Fable - Ask Pleasure Island

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first

Zahel Bashere

Character Biography

Bright Town, Tolelajara

Having arrived late the previous night, the long travel had drained him so that Zahel hadn't even felt inclined to explore Tolelajara, even though he had dreamed of walking its streets since he had first heard of the place. This was a place that was supposed to feel like home to him, where he would not have to constantly look over his shoulders to make sure he wasn't about to get spit on, or dragged into an alleyway to be stabbed to death. Well, the latter might still happen, but for his purse and not because of who he was. Not because someone thought the horns on his head or the color of his skin marked him as hellspawn.

No, here he was supposed to be safe. And as he walked down the steps of the tavern where he had spent the night he found a sense of reassurance as a blue tiefling woman called out from behind the bar even as he walked into the common room. "You want some breakfast love?" He couldn't recall the last time he had seen another tiefling, and at that moment another one emerged from the kitchen doors holding a tray laden with food. She was younger than the barkeep, and had red skin much like him. As his stomach grumbled, he was pulled out of his thoughts and into reality. Letting out a chuckle, he nodded and started walking towards a free table.

"Yes please, and an ale if I can have one."

A nod and a smile from the server girl was all the acknowledgement he got, or maybe the barkeep said something and he completely missed it as he settled into a seat. Soon enough there was a large mug full of ale in front of him, followed not long after with a plate full of sausages, bread, cheese, and some bacon. A wide grin on his face, he settled in to stuff himself as he waited for his contact to show up. They had some exploring to do in the city, but food came first. Food and ale.
Nesipheia was not used to being near so much water.

Though she could swim, she preferred very much to be on land. Perhaps it was being spoiled with early years on Maraan, but she enjoyed her time in places not overwhelmed with cold and damp, or water in less amounts than this. Gliding elegantly on her tail, eyes peered out from a deep hood, the cloak itself barely able to cover where torso melded to grey-black tail.

She knew absolutely little about her contact, apart from his appearance. But the sheer amount of red-skinned Tieflings she came across was nearly in the double digits, and she tired of the constant movement. So when she entered the tavern, she was used to the glances, the stares.

A red-skinned Tiefling sitting alone, eating his meal and looking about? It seemed like her contact beat her to the punch.

In a slow, weaving motion she made her way to the table, lowering the hood to gaze at him with level, serious gold eyes. Plush lips pursed, giving her best attempt at a charming smile.

"I hope I'm not late. The travel cost here was practically highway robbery."
The morning heat was light, the sun just beginning its ascent into the sky. Tullelillieila walked under the shade of a colorful paper umbrella that was probably imported from somewhere far away. Silks and veils made an attempt at covering her form, though they probably weren't doing as good of at it as Asim, her blue orc bodyguard, would prefer. Not that Tullelillieila often considered his opinion, she was of the mind that he should focus his thoughts on protecting her person rather than how much skin she chose to show.

A long stemmed ivory pipe met Tullelillieila's lips as she pondered the crossroads before her. Left or right. She had on a whim decided to go for a walk, much to Asim's dismay. He had insisted she take the palanquin, an easy ride through the city to clear her mind. But she had had none of it, much preferring to stretch her legs before the long day at her desk that she had ahead of her.

As she considered the way something caught her eye. A long snake tail slithering its way through the crowd, with a humanoid form attached at the top. Her eyes watched hazily as the Naga walked, slithered, something'd its way into a small tavern.

Tullelillieila's curiosity was piqued.

"Asim, I do believe I am feeling a bit peckish, perhaps that tavern over there." Her lazy words seeming to drift through the air to the blue orc. Judging by the slight creasing of his face, he was displeased by the notion. Not that she gave him any choice but to follow as she began to walk forwards without waiting for any sort of response.

Stopping just before entering the tavern, Tullelillieila considered her pipe once more. After a moment of musing, she waved her hand over the chamber, fingers waggling for a moment as she did so. Sparks popped in the chamber as she inhaled, a thin stream of smoke entering her lungs. Stepping through the doorway as she exhaled, the sickly sweet cloud seemed to shimmer for a second as it wisped around her form. Not a complex spell by any means, but an effective enough illusion for her purposes as anyone in the room who looked at her would find their eyes sliding right over her.
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