

Biographical information
Espressa 28 Astenvale Monastery
Physical description
Mountain Elf female 5'9 athletic dark brown dark brown medium
Political information
knight sworn
Out-of-character information
silence conspiracy 06/26/24

NOTE: While the term ‘mountain elf’ has only been used to separate the elves of a stockier, sturdier builds from the elves found in the Falwood, Naevia will rarely make that distinction and will only call herself an elf.


Naevia maintains long, thick, and dark brown hair with a natural wave, struggling very much in more humid climates which will cause her hair to go frizzy. The feature that stands out the most on her are her thick dark eyebrows, which once was an insecurity when she was younger but is now her pride and glory. She does not spend much time on her appearance, other than a egg-yolk and crobhear honey hair mask once a week while resting at the monastery, but she will spend time daily in shaping her brows into the perfect arch. Many have said eyebrows are sisters not twins, but that could not be said about Naevia’s immaculate dark fluffy brows

While she may always be frowning and constantly looking at everything and everyone with much seriousness, Naevia is unaware of this appearance. She assumes everyone sees her as she sees herself: a paladin belonging to the Knights of Anathaeum, protecting everyone in need. She has yet to realize that her blunt way of speaking and RBF might scare the squires away.

Skills and Abilities

Pursuit of Life:
This is the only pursuit that Naevia actually has talent in.


brazen, headstrong, devoted.

Biography & Lore


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