Discussion Quest board

Currently you can create a biography from a template.

You click the button, get a pop up that asks for some fields and at the end you get a nicely formatted biography.

I'm going to implement the same thing for quest boards. Think DnD style one shots, simultaneously an LFG and a place to describe the mission.

What information/fields do you think is vital to this?

Off the top of my head:

Region: (where is this quest located)
Rewards: (is it just financial or is something else on offer?)
Led: Y/N (is a character leading the party or is this for others to pick up)
Quest: (give a general description of the task)
Off the top of my head, the only other thing I can think of as being helpful (albeit not necessarily essential) would be a section referencing to prior threads that are related/lead into the current quest (both as a reference point for people who participated in the previous one and a catch-up mechanism for those joining/reading later).
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This reminds me of the bounty board thread we used to have. It was mildly successful before it was forgotten as time went on.

Another essential section to have would be 'contractor.'
It is good to have a place to quickly sum up who's involved in this quest, so you don't have to rummage through the information to get to the relevant people.
Maybe I'm posting this quest on behalf of a friend in a co-op or a group setting, and contacting any of them about it would be just as valid. Especially if it might be led by any number of people or all of them together with the questor.
One of the things that was weirdly successful on my end with running quests was tailoring reward systems. I had it set up like:

Lore Impact - Notoriety - Loot - Treasure - Artifact.

Each quest had a potential reward field so users who wanted a specific something-or-other knew in some shape or form the reward their characters were in for. Not sure if something like this would be beneficial as a field or something like a tag.

Lore Impact helped shape a certain city or territory after events.
Notoriety made it easier for a group to be considered for future quests or sitewide events due to being recognized
Loot was mostly like ingredients or simple, mundane tools, types of gear--ropes, gloves, cloaks, etc.
Treasure was usually something like maps to an artifact, weapon, armor, magic potions or gadgets
Artifacts were rare, staff approved/generated, and could not be kept after the quest was over and had to solve a problem. Whether the problem was in the name of heroism or villainy was up to the users. These were always the most difficult quests but always told one helluva good story.

Below is like a super old example of how I used to notate certain quests. I dunno how pragmatic it would be to have different classes of quests for Chronicles. It worked for the site it was on at the time but knowing what was at the end of the quest made people more likely to commit to the quest than go into it, decide it wasn't a fit and back out in the middle or abandon the quest.

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