LFG Heart of the Taiga


Just Trying To Stay Alive
Character Biography
Hey gang,

I've had a world-building idea that I'm keen to explore out in the Taagi Baara Steppes and could use a hand if anyone is free.

The genesis of this story is the kidnapping of Irini, the daughter of a Baron from the Allirian side of the River Sayve, by an unidentified group of centaurs. The Baron has engaged the services of a rag-tag group of mercenaries to find her and bring her back, which is where you may come in.

The wider plot is still developing in my head, but includes exploring relations between nomad human tribes (I've called them the Tengrid Horse Lords), organised centaur herds and the more civilised Allirian marches. But realistically, I'm pretty open-minded on where to take this.

If you'd like to get involved, I've started a Fate thread and would love to see you there.

Thread here.

If there's other stories you'd like to tell, just ask!
So this is something I've already done a bit of myself. Weylin here was part of a portal accident that sent him from near the Spine to by Elbion. He had to take the caravan route through the steppes to get home and the one he was guarding was attacked by centaur raiders. This lead him to being enslaved for a bit but he got out due to help from a friend and a mix of steppe nomads and other centaur tribes.

I also got a character who's mother came from the steppe and her people were herders. Specifically sheep and goats, but cattle and horses would be better for the deeper parts of the steppe that is more flat grasslands.

Anyways back to topic! I would be happy to do a bit of fleshing it out with you. The way I had both groups rolling was they weren't united and tended towards keeping a sense of balance of power amongst themselves. Get too big and the others will band together to tear you back down to size. Raiders and herders with farmers closer to the coasts basically.

What were you thinking and aiming for?
I am always a fan of doing mercenary things.

Would be down to have Cato at least the initial rescue plot.
Awesome, I've changed this to an Open Chronicle so feel free to jump in! I'll PM those I haven't PMed yet a few loose plot points