Knights of Anathaeum Peaceweavers

Threads open to all members of the Knights of Anathaeum group


Captain of Dawn
Character Biography

Four Days South and East of the Eldyr Tree, amidst Almwych Pass. Enroute to Eastpoint Roost, home of the Kritan Harpies.
Mission: Talon and Hoof
Priority: Moderate
Rank: Squire with Sworn
Operatives: Captain of Dawn Helena, ... (TBD: hoping for 4 other players.)

Objectives: Provide aid to the Kritan Harpies of Eastpoint, and purify the blight burrows.

Briefing: We have received a request for aid from an allied settlement of Harpies near Almwych Pass. They have reported blight burrows spreading along their territory, corrupting water supply, despoiling the land, and changing the local wildlife.

The new burrow sightings are not linked to any known eld corruptions, so purifying rituals should remove their stain from the land. Knights versed in the rituals will be sure to accompany the acting party, along with tools and materials to carve warding stones.

Supply wagons are known to attract much unwanted attention in the region from all manner of desperate raider and brigand. Travel with extreme caution, and be well prepared for danger.

A Kritan guide will be accompanying you. As will I.

Trust and Strength,

Captain Helena of Dawn

On the trail to Eastpoint, the band of Knights marched.

The steady roll of the wagon against the dirt and gravel, a dull grey sound in Helena's ears as she rode her horse, Rocinante, at the head of their number. The high sun bright in her eyes as she scanned the horizon beyond, and took in the crisp mountain air.

She tried as she could to keep it from her face, but it was a failing effort. Helena couldn't help but wear her smile. Small as it was, no less warm to be beyond the halls of their beloved Monastery.
How long had it been since she had been on a proper ranging? Longer still since she had ventured to these parts.

A shout from one of the squires caught her attention, and Helena turned in her saddle to regard the commotion.

"Excuse me!" Piplin called out. The hafling squire riding in the wagon stood off with the Kritan harpy that was the party's guide. "You can't, you can't just eat our supplies like that!"

"I done told you, shortstuff," the man named Krohop said with narrowed eyes and a hungry smile. "I needs the fuel before I go ranging," he tilt a roughspan bag up to his mouth, and out tumbled an asortment of roasted nuts, and dried fruits.

"But!" Piplin stomped her small foot. Large eyes looked around to the others, busy with their own little tasks. "Those are for all of us!"

Krohop raised a brow, still chewing on his snack. "Sho?" he asked. Chewed more and gulped. "I'm part of all of us, right?" grinned too easy, and went to raise the bag up again.
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Excitement welled up in the little dragonling squire. She had been cooped up filling her journal with her adventures with her secret mage friend turned father figure. She was writing down all the runes she remembered when the call for aid had come. She had started to feel braver and branch out, being with Orion had slowly started to show her how to grow up some, even if she hadn't yet realized the effect he had on her.

Once they had departed, Kaida had spent the majority of her time buried in her journals again. She was recording everything, including the current argument. Scribbling furiously, she continued to look up at the harpy that was the cause for the disagreement. She was trying to catch his likeness to draw it, but he fidgeted too much for her to get all the details.

She stood up sharply as Piplin got even more agitated, shoving her charcoal in the face of the Harpy. "What would you say your diet is like?" She didn't care about the argument, just on recording what his species actually ate. She needed to know to submit a current and accurate addition to the library after all!

Nacht wished he had half the carefree spirit Kaida seemed to possess but that was sadly not the case, and so since he had accepted to take part in the mission he had been fretting over many things, the principle one being that Helena, Captain of The Dawn, would be there alongside the chosen group. She was as majestic and had as much of an intimidating presence as he had heard from similarly awestruck squires, so that didn’t help his nerves much at all.

However, there were things he could look past the nervousness to be excited about. For example, he could get to watch warding stones be made as well as observe the rituals that were necessary to remove the blight. He read and reread in his mind the mission and told himself that whatever happened he would make sure to be worthy of one day calling himself a knight. Luckily, a rather heated argument was happening between the fiery Squire Piplin and their harpy guide that distracted him from further applying pressure onto himself.

Well, heated on the side of Piplin, at least. Krohop, or so he had heard was the name of their guide, seemed rather nonchalant about the whole affair, something that was rather impressive considering he was bringing them to solve a magical disease. He let out a breath he hadn't known he was holding at the sound of Kaida questioning the Harpy on his diet and moved forward to join them.

"If I had to guess, I'd say the same as us. Omnivorous. Having the legs of a bird does not make Krohop's upper body any less human, but I could be wrong." he said, giving the harpy a look like he hoped he hadn't said anything accidentally offensive.

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  • Bless
Reactions: Naevia
"All for one doesn't mean you get all food, there's one for all to remember, too." Syr Naevia's raspy voice came from behind the wagon, deciding she would keep an eye on the squires while the Captain of Dawn led the march. Her thick, dark brows were low over her eyes in an attempt to block out the sunlight that was aggravating her eyes and therefore giving her migraine. Her visor was broken, this happening quietly at the start of the journey. The knight wasn't apt to complain about trivial matters.

Dark eyes met the halfling squire's gaze before settling on Krohop. The wagon jostled at a steep uneven bend. She frowned as a nut missed the wide mouth of the Harpy to bounce off his cheek and land into the dirt.

"Wasteful." She muttered. She didn't suspect Krohop of lying, who was she to say how much hunger one could successfully stave off before performance dropped? "We don't eat while we march." All the crumbs caused by careless chewing-- by the sunny heavens above their tiny little heads, with such a big mouth one would think he'd not make such a mess. "If hunger persists, at the given travel breaks, a reconsideration of portion sizes can be discussed." A moment of contemplation and possible correction for all to have before Naevia had to add one little thing. "And you should apologize to Squire Piplin for insulting her height. It's rude."

Helena Kaida Nacht
  • Smug
  • Frog Eyes
Reactions: Helena and Nacht