Quest Hoard of the Dragon Queen I

Organization specific roleplay for governments, guilds, adventure groups, or anything similar
Character Biography

Rainrand inn, 26th of New Earth, early spring.
What a dour day. And It wasn't all that common for this region to see rain at midday.

Serge Lavier expected the brave heroes to tickle in by by one.
He, as a man appeared appropriately groomed to be a servant of a rather extravagant and demanding sorceress. The kind of woman you would not like to deal with personally. You could see it in his eyes that he found mirth in being several thousand miles away from her.

Enjoying a cup of a herbal infusion and a lit pipe, his eyes gazed past the window he sat against. Looking out for any new figures that might come by, either on foot, horse or carriage.
In such a rain only people with business made themselves seen in the open.

Garrod Arlette Sol Eclipse
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One thing about Sol many realized when they met him in such conditions was that he never had to deal with such things as rain. Unless there was a torrential downpour, the natural heat he let off due to his nature kept him dry. Even today, he barely had to worry about being wet since the heat emanating from him burned the water off his skin almost as quick as it hit him.

His clothes were still soaked though. Even though they were a part of him as well, they didn't usually take on that specific aspect of who he was. That was why he was so glad to see the Inn which he had been looking for. He had hunted many things, but a dragon was one he had yet to face off against.

*Just remember, beasts here will have thicker hides, so you won't be able to burn everything away like usual. Be careful.*

With those last few words from his sister before the actual hunt, he found his way inside, accompanied by the strange hissing noise that came from his body's heat steaming his wet clothes. He looks around the immediate room, checking the bounty page he had brought with him to make sure he knew who he was looking for.

*Wish they put more than just the name.*

He truly hated socializing, and dreaded if he would have to call out for the man he was looking for.
Absolutely Radiating

Serge Lavier waited for a moment, inspecting the new arrival for about half a minute, perhaps even initiating eye contact before declaring; »I reckon you're here to raid the dragon queen's hoard? «
The man leaned back, balancing in his chair with arms crossed in a relaxed, casual way.
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Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Sol looked up from the page as he hears the man speak out, taking a second himself to send a mental image of the man to Luna before he answers.

"You'd be correct. Usually wouldn't travel so far for a single job, but hey, not every day you get the chance to go through a dragon's hoard."

Sol walks over to where the man is sitting, taking a seat for himself and placing the paper on the table.

"Name's Sol. Guessing you'd be Nidraak?"
The man tilted his head before correcting, » Serge Lavier as stated. I will be your medium to the contractor, Archmage Leonora Caduca of Mirapol.«

»Take a seat Sol, it might be some time before your partner will show up. «

He uncrossed his arms and beckoned to one of the spare chairs on his table. One of the staff noticed the arrival and slowly made her way towards Sol to see if there was anything he'd like to have off the menu.
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Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Sol nodded and sat down, waiting for the woman to approach before asking for a simple drink of mead. He never ate, even for the sake of pleasure. Unlike his sister, he saw nothing gained out of it except for a small bit of energy.

"Apologies. Not the best at names. Any idea who will be joining? Or are we going to have to wait and see?"

He took the mug from the woman with a small nod of thanks before taking a long drink.
Heavy boots knocked against the old wood of the floorboards, the soft clink and rustle of well fitted armor sounded as a cloaked figure approached the table at which Sol and Serge sat, a pale white gauntlet hung from the travel worn folds of fabric.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," a cool voice came from beneath the hood. Hands raised up to remove the cowl and reveal a man with one bright green eye, and a shock of white hair. "Dragon hoard raid, I take it?" he asked, looking at the man with pipe, then the other who seemed to look about to catch fire. He smirked. "Name's Garrod, monster hunter," he slung his greatsword off his shoulder and rest it against the table before he sat down. "Tea smells nice," he remarked idly as he sat back and listened.
  • Yay
Reactions: Nidraak
»It appears we don't have to wait for long, « motioned Serge towards the new arrival as he made himself known. »Make yourself comfortable as I go through the briefing. «

» The generous sorcerers, «
he began with a somewhat disdainful tone, » has appointed supplies for the mission, so you may not need to take care of your equipment yourself. Enough rope to rig a ship and excavation tools to go with the usual supplies of rations. They should arrive at Dunumhold within a week as speak. A small town slightly north of the portal stone in Eretejva
Serve casually flipped through some pages in a small booklet before returning his attention back to the cast.
» I believe you are quite brave to take on a dragon's lair. Of course, the dragoness that resided there is long gone, and it might just as well be a waltz in the courtyard...or not. «
  • Devil
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Sol nodded a greeting to the new arrival, glancing at the large sword he leaned against the table. Least he had someone who knew how to fight, unless the blade was just for show. Then again, carrying around something so large just for appearance would be more bothersome than not.

"Sol. Nice to meet you."

He took a drink from his mug, polishing off the mead before setting it down and turning his attention to Serge. Supplies, rations, the typical necessities for such a trip, especially if they bring back more than just a few treasures.

He couldn't help but chuckle a little as he heard that the dragon was gone. He had hunted enough to know such a beasts lair would most likely have new residents if the monster was indeed gone.

"What other types of beasts live in the area. If the dragon is indeed gone, then natural law would dictate that others would use the space for themselves. And, forgive my lack of knowledge on these matters, but what portal stone are you speaking of? I'm afraid I know little of those."
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Reactions: Nidraak
Garrod nod in acknowledgement of his would-be partner. "Well met," he replied, then listened to their contractor, idling in his chair, his posture relaxed, leaned back in his chair like some lazy alley cat, his green eye alert, and the claws of his gauntlet flexed out as he stretched his fingers and tapped the table in idle patience.

When there was a pause he ordered a cup of tea for himself from one of the servers, thanked them when the fragrant beverage came to the table, and listened some more as Sol asked on what could be in the vacant den, and where it actually was.

"Stone in the tundra," Garrod added. "Cold, distant place," he smirked, and sat up straight to take a drink from his hot cup. His lips parted from the rim of the ceramic vessel. "Ever been to the tundra, Sol?" he took another sip, and waited to see if their contractor would provide any further information.
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Reactions: Nidraak
» Upriver by Cariou with a passenger ship, and travel by camel to the portal stone is a well-established route. It will be marked on your maps. The portal stones in question are the Elbion portal stone and the Eretejva portal stone. You only need a little magic to trigger the trip.« Serge motioned back towards the topic at hand.
»Indeed, the lair is likely not empty. The undead are known to reside in Eretejva in droves so large they are unknown in the rest of the world. Of course, there comes the native fauna, wolves, mammoths, sabertooth cats, and the ice-serpents. Those burrow underground.«
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Sol listened to both of them as his questions were answered. He was surprised they had nothing to say on how little he knew of the area, but took it as a sign that few would go there in the first place. Even though he had never been to the tundra, it certainly wasn't his first journey through the cold.

"Tundra, no, never been. However, I am no stranger to cold areas. I have no issue with cold, and any undead we come across can be dealt with easy enough, though large numbers can be troublesome."

As he spoke he sent his sister a mental note to look up anything she could on ice-serpants, knowing little of them since he had never fought one before.
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
Garrod scratched the side of his face absently, the eerie white of his gauntlet shimmering, irradescent as a beetle's shell, the pale pearl gem gleamed, with the awareness of a living eye.

"Troublesome indeed," the hunter added. "Dealt with basilisks before," he said as he shifted back with his cup of tea in hand. Sipped from it. "Not too many ice-serpents," he shrugged. "Serpent creatures are oft similar in challenge," he went on. "Poisons, gazes, ambush tactics and other things to consider," his armored finger tapped idly at his mug, the ceramic tinked softly. "I'm sure there is a Noct Yaegir's den near the Eretejva gate, we are likely to find some information on local threats, a bit of coin spent there could see us better prepared at that," he nodded, and looked to Sol to see if he followed.

You surely have bested quite a few beasts, oh bearer mine. The demon laughed within its wearers mind. And fed me quite well with their flesh.

"Make sure you wear warm clothes, Sol," Garrod teased with sharp smile.
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Reactions: Nidraak
Sol leaned forward against the table, listening to the words of his partner. He knew when to listen to others, especially when they had more experience. He couldn't help but chuckle a little at Garrod's joke, responding to him in a fashion that Luna would be proud of.

"Serpents are nothing new to me, I've dealt with just a few, though they were nothing special. Can't say I know anything about this... Noct Yaegir? Never heard of it, anyways. As for clothing... "

He took out a small journal from his inside pocket and tore a piece out, setting it on the table before taking his glove off. He looks at Garrod before grabbing the paper and slowly tracing a finger across it's surface. When the sheet was handed to Garrod the paper had been burned along the areas he had touched.

He put the glove back on with a small smirk. "Warmth is no issue to me."
  • Yay
Reactions: Nidraak
Serge nodded his head quietly as the two conversed. Perhaps he could tell more of the elusive Eretejvan beasts, but it was often hard to place real researchers up there in the north. The nordenfiir were unreliable, the Noctural elves too distrusting, and Tundra elves you could not even dream to ever come across.
As the conversation slowly shifted, his gaze returned to them both before stopping by Sol.
»Not hard for me to believe, you are positively radiant. «

»If you possess no other questions, I believe the sooner you arrive at Dunumhold and find Frost Spire at the blood lake, the faster you get to your payment. «
  • Smug
Reactions: Garrod Arlette
The day had closed off by pleasant conversation, and the pair was hurried to join to dockside just one hour north from the Rainrand inn. A ferry transported people up the Cairou river all the way up the Ur Sanpur. Their stop, however, was in Kamarhan, far past the grand but shattered city of traders and mages.
Despite being dubbed the Elbion portal stone, it was located three countries and a half away from it.
A brief stop there offered good rest from the riverine voyage, and the city offered much in brief entertainment.
While finally catching up with the porters, there was much time to spend before a suitable caravan to join would be found. Good food and drink, and entertainment like song and dance would do much in quelling boredom.

Caravans from Kamarham to the portal stone were not as frequent, but a small detour slightly to the north of a stone with a larger group offered more protection from raiders and bandits hiding within the arid lands.
Thankfully the nights in the month-long trek were mostly peaceful, even though they were occasionally stirred by red burning lights on the horizon.
The guardsman's tea did much good in calming one's nerves at such times.

Sometime towards the end of the trek, your party split off and kept moving southwest. Other caravans came into view, but also small foolish groups of single people and adventurers. The portal stone was just in view when you noticed the rather not-so-insignificant crowd before it.
Of course, large masses of people were extremely cumbersome to transport through stone, but sometimes jams like this happened as well.
The head porter went ahead to organise with the rest of the people, and one by one, the groups that came earlier vanished. Each time a group of people went through, a downtime followed. Your turn to pass only came the next day at midday, at which a gentle magical caress of the stones began to twist your group through unfathomable space.

The hot arid air turned to the chill of the frigid cold. No wonder some of the porters turned on their coats before leaving.
The last stretch of the trip was a well-marked trade route with rune marks etched into stone. In due time, some of the porters would have thought any of the heroes how to read them if so asked. No doubt useful in such a place.
Through a rather uneventful trip through well-managed woodland paths, the porters unpacked the goods at a small boar farmer in Dunumhold, who was willing to host the pair of heroes for two days at most if they wished to stay this long. He was a rugged Nordenfiir, who didn't have much to say other than questions of the world that was not his own.
Travel was oft a tedious part of the job. The slow roll of the wagon. The passing of the landscapes as they shifted, from temperate coastal lands, peppered by shrubbery and trees clinging to rugged cliffs, to the arid sands of the desert. Only to walk through magicked gate, and find oneself in the biting cold of the far and distant north. Ice winds and wet snow beneath boots, pulling closer fur lined coats that were too warm but moments ago.

Cold as it was, Garrod was glad to be closer to the job they had set out to accomplish.

Too much time in between acceptance and accomplishment gave more time for ruinous thoughts to set into the mind. To worm their way down.

Doubts. Wise when headed, folly when left to grow.

Lies, oh bearer mine. Came that voice all too familiar to the Yaegir, there in the cabin of the farmer.

Garrod learned his name was Rhungald, and he grimaced as the intrusive voice sounded in the dark of his mind.

You but hunger. For the hunt.

A smirk. Sharp. A tick of feral nature.

From his belt pouch he pulled a silver coin, a strange flame engraved upon its surface, he showed it to the farmer. "Know of the Yaegir's, Rhungald?" The light of the candle flame rippled and danced
across the silvery surface of the coin.

Nidraak Sol Eclipse
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Reactions: Nidraak
Sol was no stranger to travel, much of his life being mostly moving to different places after being hunted down again. At least this time he wanted to go. He couldn't even complain about the massive crowds around the stone.

Speaking of, he wondered about these stones, sending a query to his sister about them, who promised to look it up next time she took off to the library. He couldn't help but smile when this happened, realizing he would be lucky to get her to leave that place.

Then they went through the stone. He enjoyed the feeling of his Solar Relocation, his form still being one and he knew where he was going. However, he felt as though he had no control in this thing, and wasn't sure if he could get used to it. Maybe it was the radical difference between Gemini composition and basically everyone else's, but something about the stone traveling just didn't agree with him.

Once this last bit of the journey was over, he found himself in a farmhouse, one he would have to be careful in if he didn't want to burn it down. That was why, even when his fellow traveler caught his attention with speaking of some group, he kept his mind mainly focused on keeping his temperature down, sitting with his arms crossed in front of him and his head hung a little, even as he listened to the conversation.

Garrod Arlette
Sol Eclipse Garrod Arlette Progressing slightly.

The cold of Eretejva could do quite a number on any explorer, but if one was prepared and guarded against the elements, one could be quite surprised at how much can be weathered.
The enigmatic blood blake was a landmark that was visited by more than just locals, occasionally foreigners would visit it for various tasks, some more enigmatic than others.

As the group passed between villages, the general idea of where Blood Lake stood became clearer, and the two adventurers could already quite imagine its general location. What was most clear is that the surrounding area around it was still quite desolate. While wildlife has hesitantly returned to that area, they'd find no longer find a settlement to recuperate at.

One of the last villages visited in this otherwise uneventful and safe trip was, Merlakrstown. If you could even call it a town that is. It was scantly populated and served more as an upgraded camp for the various nordenfiir that dared to go this far in. Still, the trappers had much to say.
One stated that the dragon's lair might be of the mountain 'most disturbed', while another stated that it's like got a 'big hole, how else does a dragon get in then.'.
The town was left on the same day that it was entered, soon leading to Srakir's Skogr. Entering this forest meant that there would be no more towns or other settlements all the way to the Blood Lake. Any injury or loss of key equipment from here on would be devastating.
As told, Srakir's Skogr was less populous than any other forest before. While they did see a Tabhka herder hurry their deer away, and the occasional tracks of a lone elk, there were no birds on trees and neither were there other beasts.

Only a quiet rumble beneath one's feet...