Private Tales Mission to Matriculate

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Elbion College
Character Biography
It all seemed like a very good idea at the time.

The journey had started off well. Kikwi had left Falwood with a spring in his step and a song in his heart, and he felt as though nothing in the world could get in his way. Soon he would be in Elbion, and at the great College. Oh what wonders would they have? He had been told that they had entire castles full of books, and wizards sharing secrets to all who would have them! Yes, it was only a matter of time.

He had prepared for this trip for months, after all. He had no gold to spend, but he had bartered for supplies in whatever was he was able. His thick, brick red traveling robe was made special for him by the village tailor, and Kikwi had spent several weeks as an assistant. He organized the bolts of cloth, spools of thread, and very pointy needles and heavy hammers in the storeroom. He left the inventory more organized than when he started (and had written a very comprehensive inventory checklist), so the tailor considered himself well compensated.

Since this was to be a scientific journey, Kikwi knew he would need plenty of charcoal for sketches and quills for writing. He carried ink bottles in soft wool pouches, and of course had earned himself an especially robust notebook from the local scribe. Someone had to record all of the noteworthy town happenings, and Kikwi was more than happy to do so for a fortnight. Though it became apparent quite early that he did not truly understand what “noteworthy” meant, and wrote just as much on the ivy growth patterns in the street as he did on the markets earning for the day.

The final step was food, and in exchange for his help in the kitchen, Kikwi had acquired a leather sack full of the best travelling snacks. He filled his canteen from nearby streams and headed out.

The days in the forest were the best. Dappled shade and cool breezes dominated most of the day, and the night was spent peacefully in thick brush or in the cart of a benevolent traveler.

When Kikwi first entered the savannah, he was enthralled. This place was nothing like the forest! The grass was tall and sharp, and the trees grew hundreds of yards apart, not huddled together in the impenetrable tangle of the deep woods. He filled the first third of his notebook with sketches and notes on all the new creatures he saw. Grasshoppers as big as his hand, and field mice that ran in invisible tracts through the grasses. Mighty soaring birds and immense four-legged beasts!

”Hmmm…” he muttered, as he drew the outline of a red and orange caterpillar that he found on a blade of grass. He took out an empty ink bottle and used his quill to transfer the insect into it. ”Magnificent!” he squeaked, stuffing the jar back into his robes.

The wonder began to drain along with his supplies after the first week. Water sources had all but disappeared, and his canteen had run dry several hours ago. There was no shelter from the sun, and it beat relentlessly on the thick wool robes. Perhaps dark red had not been the wisest color choice. After eating the last of his food, Kikwi abandoned the large leather bag. It had become too difficult to drag through the grass.

The grass itself posed a problem. Near the woods it was thinner, shorter. Here it grew tall, and tiny Kikwi could scarcely see over it. Luckily he had found a road (actually a dry riverbed) that gave much better sightlines, so he had been following that for the past few hours, leaving tiny clawed footprints in the cracking mud.

Dry… so dry. Kikwi’s large yellow eyes were hooded as he stumbled along. His canteen hung loosely at his waist, long since drained. He was so tired… and the sun was too bright, perhaps if he just closed his eyes for a moment…


He tripped on a rock, and tumbled head over heels until he landed on his back in the dust, coughing. He squinted against the glaring sun. His stomach growled, and the light of the sun began to dim as fatigue swept him away. Is this how his journey ended? Would he never make it to Elbion? Why did he think he could do this alone?

It had all seemed like a very good idea at the time.
Living in Allria most of his life, Willis was used to the hot and humid climates. It takes a long time before Willis succumbs to the heat. However the Aberresai Savannah was a different beast entirely, It is said during the Age of Urogosh that the Savanah was a place full of lush rainforests, ripe fruit and a massive river that flowed for miles. However human settlers began to consume the land and built multiple Kingdoms around the area. The Kings and Queens quarreled over the valuable resources of the land and large river ran red with the blood of the soldiers who fought.

This angered the Gods who saw the Savannah as their pride and joy and they cursed the land preventing any rain from dropping and having the Sun shine brightest over the forest. Soon the survivors left and the once great rainforests whittled away until it became the harsh, unforgiving desert it is today. Of course this story was told by the Elves who are always keen to place all of natures problems on the humans so Willis was quick to take it with massive saltshakers,

The fact remained, it was fucking hot and why oh why did Willis take a Monster Hunting contract that had to take him across the Dune Sea? He was on the search for Djinn who ran away from his master and according to the master disappeared in the Aberassai Savannah. While the Mage claimed that this was a lesser Genie. Willis countered by explaining that even the weakest, wildest Djinn's power is equivalent to a master level mage at College of Elbion.

Willis' client: Marcus Atticus of Elbion is a famous summoner capable of calling upon the rarest, most powerful monsters under his control. Summoning is a notoriously difficult school of magic that required ton of magical energy to do or if you can't be bothered to muster up that kind of energy find a magical scroll summoning that particular being though it's no guarantee that'll it'll obey you.

The best option is to magically bond with the monsters so not only it'll drastically reduce the cost but will have the creature obey you. However the summoner may have to go through the creature's hurdles in order to form that magic bond. According to legend: Aba: The most largest and most powerful Snake to have existed required the potential summoner to sacrifice 1000 people to him before forming the magic bond.

Atticus acted like a colossal asshole over the prospect of paying more coin than necessary but other wise coughed the coin. Willis isn't working for cheap, he knows his price especially when it came to powerful monsters such as a Djinn. Though sometimes Willis really wished that he would take on jobs like rescuing a kitten from a tree for that same amount of coin that Marcus was giving up. The young man felt sand going in his boots while his entire forehead was drenched with sweat. It was a good thing he bought enough water to last him for about three months. Who knows where Djinn might go, thankfully Marcus bought Willis a magical Talisman to track his movements.

Willis had been in the desert for three fucking days and the thing didn't even vibrate. Was this broken? No of course not, a narcist like Marcus would never hand a Monster Hunter like Willis a broken item. The young man grumbled, perhaps you should quit. The more he's walking, the more he felt he was getting closer to the forbidden zone. Maybe it was the heat fucking with his head since that place was far off but lately Willis had been feeling light headed despite drinking a lot of water.

Just then, Willis tripped over a rock and fell face first on to the sand. Grains of it entered Willis' mouth as the young man instantly got up and spat on the on ground. "Fuck!" He yelled about to kick the rock. Except the rock in question wasn't a rock but an Owl?!

Willis lowered his leg, what was an Owl doing in the Savannah? He looked drained and fatigued, perhaps killing him would be a mercy but considering he had water, perhaps he can save him. "Hey," Willis said taking out a bottle of water putting into his beak. "What the hell are you doing way out in the desert? Need some help friend?"
Kolvar didn't know how long it had been since he'd escaped Vel Anir. It couldn't have been long considering he left with nothing but a stab wound and was miraculously still alive.

His fellow soldiers had found him curled on the ground with blood pouring from his ribs and an exposed ear revealing his identity. When he'd come to, bandaged and with a poor stitching job, they'd told him he was to be executed for deception. Kolvar knew that was only half the truth. Vel Anir would take any chance they could to kill an elf.

So he escaped. He didn't take his sword and he didn't take any food. He'd known since he was a child that he had to get out of that damned city. Kolvar had only heard tales of Alliria and Elbion and Falwood, but he knew they existed. And he knew that was where he was heading. Somewhere away from the city of broken memories.

He didn't think travelling would be this difficult. His wound had re-opened and he could see the blood start to seep through his already blood stained shirt. Kolvar wanted to ditch his uniform, but it was one of the only things he had.

The soldiers had taken the remaining pin out of his other ear, leaving Kolvar with a feeling of dread. He wasn't in Vel Anir anymore. No one else would want to kill him because of his ears. But it still felt weird. He brought his shaky fingers up to caress the tips of his ears, feeling over the pointed tips and the holes underneath them.

Kolvar wanted to sigh, but his body was so tired. His feet dragged at a painfully slow pace. His eyes kept blinking in and out of focus. He prayed to whoever could possibly be listening to keep him conscious, but he couldn't hold on anymore.

The world went black again and he fell into the hard earth.
”Need some help, friend?”

The words fluttered in and bounced around, echoing in and out. Kikwi was so hot, he could not move nor escape the dark blanket that fell around him. But something cool and lovely touched his beak. A small droplet. Water??

Kikwi‘s sipped at the drink. Yes! It was water! He desperately took another sip, and another… too fast! The water splashed down his throat and he coughed and sputtered. The cool liquid dripped onto his feathered chin and on his robes. His eyes opened slowly, the pupils dilating and contracting as they attempted to get into focus.

It was so bright, but soon a silhouette came into focus. A face, a kind face with a look of concern. He saw the water bottle being held before him, and he quickly took more sips. He drank for so long that he gasped when he was done, catching his breath.

”Th-thank you,” he said, his voice cracking in his throat. He coughed, and shook some dust from his head. ”I… I seem to have… taken a tumble,” He laughed weakly, and coughed some more.

Looking around, he saw he was in the same dry riverbed as before, but if it weren’t for his trail of footprints, he would have had no idea from which way he had come. He looked back up at the stranger. ”It sure is good that you came along when you did, friend! I think I have become somewhat lost.” His voice was brighter now, and he could feel the tingles leaving his legs.

He stood up slowly, using his new friend as a balance. He took a deep breath and shook his entire body. His feathers stood on end, giving him the appearance of a great fuzzy tumbleweed, before they flattened back down. A small cloud of sand and dust fell from him, and he glanced over at once.

”Oh, I am sorry!” he said, noting the dirt he had spilled on Willis. He gave a few weak wipes with a small clawed hand. It did little good, but he hoped the gesture would not go unnoticed.

He took a few steps forwards and flexed his toes in the dried mud. His legs seemed to be in tip top shape once again. He turned back to Willis. ”You see, I am on my way to Elbion. I am going to be a scholar.” He felt his chest rise a little bit, but it deflated just as quickly as he said ”but it is much farther than I anticipated. This land is wonderous, but also very dry and very hot and I ran out of water and ate all my food…” he trailed off, lost in thought for a moment, then snapped back to Willis with excitement.

”But now, you can help me! Oh, yes, please. Do you know the way to Elbion? I should very much like a guide.” He shuffled forwards, ”Surely with you by my side we will be there in no time! Oh! How rude of me, I haven’t even introduced myself. I am Kikwi.” And he extended a very small, very dirty yellow-scaled hand. He looked up at Willis with enormous yellow eyes, filled with renewed hope, and smiled.

A thud nearby, a new cloud of dust rising from the grass. Kikwi‘ s head whipped around 180 degree, although his body stayed quite still, his arm still outstretched to Willis. ”Did you hear that?”
What an unusual Owl.

Willis examined the small Owl frowning as he did so. He has seen these types of species before but they're very rare and reside somewhere in Falwood. Willis couldn't remember the name of them though which was strange considering that he's good at remembering names. Owls like him don't pop up in monster hunter manuals often. The Owl was grateful for the drink at least though Willis was annoyed that he nearly drank his entire flask. He needed to save some water for himself you know. Fortunately for the Owl's sake, Willis knew of a watering hole hidden deep in the Savannah.

Willis raised an eyebrow watching the Owl shaking the sand off him and looking around. He introduced himself as Kikwi. "Sounds Elvish," Willis said crossing his arms. The Owl wanted to get to Elbion which was at least a five day trip barring sandstorms or Goblin raiders. Willis didn't have time to take the little Owl back to the city. He had contract to fulfill and he didn't want to hear that Atticus prick yelling at him if he finds him back without the Djinn. But still this is an Owl who would be probably dead if it wasn't for Willis' intervention. Might as well go for the mercenary route.

"The thing is Kikwi," Willis said. "There is a reason that I'm out here in this shithole, I'm hunting a Djinn that's escaped from its master."

Willis took out the Talisman from his bag and examined it. The damn thing hasn't begun glowing yet, groaning Willis placed the Talisman in his pocket and stared into the Owl's big, bulging eyes. "Unless you got coin, I can escort you to Elbion safely. I'll warn you though, College of Elbion is rather picky in who they admit and they tend to favor applicants who display magical talent."

Admission to the College is a joke, admissions would favor students who has families who donate coin to them. Besides, the majority of students are non-magic users are far cry compared to the students demographic in the Age of Wonders. Pogroms, witch hunts from the Age of Expansion drastically reduced the College's numbers. Just then Willis heard a groan not too far from where he and Kikiwi were. Drawing out his Cutlass, Willis felt the Talisman shake. He saw faint, white glow in his pocket as well, the Djinn is here.

"Stay behind me," Willis said to Kikwi. Taking on Djinn even the weakest one will be no easy task, heart racing Willis approached the figure who fell on the floor and began to poke him in the shoulder using the tip of his blade. "Get up nice and slow," he warned. It could be the Djinn trying to trap the two using a doppleganger. Djinn's were known to do something like that and Willis was prepared for it.
The last time Kolvar lost consciousness was an experience he didn't want to go through again. Yet here he was doing just that.

His mind swam with visions of his childhood. He saw his mother, caring and kind, hand him plate of food and tell him stories before going to bed. He also saw her coughing and wheezing, battling an unbeatable foe. Kolvar watched himself cry next to her as she passed, then watched himself get thrown onto the streets, pitiful and naive.

There were too many things that happened to him in those streets. He wanted so badly to forget them, but every time he closed his eyes they came back. The horrid memories haunted him. Taunted him. Made him wish he would finally bleed out and die.

But he couldn't. His father was out there somewhere. At least, Kolvar hoped he was. His only tie to the elvish world had left him and never returned.

Kolvar had finally escaped Vel Anir, but now he had a new goal. He needed closure.

As if his will had forced him to gain back his strength, he re-opened his eyes. Propping himself up on one immensely weak arm, he noticed that his open wound was still partly held together by the stitches. It wasn't at bad as he thought.

Not far off from him was a curious sight. Kolvar's vision was half deceiving him in his light-headed state, but he saw a man and an owl fighting a Djinn. Kolvar had never seen a Djinn in person, but he'd read about them.

Wanting to aid them in battle, he reached for his sword only to remember that he'd left it in Vel Anir. He cursed himself and tried to stand, but his legs were too weak and he couldn't even manage to pull himself up enough to prop his feet on the ground.

Instead he managed to close his eyes and focus on the energy that surrounded him. There was a slight breeze in the air and Kolvar used that to his advantage. Mustering up the last bit of strength in his body, he centered to air in one invisible bubble in front of his and sent it charging toward the Djinn. The gust was not his strongest and he wasn't incredibly talented with magic to begin with, but it was enough to distract the beast and throw it off balance.
Kikwi‘s pupils widened in wonder when Willis mentioned the Djinn. He didn’t know what that was, of course, but it sounded very important and terribly exciting. He caught a glimpse of the talisman, and felt an aching need to examine it. His curiosity was quashed as Willis put it back in his pocket, however, and his feathers drooped a bit at the mention of coin.

”Oh, well, I don’t have any money…” he began, but then a most stupendous idea struck him. ”But maybe if I help you catch your Jim, you can help me get to Elbion! It was perfect. He would get to go on an adventure, and he would still get to Elbion after all! Surely no one would refuse such a genius plan.

”And then, once the college hears that we caught a jim, maybe they won’t care that I can’t do magic!”

Willis seemed agitated by the thud, and he directed Kikwi to stand behind him. The little owl quickly complied, peering out from behind the hunter’s leg. A person lay on the ground before them. He seemed harmless enough, but Willis pointed his blade at him, and told him to go slow.

”Is that it?” he whispered.

Suddenly the man lifted himself, and Kikwi ducked back behind his appointed protector. Before Kikwi could speak again, he had sent a burst of air rushing forwards. Following the path of the air attack, Kikwi saw… something.

He glanced back at Kolvar, and twittered nervously, ”He’s not the monster, is he?”
Willis groaned of course Kikwi didn't have coin on him well he can't just abandon the little Owl to die in the desert but at the same time he didn't want to waste time escorting him to Elbion. Might as well have Kikwi stick around for the job which will make things a bit difficult since Kikwi doesn't look like he's been in a fight before.

"Not Jim," Willis grumbled still poking at the Elf who was knocked unconscious. "Djinn and they are very powerful monsters so if you want to stick with me you best stay out of my way. Djinns are masters of magic and they're known for their deceit."

The College of Elbion lately has been rather picky with their applicants or so Willis heard. Perhaps do to over enrollment but considering that Kikwi is a rare species they might let the little Owl most likely to be poked and prodded. Willis knelt down next to the Elf and took out his Talisman, It was still glowing but he was increasingly convinced that this was no illusion. Djinn may be clever but they are eager to kill their foes especially when they are close.

"He's not," Willis said sighing. "Just another poor soul who's barely hanging on."

About a dozen or so people die each year trekking the Savannah. It's a major reason why travelers rather travel through the woodlands than the desert, at least there's pools of water. The Savannah is inhospitable but it is the attraction to scholars or adventurers who are looking to explore the Forbidden City. The desert is full of lost history just waiting to be uncovered.

Willis frowned looking at the glowing Talisman the damn Djinn is still here and he would rather kill the thing now so he can get out of this fucking desert. But of course the Elf needed tending to. "Kikwi," Willis said. "Tend to the Elf, I'm going to find that Djinn."
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Kikwi nodded and turned to the elf on the ground. He had managed to get himself off the ground a little bit, but not much. "You should rest, friend," he pipped. "Willis will take care of the dj... djeeinn."

He looked the elf over from head to toe. Elves were ubiquitous in Falwood, but they were often secretive and had not visited his village much. Most of what he knew had been through stories, and many of those were based loosely on facts if not full on fantasy. Nevertheless, he recognized the pointed ears and fair features, and felt a small bubble of excitement beneath his layers of nervousness. Perhaps later he would ask this man where he came from, and why he was out here all alone.

Kikwi's eyes fell on Kolvar's mid-section, and the blood that pooled there. He looked around the clearing for anything that could help. He scampered off a few yards to the tall grasses and took some of the thickest leaves. He started braiding them together, picking up new fibers where he could. After a couple of minutes, he had woven a small dry mat, and he hurried back to the wounded man.

He took a small vial out of his robes. It was half-filled with a dry white powder, and Kikwi sprinkled a small amount onto the bandage and rubbed it into the blades of grass. Replacing the vial in his robes, he stepped closer. "This is a bandage," he said, holding out the woven mat. "You'll have to take off your shirt, though, the powder needs to touch your skin." Kikwi had first been shown the powder by the village apothecary, and while it stung quite fiercely at first, it would make the wound heal faster. He had also brought two long blades of grass to tie around Kolvar's chest and secure the dressing.

While he looked at Kolvar, he listened intensely to Willis moving through the grass. He could hear the soft footfalls on the sand, and the gentle breeze moving his garments. What he couldn't hear, however, was the natural noise of the savannah. All of the insects had stopped chirping, and no mice ran through the grass. It was like they had all run away... but from what?
A few yards from the group that had found themselves in an odd companionship, Isabeau had some how gotten lost, on her way to the city of Alliria. It was going to be a new life for her, being that the council though they liked her, found her to distracting. Issy had no clue what they meant by this and honestly she didn't care.

It was honestly their loss right? She had already contacted an owner of a run down shop and she would be there in a fort-night, well that was the plan. She now found herself down another path, quite literally and it wasn't pleasant.

Gabby who was annoyed and made Isabeau aware of it, snorted stomped her feet on the ground. Isabeau gently moved to her Equine companion kneeling down she gently placed her hands on either sides of Gabby's face and gently pressed her forehead to the animal's own head.

"I know, shhhh, I have water there is need to be concerned we will get back on track, shhh it'll be alright, calm yourself." Isabeau stated giving a soft rub of the right cheek of Gabby's face.

The miniature pony began to calm but still there was something not quite right, this made the pony nervous for some reason, little did Isabeau know that she clearly wasn't alone. Isabeau stood and gently moved around the animal, to the supply pack she was carrying and gently went through it, looking for her water container.

A gentle voice floated about her ear, it was a whisper. Isabeau was curious as she grabbed what felt like the water container. She turned softly around and now the voice was clear and a mere inches from her.

"What do we have here, a poor blind lamb who've lost her way." The Djinn stated, Isabeau arched a brow as she moved calmly toward Gabby and began to help the creature drink.

"I would neither call me a lamb nor poor. . .I am lost though. . .Perhaps, you can help?" She tried to feel this person out, the voice seemed masculine, so, perhaps a man? The accent was odd, well so was Issy's but that was another story. The feeling this persons was giving off was very odd and cold. She bit her bottom lip. The Djinn smiled big as the being moved closer to her now, mere inches from her face, The Djinn's finger curled itself around one of Issy's stray locks of hair.

"Mmmm, perhaps, perhaps but there is a price." Isabeau nodded her head gently.

"Which is?" She gestured back wiggling her hair free from this person's clutches. The Dijnn's smile went wider.

"Give me your pet." Isabeau arched a brow and shook her head.

"Well, then its a price I refuse to pay have a wonderful day." Issy took a hold of Gabby's mane and began to guide her away, when something stopped her. It was as if she couldn't move.

"Tsk, tsk . . .Pity it would have to be this way, but alas, my poor blind mouse will just have to learn." Isabeau suddenly felt a sharp pain around her throat as she let out a blood curtling scream. It echoed threw out the desert, which could possibly heard miles away. A golden collar was now placed around her neck, it burned as it snapped into place.

"You're mine now." The Djinn hissed and gently moved its lips closer to her ear.

"Now, do as your master commands, bring me more slaves. . ." Gabby made all the noise she could, and tried to move but couldn't she was frozen like her owner.

Isabeau could only obey but how was she going to find more slaves she was lost herself.

"How am I to. . ." Her mouth closed and then her mind was flooded violently with directions and a big shove which made her tumbled forward hitting the dirt, making s soft this into the sand. A cough escaped her lips as the dirt entered her lungs.

Issy slowly caught her breath before she stood from her seated position. A slight brush of her hand removed some of the sand from her clothes.

Rght, this is going to be fun, Issy thought to herself. She raised both arns slowly up in front of her, her palms face upward so she could feel her way without help.

Poor Gabby was left with the evil creature.
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The owl was hunched over him, holding out a bandage. He told Kolvar to take his shirt off so he could apply it. Kolvar didn't want to reveal so much of himself as his ears already made him feel naked. However, when he looked down at the blood pouring from his waist, he started shrugging his coat off.

His fingers were trembling and it became increasingly difficult to try and slip his shirt over his head. Kolvar groaned in pain and gripped his side. Blood trickled through his fingers.

The stitches in his side were almost completely undone. Kolvar nearly dry heaved at the sight.

"Be careful," he whimpered, "Please."

The pain was unbearable and he thought he might pass out again. He wanted to curl in on himself so he wasn't too revealed so attempted to put his jacket back on. He only managed to get it on his shoulders before a sharp pain shot through his torso.

He doubled over, reluctantly trying to keep himself propped up on his elbow.
With Kikwi tending to the Elf Willis continued to look at the Talisman which was growing brighter. "It seems I'm getting closer," Willis mumbled placing the item in his bag while simultaneously drawing a potion out. The small vial fit into Willis palm as the young man swirled it the glowing green substance began to gently splash against the glass wall. It was a rock potion made to harden Willis' skin to the point where it was resistant to physical attacks as well as wind based magical strikes. The Djinn Willis is hunting is a low level air elemental type, its main attacks will be nullified against Willis' magically enhanced skin.

Willis bought the potion for half price at the Gilded Feather in Elbion. The Monster Hunters have a working relationship with the shop. They get price reductions on potions, silver weapons, books, magical scrolls pretty much anything that can help kill a monster. The potion was still fucking expensive though thankfully Marcus coughed up enough coin to the point where it'll more than make up for the price.

The heat continued to weigh heavily on Willis, his clothes was drenched with sweat. He was looking forward to going to the bathhouse after this job was done. The Singing Canary is the best bathhouse in all of Elbion noted for their women being trained to please customers. Nothing like a woman after a fight especially ones who know where to hit the spot.

Willis squinted as more sweat easily slipped past brow and touched his nose. There was a person stumbling around the desert. Was it a mirage? Likely otherwise how coincidental to find ANOTHER person who was happening to be wondering around this hellhole. His hand twitching, Willis carefully drew out his cutlass and placed the small potion inside of his pocket. The woman wasn't Djinn but she could a bandit though no bandits wouldn't give away their position so easily like that.

The woman held out her arms palms exposed as though she was feeling out something. Was she an Undead? It's likely but Undead aren't common in the desert unless they were Mummies and she did not look like a Mummy. Willis stepped closer to her, he is definitely going to hate himself for this. A woman alone In the desert just screams: "It's a trap! She's trying to lure you in!" Now that he got a look at her face, she looks very beautiful with chestnut brown hair cascading down her back and wearing a flowing dress. Yeah it seems that she's bait for gullible travelers so that Bandits can ambush him.

Or she can be mirage that was a possibility.

"Hello there," Willis called out to the woman getting closer and holding her wrist with his free hand. The young man frowned as he saw her eyes. The woman's Irises were milky white she indicating that she is blind. "It's okay I'm a friend," he smirked. "I almost thought you're mirage because there's no way a pretty woman like you could walk into my presence."

He didn't notice the Talisman beginning to vibrate in his pocket.
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Kikwi's beak fell open at the sight of the wound. A deep, red, oozing hole had opened in the elf's side. The bandage would stop most of the bleeding for now, but it would not be nearly enough. This man needed proper care from a proper healer. Kikwi swallowed, closing his beak and narrowing his eyes for the task at hand. One thing at a time. He pressed the rough bandage to the wound and held it firm while Kolvar squirmed.

"It will only hurt for a minute," he said, and he tied the long blades of grass around the elf's middle as quickly as he could, securing the dressing. "There, now just rest for a moment more, I'll see-"

"Hello there!" It was Willis' voice. Kikwi's head swiveled towards the sound. Had someone else arrived? Was it the djinn? With equal parts curiosity and fear, he turned his body beneath his head and scampered towards the sound.

The grass was very tall, and he pushed it aside as best he could, following Willis' voice. He was making good headway until a stray blade wrapped around his ankle and he fell to the dusty ground with a surprised ”Oof!”

Instead of getting up, Kikwi froze. There, right in front of his round face, half buried in the sand, was small, lumpy, brown toad. Bulbous yellow eyes peered out of a stern frowning face, as if to ask why his afternoon nap was being so rudely disturbed. Kikwi silently inhaled in excitement, it was so beautiful! It’s color matched the ground perfectly, and how brilliant that it buried in the earth to avoid the sun’s heat! He was about to pull out his notebook to make a sketch, when his thoughts were interrupted by more voices.

”It’s ok, I’m a friend.”

Oh right! His friend needed him. Kikwi narrowed his eyes and looked hard at the toad, trying to remember as much as he could so he could draw it later, and pushed himself up. He reached Willis shortly, the front of his robes covered in sand. He clung to the back of Willis’ leg and squeaked nervously as he viewed the woman. Where had she come from? Why was she on the ground? Why was her hair so nice and shiny?

Out of the corner of his eye he could see a faint light coming from within Willis’ bag, and he could hear the vibration of the talisman. ”Your bag is shaking,” he whispered. Was this woman the djinn? She didn’t look like a monster, but Kikwi had never seen a djinn before and to be honest, he still wasn’t sure what a it was at all. A gentle wind blew by them. Were those… whispers?
The idea of finding someone in this rural place was a needle in a haystack, Issy thought. She had to get Gabby and herself out of this stupid situation. The scolding continued in her mind as she slowly made her way through the desert area.

The unforgivable sun weighed heavy as it showed it’s burden by small beads of sweat on her ivory skin. The only slight helpful thing was the fact she was wearing a light-colored grey dress and slippers, that helped keep her slightly cool.

She imagined by now, with the wind that swirled around her, her black raven lock’s would now look like one of a brownish color, and the sand that seemed to want to hug her eye balls, made them itchy and though her eyes weren’t milky at all, normal color, they were now perhaps looked a little glazy from irritation.

She was also glad, that she remembered to ask the tailor to sew a hidden pocket in the inside of her dress’s skirt, it was big enough to carry a small number of things, in case of emergency.

Isabeau’s scolding was interrupted as she heard a male’s voice calling to her, now her brain thought on the voice, it couldn’t be a trick? I mean she couldn’t see, so it can’t be an illusion, then the thought was, could a blind person be capable of mirage in the desert?

Her movement stopped as she allowed herself to use her other senses to feel the situation out. The smells this fellow was giving off, was in fact coming from real person, but there was something else.

Issy, couldn’t put her finger on it, but she let the feeling go as, she concentrated on the task at hand. She didn’t want to lure this stranger to the creature in which she was now enslaved too now, but did she have a choice?

As the man obviously hit on her, which she had to half smirk at this, she went with it as she allowed a blush to come to her cheeks.

“Hello, that is very kind of you to say, but you never know, in these times. . . I could still be an illusion. “ Her voice fit her looks.

“Unfortunately, you find me at a bad time, I’ve been robbed.” Replied lowering her arms by her side and telling a truth that is slightly bent at the edges.
On the docks of Alliria, Willis had seen blind beggars shaking their rusted tin cups to passerby's. "Alms for the blind!" They would yell out and from old men and women to children, they would continuously shout out the same phrase. When he was a child, Willis would occasionally give out a copper to one of the blind beggars after he spent the days swimming in the water grabbing coins tossed overboard by amused sailors.

"Gods bless you," was the response they would give every time they feel a coin drop in their cup. It was rather creepy. Willis always wondered if these blind people were part of some organized network where they coordinate where to beg and when. These blind beggars wouldn't be the first secret organization performing operations in Alliria.

Then again given how many criminal organizations are in Alliria, It wouldn't surprise Willis if these beggars were spies for some major guild or something. It was said that when a person loses their sight then the rest of their senses become stronger to compensate. Blind people were considered weak and helpless meaning that loose lips were unleashed all the time in docks often in front of the blind.

Willis smirked a bit when the blind woman blushed at his statement. "Maybe," he grinned. "A beautiful young woman traversing the Savannah just so happens to walk into my arms? I must be hallucinating."

There was part of Willis that said no to trust this woman, after all a blind woman just happened to stumble towards like this? All alone? This had to be a trap, bandits would often use blind women who were kidnapped to lure unsuspecting travelers so they can kill and still their stuff. Of course given that she is very pretty and real Willis couldn't resist the pleasure that was forming in his loins. One of these days he will get killed by a pretty woman.

The young man snapped out of it when Kikwi warned Willis that his Talisman was glowing inside his pocket. "You've been robbed?" Willis asked his eyebrows forming into frown. The flirtatious tone has died down replaced by a more professional and suspicious one. "That's a phrase I've heard often especially by blind people."

Willis looked at the Owl curling his lower lip. "These people are usually are trying to lead us to bandits," he told Kikwi before moving his gaze towards the woman. "Or Djinns."

He took out the glowing talisman, it began to softly vibrate in his palm as he held it close to the blind. "Sweetheart," Willis said calmly. "This device is telling that either you've come into contact with a Djinn or you are a Djinn. You haven't blasted us to smithereens nor try to trap with your wishes I'm guessing it's the former. Just tell me what the Djinn promised you because I guarantee whatever he tempted you with is bullshit."
There were several families of kenku in the world, and while all of them had their own unique traits, Kikwi's particular breed had been blessed with extremely acute hearing. Hidden beneath delicate feathers, his ears picked up the softest sounds of sand blowing between the grass, and small creatures scurrying about beneath the grains. His face, round and disk-shaped, focused the sounds from wherever he was facing, and he could triangulate position very well.

So when the woman spoke, Kikwi absorbed her voice in its full intensity, picking apart each note and thread in her words. It was beautiful, rich and sweet, like the honeycomb he had stolen from a beehive as a child. It had been a long climb, and the insects were furious, but he remembered the sweet nectar more than the stings. Only his mother had spoken with a voice so smooth, and he reminisced on her singing him to sleep night after night...

His daydreaming was interrupted by Willis' warning. Bandits?! Kikwi had wanted adventure, but he didn't think he was ready to face bandits. While he was certain that his new friend could protect him, he felt his little heart beat even faster in his breast.

She didn't look like a bandit, though. And there was something... off about her. She listened and spoke to them naturally enough, but something was missing. Kikwi thought hard and studied Isabeau with enormous eyes, then a light went off in his head! She did not look at them when she spoke, not directly. Her head turned towards the sound of their voices but her eyes kept staring past them.

She could not see.

How had she made it so far being blind? Did her beautiful voice work like a bat? Or had she simply felt her way across the savannah? Kikwi didn't feel very threatened by a blind woman, especially one so pretty, who sounded so lovely.

Willis seemed to think that she was working with this Djinn creature. Kikwi still desperately wanted to know what a Djinn actually was. All he could guess was that they were very powerful and very dangerous and very scary. Why would this woman help one? She looked so sad, the Djinn must have taken something very important, indeed.

"Why are you all alone?" he blurted out to the woman. "Are you lost because you can't see?" Tact had never been something he had learned. "If we stop the djinn, we can get back your stuff... right?" he looked up to Willis for confirmation.
The woman before them, arched her brow as not only the fellow was very blunt with her, but had obviously had experience with the entity in which she did not. Issy heard the small voice interrupt her thoughts as it came from some where else. She turned again in the direction and found the questioning just as bold as their companion.

She took in a deep breath, as her hand gently moved toward the golden collar around her neck, that was shimmering in the sun. The stupid Entity didn’t tell her that she couldn’t tell them the truth, I mean she assumed she couldn’t but at this moment, why?

“How very interesting, that you are as astute to the situation, as you are gifted with that silver tongue of yours.” She started before trying to word things right, as she is still confused about the situation, she found herself in.

Isabeau lowered her hand by her side and began to answer each question that was asked of her, as truthful as she could be.

“I wasn’t promised rather, kidnapped and yes, I was robbed but not in the way you’d think.” She gestured to her collar.

“I came upon, the entity you seek, it said it could help me, but in return it wanted my companion Gabby, I said no, this jewelry that is not something I wear, was placed on me.” She paused.

“I am now it’s slave, and it sent me off to find more people to aid it, while my companion is still stuck back with that thing, and here I am.” Gestured. Issy, was taking this very well, despite things.

She pondered the last question about getting her stuff back, as she knew she should have answered all the questions but that one.

“I do not know.” She stated, now it was up to the two strangers on what was the next move.
Willis examined the golden collar that was wrapped around the woman's neck. He watched as the collar glistened against the sun revealing symbols of an unknown language. Willis squinted trying to make out the words, he's seen them before. "A binding spell," Willis concluded. "It connects the victim to the spellcaster, so they can sense their every move. I've seen this applied to slavers at Cerak At'Thul."

Cerak At'Thul or the black fortress as it's known to the occupants was located deep into Black Bay whenever a person sailed towards it, chills run down a persons spine. It was not known who built Cerak At'Thul but the people who live in there today were slavers who bring in captured people by the hundreds. When Willis was a Pirate he remembered Captain Davis arguing with his fellow Pirates about doing deals with The Black Fortress. Slavery has always been a contentious subject amongst the Pirates, for all their looting and pillaging some Pirates won't bring themselves to become slavers. It goes against their code as free men and women.

Willis has been there a couple of times and witnessed mages dragging their captives who wore the same collar that the blind woman is wearing now. "Even though Djinns can be isolationists who want to be left alone they are also egoistical beings who want to praised at every turn," Willis said. "However it's rare to see them collar up their victims unless they're Marid that is a Djinn who likes resides underwater."

Djinns sometimes can be slavers as well, Willis heard rumors that at Cerak At'Thul Djinns exchanged wishes for slaves. Although this is dismissed as a rumor there were accounts of slave masters dying of drug overdoses or in another case a slave master who wished for eternal life without adding the tidbit that he remained youthful. He was reduced to a husk and disappeared underground. This woman sounded trustworthy and sad considering her companion was in the hands of the Djinn.

"I'm sorry," Willis sighed. "I'm just cautious we're in the middle of a desert that's infamous for having bandit raids. Besides I'm hunting that Djinn that enslaved you." Willis then looked down at Kikwi. "And I got a friend to escort to Elbion."

Willis then took the blind woman's hand in his. "My name is Willis Reede," he said smiling. "The small fry next to me is Kikwi. I'll protect you from the Djinn and rescue your companion but you need to trust me."

Willis then stared at the Owl and smirked. "I got an idea," he said.
Kikwi listened with rapt attention, each new facet of information finding a place in his mind. As new pieces arrived, they were fit together like cogs in a machine. The poor woman had been enslaved by this Djinn and forced to obey its will, and that collar on her neck seemed to be a key component. She didn't seem like she wanted to help it, however, so at the very least her mind appeared to be unaltered.

One bit of information stood out among the rest, a loud warning sign of danger. "If that collar connects her to the djinn..." he began, cautiously, "...and it sent her to find more slaves..." He gulped. "Then it knows where we are!"

He looked up to Willis, fear evident in his feathered face. While he was very grateful that Willis had agreed to take him to Elbion, he was more concerned with the immediate threat of the djinn. But Willis was not afraid, in fact he smiled. It was a sly smile, like a fox, the kind of smile someone got when they had won a game but their opponent did not yet know it.

Kikwi stood up taller (as best he could), and tried to regain his composure. You are not a chick anymore, he thought to himself, You must be brave.

There were many large a ferocious beasts in the Falwood, and Kikwi had quickly learned that avoiding them was better than trying to fight them off. He figured out the tracks in the woods and the telltale signs of their presence so that he could tell when the creatures had been around and if they were likely still in the area. He had gotten pretty good at it, but even he made mistakes. A year or two ago he had found a particularly lush patch of woods covered in moss, mushrooms, and small skittering things. It was an ideal place for study and discovery, but the animal life attracted predators, and Kikwi found himself face to face with a large forest cat. Thinking fast, he grabbed a clump of mushrooms and threw them at the cat. The capsules burst and spores exploded in its face, and Kikwi managed to run while the cat sputtered and coughed.

Kikwi had been lucky to recognize the fertile spores back then, but he knew nothing of the plants and animals of this place beyond what he had gleaned from visitors to his home. If they were to combat a djinn, he would need to know more.

"Tell me," Kikwi whispered, eager to hear Willis' plan. If anyone knew a djinn's weaknesses, it was him.
The afternoon sun glared down on her with its oppressive heat. Small gusts of wind brought no relief as they rolled across the savannah. Her throat was almost as dry as the clay of the dry riverbed beneath her bare feet. All things considered, she couldn't have picked a worse time to be out hunting.

The ibex she hunted was an unusual one. Larger than most with piebald fur and horns as tall as herself. Hunting on the savannah was difficult itself and most of the pelts gathered here went for quite a bit of coin. A hide such as this would be worth a small fortune to the right buyer.

Each step was carefully placed as she moved silently along the dried river. The tracks she followed rounded a small bend in the river. She was close, she could feel it. Elaria cautiously rounded the corner and froze. There it was, the beast she hunted, standing just a stone throws distance away. She froze in place and watched the animal momentarily before slowly knocking an arrow. Keeping her movements slow and close to her body, she raised her bow and drew the arrow back. Carefully, don't hold to tightly to the bow. Steady your breathing.

The arrow was seconds from being released when the ibex lifted its head as if listening. Then, like a flash, it darted off down the riverbed. Elaria's heart sank some, but she knew she wasn't the reason the animal fled. The sound of voices caught her attention. That was an unusual thing to hear way out here. Such a thing could range from merchants to bandits.

Lowering her bow. Elaria climbed out of the riverbed and scanned her surroundings. Her sharp eyes quickly spotted a small group of beings a short distance away. Three humanoids and one small.....owl? This raised Elaria's curiosity as her bare feet silently carried her forward to investigate. As she got closer she saw that the owl was helping an injured man, an Elf to be exact.
Altheao though he smelt blood on the breeze. That faint metallic smell had him a bit worried. Also the presence of a few other unfamiliar scents in the area. He worried that someone might have gotten ambushed by bandits or worse. So he awoken from his nap in the trees and went out to investigate. He was a bit hungry also, so if there was food he would gladly eat it, regardless of what it was.

The multicolored hair elf with purple eyes put on his best cloak. Decorated in little golden beads, star like pieces and other beautiful addons. With the hood draped over his head (making it so only the tip of his nose and his mouth and jaw were visible) he’d walk along the tall grasses of the savanna. Climbing the trees whenever he can and using his tail as a fifth limb.

It did not take long for him to find the culprit of the smell of blood, but he was pretty surprised to find a talking owl in their ranks. A few elves and humans. But the owl was indeed a treat for him. He’d approach them keeping his hands visible not know who they are. The cloak covering up his tail. “You fellows seem in need of assistance. From what I could hear and smell a ways off.” He’d say surveying the group.

He was at least taller than the two women, if only by an inch or two. He’d not at the injured elf and everyone. “If you do not mind but I can help your elf friend with pain if he desires it.” He’d say calmly his words like a stream running down a gentle slope.
Issy didn’t flinch as the man approached her, remaining still, she allowed him to inspect the collar around her neck. The way the fellow spoke and his companion, it was plain to Isabeau that their word was genuine and didn’t seem as if they were here to harm her or Gabby.

“A pleasure, to meet you both, I am grateful for such help.” She stated with a nod of her head, though her brow did raise as he grabbed her soft hand into his. She shook her hand gently within the grasp.

“I’m Isabeau.” She stated slowly taking her hand away. Issy turned her attention to Willis companion, Kikwi, he was right to sound concerned, she was too, but panicking would only make things worse, so why Isabeau kept herself calm and steady.

A whisper from a gentle voice flowed with in her ear, as her head tilted to the side, they weren’t alone as she went silent, just as another voice appeared but there was another, who hadn’t said a word. Issy never gave this away, she just remained quiet, as one of the strangers spoke.

It all started to make sense why she smelled the iron upon the wind, so they had another travelling with them that was wounded. She would have offered help, but her herbal remedies where in the cart back with her companion Gabby and the monster who captured her.

It seemed that Mr. Reed was the one with all the answers and plans, so she remained quiet, she thought it wise now, as she had no clue who had just walked up, and if they were friend or foe. She’d gently wipe the back of her brow, that had small sparkling beads of sweat on her alabaster skin.

The whole ordeal was going to be an interesting tale, to tell over a nice cup of tea, if she survives to tell it that is.
Willis turned to see more people heading to their location. It's just a day full of coincidences huh? They seemed harmless though perhaps they could be of some use. "Right," Willis said crossing his arms frowning as the rays of the hot sun pierced his skin causing it to form beads of sweat. He really wished there was some shelter ahead.

"So you two haven't tried kill us" Willis said placing himself in front of Isabeau and Kikwi. Even though he didn't know the blind woman and the Owl, he wouldn't let them come to harm. "I assume you want to help so listen up. We're catch a Djinn that's roaming around in the desert. This woman is connected to him, the Djinn is forcing her to collect slaves for him."

The talisman in Willis' arm began to light up again. "Isabeau," Willis said. "I need you to take Kikwi over to the Djinn. Present him as a slave for him don't worry Djinns take anyone as their slaves especially low level Djinns."

The young man turned to the half-elf who was wielding a bow. "You a good shot?" Willis asked. "I'm gonna need you to help me ambush and kill the Djinn." he said. "Just give me some cover fire while I charge in. And yeah our Elf is wounded needs assistance as well."

Willis heart began racing as he looked at the potion stuck in his bag. "All right guys," he said clapping his hands. "Let's catch us a Djinn."
Kikwi swiveled his head towards the new voice. At least they were offering to help and not bringing more monsters to them. He only saw one other at the moment, but he thought he heard something else moving through the grass. Perhaps another animal.

His large eyes got larger when Willis mentioned the plan. ”Me??” he squeaked, even higher pitched that normal. He felt a tremor in his knees at the thought. ”Oh I don’t know… I’m very small and not a good slave at all…” but then Willis assured them that the Djinn would take anyone, and Kikwi’s argument was moot.

He swallowed nervously, and tried not to show his apprehension. Willis knew all about Djinns, right? And surely he would not let any harm come to his friend. Still, he did not relish the idea of being bait.
A warm expression appeared on her face as she heard the companion of Willis’s showed his concern. She gently moved toward Kikwi’s voice and knelt, taking a guess of his height as she gently placed her hand out toward him.
“I promise, I will not let any harm come to you, I can tell you are far braver than most I have ever met.” Her words were comforting and delightful to some ears, it was obvious she wasn’t someone who was cruel or even could be.
Issy, was gentle and kind and that was the armor she wore around her, among intelligence. She wouldn’t move her hand any further until Kikwi’s would take her own in a sign of friendship.
“I believe in you.” Those four words, I believe in you were powerful, specially in how a person said it, and that is how Isabeau phrased it. She truly believed with all her heart he could do it and that courage she had for him, would move toward him, hopefully it helped to boost his confidence, it was her goal.
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