Completed Nights like this


The Butcher of Vel'Anir
Character Biography
It had been a long week.

A small squad of Dreadlords and a few of the brightest apprentices, had been sent out to deal with a band of elvish raiders harassing a human settlement a good two days hard ride from Vel Anir. It had rained the entire way there and it had rained constantly since they had got there. It had not been an exactly elegantly fought battle either. This was guerrilla war tactics at their finest. The elves were like shadows, using the fringe of their precious Falwood to evade capture or justice. They staged their own attacks well when the night was at its deepest, or scattered throughout the day seemingly at random. Because of this the unit had had to rely on quick retaliation attacks instead of being able to launch their own planned ones. They had attempted to comb the area nearest to them but with the Falwood on the towns doorstep it seemed like a waste of time.

Perhaps that was why Ashur-Kan had suggested her for Commander of the mission. Within a day of the group being there, to her team it appeared that Zana had managed to clock on to the pattern of their attacks. Not only was she able to predict their attacks but she repelled and launched her own with an unrelenting ruthlessness. By the third day there were no more attacks. When the fourth day came and went again with no further issues, the unit relaxed. It appeared that they had completed their mission. It was unsurprising then that when the night rolled round on that fourth day, and the townspeople had come to the conclusion the threat was gone and had offered to throw an evening of celebration, everyone was in high spirits.

Apprentices and townsfolk alike had helped to build the fire that now roared in the middle of the town. Music was playing and many were dancing to the jovial beat. Even the rain had cleared for them at last. Zana was surprised to note that some of the more stoic of her rank were even relaxing; milling about, talking, dancing, playing a game of dice. She even spied the quiet shadow Malak accepting a young woman's hand and slipping off into the shadows of the streets. She watched it all with interest. It seemed to her that at times like this the Dreadlords themselves were a family despite House ties or alliances. Away from the politics they could simply be. Or maybe that was just Zana's relaxed method of command. She knew some of her rank who would not allow such a thing as this to take place but she sore no harm in it. It improved the peoples opinion of them and bolstered morale. It made Zana loved and her House needed that.

Despite being a secret lover of music and dance Zana kept herself separate from most of the others. It always spoiled the fun when a Commander was breathing down your neck and she would prefer for the others to enjoy their time here. They moved out in the morning and the city didn't offer nights like this quite so often. Besides, she was content. She had kicked off her boots, undone the laces on her shirt, and was reclining on her elbows in the soft grassy banks that surrounded the pit with a bottle of wine all to herself.

Yes, she thought to herself as she took another swig of the wine, evenings like this were her favourite.
  • Devil
Reactions: Kol
Knowledge was power.

That was what they said. That was what they claimed. The more you knew, the stronger you became. It was a statement that Kol had heard again and again as he'd grown up. His mother, the elders, all of them had spoken almost reverently of the strength found in simply knowing more.

It was a thought that he had taken to heart from a young age, one that sat central to everything he did even now.

That was why he had done what no other of his tribe had dared to do. Through blizzards, hail, and icy waters Kol had ventured south. Breaking through the territories of the Nordenfiir and even venturing through the troll caverns in order to reach the Portal Stone of the Tundra.

All of it, all of it had lead him here.

The lands he found himself in were utterly foreign to him. The air itself was hot, the trees were strange, and the people had seemed as ignorant of him as they did themselves.

For a week Kol had wandered the countryside, moving through temperate forests and across great plains of grass the likes he had never seen. It was on his fourth day that he had found himself nearly caught in one of Zana's counter attacks.

From the shadows he had witnessed the Dreadlord's assault, watching as the mages of Vel Anir slaughtered their query and brought an end to their foe.

Since then he had watched them.

With the blessings of the Dark Gods Kol had held himself to the shadows, following the Dreadlords as they eradicated their enemies. Each battle had been witnessed, and each one had been learned from.

Now the Sorcerer stalked on the edges of the town, moving through the shadows like a serpent. The edge of his Rune Knife glimmered in the bare torch light, the blade flickering as he suddenly appeared behind an Apprentice stationed as a guard. Before the boy could let out a scream, Kol plunged the knife into his chest and dragged him into the dark.

A pulse surged through the boy's body, and blackened veins on Kol's hands seemed to grow as another sacrifice was offered to the Dark Gods.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Zana
The music was growing louder as people got drunker or left their duties to join in the festivities. A promising young dreadlord dragged her comrade to his reluctant feet and into the gathering circle of dancing bodies. Zana raised an eyebrow as the fire threw their faces into relief. The woman was from Urahil if she remembered correctly and had a nasty gift that involved poison touch. The man, from Pirian, was older and of a higher rank. He had seemed stoic when she had first met him but had learned throughout their wet ride that he had a streak of humour that would make a sailor blush. An unusual pairing but the woman had a determined look in her eyes. As she caught Zana's gaze she threw her a feral grin and whisked her target further into the dance.

Zana shook her head with a small smile.

That was when the pain started. Swearing under her breath she turned her gaze away from the fire and shut her eyes as images flittered across her mind. A knife, blood, a serpent or a series of blackened veins she wasn't sure. It was as quick and painful as a sharp slap across the face. Then it was gone. It didn't feel like the vision had had time to fully form. As the premonition faded she put her hand on the grass to steady herself and counted to three under her breath to re anchor herself to the present, the here and now. There had been no hint of when this was going to happen, no time, just broken jagged edges of the future.

Her gaze shifted around the small area. Most of her group were here, perhaps it would be best to stay and see if the danger was drawn to the flame. Either way she loosened her sword in its scabbard and set it beside her so it was within easy reach.
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  • Devil
Reactions: Kol
The boy seemed to struggle for a moment more, and then suddenly his flesh began to twist and change.

Color drained from his face, cheeks seemed to drain, and the whites of his eyes slowly grew over his iris and pupil. At the same time Kol's own face took on the same features that the boy had lost. Within mere minutes the Nordwirr's entire body had changed into a mimicry of the dead man.

The corpse fell to the ground, tossed aside as little more than a ragged piece of waste.

Slowly Kol stretched his new form, looking down at his hand with a slight frown. The illusion would last for only a shortwhile, the Dark God's blessing being more fickle than some other magics.

Trying to walk in a mimicry of what he'd seen from the other Southerners, Kol quickly made his way towards the center of town. The sounds of celebration were ringing loudly in the town square, and Kol hoped that by now the others would be too drunk to notice the slight difference in his mannerisms.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Zana
The sword was clasped in her hand ready to be drawn and she made as if to stand up when she noted the shadow approaching the fire. However it turned out her jumpiness was uncalled for. As the man came closer to the flame she let out a breath and ran a hand down her face. It was just Lukas, a promising apprentice from Sirl. Those damn elves and their shadow magic had made her too jumpy. Nothing about her vision had suggested it would come in to play tonight, but then again nothing had said it wouldn't. She had learned the hard way over the years her visions were not to be ignored.

With conscious effort she relaxed her grip on the weapon a touch, her thumb moving from its position on the pommel to the sheath instead so she could pick the sword up still covered. Standing she stretched lazily, slid her feet back into her boots and made her way over to the younger man who had been stationed as a look out on the Southern facing gate.

"Anything to report, Lukas?"

During the fighting Zana liked to braid her hair back off her face but for this evening she had decided to leave it loose in its natural wavy curls. She'd ditched the angelic armour she wore and was back to the basics of high waisted riding leathers and a front lacing shirt with long sleeves. She hitched the sword about her waist as she walked so that when she reached him she was properly armed.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Kol
A woman appeared in front of her, a sword in her hand and a look of concern crossing her features.

Kol put up his hands quickly, holding them at waist height for a moment as a sign of contrition before the other Dreadlord relaxed. When she spoke, Kol shook his head. "No, nothing."

Quietly he cursed himself.

Though he had been able to observe these people for three days, he had still not learned everything. He'd never been able to get close enough to hear their words, and thus knew very little of how these southerners actually communicated.

All he could do was guess.

"Things are quiet out there." He added, deciding it was best to simply feign stupidity. "I was just hungry and so I thought..."

Back home a guardsmen would have been killed for such stupidity, he hoped that it was different here.
  • Devil
Reactions: Zana
Zana frowned, her lips thinning into a line. She may have been a more relaxed commander but leaving his post with nobody to relieve him was a stupid move. Firmly she put a hand on his shoulder and spun him around so he was facing back the way he had come. Over her shoulder she shouted at one of the others by the fire.

"Jayne get out to the Southern Gate, you were due on after Lukas," the girl was mid meal herself and she shot the young boy Zana's hand was on a filthy look that could wither a soul. Slowly she put her bowl down, picked up her weapon and began to stalk off in the direction of the gate. As she went past them she made sure to ram her shoulder hard into the boys before disappearing into the darkness.

"Lucky you. Punishment for leaving your post is being stuck with me. Come on, we're going for a walk, I am not convinced everything is as it seems tonight," the Dreadlord began a brisk walk, there was not much question that she was expecting him to follow her.
  • Sip
Reactions: Kol
When the woman touched him Kol nearly drew his knife and plunged it into her heart. His entire body seemed to tense, and he thought that somehow this foreigner had seen through the visage the Dark Gods had granted him.

When she finally spoke some of the tension left his body, almost visibly so. Would that give him away or continue to sell the story?

Her continued words put him somewhat at ease, but the woman Zana had called to stalked up and slammed his shoulder. Despite himself, a small smile crossed his lips. Perhaps these southerners had some grit to them after all.

It reminded him of the women back home.

"A walk, but..." His hand raised to his stomach, the protest of his looming excuse still there for a moment before he shook his head and simply followed. "Yes Ma'am."

This woman was a leader clearly, that had to be respected.
  • Sip
Reactions: Zana
Zana set what some would call a rough pace. She was a tall woman for a human and she used her long legs to her advantage as they made their way to the outer borders of the town. Nothing so far had triggered another insight that might shed some light on the vision she had had earlier and she struggled to keep her frustration down. Turning smartly on her heel, an obvious sign of drill work that had become second nature many moons ago, she slowed her pace and began their circuit of the town. She had been quiet until this point but now she was on the border she felt a little more at ease, like putting herself on the front line might avert any real catastrophes.

"How did you find the campaign, Lukas?" Zana asked suddenly, allowing herself to fall into step beside the young man, her hands behind her back. It interested her to know what Apprentices thought - sometimes you could learn a lot from younger eyes.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Kol
Did she know?


There was no reason for her to have realized, no cause for her to see through the disguise. The Dark Gods would not betray him yet, not when he hadn't even had time to taken the wrong step in the path they had offered.

Blessings were often swiftly swept away, taken on a whim simply for amusements sake. Yet Kol knew better than to assume failure at first glance, he knew better than to assume thins had already failed. That was why he was here.


The Gods enjoyed risk and the games that came with it. "There are things we could do better, Ma'am."

He hoped there hadn't been a mistranslation in her question. The Common tongue was not his best, and he struggled to speak without a hint of his own mother language filtering in.

"The forest here is dark, and the lack of light means it's impossible to see beyond a few feet." Something that had never been a problem in his home, or where his people often chose to Raid.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Zana
"Zana, please," the Dreadlord waved a hand slightly. She wasn't in armour, didn't require the ego stroke whilst they were technically off duty. She was much more interested in what he had to say about the battle and her tactics on the field. His observation made her want to smile but she kept a blank face with the careful schooling she had learned throughout her time at the Academy.

"Your point? You would like us to light the whole thing on fire, or you are suggesting we string lanterns throughout it?" an amusing concept. The falwood was huge and there was nothing to stop those lights being stolen or destroyed by its other inhabitants. "The lack of light should not bother you if you have been training enough," a side long look towards him. Dreadlords were tortured during their training, it was part of the breaking and remaking process that made them such valuable assets on the field. Sensory deprivation was quite common. If the dark bothered him still it was a concern.
  • Sip
Reactions: Kol
"My eyes do not get better the longer I train." Kol said the words without really giving them any thought.

In the north people were assigned tasks that best suited them. If someone was particularly good as a night watchmen, then that was their task for as long as they could serve it. No one was forced to do things they did not excel it, mostly because it was asking for punishment and failure.

"Our enemies are quick." Kol had observed as much throughout the last few days of these foreigners fighting. "They hide in the shadows."

He glanced at 'Zana'. "Why give them something to hide in?"

Surely they could manage a little more light.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Zana
The comment on his vision made an eyebrow quirk but she said nothing. It was unusual to admit weakness. Zana tucked the little incident away in her mind and then concentrated instead on what he was saying. She didn't agree for the reason perhaps he suggested it, but it was still an important point about removing an opponents strengths and she inclined her head to show she agreed on that matter.

"Elves have many abilities. If it were not shadows it might very well be something else they use. At least by keeping the shadows we ensure we knew their primary weapon and do not force them to seek another. For example, knowing they used the shadows meant we knew where to focus our strength and utilise the mages whose abilities suited combating that."

Another glance out the corner of her eye to watch his reaction.
  • Sip
Reactions: Kol
"Elves, yes." Kol said quietly.

He had never heard the term 'elf' before, but he presumed that it was the enemy that these people had been fighting for the last few days. They were a swift people, beautiful warriors and with skill beyond what Kol could have imagined.

Of course the same could be said of people like 'Zana', but he couldn't help but believe that was due to the magic they wielded.

"What do you think of them?" He asked, deciding that perhaps it was time to be more forthright. "They were not...what I expected."

Zana had already believed that Lukas was ignorant enough to abandon his post, perhaps she would tolerate more questions.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Zana
Zana couldn't shake the feeling that was growing in her gut that something wasn't quite... right. Dreadlords were an odd bunch, most carried scars more than skin deep and it changed them in a fundamental way. But even so...

"No... I suppose they wouldn't be what you would expect," had this been his first outing. She was pretty sure that Lukas had run missions before, small things, but she had been certain he had seen elves in the flesh before. Perhaps she was wrong. "I have no real opinion on them," a slight shrug. She knew some of her rank despised them and that the people of Vel Anir in general seemed to hold some grudge against anything that wasn't human. Zana had never developed such deep rooted feelings on the matter. She held a healthy amount of respect for the strengths of other races so that she didn't grow arrogant and complacent in underestimating them when they met on the field.

"What matters is they attacked a town under our protection and that cannot stand. They were worthy opponents but hopefully the past few days have reminded them that we are stronger and we do not tolerate attempts on our own."
  • Sip
Reactions: Kol
Kol nodded his head emphatically, as if trying to understand the woman's point of view. The truth was that these were foreign lands. Zana's people and these 'elves' were as unknown to him as much as...well what the light of day was made of.

He was here to learn, to understand. The only way he was going to do that was to ask more questions. "Why do you think they attacked?"

The Nordwirr followed up.

"They had to know they would not succeed." He was growing bolder now, delving deeper than he had before.

In the back of his mind a voice spoke of his recklessness, but he didn't care. He wanted to know of these people, wanted to know why they fought.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Zana
Zana gave a low chuckle at the question but not because it was a stupid one. Quite the opposite really.

"The answer to that could turn very much into a very long discussion on my opinions of the history between our two people, which I very much doubt you would care to listen to," not only because it was a dry subject but because it was potentially a dangerous one. Dreadlords weren't there to think, they were there to be weapons to be used. "If I was to give you the official answer it would be because they wanted to remove this town. It is new, it is in land that historically was theirs. It is another barrier between them and the Portal Stone. When emotions get tangled into the mix people disregard the odds of success," There was a pregnant pause before she stopped and turned to face him.

"Lukas I do not mind answering these questions but other Dreadlords may not appreciate your train of thought. You can disregard my advice but if you want to graduate and serve Vel Anir, you need to keep these questions and opinions to yourself. You are a weapon. You do the job you are given to protect our people."
  • Devil
Reactions: Kol
A weapon?

How interesting. Were these mages somehow not free? How could that possibly be so? He had seen them perform powerful acts of magic, more powerful than some of the Sorcerers of his own Tribe. Lips thinned for a brief moment.

There had to be more, more to find out. His feet came to a stop directly in front of Zana, his gaze lurking on her for a brief second before he glanced out towards the forest. "Of course, Zana."

He said confidently.

"Apologies, I have a curious mind." For all he knew Lukas had been a complete fucking idiot, but that hardly mattered. "I suppose that can get me into trouble."

As he spoke a plan began to form in his mind, something that called back to an Old Ritual he had once read of. One that would simply allow him to take the knowledge he wanted.
  • Wonder
Reactions: Zana
"Hmm," Zana's eyes narrowed a fraction as she looked the boy over before she started walking again. She didn't need to say she intended he follow her. The vision was still playing at her mind but still nothing triggered another one. Silently she ran over the images again in her mind. A Knife, Blood. A Serpent - or had it been veins of darkness? It was an attack that was for sure, an attack from the shadows. But it wasn't like her visions of the elves she had had - they were clearer. And something still bothered her about the boy.

A test was in order.

"Lukas what House do you think you'll pick to join? Have you made a decision yet?"
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Kol
Kol hesitated a moment. He had absolutely no idea what she was talking about. The way of these southerners was strange.

What House would he join?

That made no sense at all, one didn't join a House...they built it. Fingers crunched into a fist for a brief moment, and once again he considered drawing his Rune Knife and slitting Zana's throat before she could act against them. "I am...unsure."

Kol answered finally, deciding to play the idiot.

"They are all so different." He hoped that was actually true. Most houses he'd seen here in the South all took on vastly changed appearances than the huts back home.
Wrong answer, Zana thought quietly. His mentor was a Sirl, most of his close friends were too. It would have befuddled her if he had said anything but Sirl as it was but to say nothing at all was an alarm bell. She kept her face clear of emotions though as they walked, seeming to be taking on what he said with great consideration. After a moment she spoke.

"It is an important decision, you should not rush it. If you wish to ask me about Lupin I would be more than happy to answer any questions you might have about my House."

A glaring test.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Kol
Kol's ignorance would begin to show.

It was an unfortunate side effect of not knowing these lands. Had he thought of the ritual before he might have been able to drag the memories from the mind of Lukas, but right now Zana's words made as little sense to him as the workings of the Dark Gods themselves.

"My mind focuses more on other matters." He did his best to dodge the question, to shift the womans attention away. "Like how beautiful your hair looks this night."

Southerners often enjoyed that sort of thing, flattery.

The women of the Nordwirr did not care much for pretty words, but Svar, his second in command, had told him Southern maidens often had their minds turned with just a simple turn of the tongue.

He had no other solution to her questions, but he did slowly begin to reach behind his back.
  • Devil
Reactions: Zana
If he had been Lukas she might have done the same in all honesty. Comments on her appearance were not something Zana enjoyed unless she had had a beer and was in the mood to have a roll about the sheets. Neither of which were true in this case. Add to that the fact this boy was failing her test miserably and you had one very annoyed Dreadlord who was getting increasingly more irate.

She drew her sword with speed and pressed the razor edge along the boys throat, her eyes narrowed.

"Who are you, really, because you are not Lukas."

She didn't particularly care about what had happened to Lukas, only that he was being used currently to deceive her.
  • Devil
Reactions: Kol
The Dark Gods taunted him from the shadows beyond Zana. He could see a smile within the darkness, a flash of teeth as sharp as the mountains of the spine. Lukas' face glared at the woman, the blade at his throat drawing just a hint of blood.

He had overstepped himself. The boy had not been enough of a sacrifice, he should have killed half a dozen of these fools before venturing into the town. Kol cursed himself, and then his face broke into a wide smile "A watcher."

Fingers flittered into the air, both hands coming up in a sign of capitulation.

Through the Darkness Zana would be able to see odd movements on his palm, slow drips of liquid too dark to make out with the lack of light. "That is all I am."
  • Devil
Reactions: Zana
The vision exploded across her mind like wildfire. Darkness, snow, blood on ice. Armies marching across the Tundra. Bears and soldiers lay dead, black blood oozing form open mouths. Zana sucked in a breath and shoved it from her mind as quick as she was able to, her teeth clenched so hard it sounded like a hiss as she released it.

"A watcher who kills," Zana's voice was that of disapproval. "You are from the North," a statement of fact. The Portal Stone was close so perhaps that was how he had wandered so far from home. "There is not much you need to watch down here. It is the Bears you need to be more concerned of." Because her vision, despite the broken bodies of the great beasts, showed their victory not his.
  • Devil
Reactions: Kol