Fate - First Reply Heart of Alliria

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
Character Biography
The Painted Dragon

Camille sat within the inner office of the Crimson Dusk. One of the most powerful crime syndicates of Alliria. Finger tapped absently at the report on her desk. Mister Talmanese was gone from the territory. News that set her slender shoulders more at ease. He'd done something she'd been close to doing. But he finished it: taken down Jareth so she could slide into his territory.

And with the merchants lined up, all the pieces she'd set up for nearly the last year were falling beautifully into place.

There was still the matter of getting those higher level politicians. But all in due time. Camille was sure with just enough face-time, she'd get them to cooperate.

But now there was the small matter of missing shipments. Something was happening at the Eastend docks. Crew were ending up dead. Growing whispers of strange magic at work. Odd things missing from the cargo. This did not bode well for Crimson Dusk and Camille was determined to get to the bottom of it.

"Miss, the carriage is ready. Are you sure you don't wanna send one of the boys to check it out?"

Camille lifted her delicate chin. "No. I think i'll see to this myself. This has gone on long enough."

"Very well," Grout bowed. He was rather eloquent for being one of the most feared enforcers in this area. Gold tooth, moustache, and more tattoos than cleared skin. It was a wonder he was one of the most well-mannered in her crew.

"To the docks," Camille said as she stood with a flourish of her long-silk dress.
"I will fucking murder someone!"

What passed for port authorities stood three abreast and tried to hold the pirate at bay. Garigg did not understand the danger he was in. He was master of his own ship, from a slave to a captain.

He didn't know who owned the majority of the warehouses and merchant vessels down this end of the docks, didn't understand that the criminal organisations of Allira would torch his ship if he crossed a line.

Garigg was furious because someone had the gall to steal from his ship whilst it was moored. They had violated his space and taken from him.

Even if he knew that he was merely collateral in a much wider matter, it wouldn't have abated his fury.

However, the Bladed Lotus did provide a cunning mind aa ship of hardened fighters and mercenaries quite willing to tear the town apart to right this wrong. If anyone thought themselves clever enough to manipulate the notorious Captain Bracken.
  • Dwarf
Reactions: Camille
The docks were not as crowded as they usually were. Though, to city standards they seemed like it. Sailors walked a little faster. The ladies and men of the night stood a little further away from their normal posts. Even the pitpockets were hanging back.

Sensitive pointed ears heard the shouting long before Grout got down to open the doors to the carriage. He offered Camille a hand as her booted feet hit the creaking wood of the docks. Different scents of spices, salty-air, and urine invaded her nose. At least the shit smell had gone away completely when the Crimson Dusk took over this territory.

Hips swayed as she strode forward. A female of elegance, grace, and an edge of something dangerous. One of the port authorities holding the pirate book suddenly straightened. Looking...nervous.

"L-lady C-camille. Miss." He quickly took off his hat and tried to bow, though keeping a close look on Garigg Bracken behind him. The other two looked equally as wary.

"What seems to be the problem?" Camille paused, gaze flickering between the authorities and landing finally on the loud one. "Captain?" And even with these simple words, they seemed to draw everyone in. Give them a yearning for more. To hear more.
  • Yay
Reactions: Garigg Bracken
Garigg wasn't completely unaware of the way the authorities looked at the woman addressing him. He, however, would not be bowed by some common bureaucrat.

Back on the Bladed Lotus, a game of chinese whispers had begun. Dalm, one of the young boys who worked the rigging had come from Alliria. He understood how dangerous the criminals here were and whose docks they were moored up to. The messages was passing up the ranks of people too afraid to bother Garigg, until the first mate came cantering down the wooden dock.

"The problem..." The orc started, waving a finger at Camille, "...is that someone has stolen from me and these idiots won't let me and mine ashore armed to find out who has the stones to break into my ship."

The first mate finally reached Garigg. She was over six feet tall, which would have made her look huge if she hadn't been standing next to Garigg. There was likely some Nord or giant blood mixed in there somewhere. She laid a hand on Garigg's shoulder and gave him a look.

Garigg chewed on the inside of one cheek.

"As you can think," he said, his tone now more calm and respectful. "That's quite upsetting."
  • Smug
Reactions: Camille
Grout looked at that finger waving in Camille's direction and looked like he wanted to break it. Camille just listened quietly as the Captain ranted. An arch of a dark-silky brow between the first mate and the orcish man.

"And what a ship it is," she intoned. Hard to say whether it was a compliment or an insult. "Permission to come aboard, Captain?" While it wasn't a request she made it sound like one. "I'd like to inspect the area that was tampered with."

Whispered rumors swirled around the decks of the ship.

".............that's her...."

"..Crimson Dusk...."

"...heard she sung a whole room to their death once..."

"heard she slit Jareth's throat in his sleep..."

"...and she broke a man's d-..."

"And your crew. Are they all accounted for?" A hand lifted, smoothing long, silky hair over one of her bare shoulders.
  • Nervous
Reactions: Garigg Bracken
Garigg leaned backwards, crossing his arms across his broad chest. He towered over the woman and her entourage, but the orc understood power. His own physical strength and determination had lifted him to the top of his ship, but he knew that on land there were vast networks of power and control.

Somewhere, the disarmingly beautiful woman before him came into those systems.

"Don't like an implication it could have been one of mine," Garigg growled. "My crew and discipline is my business. Only my business," he stated.

"But you complemented the Lotus, so fine, you can come aboard," Garigg said. He stepped back and swept out an arm to open the way for her.

He had the sense to know that it wasn't a request he could ignore, but it didn't mean he was going to roll over like a puppy. The respect of the crew kept him in power, he would throw away his life before he gave up his ship.
  • Devil
Reactions: Camille
"Thank you, Captain." It was clear Camille was not intimidated by his size or demeanor. And again, even though she wore a long-silken gown that did nothing to hide the curves of her body, she moved with that preternatural grace. Even in a dress that seemed foreign to be on a ship. And her entourage came with her. More than simply employed by her but bodyguards.

"You misunderstand me, Captain. I fully trust you to be in charge of your crew and your ship," a light sniff at the last word. "There are reports of similar attacks up and down these ports. And in most cases, several end up dead. I hope you don't mind answering some questions I have and showing me where the items were being stowed?"
Garigg did not like her tone. He did not like it at all.

"I will answer what I can and show you were the items were," he agreed.

He led them towards a narrow set of steps that took them down from the deck. It was dark below, faint candlelight only illuminating small pools of the ship.

It was a relatively light ship, built to have enough speed to chase down a merchant vessel and then assault it with two ballista, crossbows and eventually boarding. He slowed his pace, glacing over his broad shoulder.

"But I want to know what you have to do with this. Someone has stolen from you as well?"
She walked very comfortably in the shadow of the large Captain. If his size bothered her, she certainly didn't show it. Even with her own men in tow, close behind. Mild surprise at his question. The bits of lavender in her light grey eyes showing from the candlelight they passed under.

"These docks are owned by Crimson Dusk. Anything stolen here is my business. And you are not the first one." Lips pursed as a hand brushed away nonexistent wrinkles on her satin dress. "There have been three other ships hit within the last fortnight. Along with at least one crew member dead."

A pointed look to the Captain.

"So that is why I am asking my questions Captain Bracken. It seems like our goals align."
  • Yay
Reactions: Garigg Bracken
Garigg had lived his life by simple logic. He didn't let past or future decisions weigh upon him heavily. Strength kept him in power, but only within the hull of his ship.

He grunted, acknowledging her statement.

"S'pose they do," he admitted.

What Garigg did not see was a way to turn the situation to his own advantage. Not yet at least. The Crimson Dusk ran the entire dock and likely had wider influence.

Given that his ship earned its coin by raiding merchant vessels and selling their hauls there could be more common ground to find.

"Down here," he said. On the next deck, behind the locked up area with the rum as another area for small valuables.

"Entire lock was gone," Garigg said. "And it was a heavy lock."
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Camille
Eyes took a quick look of the area. Looking over her shoulder, she gave a small nod to Grout. She didn't have to say anything as his muscular form stepped forward and he knelt inside the hold-area. Camille stayed on the outside, fingers drifting to the spot where the lock would've been. And it was clean off. Fingers trailed over the wood. Not even any scratches or damage.

Grout grunted from the back, "Nothing here, Miss."

Camille sighed. Arms folded with the grace of a dance as she tilted her chin to look up to the Captain. "And what was inside?"
Garigg knew the question was coming. He still didn't like revealing what his prize had been.

He opened his large hand into a claw.

"Crystal about that back. Clean cut. Etched with symbols we didn't recognise. Maybe dwarven."

He took a step back, ducking into a beam and then looking at the room. He had hoped to try and sell it through one of his contacts at Cerak, perhaps even through one of Camille's own people around the docks.

Through these bays flowed stolen goods of all nature. It was why they were berthed here.

"Wizard once told me you can't teleport stuff," Garigg grunted. "Starting to think that cunt was a liar."

"But why take the lock boss?" one of his people asked.

Garigg turned and stared daggers into him for undermining his point with a rather painfully direct observation.

"Then how'd they get in here, eh?"
  • Thoughtful
Reactions: Camille
"Yes Captain, who was on watch? It might help to question them." Grout grunted in agreement. Clasping her hands behind her back, she took a slow stroll around the hold, having to duck under a beam or two herself. Finger swiped at one wall, rubbing her thumb and index finger together as she drew it away and up to her lavender eyes.

"Hm," she intoned.

"It also might help to set a trap for this thief and I would like your help, Captain Garigg. If you're up for it. There have been a few deaths involved." Gaze leveled back on the orc.
"We only put people on watch on the deck," Garigg said. "Only one person has the key to this room and I figure if anyone wanted to get through that lock they'd wake half the ship getting through it. No one saw anything from up there. Which is a fuckin' puzzle. It means either they fell asleep or someone swam in, climbed up the hull, didn't make a sound and didn't get everything wet."

She had a proposition for him. He turned to his crew members and none of them offered an opinion. They could pull away from this place, find a port where this was no longer. That was the joy of owning his own ship; he owner no allegiance to any party and could leave any territory.

A trap came with the chance of getting back their hard earned plunder. Four people had died to get that haul, he would throw ten more to get revenge.

"What do you want from us?" Garigg answered, clearly willing to join in with the proposal.
One hip cocked as she studied him closely. Fingers falling to rest on the curve of her hour-glass shape. A flicker around the room at the others. At his crew that were crowding into the open door. Those who pretended not to be listening but certainly were.

"Meet me at the Painted Dragon at ten o'clock tonight and we can discuss more." With a gentle snap of her fingers, Grout strode forward, digging a card out of his pocket with directions and a symbol for Crimson Dusk on the back. Camille gave a small nod as he handed it over and began making her way out of the hold.

"And Captain, try not to be late," one final glance over her shoulder before she and her retinue would make their way off his ship.
  • Yay
Reactions: Garigg Bracken
Garigg's eyes followed her hand and settled on her hip a little too long. Part of him knew she was probably choosing a balance between fear and enticement to get what she needed from the crew. Most of Garigg didn't care.

He took the card. The gruff captain made a single noise at her warning. If it was a bar he could avoid being late by being early and getting in a clean, fresh ale. They had been at sea for some time.

Garigg approached the Crimson Dusk roughly ten minutes before the hour.

It was reasonably lively inside, but he could tell he'd been marked by one of the heavy-set enforcers near the door. His crew had warned him to take more people to the meeting, but if this was some kind of ambush he could see many better ways to go about killing Captain Bracken for his crimes.

He meandered towards the bar, paying little mind to what was going on.
  • Bless
Reactions: Camille
The club was lively with a low-light mood. Booths were tucked into shadows where clients had a surprising amount of privacy for a public space. all the seats were wrapped around a small, half-moon stage, where a band played some tunes that were all the rage in Elbion. There was something almost magical with how alluring the place felt. As if it would quickly become an addictive habit the more one visited.

A two-horned male was wiping down the bar. He had a series on intricate tattoos that wove up his arms disappearing beneath the rolled up sleeves that started above his elbows. His eyes were golden and he greeted the orc Captain as he approached the bar.

"Captain Bracken? What'll ye be havin?" His muscled arms folded across his broad chest.
"If I'm paying, I'll have an ale. If she's paying, I'll have a whisky," he said.

Garigg thought the man was there to dissuade trouble as much as to serve drinks. On the face of it, the place seemed pleasant and upmarket.

However, Garigg could imagine criminals meeting in those shadows. Old grudges could easily spill over if the place had no teeth for dealing with trouble.

He stayed on his feet, leaning an elbow on the bar and looked towards the stage. They had a few lads who could play pipes and drums well enough, but a little music was a pleasant change.
  • Cthuloo
Reactions: Camille
A smirk on the man's lips as he got him a whiskey. A double. "If I was you, I'd be careful around her. She may seem like a delicate flower but she's got some deadly thorns." With a final shake of his head and a secret look, he nodded toward a door in the back corner of the club.

"See that blue door? That's where she's waitin' for yah. Hope you make it." Make it wasn't defined and didn't need to be. The barkeep turned and helped the next customer.

Meanwhile, Camille perched in a tall-back chair that screamed luxury and wealth, though an air of practicality behind a cherry-oak desk from a rare tree found only in the Eastern part of the Falwood. A glass of something red sat on her desk, which she sipped carefully from as she looked at the most recent reports.
Garigg grunted by way of reply. He decided to carry the drink with him.

He closed the door behind himself. He didn't like the fact that she barely acknowledged his presence, but everyone was going out of their way to highlight how much power she held.

It wouldn't be difficult for someone who controlled the harbour to have his vessel sunk in the night. It would just take a few squads of violent individuals and a little alchemy.

"I was not late," he said, placing the glass of amber liquid down onto her table.
  • Smug
Reactions: Camille
Lavender eyes cut like gemstones slowly rose up the entire length of the Captain.

"No, you were not," she mused. If any part of him felt ill at ease, he'd find the sound of her voice alluring and disarming. And he'd find the closer he got to her, her presence was almost intoxicating. A drug promising a reward at the end.

"We can both agree we want revenge on the one who stole from your ship, yes?" Delicate chin tipped toward his direction. "I think between you and I, we can set-up a formidable trap, no?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Garigg Bracken
Garigg, master of his own little world, felt vulnerable under that first searching look.

Her voice, however, seemed to settle that feeling. He approached the desk slowly and took a seat. One hand came to lie flat on the desk, fingers gently sliding across it. He admired the luxury of it. He was not above keeping trinkets to show off his own wealth.

"We can agree that," he said.

Garigg's broad shoulders relaxed. The motion revealed how much tension he had carried into the room and how well she had disarmed him.

"I want people to know what happened to the person who stole from the Lotus."
  • Yay
Reactions: Camille
"Well," slender legs crossed as she leaned back within the high-backed chair. Arms resting along the plush sides. Silk of her dress shifting along her figure as she did.

"What would you propose? We can get word out about another artifact...perhaps using your ship as the trap? Plant the bait and see what happens. Or, perhaps there's a way to lure them more on land?"

Between the muscle at her disposal and his.

She believed their odds were worth taking the risk to stop this bandit once and for all. His or her grave was already calling at the bottom of the bayou.
  • Yay
Reactions: Garigg Bracken
"Hnph," went Garigg, watching her closely.

He was aware that she was deliberately holding his attention as she made her proposal. It worked, but at least he was aware of that. A rare beauty in charge of one of the most feared powers in this part of Alliria.

A constant struggle between criminal organisations, some of them supposedly with the back of the most powerful merchants in the city. Even the most respectable tradesman in Alliria would have some links in the underbelly of the city. Avoiding taxes came as easily as breathing to them.

"You have any wizards who'd take some coin for this?" he asked. "I'm for it, if we do it on land. Make sure we can use our numbers. But the way they got on my ship without notice."

"They're either the sneakiest fucker that ever lived or they've got magical help."
  • Yay
Reactions: Camille
Delicate fingers folded in front of her. The tattoos along her pale skin shifting as she did. "I've got someone. And I think you're right. I would be surprised if magic wasn't involved."

Was it Tal?

Was he back?

No, no. If he was there was no doubt he'd be more open about it. The frown that threatened to take over her mouth eased away. "On land then, Captain. Spread the word around the docks that the thief missed something. Something that will be transferred to the East End warehouses. I can have someone by tomorrow night. But I will need your word that if we catch the culprit that you will kill them only at my command."

Lavender eyes caught and held his gaze.