I'm out.

Cauldwin Talson Valfnyr

The Butcher of Alliria
Character Biography
I've been on the forum for a while now, and to be frank: this stopped being fun a while ago. First it was kind of fun, the less, then it started to feel like a chore, and now I just don't enjoy participating on the forums. I feel bad given leaving suddenly will screw over a thread I was a part of, but my heart's not in it and my writing and RP is suffering as a result. I just can't keep putting time and effort into something I genuinely don't enjoy anymore.

At the end of the day, I'm just another rando on the internet and the site will go on just fine without me.

Keep it wicked, Crows Call out.​
I think I'd have quit too if I tried to post over a thousand words on the regular. Enjoy your break (because if you're anything like me, it's probably just a break :D ).
Had a bit more to add, so figured I’d just redo the post.

We had some great threads and I would’ve loved to have more, but I understand and wish you well. We brainstormed up some good ideas, and I owe quite a few to you; Itra definitely wouldn’t be anywhere near what she is without your input.

Wish you the best and glad I wrote with you; take care and farewell