Private Tales Mother’s home….

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer

Gwendolyn Vollmund

Information broker based at The Raven Club.
Deep in the archives two figures stood. Before them was a body lying in a glass coffin at the center of a carved stone pentagram.

Perfectly preserved. One would almost think they were simply alseep.

The corpses surrounding her at each point in the carved pentagram however.. were clearly not. Freshly killed, but not a drop of blood spilt. Each having their necks snapped.

The two stood at an alter at the furthest point of the star.

One wearing the grab of a mercenary. Light combat armor leather leggings that hugged their figure, and a chest wrap. Showing as much skin as possible while still reaming combat effective.

The other far more conservative. A headmistress dress and frilly collared shirt. The sleeves down to her wrists.

The collar up to her neck. Though all of this simply hiding many of the tattoos she shared with her sister.

Professionals and nobles did not take kindly to heads of schools where they sent their children to be affiliated with some of the gangs and organizations her skin showed she was associated with.

They stood deep in discussion as they eyed their handiwork.

“This is not going to work..”

“Do you have any better ideas.”

“None that you would accept, but we-.”

“Then keep them to yourself.”

“Faustian..This is not..”

“Stow it Cate.” Faustian growled silencing her sister. “It WILL work..It has to.” She hissed through clenched teeth. “The human thinks it has a possibility and I will take that chance.”

“And if we are wrong..You don’t know what will happen..” Heticate said slowly her tone a bit wounded after her sisters harsh interruption.

“And you don’t either.”

“Father would have done this if he thought it was a risk worthy of undertaking..”

“ENOUGH!” Her eyes began to glow red. Her fist slammed into the wall to her right. Cracking the thick grey stone as it sank into up to her wrist. The building groaned in protest.

Faust drew her hand out with a muttered apology to the structure. As powerful as her and her sister were..They were only here by the grace of their mothers invitation.

Dead or alive it was still binding. But should the building decide they were a danger..There would be no mother to save them inside.

Or to invite them back in should they escape the dangers the building could unleash upon them.

Her more timid sister remained silent. Fear and sadness clearly etched on her much too perfect features. “Where’s the mortal..” Faust said finally. Her red eyes shifting back to their normal blue..Her mothers eyes.. “Selina is on her way.” Heticate responded quietly.

She pointedly stated Mrs.Altas’s name reminding Faustian that she had one and indicated she should probably use it.


Heticate had spent much more time with her down here. All manner of horrors and creatures lurked. The archive would keep her from stealing anything. Heticate followed her for protection, and in all honesty her teachers disposition paired well with Selina’s inquisitive mind. Faustian bored of long conversations and continuous questions. Heticate lived for them. And Selina asked a lot of them.

Faustian had little interest in her, and besides a few silent trips when Heticate was preoccupied Faust had left Heticate to deal with her.

Something about the place brought out the worst in Faustian.

That and Heticate was fairly certain Faustian scared Selina.

The metal jaw, the scars, the tattoos. All of those didn’t help but Selina was hardly superficial..It was the look Faustian had on her face the moment she ever entered. Like all of those things were very earned. In a very genuine and bloody fashion. The fun loving sister that drank and joked evaporated. Like there was a spell on the door way. She reverted almost..To how she used to be..back in the dark times..

“She will arrive within the hour..”
Heticate said.

“Can’t wait..” Faustian said sarcastically turning away and returning to pouring over the alter.

“I can..” Heticate thought to herself as she simply waited by the door..A bad feeling twisting in her gut that was growing harder to ignore by the second.
The Vollmund archives... And Selina had permission to use them!!!

For the first full hour she was completely geeking out over anything and everything as she immediately got to work exploring literally every aspect of this place!
The sheer amount of spells put into this place was unfathomable! To have the building almost possess a sentience of its own that only recognizes the authority of a Vollmund was nearly incalculable to determine every contingency and every feature! Nothing in Elbion compared to this archive, the building was an artifact in itself that any Elbion professor would sell both kidneys for!

... And then she went INSIDE!

For an entire year she never set foot outside the library. Even news of Gwendolyn's death couldn't get her to leave the premises, thankfully she never lost her permission to use the archive.
However, that news did hit like a ton of bricks. She's felt it wouldn't be right to leave the archive unattended with the passing of what was, as she understood it, the last Vollmund.
It was like the building itself was saddened by her passing and Selina couldn't bring herself to leave.

Her knowledge of the world and her magical skills grew in leaps and bounds and she learned everything possible and still strove to delve even deeper into the knowledge that the archive contained.
She wasn't so arrogant, but she became its keeper, in a way.

She only had her familiar, Dale, to keep her company, however; one of the daughters, Heticate, would often come to visit and they would talk about magic and the mysteries of the world.

Fast-forward to the present.

Selina was confident when the other sister, Faustian, came and asked if it was possible to bring Gwendolyn back, that it was indeed possible.
With the magic she'd learned here and the knowledge she'd accumulated, she was positive that if Gwendolyn's soul was within reach, as Faustian claimed it was, that they could reunite it with the body.

Selina made most of the preparations... The sacrifices weren't her idea, but as a former witch of the Reach she couldn't deny the power of a sacrifice. But she let Faust handle that and didn't ask about it.
There were some last minute tweaks she had to make to the ritual but everything was ready, so she was heading there now. The archives informed her that both of the sisters were waiting for her so Selina walked as quickly as possible.

Her familiar, a Margay cat named Dale, ride on her shoulder as she walked, clutching a scroll case to her chest.
"Are you sure this is a good idea, Sel? Last time you almost bought it from the Herald when you tried to mess with souls!"
Selina shrugged.
"I know what I did wrong that time, I've adjusted everything and especially with the writings of Gideon Varnay, we can most certainly do it if everything goes without a hitch. Besides, you'll warn me if we're getting too close to the Herald's domain."

She opened the door to the ritual chamber and practically skipped into the room, her black hood and cloak bouncing on her back as she entered the room.
"Glad you both made it! I've just about got everything all set up!"
She strode past the two demonic daughters and carefully picked her way through the pentagram without messing it up.
She set down the scroll case on an alter and opened it up, pulling out several scrolls with the various parts of the ritual detailed out.

Dale stretched across her shoulders and yawned before hopping down and carefully picking his way back across the pentagram to sit beside the sisters.
He was a called familiar, meaning that in reality he was a spirit bound to a physical body, from a realm not far disconnected from whatever realm their demonic nature came from.
He began grooming himself, licking his fur down as he waited for instruction.

The Barghest, Selina's other familiar, remained hidden and silent in Selina's shadow as she worked.

Candlelight danced around the room where they were set up in profusion, supplying a wavering but bright illumination to the room and cast odd shadows about.
Selina hummed a little as she worked and talked to herself at times. Solitude had that effect on people and Selina was no exception.
Heticate glided over to stand beside her. Silently watching her work. Listening to her speak.

“There will need to be an adjustment here possibly..” She would muse pointing at one small line.

“Ah..I see you fixed this part.” She added pointing at another, but mostly allowed Selina to work. Faustian stood silently by the cat. Impatiently figiting about.

“Dalemetra.” She would say in demon tongue. With a slight nod of acknowledgment.

“That form of yours never gets less strange to me..” She noted dryly. “You’ll be watching for the herald I’m guessing?” She asked. Simply making conversation to distract her from the strange feeling of dread that seemed to cling to the air.

Her mother lay her coffin. Her face clearly seen through the crystal.

Faustian almost thought she could simply throw it open and wake her..

She looked so peaceful..

The demon child approached it slowly. Placing her hand on the lid gently.

“Will we need to..get her out..?” Faustian asked after a moment of deep thought. Heticate looked up at this statement. Glancing at Selina.

“I believe..We would..” She said slowly. Clearly as thrilled with further disrupting their mothers final resting place as Faustian was.

Digging her up had already felt like pissing on her memory..Removing the body..Felt like taking a dump on the head stone..

Both looked to the human.

The candle light reflecting off of their demonic eyes. They were monsters after all no matter how human they appeared..

Selina was in the company of beings that had lived long before she was carbon in her mothers womb.

And would be alive long after she turned to dust.

From a place humans would never tread.

Her knowledge and skill were the only things that separates her and the six corpses spread across the room.

At the very core at least…

At the same time however..It seemed their human sides still held a portion of their hearts as well. Like how they cared for their mother…and how the cared for Selina ..Well Heticate did at least..

“Alright..” Faustian said with a sigh.

Throwing open the coffins lid with a whoosh and tossing the heavy crystal door it aside like it was nothing.

She froze as she saw her mothers body. Her arms moving half way to pick her up before freezing several times before finally falling limply to her sides.

Her gaze stayed down.

Her eyes shrouded in shadows.

Her lip trembled..but her shoulders remained still.

Stoutly pulled back.

“Maybe we..” She began before her eyes flicked to the coffins lid lying not far away. A rune was begging to appear. It had been cloaked on the coffins lid. “What the…” She began as Heticate gasped and moved to cast a suppression spell.

She was almost fast enough. The rune glowed red and began to pulse.

It’s red light casting the room in a nasty shade of blood red. Heticate grabbed Selina shielding her with her body as the energy washed over them.

Faust and Cate were not effected. The magic was their fathers after all.

And even in his paranoia never in his wildest dreams would he think his daughters capable of grave robbing their mothers grave.

Mortal grave robbers on the other hand.. Heticate shielded Selina until the young woman could formulate her own defense before releasing her and casting a more foucused suppression spell.

Containing the coffins defenses and silencing its alert.

“We do not have much time..” She would say brushing her hair from her face.

“He knows. But he will go to her grave first. He doesn’t know it’s here. I silenced it before our location was given. He will come here to ask for our help in finding it once he has exhausted a few places he will check. We have 30 minutes at the most..” Heticate continued still catching her breath.

“Very well.” Faustian said. Visibly paling at the prospect of facing her father and the consequences of her actions.

There was a reason he never dreamed his daughters would desecrate their mothers grave.

They would know better than anyone the punishment he would inflict upon them… “Do we have time?” She asked looking to Selina.
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Heticate glided over to stand beside her. Silently watching her work. Listening to her speak.

“There will need to be an adjustment here possibly..” She would muse pointing at one small line.

“Ah..I see you fixed this part.” She added pointing at another, but mostly allowed Selina to work.
Selina was setting out scrolls on the alter that each of them will be reciting. Selina was mainly there to conduct the ritual but she also had a part to play with its performance.
As Heticate pointed out corrections Selina cast a spell, an invisible force of air would pick up chisel and make the repairs.

"To start the ritual I'll need you both to stand at this alter inside the pentagram."
The alter was situated behind the glass coffin where the last Vollmund lay in repose.
"We can't make any mistakes, so you both need to recite the incantation perfectly and the first time with the correct pronunciation. The more mistakes I have to compensate with magic, the greater the odds of summoning the Herald."

Faustian stood silently by the cat. Impatiently fidgeting about.

“Dalemetra.” She would say in demon tongue. With a slight nod of acknowledgment.

“That form of yours never gets less strange to me..” She noted dryly. “You’ll be watching for the herald I’m guessing?” She asked. Simply making conversation to distract her from the strange feeling of dread that seemed to cling to the air.
Dale paused in his grooming routine with his leg in the air to speak in the same tongue.
<"This form has it's benefits, never before could I move so freely and unnoticed... Although I'm not perfectly invisible, mortal children find my fur pattern strange and exotic, but it's a pleasant kind of attention.">
He went back to grooming his fur.

Her mother lay her coffin. Her face clearly seen through the crystal.

Faustian almost thought she could simply throw it open and wake her..

She looked so peaceful..

The demon child approached it slowly. Placing her hand on the lid gently.
“Will we need to..get her out..?” Faustian asked after a moment of deep thought. Heticate looked up at this statement. Glancing at Selina.

“I believe..We would..” She said slowly. Clearly as thrilled with further disrupting their mothers final resting place as Faustian was.

Digging her up had already felt like pissing on her memory..Removing the body..Felt like taking a dump on the head stone..

Both looked to the human.

The candle light reflecting off of their demonic eyes. They were monsters after all no matter how human they appeared..

Selina was in the company of beings that had lived long before she was carbon in her mothers womb.

And would be alive long after she turned to dust.

From a place humans would never tread.

Her knowledge and skill were the only things that separates her and the six corpses spread across the room.

At the very core at least…
Selina looked up at the two Devil spawn.
Heticate she had little problem with, although she was keenly aware that the woman had to severely hold back every time they shook hands.

Faustian on the other hand... It wasn't that Selina feared either of them exactly, she was confident she had the magic and skill to overcome them, even if she was lacking in physical strength and was merely human and mortal.
She was wary of Faustian... At times, like when it came to Gwendolyn, she became unreasonable and while she might avoid hurting Selina or her sisters, she shuddered to think what an out of control cambion would do to Alliria.

They looked at her with their inhuman gaze.
Had they just said something or were they still waiting?
At the same time however..It seemed their human sides still held a portion of their hearts as well. Like how they cared for their mother…and how the cared for Selina ..Well Heticate did at least..

“Alright..” Faustian said with a sigh.

Throwing open the coffins lid with a whoosh and tossing the heavy crystal door it aside like it was nothing.
"No! Wait!"
Was all she could get out before the lid was off the coffin.
She hadn't intended for the coffin to be disturbed at all for this ritual, she was confident Faustian would have disarmed any spells or traps before bringing it here so she didn't check for herself, she was just going to be safe and not disturb it at all.

But now the coffin was off, and a passive spell was tripped in her mind, a warning triggered by the presence of hostile magic within a hundred feet.
She froze as she saw her mothers body. Her arms moving half way to pick her up before freezing several times before finally falling limply to her sides.

Her gaze stayed down.

Her eyes shrouded in shadows.

Her lip trembled..but her shoulders remained still.

Stoutly pulled back.

“Maybe we..” She began before her eyes flicked to the coffins lid lying not far away. A rune was begging to appear. It had been cloaked on the coffins lid. “What the…” She began as Heticate gasped and moved to cast a suppression spell.

She was almost fast enough. The rune glowed red and began to pulse.

It’s red light casting the room in a nasty shade of blood red. Heticate grabbed Selina shielding her with her body as the energy washed over them.

Faust and Cate were not effected. The magic was their fathers after all.

And even in his paranoia never in his wildest dreams would he think his daughters capable of grave robbing their mothers grave.

Mortal grave robbers on the other hand.. Heticate shielded Selina until the young woman could formulate her own defense before releasing her and casting a more focused suppression spell.
The red energy would have evaporated her flesh before she could erect her defenses, even her passive protections wouldn't have been quick enough to stop literal light of death!
Her life, and the life of any mortal, would have been snuffed out before they even realized it.

Heticate saved her, casting her shadow over Selina and giving her time to identify the magic and mutter her protection spell.
Once protected she added a counter spell to Heticate's suppression.
Containing the coffins defenses and silencing its alert.

“We do not have much time..” She would say brushing her hair from her face.

“He knows. But he will go to her grave first. He doesn’t know it’s here. I silenced it before our location was given. He will come here to ask for our help in finding it once he has exhausted a few places he will check. We have 30 minutes at the most..” Heticate continued still catching her breath.

“Very well.” Faustian said. Visibly paling at the prospect of facing her father and the consequences of her actions.

There was a reason he never dreamed his daughters would desecrate their mothers grave.

They would know better than anyone the punishment he would inflict upon them… “Do we have time?” She asked looking to Selina.
Selina calculated in an instant.
"Only barely, if you really think it will only take him thirty minutes. But that means we have to begin immediately and quickly, which means a higher possibility for error. I doubt that will change your minds though, I'll do the best I can even if reason dictates that we call the whole thing off."

If she's learned one thing about the Greywoods, it's that the daughters are loyal to their mother... And might have mommy complexes and a whole slough of other issues, sister complexes, daddy issues, nihilism and narcissism, you name it they probably had it in spades and she wasn't the doctor to fix it all so she just did what they told her and was satisfied with the archives as payment.

This was their fight, she wasn't responsible for the consequences... Except when it came to the Herald.

"Get in position, now!"
She said in an uncharacteristically commanding tone as she turned and rushed to her position with her scroll.
The sisters scrolls were marked with their names on them, and the words of the ritual were before them.

Dale was sitting upright on the floor outside the pentagram, a series of floating blue magic screens in front of him with runes crawling across them.
He would warn Selina if they went too far.
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  • Stressed
Reactions: Charity Briarthorne
The sisters nodded. Quickly jumping to their positions. Faustian began to chant once directed. Heticate following suite and matching her perfectly.

As they chanted blood sprang from the sacrifices. Their blood flowing into the groves as if the words they each spoke had cut their throats.

It was all pulled to where Gwen lay in the center. Her flawless white hair stained a dark red from the crimson pooled underneath her. The chant grew in intensity.

15 minutes in and everything was going flawlessly..

Gwen’s fingers twitched. Her eyes began to flutter open..

Faustian’s breath caught for a split second.

Just the single moment of a faltered breath.

Falling back into sync with her sister in an instant. But something was very wrong. Gwen’s eyes widened.

Twin black pits.

Her smile twisting into a snarl of anguish. Raw abyssal energy ripped across the room. As she shattered the ritual.

Before she fell in a heap. Every light extinguished as shadows spread from her like gushing blood from a fresh corpse. Covering everything around them.

“Did..Did it work?” Faustian asked slowly. “Somethings wrong sister..” Heticate responded.

“This isn’t how the ritual is completed..” Heticate continued reaching out to Selina.

“Mrs. Selina!?” She asked “Are you hurt?” Faustian ignored them both. The heap having her full attention. What had they done..Hopefully the corpse wasn’t too damaged..maybe she could just put it back in the coffin..

She sighed reaching for her mothers body…When it moved. Grasping her wrist and flinging her across the room like a child throwing a doll.

Gwen sat up on her knees. Her hair dripping with blackened blood..Her eyes twin pits of anguish and hate.

She screamed.

A scream so high pitched it would rupture mortal ear drums. In that scream were so many emotions.

And none of them were good.

Though her expression held almost animalistic fury..

Her eyes were shedding crimson tears. Twin streams of red poured from her eyes as she angrily wept.

This was not their mother.

This was something much worse…

“We need to leave Faustian. NOW!” Heticate yelled grabbing Selina by the waist and holding her close as the demons wings sprung from her back and she was gone.

Instantly appearing at the archives entrance. She shoved Selina out of the door.

“Ok I’ll be going back for Faustian…I’ll..” She froze as she turned to speak with Selina and realized she had almost shoved her into someone who had been about to enter.

“F..Father..” She said instantly going pale.

Her lip trembled with guilt. “I..I..” She struggled for words.
The sisters nodded. Quickly jumping to their positions. Faustian began to chant once directed. Heticate following suite and matching her perfectly.

As they chanted blood sprang from the sacrifices. Their blood flowing into the groves as if the words they each spoke had cut their throats.

It was all pulled to where Gwen lay in the center. Her flawless white hair stained a dark red from the crimson pooled underneath her. The chant grew in intensity.

15 minutes in and everything was going flawlessly..
Selina didn't chant with the sisters, her duty was far more intricate. She had a small willow wand that she used like a pen with the air as her paper, scribing corrections directly into the ritual itself as magic permeated the air itself inside the circle.

Selina watched the proceedings closely while Dale monitored their actions and compared them with the rules of magic... So far so good.

A life for a life... The sacrifices given for the resurrection.

Magic has a cost... The twins with their inhuman heritage sacrificed more than enough collateral to compensate the Herald.

Dale sounded no alarm, so now it was up to the twins.

Gwen’s fingers twitched. Her eyes began to flutter open..

Faustian’s breath caught for a split second.

Just the single moment of a faltered breath.

Falling back into sync with her sister in an instant. But something was very wrong. Gwen’s eyes widened.

Twin black pits.

Her smile twisting into a snarl of anguish. Raw abyssal energy ripped across the room. As she shattered the ritual.
This time her passive defenses had time to respond before the abyssal energy could cause her harm.
A blue dome of magic lit up around her as her spell took the brunt of the energy release, and gave her time in turn to cast a stronger shield in preparation for more.

The force of the explosion destroyed the ritual, the excess energy buzzed about their ears like angry bees, the unspent life forces from the sacrifices cried out before they were finally released to their eternal rest...
Before she fell in a heap. Every light extinguished as shadows spread from her like gushing blood from a fresh corpse. Covering everything around them.

“Did..Did it work?” Faustian asked slowly. “Somethings wrong sister..” Heticate responded.

“This isn’t how the ritual is completed..” Heticate continued reaching out to Selina.

“Mrs. Selina!?” She asked “Are you hurt?” Faustian ignored them both. The heap having her full attention. What had they done..Hopefully the corpse wasn’t too damaged..maybe she could just put it back in the coffin..
Inky blackness covered everything, even her true sight spell couldn't pierce it. But she could hear Heticate and Faustian.

"I'm unharmed, but you're right, something went wrong. Let me see if I cannot divine what happened."

Her staff flew to her hand and she began muttering another spell. It came into effect shortly after and Selina began analyzing the information.
She sighed reaching for her mothers body…When it moved. Grasping her wrist and flinging her across the room like a child throwing a doll.

Gwen sat up on her knees. Her hair dripping with blackened blood..Her eyes twin pits of anguish and hate.
Selina's eyes widened, looking away from her spell to see Gwendolyn rising from the floor... Did it actually work?!

Then her face fell when she saw her eyes.
She screamed.

A scream so high pitched it would rupture mortal ear drums. In that scream were so many emotions.

And none of them were good.

Though her expression held almost animalistic fury..

Her eyes were shedding crimson tears. Twin streams of red poured from her eyes as she angrily wept.

This was not their mother.

This was something much worse…
Selina's wards were being tested this evening, but unfortunately she hadn't anticipated sound to be weaponized in such a way.
She screamed herself, but in pain as she crumpled to her knees with her hands covering her bleeding ears!

“We need to leave Faustian. NOW!” Heticate yelled grabbing Selina by the waist and holding her close as the demons wings sprung from her back and she was gone.

Instantly appearing at the archives entrance. She shoved Selina out of the door.

“Ok I’ll be going back for Faustian…I’ll..” She froze as she turned to speak with Selina and realized she had almost shoved her into someone who had been about to enter.

“F..Father..” She said instantly going pale.

Her lip trembled with guilt. “I..I..” She struggled for words.
Selina was suddenly at the front of the archives, but she couldn't hear anything beyond the ringing of her ears.
Heticate pushed her out the door and she bumped headlong into a brick wall... Or at least, a clothed brick wall? A statue? That's moving? A gargoyle?
She looked up into the face of an old man that she didn't know.

"'scuse me, sir..."
She mumbled in apology, or at least she thought she did... Did anything come out from her mouth? Damn this ringing in her ears!

She tried to walk around him but he put his hand on her arm and pushed her irresistibly back into the archive and past Heticate.

In her mind, the one place she could hear, she heard his words, "Wait in the lobby. I'll deal with you later."
She nodded and obediently found a seat to wait.
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Gilgamesh... No, Amadeus... No, Ahzidal finally arrived at the archives. The catastrophe has occurred, Gwendolyn's body has been stolen and it wasn't at the graveyard where she was supposed to be.

Heticate and Faustian will help him find her.

But... As he approached the archives he began to sense that things were not as they should be, and this was punctuated by the strange injured young woman that was hastily shoved into him out of the archive.

“Ok I’ll be going back for Faustian…I’ll..” She froze as she turned to speak with Selina and realized she had almost shoved her into someone who had been about to enter.

“F..Father..” She said instantly going pale.

Her lip trembled with guilt. “I..I..” She struggled for words.
Just in those brief words and the look of dismay on Heticate's face told him too much.


He interrupted her staggering words as he brought the human back into the archives.

Even with a limp he was walking brusquely, the squeak and tap of his brace and cane seemed to announce his displeasure, but she didn't need those to read his face and see that he was darkly enraged.

"I came to tell you that Gwendolyn has been stolen, but I see that you already knew that!"

He waved a hand over her and a red glowing mark made itself appear and then shatter. The trap on her coffin was designed to mark those it destroys incase he felt the need to reassemble their atoms and interrogate the fools that tried to steal Gwendolyn.

His teeth were clenched as he kept walking forward, straight at Heticate till she was backed against the reception desk and he loomed over her. His eyes glowing red and smoldering with a deep rage that verged on hatred... But not quite, he could never truly bring himself to hate his own daughters... But the depth of his anger was on full display for Heticate to experience.

"Tell me what you have done, Heticate Greywood. You and your harebrained sister!"
  • Stressed
Reactions: Charity Briarthorne
Just in those brief words and the look of dismay on Heticate's face told him too much.

Heticate faltered gapping like a fish and backing away from her father.
He interrupted her staggering words as he brought the human back into the archives.

Even with a limp he was walking brusquely, the squeak and tap of his brace and cane seemed to announce his displeasure, but she didn't need those to read his face and see that he was darkly enraged.
She had seen her father this angry before. She knew he wouldn’t destroy her…

But she hadn’t seen enough punishments handed down to her fellow sisters before. But never to her and Faustian..Even at their worst..
"I came to tell you that Gwendolyn has been stolen, but I see that you already knew that!"

He waved a hand over her and a red glowing mark made itself appear and then shatter. The trap on her coffin was designed to mark those it destroys incase he felt the need to reassemble their atoms and interrogate the fools that tried to steal Gwendolyn.
“I would not have..” She began before the seal appearing before her forced her once again to close her mouth in shame.
His teeth were clenched as he kept walking forward, straight at Heticate till she was backed against the reception desk and he loomed over her. His eyes glowing red and smoldering with a deep rage that verged on hatred... But not quite, he could never truly bring himself to hate his own daughters... But the depth of his anger was on full display for Heticate to experience.

"Tell me what you have done, Heticate Greywood. You and your harebrained sister!"
Heticate let out a squeak of startled dismay when her back connected with the desk giving her no room to escape as her father loomed over her.

“We tried to bring her back..” She said simply unable to meet his eyes. “I thought we could..It’s possible with the soul…After…all..” She paled again as she had let slip another fact. Her fear clouding her judgement.

Just then Faustian came hurtling into the room connecting with the wall opposite and sliding down it to rest in a seat across from Selina. She was….

In rough shape.

Anyone who didn’t know she was a demon or saw her chest heaving with ragged breath would have thought her dead for sure.

Her metal jaw was bent sideways and dented. Her nose was pushed into her cheek and one of her eyes was missing. She sat for a moment tilting her head up to Selina as if to say “what’s up.”

It was then that her right arm fell off at the shoulder. Seemingly hanging by a thread. The slight shift in movement had forced it to break off. “F..Faustian?” Heticate said questioningly. Worry snapping into her tone.

Faustian glanced down at the newly formed stump with surprise before shrugging and standing to take a step and collapse in a heap at her fathers feet. The sound of quickly approaching footsteps reaching their ears. Coming from where Faustian had entered.

“Sister!” Heticate yelled dropping to her knees and crawling past her father to hold her still wheezing sister. This was bad..

Demons as powerful as her sister didn’t get hurt like this..She looked to her father as Faustian grabbed her shoulder with her good arm.

Propping herself up enough to look her father in the eye. Her jaw creaked like twisted metal and tendons grinded on bone.

“I’m shawwy..dahd..I..jus wahnthed tu maak mah mistake righ..” She struggled out. Heticate protectively holding her and running her fingers through her hair comfortingly.
“We tried to bring her back..” She said simply unable to meet his eyes. “I thought we could..It’s possible with the soul…After…all..” She paled again as she had let slip another fact. Her fear clouding her judgement.
The sheer disrespect... What he extrapolated from her slip of information was almost more than he could stand!
They trapped Gwendolyn's soul without his knowledge in god's know what far flung corner of the ethereal, and then thought they could use a wizard to bring her back with some form of necromancy?!

But not only that... Gwendolyn... Gwen... She's been trapped in limbo all this time while he thought she was finally at peace in whatever realm she ultimately pledged herself to... But no, limbo, wherever Heticate or Faustian put her soul, she was without a doubt in great torment.

As soon as Heticate revealed all of this Gilgamesh's face darkened even further. How could his daughters do this to their own mother? Surely they weren't so naive... Their only saving grace would be if they succeeded in reviving Gwen with no ill effects...
Just then Faustian came hurtling into the room connecting with the wall opposite and sliding down it to rest in a seat across from Selina. She was….

In rough shape.

Anyone who didn’t know she was a demon or saw her chest heaving with ragged breath would have thought her dead for sure.

Her metal jaw was bent sideways and dented. Her nose was pushed into her cheek and one of her eyes was missing. She sat for a moment tilting her head up to Selina as if to say “what’s up.”

It was then that her right arm fell off at the shoulder. Seemingly hanging by a thread. The slight shift in movement had forced it to break off. “F..Faustian?” Heticate said questioningly. Worry snapping into her tone.

Faustian glanced down at the newly formed stump with surprise before shrugging and standing to take a step and collapse in a heap at her fathers feet. The sound of quickly approaching footsteps reaching their ears. Coming from where Faustian had entered.

He should have guessed from Heticate's panic earlier... Gwendolyn was back, and clearly not herself.

“Sister!” Heticate yelled dropping to her knees and crawling past her father to hold her still wheezing sister. This was bad..

Demons as powerful as her sister didn’t get hurt like this... She looked to her father as Faustian grabbed her shoulder with her good arm.
Gilgamesh allowed Heticate to crawl past him to go to her sister. He spared Faustian a withering glance as she struggled to speak.
Propping herself up enough to look her father in the eye. Her jaw creaked like twisted metal and tendons grinded on bone.

“I’m shawwy..dahd..I..jus wahnthed tu maak mah mistake righ..” She struggled out. Heticate protectively holding her and running her fingers through her hair comfortingly.

Faustian sounded so pitiful... In spite of his rage and anger at them and what they had done, they were both so pitiful that his heart couldn't help but loosen a notch.

Pitiful and scared...

And he heard more steps someone else coming... He knew it had to be Gwendolyn.

"Compounding your supposed "mistake" with another is purely your folly, and you will pay for it later. For now you both must leave the archives, take your pet with you." He indicated the dazed Selina, still under the effects of his commanding word. "Leave Gwendolyn to me. Have the wizard heal you if she can, then find Charity and detain her, tell her that if Gwendolyn's life or mine mean anything to her that she must not interfere."
This last one was actually a selfish request... He couldn't bear the thought of Charity and Gwen fighting, and one hurting or killing the other. Charity was their precious daughter that they both raised even through their separation. Let his body be reduced to atoms and consecrated for all eternity before he sees them kill each other... Though he bitterly reflected on how bull-headed Charity could be, he doubted anything short of overwhelming force could keep her away.

With that, he strode through the doors that Faustian came flying through, turned for one last look at his daughters before he closed the doors behind him, leaving only a blank wall in its place.


Once the door was closed he knew that he was no longer anywhere near the entrance of the archives.
"Space tends to twist itself in knots in this place... You told me that the first time you gave me access to this place, Gwendolyn."
He turned away from the blank wall and faced the hall and the fast approaching Gwen.
His features shifted to that of a younger man with long black hair and pale skin, a man in the prime of youth.
His cane and gloves turned into a sword and gauntlets.
Only two pieces of his puzzle assembled, several more to go. Would it be enough power to face a fully enraged and possessed Gwen?

"If only your soul had been pledged to me from the beginning, you would have never left. You would never have been far from us.
"Compounding your supposed "mistake" with another is purely your folly, and you will pay for it later. For now you both must leave the archives, take your pet with you."
Heticate nodded. She lightly picked up Faust and threw her over her shoulder.

A demonic grunt escaping her lips that did not belong anywhere near her quiet and reserved demeanor.

She took a single step lightly gliding to Mrs.Altas and taking her by the hand.

It was a protective gesture.

“Come with me please..” Her voice would gently speak in her mind.

“I can fix your ears…and if you can help me heal Faustian..I’d appreciate it..”

They would push out of the doors. Hearing things begin to shift before they finally closed. As they did Hericate sank to her knees releasing Selina’s hand.

“Ok..Next we need to..We need to..” She stumbled.

Slowly pulling off her glasses and realizing the lenses were cracked.

Her usually composed demeanor would slowly crumble. She held Faust as her emotional mask slid away like rocks sliding from a cliff as it crumbles into the ocean below.

In tiny bits and hunks. She just held her sister silently shaking as behind her…She felt was was happening in the archives.

It was..

The most unpleasant things she could feel. Demons did not feel fear easily.

But hearing the power those walls contained..

The anger..

She was shaken to her core.

“Charity..” Faust struggled out as Heticate snapped from her breakdown.

“You first you metal jawed cretin…” Heticate muttered with a grim laugh.

“I can handle that.” A voice said as Cleo appeared from the shadows.

Clearly having just flown here.

A wave of her hand set energy flowing from herself into Faustian. Healing her substantially enough to allow her to speak and stand on her own.

Even if her body seemed to groan at the process.

And yet her jet black hair and make up were flawless as they always were. She adjusted her glasses and checked her scroll.

“Your needed with the sisters..I can help with…” She gave Selina a once over..

“Her..” She said seeming to have a few other words she would want to use. Faustian and Heticate looked at eachother.

“The **** do they want..They…”

“Felt that energy surge. They know somethings happening and it’s your jobs to control the lot of them.” Cleo interrupted. Faustian shrugged

“When did I get that job? I-..” She froze when she saw Cleo’s face.

Whatever rage her father had restrained…

Cleo had no such misgivings.

What these spawn had done to her her mistress was unforgivable.

And if Amadeus hadn’t spawned these..


Cleo would be ripping them to pieces. They were powerful in the mortal world, but there were few demons that could command Cleo.

Gwen was the only mortal that had ever even been able to summon her, and even she had had help from Amadeus.

But her loyalty was never confused for weakness by the sisters..

They knew their place..

“Yes ma’am.” Heticate answered silencing her sister. Cleo nodded slowly. Her glare only leaving the pair to pepper Selina with hate by association.

Cleo would only beckon for the girl.
"If only your soul had been pledged to me from the beginning, you would have never left. You would never have been far from us.
Gwen rushed forward. Her form was a black streak as she came to a dead halt in front of the man.

Her twin black pits offering no guidance as to where her gaze fell. She stopped for a moment as silence feel and Amadeus’s words were heard.

She shrieked in response before coming at him with everything she had.

Shadows forming around her hands and sprouting into talons as she slashed out at the man standing in her way.

“They always lie..They never rest..” She kept repeating in a strained whisper between grunts and shrieks as she rained darkness strengthened blows upon her target…

Gwen had woken in darkness..Well semidarkness..

At any rate..

Because while her eyes only saw pitch black her own form emitted a soft grey glow..

It was then she felt them.

The sense of others being around her. Not unpleasantly so..Like she was a girl once more in a family gathering..

Surrounded by people pleasantly chatting.. She felt arms around her shoulders. “Gwendolyn..” She tensed at the word. That voice.

“I missed you grey eyes..” A relaxation and true happiness she had held at bay with her cold logic and ceaseless paranoia seemed ready to finally wash over her..

“Artemisia..” She whispered. Faces began to form around her. She was in a field..Everythinng was hazy, but slowly coming into focus.

Artemisia was wrapped around her from behind allowing Gwen to lean into her.

Her face was the first one almost coming fully into focus.

Her body forming as well. She couldn’t believe it..She..

Something grabbed her leg.

The ground was solid except for where her foot sank through it like it was a liquid. Suddenly she began to be pulled..

She struggled..



As slowly the world around her evaporated as she was dragged deeper.

“One day grey eyes..” Were the last words she heard. Jutting out here hand and feeling a warm squeeze before she was carried into..

Something very different…

Demons..Enemies..Sometimes both. They tormented her ceaselessly.

Eternally..She didn’t know how long she was there. Only that she could not sleep.

It seemed she was able to stay just awake enough for fighting to be as miserable as possible while still being effective.

She could not die. Any death simply resulted in her awaking to this new hell in less than an instant.

And suddenly..

She was pulled..

Light had flooded the room. The same hand from what felt like eons ago began to pull her by her feet.

She sank through the floor..

What fresh hell was she going to be pulled into now..Was this her existence now.. to be pulled from one hell to another?

She glanced about at the monsters kept at bay by the waning light as it began to flicker. Her progress suddenly halted half way.

The light wavered and halted its spread along with her progress through the floor..
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Gwen rushed forward. Her form was a black streak as she came to a dead halt in front of the man.

Her twin black pits offering no guidance as to where her gaze fell. She stopped for a moment as silence fell and Amadeus’s words were heard.

She shrieked in response before coming at him with everything she had.

Shadows forming around her hands and sprouting into talons as she slashed out at the man standing in her way.

“They always lie..They never rest..” She kept repeating in a strained whisper between grunts and shrieks as she rained darkness strengthened blows upon her target…
Amadeus stood firm, that's how he faught. She lashed out with her shadowy claws and they clanged like steel against his sword as he expertly batted them aside.

The darkness did not come from him, she fought with a different power that he couldn't identify. Wherever Faustian sent her, this is where it comes from.

He warded off her thundering blows as she continued to assault him... Mostly successfully, a few of her clawing attacks found purchase in his flesh and drew black blood, to which he grunted in mild annoyance, as if the staining of his suit were more problematic.

The repeated phrase, however... “They always lie... They never rest...”
Intrigued him.
"So you weren't alone, my love... I swear your daughter proves herself the fool with each passing moment."
He put his sword horizontally in the air as Gwen came down with both claws and immense force, causing the stone beneath his feet to crack and nearly causing his knee to buckle.

He pushed upwards with his sword, throwing her off for a moment.
"But, because of her foolishness, you're almost home. So let me show you!"
As Gwendolyn attacked again he slapped her claws to the side with his sword and caught her throat in one gauntlet clawed hand.
He then kicked the wall where he knew a hidden button would activate a door. The wall opened and he threw her through it.
After pressing the button again to close it, he followed her through to one of the great libraries in the archive.

An immense chamber of floating books, walkways, bridges and bookshelves that seemed to descend and climb for eternity. He dropped down and landed on one such walkway, scanning the area to spot where her next attack will come from.
Gwen had woken in darkness..Well semidarkness..

At any rate..

Because while her eyes only saw pitch black her own form emitted a soft grey glow..

It was then she felt them.

The sense of others being around her. Not unpleasantly so..Like she was a girl once more in a family gathering..

Surrounded by people pleasantly chatting.. She felt arms around her shoulders. “Gwendolyn..” She tensed at the word. That voice.

“I missed you grey eyes..” A relaxation and true happiness she had held at bay with her cold logic and ceaseless paranoia seemed ready to finally wash over her..

“Artemisia..” She whispered. Faces began to form around her. She was in a field..Everything was hazy, but slowly coming into focus.

Artemisia was wrapped around her from behind allowing Gwen to lean into her.

Her face was the first one almost coming fully into focus.

Her body forming as well. She couldn’t believe it..She..

Something grabbed her leg.

The ground was solid except for where her foot sank through it like it was a liquid. Suddenly she began to be pulled..

She struggled..



As slowly the world around her evaporated as she was dragged deeper.

“One day grey eyes..” Were the last words she heard. Jutting out here hand and feeling a warm squeeze before she was carried into..

Something very different…

Demons..Enemies..Sometimes both. They tormented her ceaselessly.

Eternally..She didn’t know how long she was there. Only that she could not sleep.

It seemed she was able to stay just awake enough for fighting to be as miserable as possible while still being effective.

She could not die. Any death simply resulted in her awaking to this new hell in less than an instant.

And suddenly..

She was pulled..

Light had flooded the room. The same hand from what felt like eons ago began to pull her by her feet.

She sank through the floor..

What fresh hell was she going to be pulled into now..Was this her existence now.. to be pulled from one hell to another?

She glanced about at the monsters that kept at bay by the waning light as it began to flicker. Her progress suddenly halted half way.

The light wavered and halted its spread along with her progress through the floor..
Heticate nodded. She lightly picked up Faust and threw her over her shoulder.

A demonic grunt escaping her lips that did not belong anywhere near her quiet and reserved demeanor.

She took a single step lightly gliding to Mrs.Altas and taking her by the hand.

It was a protective gesture.

“Come with me please..” Her voice would gently speak in her mind.

“I can fix your ears…and if you can help me heal Faustian..I’d appreciate it..”
Selina groggily nodded her head, she felt dizzy, like none of this was real and she was just dreaming. The pain in her ears? Weird.
She obediently followed Heticate out of the archives.
They would push out of the doors. Hearing things begin to shift before they finally closed. As they did Heticate sank to her knees releasing Selina’s hand.

“Ok... Next we need to... We need to...” She stumbled.

Slowly pulling off her glasses and realizing the lenses were cracked.

Her usually composed demeanor would slowly crumble. She held Faust as her emotional mask slid away like rocks sliding from a cliff as it crumbles into the ocean below.

In tiny bits and hunks. She just held her sister silently shaking as behind her…She felt was was happening in the archives.

It was..

The most unpleasant things she could feel. Demons did not feel fear easily.

But hearing the power those walls contained..

The anger..

She was shaken to her core.
Once outside it was like waking up from said dream, suddenly she fully comprehended the ringing in her ears and the lack of any other sound, the pain in her ears and the blood on her fingers when she touched them.

She was deaf!

Selina frantically wondered if she could properly word her spells without being able to hear herself, but she took a deep breath, closed her eyes and spoke from muscle memory.
A simple alteration spell to undo the damage and heal the abrasions.
Her ears popped and sound returned to her world, she let out a sigh of relief as she took fell to her knees outside the archives beside the two devil spawn.

“Charity..” Faust struggled out as Heticate snapped from her breakdown.

“You first you metal jawed cretin…” Heticate muttered with a grim laugh.

“I can handle that.” A voice said as Cleo appeared from the shadows.

Clearly having just flown here.
Selina looked up when the other two did. She'd seen Cleo many times, but the secretary seemed to avoid her like the plague. Of course Selina could guess as to her inhuman nature... She was practically surrounded by either devils, their children or their worshippers.

But this side of the seemingly demure book keeper caught Selina off guard.
A wave of her hand set energy flowing from herself into Faustian. Healing her substantially enough to allow her to speak and stand on her own.

Even if her body seemed to groan at the process.

And yet her jet black hair and make up were flawless as they always were. She adjusted her glasses and checked her scroll.

“Your needed with the sisters..I can help with…” She gave Selina a once over..

“Her..” She said seeming to have a few other words she would want to use. Faustian and Heticate looked at each other.
While Selina didn't like being called "her" in such a demeaning tone, the ice Cleo seemed to create with her mere presence advised Selina that self preservation tactics applied here.

“The **** do they want... They…”

“Felt that energy surge. They know somethings happening and it’s your jobs to control the lot of them.” Cleo interrupted. Faustian shrugged

“When did I get that job? I-..” She froze when she saw Cleo’s face.

Whatever rage her father had restrained…

Cleo had no such misgivings.

What these spawn had done to her her mistress was unforgivable.

And if Amadeus hadn’t spawned these..


Cleo would be ripping them to pieces. They were powerful in the mortal world, but there were few demons that could command Cleo.

Gwen was the only mortal that had ever even been able to summon her, and even she had had help from Amadeus.

But her loyalty was never confused for weakness by the sisters..

They knew their place..

“Yes ma’am.” Heticate answered silencing her sister. Cleo nodded slowly. Her glare only leaving the pair to pepper Selina with hate by association.

Cleo would only beckon for the girl.
Selina stood up, brushing herself off as she faced the devil.
"So long as I arrive alive and unharmed to our destination and beyond, I have no complaints. I believe it was your mistress that gave me that guarantee, Cleo."
Her staff rose from the ground into her hand and she followed the devil.
An immense chamber of floating books, walkways, bridges and bookshelves that seemed to descend and climb for eternity. He dropped down and landed on one such walkway, scanning the area to spot where her next attack will come from.
It would come from above.

After telegraphing an attack from below with a screech from where she hung underneath the platform before leaping from its underside to the underside of the platform above and striking down with savage force.

The shadows that still mentally tormenting her as they all vied for control.

Driving her mad with visions of what her soul had gone through in confinement.

Her screams of anger and sobs of sorrow indicative of her maddened state as blows and slashes rained down on her perceived enemy as well as scarlet tears from her weeping.

After a lightening quick stalemate of negated strikes…

One of her clawed hands struck true as she’s thrust it in a stabbing motion jamming into his side doing significant if not momentary damage.

This was a mistake however as the blade being brought to guard late not only resulted in her blow landing but also resulted in the blade slicing off her arm at the elbow when it was finally brought to guard.

Another unholy mental screech would rip from Gwen as she would fall back.

Kicking out at a wounded Amadeus looking to send them both off the platform in opposite directions.

If achieved she would fade into the shadows and slip from the archives and into the city…
So long as I arrive alive and unharmed to our destination and beyond, I have no complaints. I believe it was your mistress that gave me that guarantee, Cleo.
Cleo snapped then.

Turning on her heel an inch from this impudent mortals face with a gut wrenching snarl.

“Do not dare use my mistresses words like a tool to leash me you mortal trash!” She growled moving to slash the stupid child in half.

The offending arm was halted barely a quarter into drawing back. She glanced at her halted hand in surprise.

Her logic catching up with her rage too late. The halted arm was twisted behind her back.

Every joint from her fingers to her shoulder stressed to near break.

The demons legs were taken out from under her bringing the hell spawn to her knees and her face was planted at Selena’s feet in a painful bow.

“Forgive my outburst.” She hissed out through clenched fangs.

“My mistress had an alternative place for you to go once you were ready or if the archives became imperiled or unavailable. She humbly requested your presence there.” She said politely if not a bit strained.

“You are also correct in your assertion that no harm will befall you on the journey. I will insure this at the expense of my very existence.” She continued before simply remaining there.

The force restraining her awaiting Selena’s forgiveness and agreement. The demons gaze burned with indigence.
It would come from above.

After telegraphing an attack from below with a screech from where she hung underneath the platform before leaping from its underside to the underside of the platform above and striking down with savage force.

The shadows that still mentally tormenting her as they all vied for control.

Driving her mad with visions of what her soul had gone through in confinement.

Her screams of anger and sobs of sorrow indicative of her maddened state, as blows and slashes rained down on her perceived enemy as well as scarlet tears from her weeping.
Amadeus defended himself with equal devilish ferocity, counterattacking as he was able amid the blur of violence which Gwendolyn was also able to keep astride, defending herself like a beast and a graceful fencer all at once.
"You are not where you were, Gwen! Look around you and see where you are!"
After a lightening quick stalemate of negated strikes…
One of her clawed hands struck true as she’s thrust it in a stabbing motion jamming into his side doing significant if not momentary damage.
Her claw struck flesh and struck deep.
An involuntary gasp of agony escaped from his lips. He felt a crater in his ribs and was sure a lung had collapsed. For the moment, in his pain, he wasn't able to avoid or prevent what happened next.
This was a mistake however as the blade being brought to guard late not only resulted in her blow landing but also resulted in the blade slicing off her arm at the elbow when it was finally brought to guard.

Another unholy mental screech would rip from Gwen as she would fall back.

Kicking out at a wounded Amadeus looking to send them both off the platform in opposite directions.
If achieved she would fade into the shadows and slip from the archives and into the city…
Her boot landed in the middle of his chest and sent him reeling back, crashing through the wooden railing and sending him into freefall. He thought he glimpsed her fall with him, but as he fell, he quickly lost track of her.
He felt his lung refill with air as his devilish nature repaired most of the damage... But, like his leg, the injury didn't seem to full go away... Perhaps it just needed more time.

He fell... And fell... And fell...

Not for the first time he wished he still had wings.

Floors and floors of bookshelves rushed past him as he passed through sections of light and darkness. He struck a walkway only to smash straight through it, it didn't hurt him as much as the pain in his ribs and the newfound difficulty that he was having with his breathing.
He smashed through another walkway, then another and his fall was slowed considerably. He was able to recover from his freefall and flip himself around, so he landed on his feet.
The floor buckled under the force of his landing, but it thankfully held.

He fell to his knees, putting an armored claw to his rib, feeling the crater left by the mortal wound dealt by the woman he loved... He coughed, ejecting the blood that had gathered in his lungs. He took a raspy breath that made him wince, it felt like his healed lung fluttered with every breath he took, causing each agonizing breath to rasp, like an old man who could barely breath on his own.
He coughed again, expelling more blood.

There was a wet slap on the walkway beside him, he whirled and brought his sword to bare... Only to see the arm, the clawed hand that had dealt the wound to his side... Now the beautiful hand he knew and recognized...
"... G-Gwen..."
He rasped.
"... Not again... I... Won't... be... too late..."

He picked up the arm and started walking. It didn't matter which way he went; a door will present itself that will take him where he needs to go... Unless the archive has decided to turn against him...
Cleo snapped then.

Turning on her heel an inch from this impudent mortals face with a gut wrenching snarl.

“Do not dare use my mistresses words like a tool to leash me! You mortal trash!” She growled moving to slash the stupid child in half.
Selina faltered as the demon turned on her in rage.
She knew about contracts with devils and that this one was tied to Gwendolyn... But since Gwen was "dead", had died... Was that contract still in effect?

As Cleo raised her claw to attack Selina was beginning to have doubts.
She lifted her staff and put her arms over her head protectively, no spell came to mind, she would just have to hope her passive defenses could withstand demonic strength...

The offending arm was halted barely a quarter into drawing back. She glanced at her halted hand in surprise.

Her logic catching up with her rage too late. The halted arm was twisted behind her back.

Every joint from her fingers to her shoulder stressed near their breaking point.
The demons legs were taken out from under her bringing the hell spawn to her knees and her face was planted at Selina’s feet in a painful bow.
“Forgive my outburst.” She hissed out through clenched fangs.

“My mistress had an alternative place for you to go once you were ready or if the archives became imperiled or unavailable. She humbly requested your presence there.” She said politely if not a bit strained.

“You are also correct in your assertion that no harm will befall you on the journey. I will insure this at the expense of my very existence.” She continued before simply remaining there.

The force restraining her awaiting Selina’s forgiveness and agreement. The demons gaze burned with indigence.

Selina looked up when she realized that the attack never landed, she then witnessed Cleo's subdual in a display that her sharp mind could only assume was the binding force of Cleo's contract with Gwendolyn... So it seemed death wasn't enough to annul a contract , whoever Gwendolyn was, she was cunning enough to be able to lure a devil into a very one-sided contract.

Selina relaxed slightly, lowering her staff and mentally preparing a few spells she could use in case she was caught off guard like this again.
"I wasn't hoping for this outcome, I reminded you of your contract only to assure myself of the safety your mistress had promised. I apologize if my reminder upset you, and for your current discomfort. You may rise and let us be off."
You are not where you were, Gwen! Look around you and see where you are!
Her eyes flickered.

They did.

The pain.. as her arm had been cut away it had immediately began to change and revert to its normal state.

But as the shadows healed her the screaming returned to her mind. And she faded to the darkness once more.

She slipped from the archives…

Slithering out into the city…

She was making a beeline for somewhere.

She moved silently, like a whisper as she eviscerated anything that entered her path.

A man waiting in an alley heard a short gust of wind pass him. It hadn’t been windy night…What odd wea-.

He had been so throughly destroyed his brain finally caught up to being a crimson blot on the wall behind him and the thought ended to nothingness.

I wasnt hoping for this outcome, I reminded you of your contract only to assure myself of the safety your mistress had promised. I apologize if my reminder upset you, and for your current discomfort. You may rise and let us be off.

Cleo’s glare finally broke away from her looking to the ground.

“Thank you..” She said slowly rising.

It was begrudging but sincere.

She had only just risen when another wave of screeching sent her back to her knees clutching her head. Her teeth grinding like knives on stone.

She opened her eyes once more seeming to compose herself. A much more serious look on her face. Removed from rage or any emotion.

“By the abyss..” Cleo cursed looking around for a moment. As if to assure herself the scream had not come from their vicinity.

“She’s broken from the archives..” Cleo muttered. Seeming to debate something for a split second before coming to a decision.

“We will need to take a slight detour Mrs.Altas. I apologize but this takes priority for the moment.”

She would say taking the young wizard by the hand as the wind began to rush around them and the lines of reality seemed to blur before coming back into focus.

They were in a beautiful private park.

An acre of fenced in beauty full of gorgeous plants and trees not native to the city along with jaw dropping specimens of what could be found locally.

One of Gwen’s old hide aways.

While she had her own underground garden for growing the breath taking luminescent fauna of the caves and tunnels.

She had always needed a place to call her own to grow plants that needed sunlight and air.

Gilgamesh had leveled one of his store rooms to make a fenced in acre plot for her that day. Granted that was almost a century ago.

She had cared for everything there personally.

It was one of the few other places than the archives that was more scarred by her death than others.

The more exotic flowers on the verge of death due to the lack of their special upkeep.

The grass had lost some of its soft luscious color.

Cleo had tried to keep it up..

But she didn’t know what she was doing..

It wasn’t until Charity had begun using it with Dianna that anything began to look remotely ok again..

She was there now in fact.

Enjoying a picnic.

She heard their light chatter as she came to a halt at the entrance with Selina in tow.

“Now you get to help me ruin another person night…” She muttered. The gates opening at her mere prescience.

“Do not touch anything. You wouldn’t even know what..” She paused Turing to meet Selina’s eye practically glowing with intelligence, and realizing that out of anyone who had ever set foot in the garden Selina would know what everything was. And if she didn’t. She would before she left. And there was little to nothing Cleo could do to stop her.

“J..Just don’t touch anything..” Cleo would say indignantly after a pause.

“Please.” She added. “If for nothing else but out of respect for my mistress.”

Before entering to find Charity wherever she was inside the garden.

A look in her eye crying urgency.
Cleo’s glare finally broke away from her looking to the ground.

“Thank you..” She said slowly rising.

It was begrudging but sincere.

She had only just risen when another wave of screeching sent her back to her knees clutching her head. Her teeth grinding like knives on stone.

She opened her eyes once more seeming to compose herself. A much more serious look on her face. Removed from rage or any emotion.
This time Selina wasn't close enough to the source to be included in the deafening scream, but as the demon crumpled to the ground yet again it was only her guess that something else was going on.
“By the abyss..” Cleo cursed looking around for a moment. As if to assure herself the scream had not come from their vicinity.

“She’s broken from the archives..” Cleo muttered. Seeming to debate something for a split second before coming to a decision.
Selina eyes widened in surprise. Really?
Possession was one thing, but how powerful was Gwen before she died? Selina knew she was underestimating the famous Vollmund, but she didn't think it would be by such a large margin... Or maybe she underestimated the strength of the man that seemed to give orders to the devil spawn girls...

“We will need to take a slight detour Mrs.Altas. I apologize but this takes priority for the moment.”

She would say taking the young wizard by the hand as the wind began to rush around them and the lines of reality seemed to blur before coming back into focus.

They were in a beautiful private park.

An acre of fenced in beauty full of gorgeous plants and trees not native to the city along with jaw dropping specimens of what could be found locally.
One of Gwen’s old hide aways.
While she had her own underground garden for growing the breath taking luminescent fauna of the caves and tunnels.
She had always needed a place to call her own to grow plants that needed sunlight and air.

Gilgamesh had leveled one of his store rooms to make a fenced in acre plot for her that day. Granted that was almost a century ago.

She had cared for everything there personally.
It was one of the few other places than the archives that was more scarred by her death than others.
The more exotic flowers on the verge of death due to the lack of their special upkeep.
The grass had lost some of its soft luscious color.

Cleo had tried to keep it up..
But she didn’t know what she was doing... It wasn’t until Charity had begun using it with Dianna that anything began to look remotely ok again... She was there now in fact. Enjoying a picnic. She heard their light chatter as she came to a halt at the entrance with Selina in tow.
Selina looked around at the new surroundings, and it was breathtaking to say the least, even in its disrepair.

She could easily identify most of the plants, especially those useful as spell components or alchemical ingredients, some she'd only ever seen pictures of, others were entirely alien to her.
"This place is beautiful."
She murmured in quite awe.

“Now you get to help me ruin another person night…” She muttered. The gates opening at her mere prescience.

“Do not touch anything. You wouldn’t even know what..” She paused Turing to meet Selina’s eye practically glowing with intelligence, and realizing that out of anyone who had ever set foot in the garden Selina would know what everything was. And if she didn’t. She would before she left. And there was little to nothing Cleo could do to stop her.

“J..Just don’t touch anything..” Cleo would say indignantly after a pause.

“Please.” She added. “If for nothing else but out of respect for my mistress.”

Before entering to find Charity wherever she was inside the garden.

A look in her eye crying urgency.
Selina looked longingly at the plants, "But..."
But she conceded, out of respect for Gwendolyn she'd keep her hands to herself.
Charity sat across from Dianna on a large blanket spread out inside of Gwendolyn's garden. It had become their own private little spot away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

It was also one of the remaining things that reminded her of her mother. So one day, she borrowed a thick tome on exotic plants from the archives, and had done her best to breathe new life into the place, to a small amount of success.

"... And as I was bringing the plate over to Lulu, I tripped over one of her toys and spilled her lunch all over the floor!" Charity laughed. "Of course then Lulu started crying, so I had to calm her down, and-"

A loud horrific scream suddenly ripped through her mind without warning. Charity jumped to her feet. There was almost something familiar within the scream but she couldn't put her finger on it. She scanned the area before settling back down onto the blanket. "Sorry babe... Thought I hard somebody screaming..."

"S-So anyway... I kinda gave up on cooking for the day. Took her for a walk around town and let her pick something from the pastry stall for lunch. By the time we got home, she was ready for a nap!"
Charity smiled warmly as she recalled her day with her niece. "How was your day darling?" She would listen attentively as Dianna talked, and munched on a piece of crusty bread.

Charity winced slightly as a second mind-melting screech pierced through her, but tried to act as if nothing had happened. There was no sense in giving Dianna something else to worry about. The poor woman already had more on her plate than one person could reasonably handle.

She smiled and gave Dianna a peck on the cheek as she finished talking about her day. "So just another wonderful day in this crazy city!" Charity remarked with a giggle. "Oh! Did Lulu show you the lovely picture she drew of the three of us while you were at work?" Charity asked proudly as she pushed a loose strand of hair behind Dianna's ear. "If we could just get her to focus on art, instead of trying to destroy things with her shadows, I honestly think she could have a bright future as an artist!"

They continued to converse into the night until a pair of figures walked through the garden's gate. It was Selina and Cleo, and Charity let out an aggravated sigh. "Gods damn it all!" Charity grumbled under her breath. "Whaddaya want Savoca?"
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  • Yay
Reactions: Dianna Calcutte
This garden wasn't the prettiest place Charity had taken Dianna on her days off, but it was certainly among the top three!
It had plants she never could have imagined existed, and of course she kept her hands to herself on Charity's warning. Dangerous plants existed in the north, but they didn't flourish in such variety as they did down south. But still, pictures shown to her by her tutors didn't do them justice.
Charity sat across from Dianna on a large blanket spread out inside of Gwendolyns garden. It had become their own private little spot away from the hustle and bustle of city life.

It was also one of the remaining things that reminded her of her mother. So one day, she borrowed a thick tome on exotic plants from the archives, and had done her best to breathe new life into the place, to a small amount of success.
Of course, the effort that Charity had put into the garden made it that much more special, as well as the history and connection it held to Charity's mother.
It was quite touching how close they were, Dianna certainly envied Charity for that, but she also knew a little about what it was like to lose her mother, even if she was very young at the time.

Dianna enjoyed the picnic and laughed with Charity's funny stories as the day drew on. It was pure moments with Charity like this that Dianna treasured the most.

... And as I was bringing the plate over to Lulu, I tripped over one of her toys and spilled her lunch all over the floor! Charity laughed. Of course then Lulu started crying, so I had to calm her down, and-

A loud horrific scream suddenly ripped through her mind without warning. Charity jumped to her feet. There was almost something familiar within the scream but she couldn't put her finger on it. She scanned the area before settling back down onto the blanket. Sorry babe... Thought I hard somebody screaming...
Dianna was blissfully unaware of the horrific scream that startled Charity, and Dianna was instantly concerned when she leapt to her feet and looked around.
"A scream? I heard nothing. Are you alright? Was it close?"

But as Charity calmed down Dianna was convinced it was nothing.
S-So anyway... I kinda gave up on cooking for the day. Took her for a walk around town and let her pick something from the pastry stall for lunch. By the time we got home, she was ready for a nap! Charity smiled warmly as she recalled her day with her niece. How was your day darling? She would listen attentively as Dianna talked, and munched on a piece of crusty bread.
Dianna chuckled, "darling" always sounded so strange coming out of Charity's mouth. Charity was much more of a tomboy than Dianna and seeing this soft side of her seemed almost out of character for her.

"My day was mostly uneventful. There were a few incidents in which we had to be more alert but there wasn't any point in which we had to take action. A small procession from a troubadour guild passed by, burning and throwing rocks at an effigy of some counsel member or something..."
She chatted on about insignificant details, glossing over the general monotonous nature of her duties.
Perhaps at some point they'll build a guardhouse by the gates, removing the necessity to keep a guard posted...

Charity winced slightly as a second mind-melting screech pierced through her, but tried to act as if nothing had happened. There was no sense in giving Dianna something else to worry about. The poor woman already had more on her plate than one person could reasonably handle.

She smiled and gave Dianna a peck on the cheek as she finished talking about her day. So just another wonderful day in this crazy city! Charity remarked with a giggle. Oh! Did Lulu show you the lovely picture she drew of the three of us while you were at work? Charity asked proudly as she pushed a loose strand of hair behind Diannas ear. If we could just get her to focus on art, instead of trying to destroy things with her shadows, I honestly think she could have a bright future as an artist!
Dianna was sharp and noticed again that something was bothering Charity, over the years of getting to know her and living with her, she liked to think that Charity was like an open book to her. But she also wasn't one to pry, even if it's her girlfriend. If Charity wanted to share something, she would do so...

Well... To say she's "not one to pry" isn't necessarily true. If Dianna suspected Charity of stealing again or some other mischief, she was bound to get to the bottom of it.

But in this case it was different. It was something important which usually had something to do with her family, and Dianna had made her stances clear to Charity long ago about what she thinks about them and what they do to Charity.
Family stuff from Charity's end, therefore, was on a strictly need-to-know basis.

"Of course! That was the first thing she showed me as soon as I came home! It's very adorable and I agree, if she leans into it, she can become a great artist someday!
Even if it's just as a hobby I think it's a better use of her time."

Dianna cuddled close to Charity as they talked, enjoying the wholesome simplicity of this special outing.
They continued to converse into the night until a pair of figures walked through the gardens gate. It was Selina and Cleo, and Charity let out an aggravated sigh. Gods damn it all! Charity grumbled under her breath. Whaddaya want Savoca?
Dianna looked up when she heard Charity sigh and curse.
Until she saw the demon she was about ready to give Charity a slap for speaking so vulgarly.
She rolled to her side and then pushed up to her feet, standing slightly beside and in front of Charity as Cleo and Selina entered the garden.

Dianna... Didn't really get along with any of Charity's family that she's met... She couldn't understand how Charity could tolerate them, especially her sisters and the hedonistic nature of the entire family!
She's yet to meet Gilgamesh, but she could only imagine what kind of man he must be to encourage such behavior.

Cleo, on the other hand, just gave Dianna all the wrong vibes up and down the scale. Something about her and even some of Charity's older half-sisters was simply off, and it had nothing to do with the fact that their mother was an elf, it was something altogether otherworldly and evil.

"Charity... If Cleo's here it means family business. Will you be alright? Or should I go?"
  • Wonder
Reactions: Charity Briarthorne
This place is beautiful.
She murmured in quite awe.
The demon glanced over at her awe with an appreciative nod.

“My mistress wanted a getaway to tend to her plants in the city..While Charity and I have tried our best to keep it up..No one can compare to Mrs.Vollmund’s personal touch.” Cleo said barely containing the pride in her voice. “This place used to..” Cleo struggled with the mortal words for a moment before simply shrugging.

“Mrs. Vollmund would have taken you here eventually had she not..Passed..” Cleo paused for a moment.. What was Gwen now..Alive? Resurrected? Undead? Cleo snorted in slight frustration at her reminder of her mistresses new status on this mortal coil thanks to this wizard…The ward on the back of Cleo’s neck glowed threateningly before she squashed those thoughts and the mark dimmed once more. Gilgamesh would handle it..
Selina looked longingly at the plants, But...
But she conceded, out of respect for Gwendolyn shed keep her hands to herself.
Cleo smiled to herself once more. It wasn’t that Gwen would mind her being here..Some of these plants were incredibly dangerous and Respect for Gwen was the only card the demon thought she could play to ensure some compliance in not touching something that would drain her blood and use her carcass to attract..

Larger prey..

Like one thief that had landed right on top of it when they fell out of a tree.

“Do not fret ma'am. Should I survive the night…” Cleo muttered leading the way through the garden that only seemed to grow more lush and dense the closer to the center they got.

“We can return on your request…”
Gods damn it all! Charity grumbled under her breath. Whaddaya want Savoca?
As they grew closer Cleo would shift slightly.

If Selina was paying attention she would notice the shimmer that changed her to a human. Erasing her demonic characteristics from the eye. She drew closer and flinched at Charity’s harsh hail.

The demon would not meet Charity’s eyes as she simply stood there silently for a moment. The demon was scared..
Cleo, on the other hand, just gave Dianna all the wrong vibes up and down the scale. Something about her and even some of Charitys older half-sisters was simply off, and it had nothing to do with the fact that their mother was an elf, it was something altogether otherworldly and evil.

Charity... If Cleos here it means family business. Will you be alright? Or should I go?
" such trouble ma'am." She would say seeming to be pulled from her thoughts.

"I apologize. I was simply in the area and wished to see how the garden was doing.

I did not realize you were both here.." Cleo said with a slight cough.

"I simply.." She paused as a new figure made an appearance. It moved almost like an animal, but its form was clearly human. A strong scent of roses and a sickly sweet aroma only those on speaking terms with the reaper would know. It was heavy in the blurs wake and hung in the air for a moment causing Cleo's nose to scrunch in irritation.

"Greta! Your not allowed in here!" She yelled shaking a fist after the retreating figure. She sighed. Greta would come here now..

She would know like the rest of the sisters. Cleo sighed and glanced at the pair.

"Charity..Would you.." She said gesturing after the way Greta had gone.

Charity had always had a way with The younger more wild sister.

"She'll be in the moon rose bushes..Again... That silly imp.." Cleo began rubbing the bridge of her nose.

Before she glanced at Dianna.

Realization crossing her face.

"-ishly acting"



"I'll come with you..Dianna will be fine with Mrs.Altas for a moment." She said waving away the clear awkwardness of the move. Greta was never good at hiding her demonic characteristics. She could normally manage, but being in nature she just never usually needed to.

And if she was scared right now like Cleo was guessing..

They'd be explaining to Dianna why Charity's half sister looked like a bear trap, and a wolf sired a young elven girl barely into her adolescent twenties.

Hoping Charity would realize this as well and go along with out protest. She would take Charity by the hand and lead her after Greta.
Charity... If Cleos here it means family business. Will you be alright? Or should I go?
Charity stood up behind Dianna and wrapped her arms around her protectively. "You can stay Di." She hugged Dianna reassuringly, but was simultaneously glaring daggers at Cleo. "Besides, this won't take long. Isn't that right Cleo?" She knew how little Dianna cared for her family, and had made it very clear that they were to leave her alone when she was with Dianna.

Rolling her eyes, Charity weathered Cleo's lame excuses for disturbing them. The demon wanted her for something, that much was obvious to her. But what could she want this time? "Did Daddy put you up to this? If he needs me for something, he can just wait until tomorrow when we meet to discuss-"

I simply.. She paused as a new figure made an appearance. It moved almost like an animal, but its form was clearly human. A strong scent of roses and a sickly sweet aroma only those on speaking terms with the reaper would know. It was heavy in the blurs wake and hung in the air for a moment causing Cleos nose to scrunch in irritation.

Greta! Your not allowed in here! She yelled shaking a fist after the retreating figure. She sighed. Greta would come here now..
Charity..Would you.. She said gesturing after the way Greta had gone.
Charity had sensed Greta enter the garden earlier, but had left her alone as she was mostly harmless. But now that Cleo had brought attention to her... Charity sighed heavily. Just great. Another thing to interrupt their date night. She pulled Dianna closer and rested her chin on her shoulder. "I'll try to be quick." she said with a light kiss on Dianna's cheek.

With another annoyed sigh, Charity released Dianna. At least she could trust Selina to not harm her. She allowed herself to bed led away deeper into the garden.

"Damn it Greta!" she shouted angrily as they walked away. "Ya better not be eating Mother's plants again! I swear if I find one leaf missing I'll-" A humanoid creature streaked by running on all fours. "Come back here you!" Charity called, chasing after her deeper into the garden. What was going on with her? Usually if Charity was in the garden she would stop and chat until she got bored or Charity left. She had never seen Greta behave like this. Did she remember Charity's warning about Dianna? No that couldn't be it. Greta had no problem hiding in the garden when Charity brought Dianna. Maybe she was scared? But of what?

Charity had had enough. They could deal with Greta's mischief later. She stopped abruptly and gave Cleo's hand a rough tug. "I don't know what the fuck is going on Cleo, but you better start talking." A cold fury burned in her eyes as she glowered at the demon. "First there's screaming, then you and Greta appear... There's no way in hell that this is all a coincidence. So...?"
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Charity stood up behind Dianna and wrapped her arms around her protectively. "You can stay Di." She hugged Dianna reassuringly but was simultaneously glaring daggers at Cleo. "Besides, this won't take long. Isn't that right Cleo?" She knew how little Dianna cared for her family and had made it very clear that they were to leave her alone when she was with Dianna.

Rolling her eyes, Charity weathered Cleos lame excuses for disturbing them. The demon wanted her for something, that much was obvious to her. But what could she want this time? "Did Daddy put you up to this? If he needs me for something, he can just wait until tomorrow when we meet to discuss-"
Dianna relaxed her hard gaze only slightly at Charity's assurances. She chose to remain willfully ignorant of the things her and her family get into, out of love for Charity of course, but out of love for Charity she couldn't stand by knowing how her family treats her, the things they do to each other. Just from the little bit she's learned, being with her family is to be in an insufferably toxic environment.

Hedonism likely only being the least of it.
Charity had sensed Greta enter the garden earlier but had left her alone as she was mostly harmless. But now that Cleo had brought attention to her... Charity sighed heavily. Just great. Another thing to interrupt their date night. She pulled Dianna closer and rested her chin on her shoulder. I'll try to be quick. she said with a light kiss on Dianna's cheek.
Dianna knew that kiss. Charity was trying to sooth her into cooperation so she could respond to the needs of her family without Dianna getting upset.
Dianna often felt like she was Charity's conscience, the only anchor she had to a right and proper world of decency and without her, Charity would simply continue to spiral out of control.

"I'll be here..."
She caught Charity's hand for a moment and gave it a light squeeze, giving her assurance that she has someone in her corner.

With another annoyed sigh, Charity released Dianna. At least she could trust Selina to not harm her. She allowed herself to be led away deeper into the garden.

"Damn it, Greta!" she shouted angrily as they walked away. "Ya better not be eating Mothers plants again! I swear if I find one leaf missing Ill-"
Dianna watched the two enter the garden. Dianna wished she had brought her equipment; Cleo was always a bearer of bad news.
She turned to the black robed woman... No, younger, a young woman in her early to mid-twenties that carried an arcane looking staff of unnaturally twisted and shaped wood. That and the several visible trinkets told Dianna that this woman was probably a sorcerer or mage of some sort... But of course, with the Briarwoods you never knew.

She thought about striking up a conversation with her, but the woman looked a little roughed up and seemed far more interested in the plants than in conversing with her, so she let her be and simply watched the path where Charity and Cleo disappeared, her ears straining for any sign of trouble.