Fable - Ask Mountain of the Sages (Takes place a few days before the Great Ones event)

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Arisa's free hand snared the strap of her bag as Willis tossed it to her, nearly losing her balance as gravity pulled the weight of it at a strange angle. A stumbling step in shoes too big later and the short woman, who looked almost childlike in her ex's clothes. She slung it over her shoulder haphazardly, not thinking twice about what might be in it; she was too drunk to care, and she was probably going to have another bounty on her head soon. Especially considering the terms of her arrangement, when she took up the job: she'd forced the wealthy man to pay her half in advanced.

The woman side-eyed Azulian, the elf's friendly demeanor clearly catching her off guard. Qieane was an elf, but she was far rough around the edges than the healer's first impressions. A brow arched upward as she walked with them out of the building, dark eyes drunkenly sweeping from the path, to Willis, and back.

"So you write letters now?" the thief remarked bitterly. "Huh, I would have thought you were illiterate."

The jab, while snarky in its tones, was more of a display of thinly veiled jealousy. Arisa couldn't remember ever receiving a letter from Willis, but for all she knew that was the alcohol clouding her memory. One could cut her open and she'd probably bleed booze. As they neared Celestia and the others, there was a slight stutter in the thief's step. She wasn't disgusted by the Avariel's appearance by any means, though she wasn't so accustomed to seeing their kind.

"Tch," Arisa clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth in an attempt to stifle laughter, but failed. Instead, she snorted in a manner most unbecoming of a lady, which caused her stomach to ache as the muscles of her abdomen contracted violently. When she finally stopped, she took a drink from the bottle of wine she'd swiped. "Sorry."
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Azulian listens to the others have their conversation. But she caught a bit of awkwardness from Willis and Arisa. “Do you two have a past flame or something?” She asks Willis and Arisa just out of curiosity with a slight smile.

Then looks up and sees another Avariel, almost like Caliane Ruinë.

“Scratch that. How many red heads do you know Willis?” This was another curious question, because she was a redhead, Cali was one and now this other Avariel. How many people were coming on this trip? How many might she have to worry about healing and bad stuff happening to? By the gods this was either gonna be a mana reducing experience again like when Cali was shot through the heart with a spear or a better more... calm and less dangerous one.

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Celestia couldn’t help but find the kenku absolutely adorable. She rose back up to her full height, not at all offended by the question, “I am an Avariel,” She explained, “We are winged elves that come from the skies,” She glanced around and was surprised to see quite a few people gathered around them.

Willis came up and gave her a hug, and she stood there slightly surprised. She was still not used to this human custom of hugging, but she responded with one arm after a moment. After pulling back, Celestia offered him a smile, “Do you need me to scout ahead?”

She gazed ahead and began to walk, “I can do a couple sweeps and check out wherever we’re going. You haven’t exactly given me the details…”
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Tereth hadn't been in Elbion long, but his attempts to find work had pointed him toward Elbion College where it was said they had been looking for a Hunter. His arrival at the College had promptly pointed him instead toward a "small expedition headed for the gates" as one of the clerks had put it. Among those in this group, it was said that there were monster hunters and a contract large enough for several. In other words: open employment.

Tereth hadn't been overly tied down to the idea of staying in Elbion, and had quickly made for the gate in the hopes of catching the group before they set off to... wherever they were going to do... whatever they were doing. Fine, so Tereth didn't have any information about the contract, but that didn't really matter to him.

He came upon a group shortly that seemed to be making some kind of introductions and quickly spoke up.

Might you be the group with a contract looking for hunters? he asked as he approached.

After a moment, the pillar of the gate no longer obstructed his view, and he spotted Celestia among them. It had been some time since they last crossed paths, but with so few Avariel on the surface, she had been quite the memorable meeting.

Oh! Celestia, good to see you again! he said, pleasantly surprised by a familiar face. He didn't know who had put together this little expedition, but he waited to see if they still had room enough in the contract to split it one more share.
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"Come on Ari," Willis smiled as arrived at the gates. "You know me well enough that I can read a book cover to cover. Something I can't say for you unfortunately." Even though the literacy rate around Arethril allegedly increased exponentially, there were still many people around who were Illiterate. Ari can read but she has to move her lips when sounding out the words. Willis on the other hand has been drowning himself in books ever since he was taught how to read during his time as a pirate.

"What can I say Azulian," the young man placed his hands on the back of his head. "I love me some red heads."

Cali was one of the women that Willis hadn't flirted with, she was more interested in being friends and that was something Willis respected. Still of all the women Willis was attracted to, it seemed that they were mostly redheads. "You can say that Ari and I were close," Willis coughed as he saw Zarko, Kikwi .

He doesn't even know how close they are now since they last saw each other.

As he finished his hug with Celestia (who still isn't used to human customs.) She offered to scout ahead, Willis nodded "Indeed we do angel face," he said. Part of the reason why the expedition was disaster last year was because of lack of proper scouting and a Winged Elf would definitely fill that hole early however Estu interrupted him.

"No need for any scouting," the Frog said. "The route we're taking, we anit gonna no flying."

"Shortcut then," Willis said. "Why the fuck didn't you send us that way when we were all wounded from that crazed Toad Sage last year?!"

"You all didn't ask," Estu said bluntly. "Besides we still had some trust issues."

"I nearly died you asshole," Willis grumbled. "Sticking my fucking for all of you and not just me, but other people including a fucking kid and Maho....."

Willis gulped and closed his eyes in shame the moment Maho 'Jerik' Sparhawk name left his lips. Just saying the name brings back memories of him as well. Oh how he felt tempted to take Ari's drink from her fingers. Just then a man showed up looking for work, Willis immediately recognized him as a fellow Monster Hunter. Willis was about to speak Etsu once again talked.

"The more the merrier!" He said hastily before turning to Willis. "My people did save you from the brink of death Willis," he said. "We didn't know that Yamato was alive."

"Let's get this fucking over with," Willis sighed. "Come on folks let's show you all a lost race. Well..... besides Angel Face."

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Kikwi was ready to go. He stared starry-eyed at Celestia as she explained her race, and while his mind was racing with explanations for how they could possibly come from the skies, and great deal more people showed up. One was new, the rest from the hall before.

Kikwi contemplated the nature of floating cities and cloud camouflage as Willis and the frog conversed. A shortcut would be welcome if they were not flying. He was eager, but his legs were even shorter than Zarko’s and he hadn’t even thought to pack a lunch.

“Ready!” he pipped at Willis’ announcement. He had already met two new races today, he was excited to explore further. He subtly took out his notebook and, turning away from Celestia, began to sketch an outline of her angelic stature, swiveling his head 180° to get glimpses.

It wasn’t malicious, but he had learned through experience that people did no always appreciate being drawn.
Arisa's jaw tensed further, only relaxing when she took a long swig from the bottle of wine she held. It might be hers now, but the bottle was, prior to her sticky fingers landing on it, Willis's. Her features seem almost pinched, not far off from what someone might call a resting bitch face, as Willis spoke to Celestia and Azulian.

"Tch," she clicked her tongue against the roof of her mouth a second time, choosing to let the remarks about redheads and everything else roll on past her. It wasn't her fight anymore. The pair made their decisions not once, not twice, but several times over and it always ended with the two parting ways.

"Maybe I should just let y'all take care of all this mess for the toad people," she remarked, suddenly hesitant about embarking on their trip. She glanced back to the college, to Lucy's lit window. The woman was passed out with drink, and now would be the perfect time for Arisa to complete her job and return home to Alliria.

To Azulian, the dark eyed thief replied simply with, "You could say that."
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“Yeah, Willis does seem like a play boy.” Azulian whispers to Arisa, “Don’t worry I’m only here to keep you guys alive. Besides, humans don’t live as long as us.” She gives a pouty look then moves to head off.

“Lets get her done!” She pipes up and starts to follow the gang.

The owl would need to be worried about bones breaking, hallowed boned after all, same went for the Avariel.

Everyone else was fine except for the whole maybe getting stabbed or whatever. She’d take those hits as they came.
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Tereth cast his eyes around the group, and what a group they were. From the looks of it at least a couple of the others were monster hunters as well, and that meant he was in good company. While he may not have known them personally, their reputations as professionals was enough for him.

Plus there was the frog man. That was new. In all his travels he didn't think he'd either seen that species or even heard of it before.

I'm Tereth, he offered to the group before pausing.

What's the nature of this job and what's the pay? he asked curiously. It was the pragmatic question to ask since he'd missed the briefing about what exactly they were doing. He tended to like to know why he was risking his life.
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For the first time in his life Willis Reede forgot about pay, he was such an emotional wreck for the past few weeks that he didn't even inquire about how much coin was at stake. "Well defending an endangered race against what ever it is." Willis stared at Etsu.

"I'll explain along the way," the Toad said beginning to hop towards the streets. "The shortcut should be in that huge gate I've went past."

"The Bloody Gate," Willis mumbled remembering Claire, he should've taken her straight through that gate but of course he had to take the damn scenic route and get them both in trouble. "Let's not waste any time," he said to the group as he walked ahead before stopping and remembering Ari.

"Hey Ari," Willis said approaching her she was in one of her moods again a mix of relief combined with sadness. As much as Ari insisted that Willis leaving didn't bother her, the young man could tell that their constant on again off again relationship created a strain between them. Part of Willis felt like shit for not always being there for Ari, but his sense of coin and adventure always compelled him to go from place to place and not commit. He was a vagabond something that he told Ari all those years ago.

"These toads need our help," Willis looked at Estu. "We're gonna need somebody who's good at infiltrating and scouting the enemy. I can't think of anyone better than the person who taught me all she knew about surviving in slums of Allria."

His heart began to beat a little faster, he really wanted to continued to talk to Ari. However thoughts of Claire muddied his enthusiasm a bit, was it really a good idea to bring an old flame along? One that he still has some lingering feelings for? Ari can defend herself but so could Claire and Willis killed...... The young man sighed still awaiting for an answer.

(OOC: 15 hours later.)


After a long and arduous march away from the College of Elibion, the group finally arrived at the Woodlands. A sign was displayed in front of the forest full of splattered dried blood and deep scratches. Willis crossed his arms his whole body feeling sore after 10 hours of non-stop walking, he looked at the sunset and back at the forest. There were ruins that dated back to the Age of Urogosh, glowing fauna and some Squirrels and Racoons chasing one another.

"So back in the same old place," Willis sighed looking at Estu who appeared stonefaced. "Where's this-"

"Quiet," The Toad reached out and a wooden staff materialized around his hand. "We're being watched."

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It was very exciting... at least at first. A band of adventurers and heroes going to defend an innocent people, new races and lands to explore, Kikwi could hardly contain himself, and he marched along smartly with the rest of them for the first part of the journey.

Not too far in, though, he began to tire. Short legs did not make it easy to keep up with the group, and he couldn't hop as well as Etsu. He would have been grateful for his goat and wagon now. Luckily the people he was with were kind, and he was able to be carried for a time. Walking and riding alternated for hours.

Tired as he was, he kept his large eyes open and observing their route, making mental notes of the landscape so that he would be able to recognize their way home. He observed Etsu most of all, however, finally being given a good amount of time to observe the creature. The eyepieces he wore around his neck were strange but appeared quite functional, and Kikwi began to imagine how he could develop a pair for himself upon his return to the College.

The woodlands were thick and deep, and Kikwi could almost feel a crackle of wild tension in his feathers. The gate appeared ordinary enough, but if felt... off. He was just reaching into his robes to give Frederick a small snack when Etsu spoke, and his feathers stood on end as his head whirled around.
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Arisa said nothing, lips pressing into a thin line. She really didn't want to accompany the group, and Azulian's apt remark regarding Willis's occupation as a ladies' man did little to help her enthusiasm. Then he did that thing, that damned charming thing where he flattered her by talking to someone else instead, where he bragged about her.

"Fine," she said, and she left it at that. The woman was happy to spend the majority of the trip in silence, nursing the bottle she'd stolen. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to keep her drunk until they reached their destination, and by time they'd arrived in the woodlands, Arisa was painfully sober.

The hair on her neck stood on edge, sending a rippling chill through her body as the thief moved nearer to the trees, favoring the cover offered by underbrush to the open. Her fingers slid into lip of Willis's stolen boot, finding the hilt of one of her daggers as she listened quietly.
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Celestia did a mixture of walking and flying, going ahead to scout out for any issues they might face ahead. Unfortunately, the woods became thick and the trees hid the ground from view. In the end, she gave up and continued on foot along with the rest of the group. Celestia walked next to Tereth, happy to see him again. She couldn’t help but cough to hide her laugh when he bluntly asked for payment.

After a long journey that saw them all tired, they arrived at an eerie part of the woods. Celestia could smell the coppery stench of blood before she even saw it, and her keen eyes took in the scratch marks. The Avariel’s eyes narrowed.

Her concern for the tiny kenku multiplied tenfold, and she promptly scooped him up and perched him on her shoulder. Celestia then drew out a bow and nocked an arrow, her wings expanding out as she quietly jumped into the air.

Celestia landed on her feet atop a high branch on a tree, giving her a vantage point. She looked for any suspicious movements and would act quickly. She had a feeling whatever was in the area was actively hunting them.
