LFG Let's talk about death


Character Biography
Hello there, deathlings to-be (and undead friends as well).

With all of what has been going on here recently and probably is to come, I thought it would be fun to explore the relationship with death and the dead this word has. Therefore I'm looking for people who might be up for that as well.

Do you need the services of an undertaker?
Are you desperately trying to revive somebody?
Are you a fellow necromancer/student of death in need of a company or an adventure?
Do you think that anybody who is close to death should be sent to it themselves?

If you like the sound of any of these or have some other plots in mind, then: let's talk about death.
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Reactions: Kalia Oro Khastan
Oh, he would definitely be interested that, Harrier. We could get something slow going on (I don't mind waiting for replies) or you could let me know when you have more free time on hand.
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Reactions: Harrier
Definitely a new guy here, but I'd like this type of thread if you'll have me. Maddix is desperately trying to discover the history of his mother and would even consider attempting to revive her to do so, possibly pushing him down a much darker route. Anyways, if you'll have me, I'd love to jump into something.

Maddix Vadangraff I definitely like the sound of that. As far as I see it, Movrin visits Elbion often enough and if one asks the right questions, it isn't too hard to find him, even if he keeps low profile. Feel free to set up a thread, or I can try to do it tonight/tomorrow.

Kalia Oro Khastan I would love that. Got any plots in mind, or would you like me to make something up?
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Reactions: Kalia Oro Khastan