Open Chronicles Mastering the Arcane (College of Elbion, the Great Library)

A roleplay open for anyone to join


The Alchemist
Elbion College
Character Biography
Amid the stacks of dusty tomes, Galen wandered. The young, dark haired apprentice selected two scrolls and one bound volume from the shelves and carried them over to a table on the third floor of the library.

He opened the first scroll and slowly sounded out the title to himself under his breath. While he could read now, it still took him some time. Something the other students in the college reminded him of at every opportunity, with mock stuttering as they pretended to read aloud. Galen did his best not to stutter this time.

"The Muffling Incantation and Its Uses"

Well, that seemed promising.

What did muffling mean again? Oh right, right. Galen pulled the scroll open further and continued to read.

Telemachus said he would meet him on the third floor to "continue your learning, boy."

Until he arrived, Galen planned to learn more about the basics of illusion magic - the only art toward which he had displayed any affinity.

"There you are."

A voice like the sound of beads on an abacus would cut through the air behind Galen - mere minutes after the boy had seated himself. Telemachus stood behind him, expressionless as ever. He wore the robes of a low-level instructor, but stood as if he held jurisdiction over the whole of Elbion. In his hand, his staff was ever-present: black, polished, and featureless. The hum of whatever magic it carried lingered in the air around him, alien and of modest power.

Galen was proving utterly mediocre in his studies, though that was really to say he had surpassed all expectations of a bumbling, gutter-born illiterate. Fortunately his literacy was coming along nicely. Nothing to be done about his upbringing, of course. But for the crime of being an Elf in Elbion, Telemachus expected nothing less than to be saddled with the bottom of the barrel in terms of available apprentices.

Which made it of high priority to turn Galen into an absolute monster - one that would drive the other apprentices to madness and despair. It would give Telemachus a vague sensation that approached... What was it the old bayou sages of Garramarisma used?


"The Muffling Incantation." Telemachus read the title of the book despite apparently not having seen it yet as he circled the table. "You have yet cast a spell to silence your movements?"

Douglas adjusted the reading spectacles as he thumbed the pages of an encyclopedia on Desert Elves and their ancient ruins, a finger carelessly moving the gold rimmed glasses as his attention deviated between the poor illustrations and dry text. A mixture of annoyance and boredom overcame him as he groaned just over the volume acceptable for most of the library, closing the book with a solid slap of pages. A hand moved stray hair from his face as he leaned back, annoyed that the only quality content on the elves of Amol’Kalit was repetitive drivel that spoke nothing of the mysteries, and only what poor assumptions could be made.

The book he had just been reading even made the poor conjecture that ‘The Forbidden City’ was actually built by humans, an obvious nod to its biased nature. No use reading a book that couldn’t even find a basis in others research, but so was the times when anyone could post a book without citing a source. Just another reason not everyone should be a scholar.

With annoyance, he stood and pulled the book under his arm, lifting a satchel to his shoulder as he did so. It held a number of other books, many of which were only given to him for his connections to Agron and Eimur, both of which had given him additional clearance in the library and liberties to research whatever he wished; albeit the most restricted of books, which only actual Maesters of the Fourth Order could read.

Still, his attention was stolen for a moment as he watched Telemachus walk to meet Galen, his only known apprentice. Although Galen and Douglas hadn’t always gotten along, a few trips abroad had given him a suprising perspective on the otherwise unimpressive student, and while around most others he wouldn’t speak to the near illiterate for the sake of social standing, he couldn’t help but be curious what they were studying.

Taking his time, he wandered over and spoke with a kindred tone;

Master Telemachus. Galen.”, giving individual attention as he said their names.

Studying anything specific?

Galen started in his seat and froze, the way a cat might when it sees that you see it, but hopes that if it stays still enough for long enough that you will simply forget seeing it in the first place.

"Master Telemachus. You surprised me."

The library was so quiet, Galen would have thought he'd have heard the elf coming. Maybe Telemachus had used the muffling incantation on himself.

"I have, sometimes. I was actually wondering if it could be used in a different way to-"

Meandering footsteps distracted him as Douglas Haley made an appearance, carrying with him an aura of melancholy that seemed to hang about his shoulders like a cloak.

"Master Telemachus. Galen," Doug began.

Galen cocked his head, then subtly pointed at Haley.

"Studying anyth-"


The former thief's fingerless gloved hand glowed faintly.

Douglas' mouth continued to move, but no words came out.

"Huh. Now that's interesting."
Telemachus arched an eyebrow as Douglas Haley was suddenly silenced, mid-sentence, by his own apprentice. Well done. If only they could arrange to do that every time someone happened to die where Master Haley could see. They could save the whole of Elbion from his wailing.

"Well done, Galen," Telemachus said, sounding far less interested than he might have actually been. "Perhaps you could further demonstrate your skill by removing that spell from Mister Haley before he thrashes you."

The boy was growing rather bold to mute one of his peers in front of Telemachus. This exercise he had arranged could possibly fix that, or give Galen the beginnings of a self-esteem if he managed to succeed. Either case would prove satisfactory. Telemachus turned to walk away, calling behind him as he went.

"Please join me in the lobby on this floor when you are finished. Mister Haley may observe - or participate - if he wishes."

Unfortunately, Douglas could still hear himself speak, alluding to a lack of skill on Galen’s part. Even still, it was a stark improvement from only a few months prior when Gale had so poorly attempted to ruse his fellow students into believing he could read; a ploy that did play out as others found out of his impediment. Not that it mattered much now.

Douglas offered a subtle smile, wiping his thumb across his lip as if to rid it of any latent magic;

Not bad.”, he said somewhat enthusiastically. “Learned that myself when I was just over eight summers.

He paused for a moment, following Galen as the two moved with Telemachus towards the lobby of the floor, giving the former thief a coy grin;

How old are you again, Galen?

It was an obvious jab, something Galen would have no trouble understanding, but it was simply in exchange for silencing him. In truth, Douglas didn’t mind all that much; as magic to him, while a fundamental part of his being, always held a slight distaste in his own practice. It simply served as a form of curiosity and study rather than a reliance.

Though there was obvious some apprehension that caused that, as evident by his own master’s prosthetic arm.

Still, as the group found its way into the lobby, Douglas sat quiet waiting for Telemachus to speak; curious as to what exactly he had in mind to for teaching. As one of the top students in the college, he had a natural affinity and intrigue for such matters; and perhaps he could offer some help to the situation, whether Telemachus liked it or not.


Bait. But good bait. He bit.

"When I was eight I didn't have any money. Or food. Or family. Had to learn how to cut purses on my own. On a good day I might earn enough to buy a loaf of bread," Galen said as he followed Telemachus, voice not quite a whisper, "on the bad..."

Storm blue eyes slid sideways at Doug, "Well, rat doesn't taste so bad, once you're used to it."

He smirked.

Fucking bourgeois.