Letters Old and New Friends

Roleplay dedicated to correspondence type roleplays such as letters.


College of Elbion, graduating class of 343
Character Biography
Dear Marius Alva Decimus,

First and foremost I'd like to offer my condolences for your fathers death. I wish I could've attended the funeral but unfortunately I was at sea. Before he died, your father would always talk about you and the work you do for the college. He said that you claimed it was me gifting you books and trinkets from my travels that inspired you to pursue your career at the College of Elbion. If that is true, I hope I can ask a favour of you as a thanks of sorts. My grandson, Serbert, has expressed an interest in attending the College of Elbion. I am hoping you could meet him and if you feel he has potential, sponsor him so he may attend the college and possibly mentor him. Thank you in advance.

With care,
Captain Hubert Sankley