Fable - Ask Invitation Not Included

A roleplay which may be open to join but you must ask the creator first
Character Biography
She hurried along the street, quite pleased with herself.

It had taken the better part of the last several days to lay the groundwork for her current scheme, and now she delighted in the feel of the silken fabric on her skin. Of course, the dress was only one part of the planned festivities for the evening. She herself had little love for social events, but there were any number of things she would tolerate for the sake of those she truly cared for.

An evening spent being social with short-sighted people would make Draedamyr happier than it would her. Indulging in a little of her own mischief would make up for it, though. What could be more fun than inviting oneself to a party and enjoying all of the good bits of it without having to actually having to do anything so crass as get to know people? What was more, there would be art and all the things that her elfin companion enjoyed.

She had told him to meet her at the Bards' Reprise in the Inner City as the sun was setting. Dressed as she was, she would not be too out of place. She really was quite pleased with herself; a low cut, off-the-shoulder bodice of pale red with silver and thread-of-gold embroidery in an elegant pattern at the top. Cinched with a silver belt and with pleated cream-colored skirt, the hem embroidered in the same pattern but in maroon. The cool evening air caressed much more skin than she was accustomed to showing, but if she were going to go to a party she might as well at least try to fit in with the crowd.

Among wealthy people, it would be down right rude to show up in something more simple. And even if she did prefer simplicity in most situations, she couldn't help that she actually enjoyed dressing in finery, meaningless though it might be. Besides, there didn't have to be a reason to find something less plain to wear.

She might not have done any such thing were it not for a certain man, though.

She hurried along to their meeting place, smiling a little at the thought of his reaction to the entire affair, of which she had divulged next to nothing.
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In the absence of good company, conversation, wine and entertainment, Draedamyr would accept good wine on its own.

A new bottle was uncorked before him. He stood at the bar of the Bard's Reprise, the owner of the establishment left the bottle standing with the cork beside it as he reached for a glass. Humans normally drank from wooden cups, but he was pleasantly surprised by the appearance of glasswear.

Draedamyr took the little exchange quite seriously. He sniffed the cork. It didn't smell off. He watched and waited as a splash of claret was poured into his glass. He swirled it, drew it up to his nose and then took a sip.

"Very good," he said. He wouldn't call it a complex flavour, but for human fermentation and bottling it was pleasant. A full glass was poured and Draedamyr asked for a second before he spied a corner away from people already at tables.

He sensed her before he saw her. Her magic was even older than him, far older than he was. He didn't fully understand it, but he knew there was something that bound them now.

He turned to the door as he reached for his glass. He stopped reaching for his glass. His expression managed to split, running in two directions at once. His brow creased in confusion, but his lips split into a wide smile.

"You look...Well...Wow."

He took pride in his eloquence, but it fled on the breeze she had invited by opening the door. His lips spoke praise, but his eyes continued to speak of his confusion.
She moved in a gliding motion that barely disturbed her skirts, fixing him with a brilliant smile. There was an edge of mischief in her face today, the set of her lips and the gleam in her eyes. Though not often one to indulge in the ... predilections of the Fae, every now and again it was fine.

Practically required, even.

"And you look like the picture of refinement and culture," she said with a teasing lilt to her voice. The glide vanished and she swept past him to the quiet little corner he had selected for their retreat. She made sure to sashay ever so slightly while he was still watching.

"I've brought you a gift today," she said lightly as she levered herself up into the seat. Being short had many drawbacks; wearing skirts in a world designed for people much taller than she was yet another such.

She flicked her wrist, and an elegant card appeared there, embossed and smelling freshly printed. She offered the invitation to the Drae with an exaggerated flourish and without another word. Just a smile, that mischievous light glowing in her eyes.
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"And you look like the picture of refinement and culture,"

"I would have worn one of my nice doublets had I..."

Draedamyr was cut off from finishing his protest as she walked away. He watched instead, walking a pace or two behind.

"I've brought you a gift today," she said lightly as she levered herself up into the seat.

Her little hop up into the chair drew his attention back to what she said. Her suddenly shift in demeanour had caught him off guard; her deliberate walk had held his gaze.

They had met one another as he had just entered one of the darkest points of his life. She had started climbing out of hers. They were still only just enjoying and exploring the brighter sides of one another.

"Oh what is this?" he asked. There was a mix of excitement and suspicion in his tone. "It's not another one of those gatherings is it?"

The immortal creatures had certainly been a interesting group of individuals to meet.
"One of the Court functions?" She sounded distinctly... amused. She eyed Draedamyr with a sidelong look that spoke so much more than the few words she had spoken could ever convey. There had been some memorable moments in the last she had attended, warlock in tow.

"No, nothing so dire. I stay out of the Courts most of the time for a reason." Mostly because she was not welcome in some of them. Among other things, among them the fact that their machinations often brought painful memories with them.

She wafted the poured glass of wine waiting for her into her hand. She sipped from it with no visible reaction. She did not have his finely adapted palate for wine; if she did drink she did so to be sociable. Or, of course, to dull the pain wrought by the wounds this world placed upon her. The iron laws of magic were more prison than any cell could ever be.

"This is a..," she paused for a moment, cocking her head to one side and then huffed a laugh. "...borrowed invite to some wealthy social event." She raised an eyebrow and dared him to comment on how she had acquired it.

"There will be wine. And probably art. And it won't matter if I have to carry you out on a tendril of wind this time," she teased.
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His look was thoughtful as he inspected the card. She knew his tells now. His expressions were always subtle. Draedamyr was intrigued.

"Some real civilisation," he commented, offering a smile.

He enjoyed the finer things in life. Plays, art and wine. They were usually to be found in cities. By contrast, Seska seemed to enjoy the quieter parts of the world.

He reached across the table, gentle squeezing her wrist in appreciation.

"If this has been borrowed, I am hoping our welcome will not be quickly worn out?"

One eyebrow arched upwards. If this had been sent to another, was he going to get thrown out before he could be carried out.

"I am sure the wine will not betray me at this event."

He was a proud creature, but he had learned his lesson.
His touch made her blood sing, but she carefully kept it from her face. She draped her other hand over his lightly. "In so much as humanity offers by way of civilization. Someone is bound to be robbed or stabbed. Even if it is only metaphorically."

She almost giggled at the thought of being found out. "Please. I've been brushing up on some of those long disused skills," she chirped. "A little fog in the mind of anyone who questions is small enough price to pay." It wasn't even an intrusive glamor, either. It was how the Fae world existed alongside that of the mortals in the first place.

"Besides, if the wine does betray thee this night, I might have to clear your mind some other way." There was a bit of heat in her tone, there and gone like summer lightning.
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"There will be no succumbing to wine," Draedamyr said firmly. That little flash of lightning had come and gone, but in response came the weight of the rolling thunder. He leaned forwards across the table.

"Because it seems that tonight would be better served by starting and finishing with a clear head."

Mostly clear, anyway. A gentle buzz was never unwelcome.

"So what seed was planted to grow into this plan?" he asked curiously.
The confidence and playfulness melted at the question. She looked away for a moment before she finally answered him. She did not quite meet his eyes.

"You were enjoying yourself so much around immortal company and, well..." She trailed off and shook her hair so that the fall of silver flew. "I just don't go and do many of the things you like," she said almost too quiet to be heard.

She was not young. Neither was her. Both of them had been in enough relationships in their lives to know that the ones that stood the test of time were ones where both participants got something they wanted. And, truth to tell... even if she didn't really like the cities and the art, so long as she was in his company she could tolerate it.

More than tolerate, really. She knew better than most of ephemeral life was. Every moment was special because it was a moment that could never be reclaimed.

"We always retreat to the country. I thought maybe you would appreciate,.." she started, and then altered her voice to make it sound like his. Or at least his mannerisms. "...the finer things in life. Some representation of civilization."

She paused a moment, and then laughed delightedly at her own humor.
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