UBE: Good noonday to you, Master Javier. Do you have any proficiency with the use of magic?
JAV: No, sir. I don’t.
UBE: Have you ever encountered an necromancy before in your life?
JAV: Uh, yes. Like, a few days ago. With the winged horse.
UBE: Are you claiming the horse was
JAV: I mean, it had to be, yeah.
UBE: What do you mean, it had to be?
JAV: It didn’t act like a, uh, normal horse. Live, horse, I guess.
UBE: Are you familiar with every single horse in existence, winged and unwinged?
JAV: Uh… Just the ones… Around here.
UBE: So you don’t actually know that the horse was undead, you just know that it didn’t act like a normal horse, correct?
JAV: I know that live horses are supposed to breathe. And that one, you know. Didn’t.
UBE: Are you aware that there are some
species of whale that can hold their breath for up to a month?
JAV: I don’t get whales in the stables, so, uh. No. Didn’t know that.
UBE: And you also don’t know every single type of horse, correct?
JAV: I mean, I guess not, but I know enough about horses -
UBE: So there could be a type of horse that exists that does not breathe through traditional means which you are unaware of.
JAV: I know dead horse’s don’t breathe, so...
UBE: That wasn’t my question, Master Javier. My question was could a type of horse exist that does not breathe through usual means.
JAV: I mean, yeah! Sure! It exists ‘cause I saw it, and it was, you know, undead. That’s the type of horse that doesn’t breathe.
UBE: Master Javier, you stated earlier that you have no magical proclivity, so aside from the lack of defecation and the lack of visible breathing, you do not actually know that the horse was undead, correct?
JAV: What? No, I know it was undead, I don’t need, like magic, I guess, to… To know… Do I...?
UBE: Master Javier, if I put you into a coma so deep that to our mortal perceptions you did not appear to be breathing, would you be dead?
JAV: ...That’s a weird question.
UBE: Just a yes or no, please.
JAV: No, I guess not.
UBE: Thank you. So, it was your opinion that the horse was undead, correct?
JAV: That’s what I’ve been saying.
UBE: How soon after seeing the horse did you develop that opinion?
JAV: I dunno, maybe a couple days. Yeah, a day or two.
UBE: And you did not report this undead horse to the city watch?
JAV: Well, I guess - I didn’t, uh, think it was undead at the time. It was, uh, just a weird horse. But then, like, I hear later that that’s what undead horses do.
UBE: So you only developed the opinion that it was undead AFTER speaking with Lieutenant Gullhorn and the Procurator, correct?
JAV: No, not those guys, I asked my cousin, who does, uh. Housekneeping, yeah. At the College. He knows about that kind of thing.
UBE: Your cousin. I see.
*Heavy wheezing noises*
UBE: Master Javier, you’re aware that harboring an undead construct is against the law, aren’t you?
JAV: ...Yeah.
UBE: So, sitting here today, do you believe the emaciated horse you were harboring in your stall was undead?
JAV: But I didn’t put it there, that Steve Will’s Son did.
UBE: Master Javier, harboring the undead is a serious offense. Isn’t that what you were doing, or were you, perhaps, mistaken in the belief that it was undead?
JAV: Uh...
UBE: I think the punishment is ten years exile? Twenty? Excuse an old orc, I forget.
JAV: Uh, maybe, maybe someone could… Uh, clarify.
*shuffling papers, throat clearing*
UBE: Permanent exile and confiscation of all personal property in Elbion. Do you have a family, Master Javier?
JAV: ...I do.
UBE: Ah, I’m sorry. Well, let me reask my previous question, which I believe was unanswered. Were you harboring an undead construct, Master Javier, yes or no?
JAV: Hey, you can’t, like, force me to only say yes or no… Can you?
UBE: Your honor, can you please instruct the witness to answer.
JAV: Okay! Okay! Uh… There was a, a zombie horse in the… Stable that I run. Without my knowledge. Or, uh, consummate. Consent! Consent.
UBE: So, you’re confessing to harboring a zombie? Or are you not sure that it was undead? Could you, perhaps, be mistaken? After all, you don’t know every type of horse in existence…
JAV: I… I guess my cousin could be… Wrong…?
UBE: Thank you, Master Javier. No further questions.