Fable - Ask Rebirth:Welcome to Arethil

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first


Destiny Reborn
Character Biography
Hina quickly positions herself upright in a gasp as she clenches her gut. She's trying to catch her breath in the darkness that surrounds her; the voices echo her name repeatedly, frightened. She quickly stands up and calls to them.
"Guys! I'm here! I'm right here don't cry. What's wrong?"
They seem to be getting further and further away from her. She screams for them louder and louder without a response. She looks for her partner who glows in a pale yellow light and she watched as he took his last look at her before vanishing into nothingness. She's seen that reassuring look before. Tears roll down her face as the scene fades and she sees her party of friends gathered around her cold, lifeless body painted with blood. The look of fear plasters onto her now translucent figure as she comes to the realization of what has transpired.
"So that's it then? I. . . lost. I died didn't I? I let them all down. I thought we were strong enough."
She reaches for them for only a moment and then pulls back as she sees that she is only a ghost. She falls once more as everything fades to black. Tears flowing like great falls off the mountainside down her face. "I thought-"
She was cut off abruptly by a familiar voice. One who somehow knew. A voice she never thought she be able to hear again. She frantically looked around with not a visage in sight.
"Hina. The reason we are here is because you didn't think this through. You became desperate and lost sight of what you had. You became obsessed with trying to make me transform. You remember don't you? You went off on your own to fight a powerful entity without your partner and without your allies. Do you understand how reckless that is? I was scared that I wasn't going to make it in time. We've only been able to defend ourselves when we're together. You distanced yourself like you did the first time. How could you betray them all like that?"
"I just. . . I didn't want anyone else getting hurt. I didn't want to lose more people that I cared about. I don't want it to happen again- I. . . I'm Sorry. . . I'm sorry I didn't see how much pain you were in. I ended up creating the one thing I fought against. . . Chaos."
There was a brief pause before she spoke again.
"Then why are we here? Shouldn't we fade into nothingness?"

A light, whimsical voice encapsulates the area.
"You have been given a joyous opportunity. To repent for your sins and reinvent yourself in a way. A powerful being from your world saved your memories for me so that you could be reborn. Your story doesn't end here, Hina. This is only the beginning."
The scene shifts to another world very similar yet different from her own.
"This is Arethil. This will be your new home. Consider it as rehabilitation. Here you have no mission. Here you must find what you have lost and determine what went wrong in your past life. Only then will you be reunited with your comrades for their final battle. You have subconsciously chosen the form that you will take here. Your partner is woven into your fate and will be joining you. Don't make the same mistakes twice. We've taken your experiences from previous lives to determine where your story begins. You'll start in the quaint rest stop of Fal'Raheal just outside the Great city of the elves. Enjoy yourselves now. Bye!"
Hina is still sitting there stunned that the her world's GOD of all people gave her a second chance.
"W-wait, wait you aren't just gonna-"
She screams as she begins falling into this unknown planet. She reaches for her otherworldly device that is floating away from her as she falls. Once in her hands, it is transformed into a glowing runestone.
To the people of Arethil, Hina appears during a meteor shower-like event.
She awakens. . . sprawled out in the grass of an open field during what looks to be midday. As she comes to, a voice fades in and her partner comes into view.
"-na, -iiinnaaa, Hiiinaaa, Hina? Hina! C'mon get up we're here!"
Still dazed, she sits up with a peculiar expressed as everything floods back to her.
"Well, where is here exactly?"
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