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Restless Revolutionary
Character Biography
Are you a princess in need of an escort? A monster that could do with a hunter? An elf wanting to get both ears shaved off? Boy do I have the perfect Dreadlord for you! Not only is Callarn open to all sorts of hijinks, with any character in any place at any time, he is most certainly guaranteed to come off the worst for it! I'm still learning the ropes with him, so these first misadventures will end up shaping up his characterization a lot. It'll be fun!
Ōjo Akane I can see house House Urahil of Vel Anir wanting an agent to set up relations with Akane, partly to figure why she's in Arethil and partly to find a way to profit from it. Any ideas? Kidnaping's still on the table ️

Helia Glacies Kyxo Basically Callarn can go everywhere but Vel Anir itself. What if Helia is crossing its lands, and Callarn is sent as an escort? Or as a kidnapper also ️
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@Ōjo Akane I can see house House Urahil of Vel Anir wanting an agent to set up relations with Akane, partly to figure why she's in Arethil and partly to find a way to profit from it. Any ideas? Kidnaping's still on the table ️

How would the kidnapping work out? Would she be able to appeal to his better side, have to fight her way out or would it be used as a negotiation tactic where they stage a kidnapping only to ‘resue’ her in order to garner favor during talks? Maybe they take her for interrogation?
@Helia Glacies Kyxo Basically Callarn can go everywhere but Vel Anir itself. What if Helia is crossing its lands, and Callarn is sent as an escort? Or as a kidnapper also ️
Ya know, I've never been kidnapped before. And her powerful Ice magic would be incentive for a Dreadlord to target her... Although her ties with her kingdom and her upcoming coronation would probably not appeal to the Dreadlord leaders.
Still... I think it would be fun!
She would likely be easiest to kidnap while on the road, as the princess and upcoming queen she's expected to keep good relations with other kingdoms and she prefers to do so in person.

Unless you think he's able to break into the castle and steal her out of her room without getting frozen solid :D
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Reactions: Ōjo Akane
Forgot to watch this thread.

Yeah! I'm down! Perhaps they can meet at a middle ground town in a keep for their meeting for the purpose of keeping good relations between their kingdoms.

The kidnapper had better have a good countermeasure against against magic!
So the premise is, in a middle ground to discuss trade and/or alliance, Akane and Helia meet and are attacked and abducted by Callarn or Laith and rescued by the other? Also I’m perfectly fine with my character being so.d and not rescued if you’d rather that happen. Anything goes save death or permanent, debilitating injuries.
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Reactions: Helia Glacies Kyxo
Liath is more apt to do the rescuing. Unless his Fae patron ordered the abduction. Then he'd be compelled, and that might be... Different
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Reactions: Helia Glacies Kyxo