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Goblins have been ravaging the Allir Reach as of recent. The chaos they bring has resulted in a reward posted for the clearing of a nearby goblin nest. It is assumed that the nest is an ancient temple. The reward in gold is enough to live in the Inner City of Alliria for several months. The only special condition imposed: No artifacts found shall leave the temple.
Some things to expect:
- At least one post from me a day to keep throwing new things into the raid. There may be ambushes, loot, traps, you name it.
- Feel free to push forward in exploration - write in new rooms/areas or goblin encounters in the temple if you wish. I'll fill in the extra details.
- Examine things. You may find a secret passageway. Or, you may discover the story behind the temple itself. Or it might just be a dead end.
- Some puzzles for those wishing to test their character's intelligence - to add some variance from goblin murder.
- The Goblin King