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Many had gathered in Sharyrdaes' council chamber. Though this was a place of the ruling council of the Order to convene, with the joining of many allies in their war against Arkhivom, the leaders and representatives of many castes from many kingdoms were present. Recent news from the front had prompted an emergency meeting to discuss what was happening, and for the first time in many years Erën had found himself again in these halls.
While many had advocated for a counter-attack, he, as First Sword, argued that mounting a defense at the city would be wiser. They had too little time to effectively mobilized themselves, but they had well enough time to fortify where they were.
Though this argument spurred a great deal of debate, before long it became clear that Erën's tactic would likely result in the fewest loses for them.
Lómin leaned in a little closer to Enderathil, saying, "I can't believe it, its true. That's Erën! Its amazing he's alive after so long."
From their seats further up the round chamber's many rows. they could see more than well enough down into the center of the chamber. But it was not quite the same with the... outsiders. In a normal Aerai meeting they could telepathically que one another for the floor. In their case, this time, the Order's various leaders, head of their respective Spheres, served as voices for the elven collective. Erën, despite having been absent for so long, was still one of those heads and served now as one of those voices.
While some like Lómin were unphased, even delighted by his presence, Erën couldn't help but feel like this sentiment was not exactly shared by all.
Adjourned, they had voted to rally their defense here at the city. As he had recommended.
After, he lingered in the Temple Shorai, and dwelt in the great crystal's chamber, musing the things to come as he looked upon it. He thought also of the things that had been, and some of the things that had been done. Some of the things that had to be done. Things that for so long he had thought himself at peace with, only now in this place to find himself once again in conflict.
Had he done the right thing? Was he everything they all thought he was? Or was he actually something else.
While many had advocated for a counter-attack, he, as First Sword, argued that mounting a defense at the city would be wiser. They had too little time to effectively mobilized themselves, but they had well enough time to fortify where they were.
Though this argument spurred a great deal of debate, before long it became clear that Erën's tactic would likely result in the fewest loses for them.
Lómin leaned in a little closer to Enderathil, saying, "I can't believe it, its true. That's Erën! Its amazing he's alive after so long."
From their seats further up the round chamber's many rows. they could see more than well enough down into the center of the chamber. But it was not quite the same with the... outsiders. In a normal Aerai meeting they could telepathically que one another for the floor. In their case, this time, the Order's various leaders, head of their respective Spheres, served as voices for the elven collective. Erën, despite having been absent for so long, was still one of those heads and served now as one of those voices.
While some like Lómin were unphased, even delighted by his presence, Erën couldn't help but feel like this sentiment was not exactly shared by all.
Adjourned, they had voted to rally their defense here at the city. As he had recommended.
After, he lingered in the Temple Shorai, and dwelt in the great crystal's chamber, musing the things to come as he looked upon it. He thought also of the things that had been, and some of the things that had been done. Some of the things that had to be done. Things that for so long he had thought himself at peace with, only now in this place to find himself once again in conflict.
Had he done the right thing? Was he everything they all thought he was? Or was he actually something else.