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Open to brainstorming ideas with the characters listed, can also make others to fit in where needed,  if needed. Some of the characters listed need a little reworked as either the storylines they wete apart of are no longer or the writers are no longer writing. Let's just have some fun! If you'd like to get ahold of me through Discord, name is WynterWillow.
Last edited:
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Haze
Hi Wynter Willow!

I'd like to write with you :) I am gradually getting more time lately to write, though I will still probably be a little pokey with responses - if you're okay with that, I'd be happy to brainstorm with you on Discord. (I'm redacted3377)

My characters: https://chroniclesrp.net/Folklore/Sandbox:Ranvenas-Portfolio

I don't have any big storylines going with any of my characters anymore, but I could revive one if any of them seem interesting. Otherwise I'm up for going with a plot you'd like to work on or coming up with something totally new!