Private Tales Missing People

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Jaken had the bounty paper in his hands, actually, the only one. The town did not had any other bounties. Only that one that Jaken had. It was not a specific target, not a human, nor monster. It was an investigation. He was not a detecctive, but the price seemed worth it: 1500 gold coins! This type of reward was only given when Jaken had to fight a 5 meter giant. Apparently the case was about some people disappearing in an area few days away. He could get there by horse, that would be the only way he could carry all his equipment with him, if he went in his wolf form, he would have to leave his weapons (and clothes). That was not the best option, Jaken always needed his weapons besides him on the most dire situations.
"Well, I guess it's something to keep me distracted." he whispered.
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Reactions: Maywynn Wrath
"Please. I want to go home! I have children.." The woman cried from her place chained to the stone alter.
A young girl dressed in a black dress with red leather accents stood over her. Her red and black eyes showed no sadness or remorse. Only glee as she spun the ritual dagger in her right hand expertly. "Yes, yes I've heard it all before Now quit Squirming. If you make me miss the heart I'll pull your spine out through your throat."
She said with a dismissive wave.
There was no anger in her tone, only slight annoyance. Like she was dealing with a dog that wouldnt sit when asked. The woman suddenly became deathly pale and froze in sheer fear. She had seen what happened to the others. This girl wasnt bluffing, nor would she hesitate to carry out her threat.
"Good girl." Maywynn said with a soft smile as she drove the dagger into the woman's heart.
"W-why?" The Woman gurgled out as Maywynn stared at the blood flowing from the skull in the handles open mouth and onto the alter which began to glow a sickly purple as the runes inscribed all over its sides began filling with the blood and lighting up one by one until the entire alter glowed. "Because he hungers my dear."
Maywynn whispered softly in her ear. Her voice taking an evil tone.
"Now sleep. Soon you will be with him just as the others."

She continued as she leaned over and kissed her deeply while giving the knife a quick twist causing blood to spurt from the woman,s mouth into hers. She drank deeply for a moment before breaking the sickening embrace. Smacking her lips before wiping her mouth on her sleeve. The alter continued to glow until the sickly purple turned to a glowing black and the woman's corpse disintegrated into a black essence that floated in the air for a moment before half seemed to sink into the alter and the other half flowed into Maywynn.
"Ah fantastic.." She giggled like a girl who had just been given a treat and cleaned her dagger with her tongue, drying it on her robe and sheathing it.
"Something comes this way my good and faithful servant." Came a voice tickling her ear as she chuckled.
"Very well. I shall greet them when they draw into my woods master." She said as her voice returned to that of a young girls and she moved to the entrance of her cave shrine. Skulls littered the ground as she clasped her hands with a calm happiness and stared longingly into the forest beyond. The thought of someone else coming that she could pull apart.
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"150 gold coins for a horse?!" Jaken asked "That's a steal."
"Look buddy." the man said "I don't give a crap if you are the famous bounty hunter, or a werewolf, I don't care. It's 150 coins. Take it or fuck off."
Jaken growled "FIne. Take them!" Jaken gave the man the coins he demanded, then he mounted the horse, putting his equipment on the bag hanging on the left side of the horse. With that, Jaken made the horse run out of town, into the wild forest he called 'home'. The trip would take at least two days if he moved during a day, maybe a day and a half if he doesn't stop for some sleep. But that was not an option, he needed sleep. A clear mind brings clear thoughts and correct calls.

As the horse walked through a plain, Jaken inspected the map the bounty came with. The area where the people have been missing wasn't that big to be considered as a fortress, but not small enough to be considered as a town. It was somewhere in the middle. The bounty also came with a short report of the case:
'People have been missing in Allir Reach, nearby the mountains. No one knows how they go missing, the kidnappings occur at night, even though there has been groups to patrol the streets at night, people will disappear the next morning. Mothers, fathers, hard working emloyees and children are taken with no trail to where they went, many of the citizens believe that the Cult of Bastellen are responsible for their dissapearences. If anyone can help us out, please help us. Reward of 1500 gold coins to whoever can solve this mystery, and avenge the missing.'
It wasn't much to work with, but he would ask around once he gets there. He did not know anything about this cult, in fact, he had never heard of it. Maybe it was some knock off cult of a bigger one. Jaken always had seen members of a cult as... special people: willing to do whatever to worship some god or entity that may not exist. Devoting their lives to bring something that may not be real at all to life.
In any case, the price was worth it...

(At Allir Reach)

The area seemed peacfull, so it would be obvious that behind those calming houses and environment, there is something dark, crawling in its tight alleyways during the nights. Jaken arrived with his horse a few minutes later. He approached the first house his eyes caught. He knocked the door, waiting for someone to answer. A little kid opened the door. "Hey little buddy." he crouched to him "I've heard that there are some missing people around here. I can help you find them.
"Do you?" the little kid asked with hope "Can you... can you find my mommy?"
"Yeah, I can find her."
"BOY!!" a man screamed from upstairs "WHERE ARE YOU?!" heavy footsteps came downstairs. A tall, fat man showed up in the living room, looking towards the kid and Jaken talking "May I help you?" the man said in an angry tone, holding his son by the shoulder and attracting him to his fat body.
"I'm here to solve this disappearing people incident."
"And you are..." the man asked
"Jaken Larsten."
"THE Jaken Larsten? The bounty hunter? The... the werewolf?"
"It appears that my name is known."
"Come in. I can inform you about the situation." the man invited Jaken, before entering Jaken took out a small knife to defend himself if something went south.
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  • Yay
Reactions: Maywynn Wrath
Maywynn waited until Nightfall to strike. She seemed to fade into the darkness as she descended into the city. Slipping by the guards patrolling the streets as easily as smoke. A young girl. They wanted a young girl.
She moved through the town like a mist sticking to the shadows as she turned into a blackish mists slipping into a house where the girl slept. The father slept by the door. Crossbow in his hand. The wife slept in the bedroom in the back.
Her arms wrapped around the girl no older than 12. Her blonde hair, Her perfect figure, Her innocent blood. Maywynn shivered with delight as she solidified and her hand went over the mothers mouth. She barely had a chance to scream as her head was twisted completely around and fell limp. Her child was pried from her death grip. She stirred slightly as She carried her.
"Hush child. Mothers sleeping." She whispered soothingly.
The girl nodded sleepily and fell back asleep in her arms. Black tentacles seemed to writhe around her and one straightened like a spine and drove up and through the fathers head from under his chin spearing him to the wall for a moment before she withdrew it leaving him to slump to the ground as she exited into the streets. The whispers licked her ears. There was something close. Something new, but it wasnt aware of her yet. She moved into the shadow as another patrolling guard passed by, and began to make her way from the city.
(Before the kidnapping)

The father had told Jaken everything about the disappearances, from where have they began to the last one -his wife- and the trails that the kidnappers had left -none- like shadows in the night. No one knew how they did it, the only thing they knew, the kidnappings occured at night. Jaken took this information and analyzed as deeply as he could, trying to find all possibilities, but he couldn't come to a conclussion, after all, he was no detective, he was a werewolf: a beast guided by its instincts.
"You should stay here." the father said "You can sleep in the couch, hope you don't mind. I think you'll need strenght to find whoever is out there, taking our loved ones."
"No problem." Jaken said "As a matter a fact, I think I'll sleep now. I will go outside this night and stay alert to any susicious sign." with no other words, the wolf went to the couch and laid down on it. He closed his eyes, waiting for the deep sleep to take over him. And so it happened.

(At dusk)

RIght before the sun went down, Jaken was introduced to the guards that will atrol the streets during the night. He memorized their faces so he doesn't get confused and attack the wrong people. After that, Jaken let the transformation begin, scaring some people away, but others admired him as he became into the big, black, furry beast.he was. "Alright." he said in his deep voice "Let's catch this prick."

(At night)

Jaken leaped from rooftop to rooftop, scouting the area in any signs out of the ordinary. Occasionally, he went down and walked through the streets, asking the guards if they have encounteres something unusual, which they all said 'no'. The area he needed to protect was big enough to turn the eye away to keep another place safe, leaving the first place vulnerable.
The night was calmed, with almost no signs of disappearence. That, or the kidnappers were excellent at their jobs, staying in the shadows. But if that ever happened, jaken would be so pissed. A being that was able to walk behind a werewolf without it ever noticing, that would be like a kick in the balls for Jaken.

(After the kidnapping, morning)

"OH MY GOD!! HEEEELP!!" Jaken heard. He was already back to it's human form and dressed, he rushed to the screams of sorrow, it was in a house, with the front door opened, and all windows closed. Jaken ran inside the house, finding a man with a crossbow, and a woman in bed, her neck twisted, her HEAD twisted. The man looked at Jaken with tears in his eyes. Soon, many others appeared in the scene, looking terrified to the scene. Everyone was evacuated from the house, except Jaken and some guards, they would investigate the reainings of the corpse and see if there is any trail to follow.
"Nice patrolling out there animal." one guard said to Jaken "Aren't you a werewolf? Shouldn't you stay alert at any signs? Or did you kidnapped the girl? Wouldn't be surprised. You only kill"
"Ey fuck you!" Jaken barked "I couldn't keep my eyes everywhere, that is also YOUR responsibility dipshit. That's why you are a guard!" he growled.
"BACK OFF!!" the guuard said, aiming his bow to Jaken.
"ENOUGH!!" a second guard said "FOCUS ON YOUR DUTY SOLDIER!" he said to the first guard "WE HAVE KILLERS ON OUR HANDS!! IT IS NO TIME TO FIGHT!!" the first guard lowered his weapon "Good. Now, Jaken, can you track anything form here?"
"Not quite." Jaken said "There are no odors here, let alone the one of the woman. Deceased. There are no marks of hands, which means that the killer had some kind of gloves. Damn. Talk about a kick in the balls." Jaken grunted "Guess for now, we have to wait until night. This time I will be two hundred percent alert, I will sprint all night, rooftop to rooftop, looking for this bastard."
"You better do it." the aggresive guard said "We can't take another loss."
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  • Yay
Reactions: Maywynn Wrath
Night fell once again as Maywynn approached. Her form seemed to shift from solid to mist as she moved about the city street. She barely paid a attention as she solidified in front of a guard.
"Hey what are you doing out this late girl?" He asked approaching her. "Theres a killer running amok dont you.." He froze as she turned to look him in the eyes. "What the..." He said moving to draw his sword. "Whats wrong with your eyes Tell me right now who the fu-" He was cut short as a tentacles speared him in the throat and another grabbed him by the ankle dangling him upside down as he thrashed around in the air gushing blood. She twirled around underneath him enjoying the shower with a giggle. Finally she reached up as the tentacle lowered him to her level. "That wasn't a very nice comment about my eyes...Do you really think somethings wrong with them sir?" She asked as she reach down his throat sinking up to her elbow before grabbing hold of his spine. He gurgled as she stared at him with her eyes devoid of sympathy
"I can feel your spine child." She said as a small grin graced her innocent looking features. "Funny...Didnt think guards like you had back bones." She finished and with a massive pull she ripped part of his spine out through his mouth. What remained of it simple dangled from his lips as she dropped it and cast him aside.
"What a nice surprise." She said with a venomous glee as she moved to the next house.
Turning to mist as she slipped under the door frame before reforming. A child was laying in her bed. Her parents asleep up stairs. She scooped her up gently. With out turning she spoke.

"So. Your the new presence I was sensing. I don't have time to play with furballs.."
Jaken had promised to look over the civilians of the area, he had already lost two and one fade away, without even noticing. But this night it was going to be different. He would hunt down the killer and end this adness once and for all.
The werewolf leaped form roof to roof again, keeping an eye on everything as he did. Then, he listened something unusual, someone being killed. He could hear it from miles away. He turned back and sprinted where the noise had come. But he was too late. There was a body in a puddle of its own blood. The body was by itself, something stupid from the guard, knowing there is a killer around town and him being all by his own. His spine was ripped. The bloody and messy bones were on the ground right besides the body. "God damnit!" he growled. He turned the body, facing it up. it was the guard that called him out that day "Guess I won't be missing ya. Dickhead." he sniffed the body in search of some scent that might get him close to the killer.
There was.
A slight scent, it smelled... like evil. It smelled like a disgusting rotten meat, he could tell it apart from the smell of death. The smell of death was different from this. He followed the scent to where his nose told him. Minutes later, he found what he suspected was the origin of the scent of evil. There was someone, maybe a woman, standing in front of the window of a house. It was staring inside, looking at a figure in a bed. A child. "HEY!!" he barked at the presence "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
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Reactions: Maywynn Wrath
"What do you think I'm doing?"
She said rolling her eyes at his stupidity.
She then slipped through the window and the sounds of carnage and death commenced before she exited out the front door in less than 2 minutes. A child in her arms, and covered in blood.

"I would not go in there if you have a weak stomach. I stabbed her in the eyes with her husband's ribcage." She said with a chuckle turning to walk away. "Is this the part where you try to stop me? I hope so. Tearing you apart will be a great joy." Maywynn said with a genuine smile. "Because I truly wonder how you work.."
The wolf stared at the woman going in the house, he thought about moving, but his body did not respond. His body was paralized. He fought it as hard as he could, but he couldn't move, not even his tail. What was it? He wasn't afraid of the woman, he wasn't afraid of nothing. But his body was dead. Could it be some type of magic? A spell from the woman that could not allow him to move? Those were not seconds that his body was paralyzed, it was around 2 minutes that he couldn't move.
When the woman stepped out with the child in her hands, both of them covered in blood, his muscles gave up. He was no longer paralyzed, he was laying on the ground, deadweight.
"What is th-this?" Jaken whispered "I can't move." he struggled to turn his head towards the woman, standing in front fo him, with the child still in her arms, with a sadistic smile "You... BITCH!! When I get control back of my body... I'll kill you!!" the werewolf did his best effort to stand up, but his body was useless.
This was something else...
"Focus, god damnit. Focus!!" he said to himself.
  • Yay
Reactions: Maywynn Wrath
"Fine." She said her smile remained as she continued to walk away. The control of his body was returned as a black essence seemed to leave his body. She didnt even turn around and continued walking as she spoke.
"There you can move. Now kill me.....Bitch." She laughed as she kept walking.
His body was back in control. Whatever it was, it was something that came from the woman. He was ready for a fight.
"Try me!" he roared, sprinting at the woman in his four legs and jumping to her. Jaken didn't really planned an attack, he was an improviser. Whatever fell on him, he would use it as a weapon a an advantage to get some time and think his next move.
Some tentacles coming from the woman seemed to go for him, but he evaded them right before they could touch him. He needed to be more careful
"Easy there furball. Ive got a sweet little girl in my arms remember. And I would hate to wake her." Maywynn said calmly watching him sprint and doge her attacks. She seemed almost lazily swiping at him. Getting a feel for his speed and agility.
THE GIRL!! He forgot about the girl. She was still asleep in her arms. How could she? There was a massive battle between a werewolf and some tentacles going on, but she was still dreaming. Was she under some sort of advanced spell the woman had put on him just a few minutes ago.
Whatever it was, he'd rather wake the girl up then letting her get kidnapped. A tentacle grabbed his ankle, levitating him from the ground. He didn't give a second thought when he slashed the tentacle off of him. He was back on the ground. Growling
"Fight me on your own, you coward!"
"Why on earth would I do that?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
"You want me to put down something preventing you from attacking me? What else would you like? Cook you a meal? To give up perhaps? How about stripping and bending over so you can fuck my ass silly? Anything else I can do for you?"
She said sarcastically with a harsh laugh.
"No thank you. Im leaving here and you can try to stop me if you want but I warn it may not work out for you or the girl." She continued to walk as the tentacles continued to lazily keep him occupied. She saw guards approaching as they had heard the commotion. Another tentacle struck out and took the first one around the corners head as clean as a sword blade.
"Great. More company. See what you've done. Youve gone and summoned them all to their deaths. How irresponsible of you furball." She said with mock disappointment as she continued walking.
Another Tentacle sliced another guard in half as he screamed at the sight of his friends Lifeless corpse dropping to the ground spraying blood and headless.
A massacre had begun. The tentacles from the woman whiplashed everywhere, killing the insiginificant guards as the werewolf evaded them with ease, though some of them did reached him and gave hiim some scrathces. But he was not going to give up just because she was killing the guards, if they were going to die, at least it'll be worth it.
"SHOOT HER!!" Jaken screamed at the guards.
The bow-handed guards took positions and starting shooting the presence 5 arrows per 3 seconds. But even that, the tentacles were swiftly disposing of the arrows, some were close to killing the woman, while others were redirected to the guards.
And the girl was still asleep.
Jaken, with agile movements and speed eventually got closer to her. Maybe he could distract her by speech.
"Why are you doing this?" he said as he fought off the tentacles "What is your purpose here?"
She barely paid attention him as she kept walking. "I do this because he hungers child." She said as she kept walking.
"I do this because he hungers child."

"Who?" Jaken asked. She certainly wasn't talking about the girl in her arms, so she was talking about someone else. But who? Who or what would requiere children for? Some demon? A god? An entity? "Who needs the children? Why does it need the children?" he looked back at the guards, that stopped firing "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING? SHOOT HER YOU MORONS!!" the guards were paralyzed, they probably had sucumbed to her spell, or maybe it was just fear that couldn't allow them.
A tentacle whiplashed at him, sending him a few meters away from her. He couldn't get close if she had those protecting her, he had to find something that made the tentacles come out, some origin point. But where?
He rolled back in action, ready for a second round.
"Why children? ANSWER ME!!" he roared
"The answers you seek will only offer more question. Questions that will only lead you down dark paths." She chuckled. Her tentacles seemed to come from her very being.
Like they were just extensions of herself they seemed almost liquid and yet could slice through armor and bodies like it was nothing.
" But...Maybe this will show you how out of your depth you are child." She set the child aside laying her on the ground gently.
She threw her arms wide smiling at him warmly.
She looked almost innocent.

"Go ahead. Hit me. Kill me. I wont try to stop you."
The tentacles slipped away and seemed to merge with her being. Before one grew from her back and cut down the other guards with crossbows in a single swipe before it shrank back into her form.
They fell back screaming as they fell in various states of dismemberment missing arms, legs, heads, and some were even cut in half.
The woman let the child go, still asleep, on the ground. The tentacles she had summoned retreated and fused back at her. Though, one of them finished the job by slicing some guards observing the scene. The surviving ones fleed in terror due to the massacre.
In a move Jaken did not expect, Maywynn extended her arms and smiled at him, like if she was asking for a furry hug. What was this about? Some trap Jaken could not tell?

"Go ahead. Hit me. Kill me. I wont try to stop you."

"<<What is she doing?>>" he asked himself. The werewolf stared at the killer woman for some time, he was trying to figure out something off, something that may tell that she WOULD stop him. Something that stated that if he moved, she'd kill him. But there was nothing to figure out.
Jaken wouldn't approach her slowly, giving her time to think on something, that won't happen. Instead, Jaken leaped at her. Pinning Maywynn to the ground. One of Jaken's legs trapped one of Maywynn's arm, one hand was holding her other arm, and the his other hand was wrapped around her neck.
"I want ANSWERS!!" he roared, squishing her neck even tighter "CLEAR ANSWERS!! Who are you? Why are you dong this? For WHO are you doing this?" he snarled.
" Oh Your so forward." She said pressing herself harder against him with a lewd moan grinding her backside against his pelvis. "You really know how to treat a girl that likes it rough." She giggled as she felt around his groin area. "Oh....I see...How.....dissapointing." She said with a slight frown and sigh as she seemed to melt into smoke in his grasp. The black smoke seemed to flow away from him as she reformed in front of him. "But all romance aside darling I didnt say "Hold me." " She said with a chuckle. "I said hit me. Bad dog for disobeying mommy." and with that a massive forced smash Jakken in the chest as she aimed her hand palm up and him and a pillar of energy sprung from it like a spring loaded hammer. "Now do you see how of of your depth you are furball?" She asked returning to the child and turning her back to him to pick her up. "Now go home before I start cutting things off." She was very much enjoying her self at this point almost completely ignoring the wolf who seemed to only have physical ferocity. If she were a mere mortal he would be quite troublesome, but as it was he was only human. Even if a powerful hybrid of one.
Marwynn had taken things way too seriously with that approach of his. Jaken was almost convinced she wanted to have some intimate activities over there. She WAS into it.
Before Marywynn could answer any of his questions, she pushed him with a tremendous force. The wolf had no idea she could do that, when he regained his breath, he saw the woman picking up the child and walk away.
"<<Can't believe I'm about to do this.>> WAIT!" he barked. She sprinted towards her, fast enough so she couldn't notice him.
In one second, the werewolf was standing in front of Marywynn. A tall beast, looking down to a creature half his size.
Jaken went for it. He placed his lips on Marywynn's. He kissed her, it was not an 'elementary-school-type' kiss, it was a passionate one. Tongue and saliva mixed with the kidnapper. Maybe it was an approach of victory, or maybe he would fall on her trap. Who knows?
He pressed his furry body against her tight clothes. Caressing her back slowly. Pushing everything hair he had onto her.
"Wh-" She seemed surprised as she seemed to weaken in the knees allowing him to put his full weight on her and pin her to the ground. She felt his long tongue push down her throat. She seemed to submit to him with a soft moan.
Strangely enough, it did work, in a way. The child was back on the ground, still sleeping. But the two of them (Jaken and Maywynn) were also on the ground, but not asleep, they were kissing.
Something happened inside Jaken's mind, he was still in control of the body, but for some reason, not his actions.
He kept pressing down his body in her's, wrapping Maywynn with his fur, keeping her warm and comfy under his body. His tongue went staright down her throat. His body was in a different mood, it wasn't a killing-like sensation, it was something else. Something that he had not experienced. Never in his life. Could it be... the first time?
"What do you want to do?" he whispered in her ear.
"This.." She said softly grabbing him by the ears and head butting him as hard as she could. She then kicked him off with tremendous strength and rose as a cloud of smoke before reforming and taking the child in her arms. "I cant beileve you fell for that. What is this some romance novel that an old woman keeps over her chamber pot. Grow up child." She snickered as she began to skip away carrying the child as if it were her own.
How was he so foolish? It was something so obvious, he felt ashamed when Maywynn pushed him off. His sexual arousal got the best of him, leaving the perfect oportunity to kill the person who have brought so much chaos and sorrow to the village. Maywynn was running away with the child again. This time, faster than the revious two.
He leaped to a spear that was close to him, a weapon that a decapitated guard had left for him. He took it in his arms, aimed for the woman and launched it. He was not an expert on spears. Knives and crossbows were his things.
He waited for the spear to hopefully impact the kidnapper.