and with naught but sincerity, kindness, and gentleness, said, "You don't want to be like me."
+ Once helped his brother Balian (an esteemed Gildan historian) by raising enough money to pay his ransom, for Balian had been taken as a prisoner of war by an enemy army.
+ Once, while he was in the War College, he asked an Instructor if there was anything he could do to earn extra marks while out on holiday leave. The Instructor jokingly said, "Certainly. Bring back the head of an archmage." Upon return from leave, Boesarius did just that, offering the severed head of a Dark Magic sorcerer to the Instructor.
+ Once spared the life of a young, feral girl, a wild sorceress, in the Spine. After beating her down, he gave her a choice: "Go to the Church in Gild and repent, or present your neck." So frightened had the wild sorceress been by the encounter, that she remains a staunch and devout Penitent to this day.
+ Once, when asked by a little dwarven boy, with wonder and reverence in his big eyes, "How can I be like you, mister?", he kneeled down, smiled, and with naught but sincerity, kindness, and gentleness, said, "You don't want to be like me."
Biography and Lore
Some men are born different.
They need no spark to kindle their ire; it burns all of its own.
They need no motivation; there is no lack of resolve.
They need no assurance of the righteousness of their deeds; doubt never crosses their mind.
They need no code; they have devised their own.
They need no cause to fight, to hunt and to kill; the work itself is reward enough.
They need no grander purpose than what they have fashioned; in this way they are invulnerable.
Some few may call these men angels.
Many more...
...will call them devils.
Embrace the Slaughter
A Few Devils
The Field of Glory (Cameo appearance)
Monolith Rising (Cameo appearance)
The Valenntenian Masquerade Festival
The Long Dark
Time to Feed
Blood, Sweat, and Booze
Regulators Under Fire
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