Private Tales Guillotine, Part II

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer
Old Man Hatry cocked his head toward George and whispered, "'Ey, what's a hostess again?"

George didn't need to answer though: the one paying for their drinks in this particular case. Their resident paladin, Jane. A little metallic clanking sound from her vambrace as the doctor patted her forearm. And he pressed them for their opinions.

Hatry and George and Blacksmith Telford all craned their heads toward one another to share glances, their glasses all down on the counter as they did. And, wordlessly, they all turned their heads back around to regard Jane--Telford included--with vicious grins.

George kicked it off: "Beauty? Hell, doctor, I'd say she's as beautiful as that slick of mud I left in my chamberpot before we went hunting today."

Hatry: "I heard a story once from some pirates said they had found a treasure map, yep, a real damn treasure map; problem was it led right to Jane so they done throwed it away! Ha!"

Telford: "Jane's the kind of woman who could fuck up a wet dream."

George: "You know, when Jane does that flagellation thing and whips herself, I feel sorry for the whip."

Hatry: "Ol' Dirty Dave passed on that one, and my pal Dave been to a few rank fish markets before, lemme tell ya that!"

Telford: "If Jane was on fire and I had a cup of my own piss, I'd drink it."

Jane, with her sixth glass finished, her belly feeling the weighty swish-swish of being gorged with drink, was leaning rather heavily on her elbows atop the counter, head slouched with a sloppy smile, and she lifted and twirled her hands about for a moment before flipping up a pair of middle fingers at the three Guillotiners tearing into her. Ugh. Glass number seven might be doable, but...fuck...the prospect of glass number eight was looking pretty dim. Ymir's mead wasn't fucking watered down.

Ymir, as she was filling up Asa's glass, just gave him a sly look and said, "All the honest truth right there, doctor Asa. Guess that means if anyone's getting slapped, it's you, if you got some lies to tell."

Ymir finished. Started filling up Jane's seventh. And Jane, ah, what would she do with her sweet little home away from home? The Mainland would be a whole lot less fun, that was for sure.

Asa whispered to her. A messy giggle rolled off of her tongue, and she said, "Unique constitution, my ass." Another giggle. "Drink faster, you fuck. I think you're just going slow. That's what I--"

He touched her thigh. Her eyes--though she couldn't possibly see it from how she was leaning over the counter--slid down in the direction of the contact. Then back up.

A curl of the corner of her mouth like a devil's horn. "I'm going to get what I'm owed."

* * * * *​

By the time Tavian realized the danger, and that he had been played for a fool, it was too late. His soul was imperiled and his mind was as a gate fallen to a battering ram.

The entirety of the conspiracy was laid bare:

Of the conspirators there were three: Tavian the demonologist, Tina the necromancer, and Torrence the adventurer (whom Jane, if she knew, would recognize of as the handsome stubbly-faced leader of her old adventuring party). It was Tavian's task to spread the Seeding Plague throughout Guillotine, Tina's task to raise the undead and to send them in dangerous but manageable waves, and Torrence's task to be the facilitator for the mastermind behind the plot: Hyatta the succubus. She had come to set up permanent residence on Arethil, was indeed intentionally stuck here now thanks to the Laws of Magic after crossing over from her realm, but her first invasion of Guillotine--the place she felt belonged to her on account of Lord Greyfell--had gone sour. To avoid actual death, she faked it. With heroes and defenders of the town closing in, and having enthralled Torrence to her side, she had him "banish" her. It impressed the few locals who had seen it. But she was not banished, not dead, but rather imprisoned into a soulstone. Now, of course, she needed to be free of the damned stone. So she had Torrence recruit Tavian and Tina for the plot she had in mind. Though Tina providing the distraction was important, and though her undead kept the town's concerted efforts focused outside, the real way enough power could be gathered and explosively harnessed to free Hyatta--oh, and her hulking bodyguard Trenk as well--from the soulstone was through the Seeding Plague. Tavian had to be made immune, of course, so he could spread the infected liquid--he still had the small bottle of it in his pocket--via contact. Handshakes, taps on exposed shoulders, it didn't take much. The disease itself mimicked symptoms of a mild flu, hardly lethal on its own, but underneath, very subtle, each and every infected person carried with them the seed of demonic magic. Once a critical mass was reached, it was up to Torrence to then unleash the Awakening, not only freeing his mistress Hyatta and her servant Trenk from the stifling confines of the soulstone (without her dying, of course, as simple shattering would result in), but also allowing for the horrific possession and demonic transfiguration of every infected person in Guillotine, launching Hyatta's second invasion thereof. The critical mass was the most important part, of course. Without enough people carrying the Seeding Plague, the massive burst of power necessary for the Awakening could not happen. And this critical mass was, to Tavian's knowledge, very close at hand. So Torrence with Hyatta's soulstone awaited patiently in a not-so-distant cabin outside town whose exact location was evident in Tavian's memory, and Tina--the exact location of her makeshift camp also evident in Tavian's memory--had dutifully gone off to do her part rather early on this particular night.

And that was everything.

Asa Renwyk
  • Devil
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
The comments about the busty, drunken knight were not flattering. Some rather scandalous accusations were being thrown her way, if in good humor, and she didn't seem all too bothered by it. Neither was he in honesty. His mind was made up long ago on taking her to bed. The words of a few mortal men who didn't understand the fun of an interesting woman were of no concern to him.

Asa smiled at Ymir when she spoke to him. "Now why would I lie about our dear Jane here? She is a lovely woman that I intend to get to know very well while I am here."

His smile turned into a smirk. "But I would not mind exchanging a few slaps with you my fine figured norden maiden."

A bit flirty but that was the general mood of the place and it had infected him more than a bit. Normally he would be more disconnected from the general emotions of those around him. This evening was proving to be an enjoyable change of pace.

Jane's comment about him taking things slow got a brow raised from him, and a chuckle when she said she would get what she is owed. He turned his attention back to Ymir and said, "Would you be so kind as to get a full bottle of mead for me? I am feeling rather parched suddenly and I believe drinking an entire bottle will help with that."

After that he looked back to Jane. "And what all are you owed so far might I ask? I would enjoy a few ideas for later."


Oh how her loins burned right now. The man had allowed her to enter him to his core and drain him dry. His soul would be greedily gobbled up with a satisfied slurp like a noodle from a bowl. It was not often she hunted for her meals anymore, so she had forgotten the ecstasy of directly consuming the struggling essence from a mortal's corporeal shell. She needed a moment to collect herself.

And it was more than the thrill of the hunt that had her still feeling so excited. The answers she had ripped from his mind were so interesting. A lesser demon had seduced a mortal and hatched a little plot after her utter failure in the past. Conquest was messy and not worth the effort, especially if one was to stay in this plane of existence. Yet this succubus has fucked it up, as she no doubt had fucked up many males to get to this point. No doubt she was sure to fuck it up again with Asa in town.

She was decided to keep this all to herself. No need to ruin a good play put on for her sole amusement after all. Her stomach grumbled and so she sank her teeth into soulless flesh. Not a piece would be left behind. Not a drop of blood left undrank.

  • Yay
Reactions: Jane
The three men, all in the spirit of that characteristic Guillotine humor, showed three different smirks or grin and George swatted dismissively in Asa's direction--lovely, ah, whatever--and they turned back to their own conversation then.

"'Exchange' a few slaps, he says. Ha!" Ymir said. She finished pouring Jane's seventh glass, started to sashay away with a satisfied air about her, and then stopped briefly to turn back and nod gleefully at Asa's request for a full bottle. She went into the tavern's storeroom again.

Jane sipped on the mead of her glass, lips just gracing the rim. She had already drank more than she planned (which, frankly, happened so often as to be the norm), and she didn't want to drink too much. Who else was going to witness Asa getting drunk? George and Hatry and Telford were all bound to make up stories about one way or the other, likely just to fuck with her, so she had to see it for herself. The mead was good though. Just needed to dance on the edge of blackout drunk without falling in, and she'd be fine.

And what all are you owed so far might I ask?

Jane poked Asa in the chest, pushing her finger in enough for it to curve back into a bend--as much as the articulation of her armor would allow, anyway. "Everything I want. That's what I'm owed. You said--" Jane's chest jumped up, the result of a silent, suppressed hiccup. She composed herself without comment and continued, "--you said so yourself."

Ymir came back. Took a couple of coins from Asa's open coin pouch on the counter and set the uncorked bottle of mead down in front of him. And then she turned about to go and harass George some more about his fading hairline.

Jane nursed her glass of mead a little more. Set it down. Arms folded on the counter, her head slouched over them like she'd a weight on her shoulders, she cocked her head toward Asa, her eyes squinted in a sly manner, her grin piercing through her drunkenness.

"Bring a knife. When you do finally show up," she said. "Bring a knife...that's nice...and sharp...Ren."

Asa Renwyk
  • Bless
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
The owner of the establishment certainly knew how to work her hips. As a man more than a couple centuries old this was something Asa could confidently declare. Perhaps not aloud but certainly to himself.

When the bottle was brought he gave her a smile. Then his busty companion needed his attention again. She had an answer for his earlier question, and he was not disappointed. Greedy and lustful. This mixture pleased him. A very interesting woman indeed. Something about those kind of women always got his interest. He could never find himself attracted to a modest, pleasant girl. No. He needed them to want the world or at least be the kind of girl others would advise not sticking a certain part into. Perhaps the demon blood in his veins?

He smiled to Jane as he wrapped his fingers around the bottle with one hand while the other remained on her thigh. She mentioned for him to bring a knife with him. A nice, sharp knife.

"I'm a doctor and alchemist. All my knives are sharper than an old hag's tongue." Asa said to her in a perfectly casual tone.

Then in front of her, and the others, he lifted the bottle of mead up to his lips. He preferred to enjoy fine brews, but tonight was a special exception. He began to drink directly from the bottle and didn't stop until the whole thing was empty. Then he set it down.

"I think I'm caught up on drinks now. Anymore and there is a good chance it will all come back up from lack of room." Asa said with a smile. He paused for a moment to let them make their comments if they must and for time for a normal person to start to show signs of intoxication. None showed for him as he was yet to feel tipsy. "Am I drunk yet?"

  • Sip
Reactions: Jane

She preferred them to be sharp. There was something to be said about the brutality of using a dulled knife or razor, sawing and hacking away. Oh it was great for unleashing frustrations, and it was fantastic at eliciting a certain kind of intense agony and all the delightful corresponding quivers and outright flailing and tensings against the restraints such would produce. But a sharp knife? Pure elegance. Artistry. Normally those words would make Jane sick, but, hmmmmmmmmm, in the right context, they were absolutely delectable.

That said, she probably should put her seventh glass down half-finished. Any more and morning might come early, complete with her in some random locale and probably wearing someone else's clothes again.

She watched Asa tip back the bottle. Watched with one squinted eye and the fire of her own bellyful of mead in her stomach, the wonderfully tipsy cloud hovering in her mind. Eventually the men shifted about in their stools and turned to watch as well. And then the bottle was set down. Empty.

Am I drunk yet?

"Astra's flaming cunt, how many did he have already?" Old Man Hatry said.

George smacked the Hatry's chest with the back of his hand without looking back at him--Jane was present after all, was his thinking.

"What?" said Hatry. "I'mma meet her soon enough, and I'll 'pologize in person!"

"Doc can really hold his drink," commented Telford.

Jane grinned and groaned at the same time, her head rolling back and around as she let it out. She swatted the empty bottle and it tumbled down behind the counter, the curt sound of cracking glass following. Ymir holstered her hands on her hips disapprovingly, said, "Goddamn it, Jane," and went to collect the bottle and the two large shards that'd broken off of it from the floor; that'd be coming out of Jane's coin pouch for sure.

"That's bullshit. It must suck to be you. Who cursed you, huh? We'll find him and kick his ass and let you get drunk again," Jane laughed. "You're like a sailor in a world that's gone dry, Ren. Brings a tear to my eye."

Either really boring, or really fun. Ended up being really boring. What a shame. Asa might as well have been drinking fucking water, ha ha. Ha. She needed a new Blessing from Astra. One that just made people drunk. Yeah. That's what she needed. Not that she'd ever fucking get it. Fuck you, Astra--

The memory of the Redeemer's hand, smothering her face, that white light, smothering her thoughts then and smothering her thoughts now.

Jane blinked. Slid off of her stood and onto her wobbly feet, a steadying hand kept on the counter. It was about time to head home, wasn't it? What was she going to do? Ah, right, take a bath for starters.

"Thanks for the round, Jane," George said as the men all started to get up from their seats as well.

She gave a little wave of her hand. "Yeah, yeah. Anytime. Maybe Dave's, next go around."

Ymir let out a haughty "Pffffft!", and started to collect the glasses and clean them and the counter.

Jane gingerly reached down to pick up her sheathed sword. Started to belt it around her waist again. Said to Asa as she was, "So you've got some stuff to do, huh?"

Asa Renwyk
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  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
Chaos unfolded after Asa's downing of the whole bottle and cheeky comment. A bottle had been knocked over. A conversation about Astra's need for a doctor. An angry tavern owner about the earlier knocked over bottle breaking. And then finally Jane (the bottle knocker) going on a little rant about who cursed him to sobriety and how to fix it.

A slight smile crept over his face. Lovely scenes played out. Not often he put on such a presentation and wished to be the center of attention for a moment. But then it happened again. Jane must have crossed some mental line what he could only imagine as a curse kicked in. Before it made her reset. This time she began to stubble.

Instantly he was up and steadying her. Not like he couldn't lift her up armor and all. Another structural gift from his mother along with his sobriety. He didn't seem to be the only one who shot up. The other gentlemen had as well. Then everyone began to go about their ways home. Even the tavern owner was getting things cleaned back up already.

Asa waited for Ymir to take what was owed from his purse and Jane's purse before retrieving both off the counter top. Jane had gone to grab her sword and asked him what he was going to do next in her own way. Now seemed like a good moment to be truthful with the woman.

"Take you home and stay there for the night. Not much I can do for the patients with everyone who can attend to my needs and answer my questions asleep." Asa said as he walked over to where he left his mask.

He picked the thing up and held it under his arm.

"I hope that plan fairs well with you. Rather not try to hunt down a house with a decent bed in the dark."

  • Yay
Reactions: Jane
Asa was steadying her, and Jane didn't back off from it. She was well aware that she was an "overestimater," in that she always thought--despite damn well knowing otherwise--that she had things like balance perfectly under control while drunk. Hey, a few fistfights won while hammered did a lot for one's gauge on these matters.

On the steadying. Well. Good. Good that Asa could at least catch her if she took a sloppy step and thus stop her from bashing her forehead on the rim of her shield or on a windowsill...again.

Sword secured, Jane, with all the effort of an afterthought, pawed at her heater shield until she finally got a decent hold on it. And she dragged it along as they went across the seemingly miles-long floor of Ymir's tavern. Ha, Ymir's mead went down nice and smooth and then punched you in the gut and twice in the head just when you thought you were safe.

Asa answered. Picked up his mask.

"Ohhhhhh...and here I thought you were going to be busy all night with..." she waved about her free hand in a vain struggle to remember the word, or words, she was looking for, "Fuck. With that thing you were going to do. With the plague. Or the undead. Fuck. Haha!"

Her free hand became occupied again as she held onto Asa's upper sleeve for support. And now was another good time to say, hey, Redeemer, piss off with the fucking heels on the armor, yeah yeah, good joke you piece of shit. Sorry, Astra, sorry. Two on the tally for that. Three.

"That does fare well with me. Astra does say to be generous."

And now, funnily enough, Jane could do with being a lot less drunk than she currently was. Goddamn it.

Out through the tavern door and while the cool night air helped, it wasn't nearly enough. So she said, "Hey. Ren. You wouldn't happen to know how to brew a little tonic or something that can take the--" Another suppressed hiccup, her shoulders and torso jumping up, armor plates rattling, "--the edge off of all this mead, would you?"

Asa Renwyk
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
His rather busty companion was feeling the effects of her drinks as equally large as her chest. Words seemed to elude her as she stumbled and failed to remember the word patient. His figure often became a steadying post for swaying feet and head. And then there was the hiccups that had hit her a couple of times now. All the signs of a rough case of inebriation.

The cool night air was blissful. One of advantage of being able to see in the dark was being able to fully enjoy walks in the dark. If not for the shaky beauty with him, Asa was likely to take a long stroll into the night. But his current company was definitely going to be a more enjoyable event come morning than a nightly stroll.

A slight smile on his face, Asa decided to reply to Jane as they headed towards her temporary home.

"Why yes. I did say I was going to be busy dealing with a patient tonight. That plan has not changed. It would be shameful of me if I did not tend to them all night long. I hope that acceptable Miss Patient."

The doctor's slight smile shifted into a slight smirk. His gaze fell upon her as he kept on his casual pace designed to be as easy on her as possible.

"As for your current condition, yes. I have something that will help now and another to aid with the morning side effects. Personal recipes, as all of my recipes are. Have had far too many people attempt to drink me under. Developed them to ease the suffering of the foolish."

In his bag was a book with the recipes he spoke of. If she ever tapped his bag she would find it harder and stiffer than expected due to the number of books he held containing notes on all his research and work.

"So tell me Jane. What all would you like to do tonight? It will be our first of many nights together. Don't need it to be special, but I must warn you I am rather excited. Can't make any promises of being able to hold back."

  • Devil
Reactions: Jane
"Patient? Ha! Whoever accused me of being patient needs a boot in their ass," Jane said, having herself a hearty laugh afterward. She'd never had occasion to hear the word patient used in the particular context at hand, and she while drunk was as far from the possibility of learning such a thing as could be.

He did have something. Personal recipes. Oh that was good. Fan-fucking-tastic, to be frank and to piss Astra off a little more and to add another to the tally. It sorted of hammered home the awfulness of not being able to get drunk and the social chasm that entailed, but, hey, it worked right now in the moment and that was all that mattered. Right now. In the moment.

So tell me Jane. What all would you like to do tonight?

Her smile grew over the course of a few steps down the street. The tip of her tongue snaked out from her mouth and curled back as her teeth came forward to gently rake a tiny portion of her bottom lip.

"'Holding back.' Hmm. That's funny."

Then she answered. Partially.

"First, I'm going to take a bath--I'm dirty and sweaty like I've been building a ship all day. You are too. I need you nice and pristine."

She inclined her chin in a satisfied fashion, and continued, with a supporting arm holding Asa's sleeve and teetering slightly in his direction, to walk through the moonlit streets of Guillotine.

Asa Renwyk
  • Devil
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
The mood was back to where Asa wanted it to be as Jane responded to his words. Seemed she expected him to give her everything he had. No holding back. Such a wonderful policy to have for their evening. His excitement was rather high already. Not often he felt like this. Generally it was reserved for when he found a particularly rare ingredient for a rather potent creation or the discovery of a new ingredient with unique properties. Emotions were never very strong with him but she was certainly finding a way to draw them out of him this evening.

At the mention of taking a bath, the doctor couldn't help getting the very idea she was clearly leading him to having. There was no need to have avoided it either in his opinion. So happily he played into her plans.

"Yes a bath would do us much good. Clean bodies promote good health." Asa said as his eye was roaming up and down her body blatantly. "Care if I joined you? Crisis going on. Don't want to waste too much water now."

For the first time a full, impish smile was across his lips. He had done little to hide his intentions before, but now it was on full display. The look in his amber eye was more than enough to know what was on his mind.

As they walked, he would offer her his arm. An action meant to help support her as they walked as well as make it a more clear this was very much a date for him. An unusual date but still a date.

  • Smug
Reactions: Jane
Jane, in turn, had a roaming eye of her own, letting her imagination run as it pleased with the potential of what was underneath that coat and those clothes of his.

And she answered. "No, you won't be joining me. And I couldn't give a shit about the crisis when it comes to this." Her eyebrows bounced up and she flashed a wide grin. "We'll see each other when I say we'll see each other. Hmmm, the slow burn of anticipation. That' I like it."

Oh good. An arm. She needed that. Jane leaned heavily on it, more or less as if she were clinging to a ship mast during the buffeting winds of a storm at sea. Sure, all of this tipsiness would've been fine if her night had gone the way she thought it was going to go, but now it just an annoying intrusion on what she really wanted to be enjoying. Hm. Good thing Asa could whip up that brew of his to banish her drunkenness. Clearheadedness would be best for savoring what was to come.

They went along.

And it was not far down the streets of Guillotine that Jane eventually pointed out her claimed house.

"There it is. Home sweet home, as I've heard a couple of you Mainlanders say." Courtesy of a dead family, killed during the invasion. They certainly didn't need it anymore.

"I'll tell you what you can do, Ren," Jane said, rotating her neck as if it were sore or as if she were trying to get a nice crack out of it. "You can help me out of this damn armor. It's enough of a pain to put on or take off while sober."

They reached the front door, and even though it wasn't locked, Jane's attempts at pawing at the knob didn't do much of anything.

Asa Renwyk
  • Devil
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
"What a shame. I could have helped you with those hard to reach places." Asa said with feigned disappointment in his tone. In his heart, it was not so feigned. "I suppose I'll just have to brew that potion for you while you bath. Pray for me that I'm not consumed by my overwhelming desire."

Eventually they came to the house she had claimed as her own. She introduced it to him before offering another activity for them to share. Armor was not as unfamiliar to him as it would have been for the vast majority of doctors and alchemists about the world. He had served as a war time medic as well as worn it himself on an occasion or two. It wasn't as unpleasant as one might expect.

"Well my dear Jane, I would be overjoyed to strip you down to the beauty of your birth." Asa said with a slight smile as he moved to open up the door for her. "Perhaps I could even interest you in a massage."

His smile shifted to a smirk as he held the door open for her. "Purely for reasons of your health of course."

Once more his gaze went about her body taking in every inch as thoroughly as he could. His mind imagining what wonders were locked beneath the lid of her sturdy chest.

  • Bless
Reactions: Jane
"Yeah. You do that. Brew that potion."

She was going to need it. There was a time to get blackout drunk and there was a time not to get blackout drunk, and it was best to save that party for when Guillotine's problems were solved...again. Might still have grab a second dose of that hangover relief potion Asa mentioned. She'd need that too when the time came.

The door was open, and Jane stumbled inside, her armor clattering noisily with her unbalanced steps. She turned about and walked backwards a couple of paces as she said, "A massage. I could use a massage, now that you mention it."

The interior of her chosen home had all of the furnishing of its prior family, the tables and chairs and shelves and pots and down to the very smallest items, many of which lay where they had been on the day of the invasion, since no one save Jane had come in and she had disturbed too much. Altogether it looked as though that family could be coming back, some day in the indeterminate future. Could. But never.

Moonlight was shining in at an angle through the two windows of the main room, their curtains drawn open. There were some unlit candles and lanterns about, but Jane, heh, didn't want to start playing with fire at present. Asa could get it, or she could after downing that brew he was going to make.

Jane plopped down in a finely made chair, one with cushioned armrests and a high back--perhaps made by the former patriarch of the house or perhaps bought by him. She settled into it for the moment. Just relaxing. She'd have to stand again in order for her and Asa to undo all of her armor, but that moment to rest was heavenly. She could feel the patches of sweat from exertion all about her arming dress, and, well, she'd just have to borrow one of the former wife-of-the-house's dresses after she had bathed.

When her armor was off, her sword and shield and all of that shit set aside, Jane sat back down on the plush chair. Crossed her legs and smiled and lifted her legs, presenting her boots for Asa to slip off.

"My feet. feet...Asa,"
she said, her tongue playing with each individual word.

Asa Renwyk
  • Devil
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
Of course the first thing the busty knight would do in response to his subtle attempt to gain that shared bath was command him to brew his potion. A stubborn one she was. Was going to be exciting to get her to open up in the end. Oh how he was looking forward to when she opened up for him.

Once she was inside he shut the door and was already running through the list of ingredients he would need when she suddenly turned around as she walked. His offer of a massage was accepted. An unexpected development. A much desired development. Helping her with her armor would let him get an idea of what she was hiding under that armor. The massage would let him get a feel of it. Oh how he could savor such foreplay.

Just like your mother.....

The doctor frowned slightly. Damn that rogue thought. Took some of the fun out of this all.

He moved to help Jane with her armor, and did so quickly. He was rather familiar with the process. Between his father, his self, and war time patients, Asa was intimately familiar with many kinds of armors. Soon enough she was free and while she went over to the table to relax he moved over to light the hearth. A little more light and warmth could do them both good.

Afterwards he turned to find Jane with her boots propped up on the table. Seemed she wanted him to remove for her. From the design of them, he didn't blame her for wanting help. It looked like a true pain in the ass to remove them. So he went over to do just that.

And as soon as they were gone, she told him in a playful way to massage her feet. A brow raised. A slight smirk appeared. So it began.

Asa pulled a chair up next to the table. He sat down and removed his gloves. Then he wrapped his bare fingers around her exposed toes and began to rub them. No soft or gentle pressure. He used that firmness on the verge of pleasure or pain (one could never truly know which it was).

  • Bless
Reactions: Jane
Jane closed her eyes and tilted her head back. Breaths, in through her nose and out through her mouth, slow and steady at first but rising into longer, aroused inhales and exhales. She ran her teeth along her bottom lip, nibbling upon it. Her shoulders swayed like waves and her chest heaved and every now and again there were little sensual squirms of her thighs.

Oh she loved this. Loved. It. She had never really known how much she would like the pleasuring of her feet until she had stomped them victoriously upon the Eunuch's face, rubbing them into his beaten nose and broken mouth and feeling the blood and skin between her toes and occasionally the inadvertent caress of his slack, defeated tongue. He had kept her under his heel for years, and had felt sooooo damn gooooood to crush him under hers. And, well, ever since then, it always had given her considerable pleasure to involve her feet in these sorts of things. Getting them massaged, like now, having them licked, maybe like now, stepping on her foes, oh that was delicious.

"Asa..." she said, her voice heavy and breathy. " know...I kind of like..."

She arched her back and shuddered, and her toes curled fiercely. When it passed, she settled slowly back down into her chair.

"...the way that that I've...let it roll off of my tongue."

Jane flexed her fingers and made them into fists and flexed them out again. She opened her eyes slightly. Very slightly. Eyes peering at Asa.

"Lick them." A husky, anticipatory breath. "Lick my toes."

That bath was coming but, ah, it could wait for a little bit.

Asa Renwyk
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
His gaze never once left her beautiful face. As fingers deftly worked their way down from her toes to her heel and then back up again, he studied her. How would she react? Was she the kind of person who enjoyed such tactile healing? Would this be something he could do again to gain a bit of carnal entertainment with her?

The answer he received was an overwhelming yes. A full smirk filled with less than innocent desires and motives crossed his lips. Oh by the gods yes.

Then her words, with some pleasant difficulty, flowed from her lips. She said his name, his first name. It was not the pet name of Ren she had been calling him by shortening his family name. No, she was using his given one and seemed to be enjoying saying it. He was very much enjoying hearing how it sounded coming from her in her current state as well....

A little whim came over him. Nothing devious or intimate or even mood breaking. Just a little, harmless whim to help preoccupy the not so silent silence currently between them.

But before he could say anything, Jane made a rather odd request. Lick her toes. So there was more to her desires than just blood (most likely as it was yet to be confirmed). She did keep things interesting and surprising. Best he give her what she requested... in a moment.

"Gladly, but before I do. I have a little story for you." Asa said to her in a voice seeming to teeter on the edge of submission and dominance. "There once was a good King that ruled a small yet prosperous kingdom along the Cairou river. His people loved him. His neighbors' people loved him as well. This King, you see, found a cure for a deadly disease that had brought all the mighty kingdoms in the area to their knees. First he cured his own people and then he traveled about curing others. He was hailed as the Physician King. And what was this might king's name? Asa."

As soon as his story was finished, he bent over the table and opened up his mouth. Then he began to lick Jane's toes. Around. Over. Between. He wrapped his tongue and slide it about her digits. Partly methodical, partly instinctive, his tongue roamed wherever she seemed to get the most pleasure in the moment. All the while his fingers never once stopped in massaging the rest of her feet. It was just unlike before, they didn't go back over to massage her toes.

  • Bless
Reactions: Jane
"King Asa, huh? Isn't that..." A sharp breath in through her nose once his tongue touched her toes. "Isn't that something. That used to do before you got...?"

Here, was the last word she was looking for. But a low moan escaped her mouth instead and, hey, that was alright. She just had to say something about it.

"You wouldn't believe how haaaaaa...haaaaahhhh...hard it is to get a prostitute to do this." Jane's legs squirmed and rubbed against another, her head arching over the chair's back again, eyes to the ceiling. "And there's not even a whole lot of male prostitutes on the Mainland. They probably wouldn't even know haaaaa....haaaaa....ha, to use their tongues like you do."

The tally was gonna swell tremendously tonight, no doubt about it, but it was worth it. She said that a lot, but this time it actually was.

Her hands clenched tightly onto the armrests of the chair. Her face was flushed heavily, and her quickened breathing was crossing the threshold into a light panting. Her teeth raked across her bottom lip, and she glanced to Asa over her nose before she spoke.

"I take that bath..."

Yet it was said in a way that suggested that she, honestly, didn't mind if Asa stopped and she went to wash nor did she mind if he kept on going. There were other things on the menu tonight--and a potion to brew and a bath to take before them--but this appetizer was one she didn't quite have the ability to put down herself.

Stop, and proceed on to what was ahead.

Or continue, and see what happened. Up to Asa.

Asa Renwyk
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
As Asa licked, sucked, and played with her toes; Jane was showing more signs of arousal. She tried to hide it behind her words by stating he was that king. But it ultimately failed when she moaned instead of saying her final word. And then it was followed up by her making a comment he didn't expect what so ever. Seems even prostitutes wouldn't do what he was doing right now. Or at least it took some effort to get them to. How should he take that? Was it praise at his willingness to pleasure his chosen partners? Was it an insult implying he was lacking even more in certain human ways that a brothel worker?

He didn't know, and really didn't care. After everything he had seen in his life what harm in any way could sucking on a woman's toes do after she requested it herself? As odd of a request as it might have been.

More signs of the effect his actions were taking came from the busty, curvy knight. And then she brought up needing to take that bath still. Certainly they both needed a bath, but it was obvious she was not finished with his current pampering. What kind of gentleman would he be to stop now?

The doctor removed his lips from her toes and slide his fingers back up to them. As he massaged her rather slippery piglets, he said, "Not yet my dear. Your doctor has yet to finish your massage. Stopping before we finish will undo all the benefits it brings."

A smirk as he gave her a wink that might have been a blink given he only had one eye to work with.

"To answer your questions, no. I was never a king. Well, not that king. I made an experimental potion in my younger years on my second or third alchemical research trip. Tried it out myself and my memory gets rather hazy for a time there. All I know was next thing I remember I seem to have been married off to the crown prince of some small kingdom in the middle of Amol-kalit. Fairly certain he succeeded his father to the throne. Don't know though. I took off right away and headed towards the Spine."

And then Asa went back to worshipping Jane's toes as he massaged her feet just like before.

  • Bless
Reactions: Jane
Jane wasn't about to argue. Heh, as much as she craved getting along to some of the other delights she had in mind, she just couldn't bear to neglect her poor suffering feet. They'd barely had this kind of action since her days with the Sisters. Stepping on Lord Cyprus's face while he choked on his own blood--thanks to her good friend Khari--was as good as it had gotten in recent times. That had to be cut short by necessity. This? Ohhhh...she supposed she could wait on little bloodplay.

A thin trickle of sweat ran down from Jane's forehead as she lifted herself up from her arching posture of pleasure to regard Asa as he spoke. A lazy, messy through drunkenness, utterly satisfied smile had spread across her visage.

"Married off to a prince, huh. And you don't even remember." An exhaling laugh. She'd been there. Not with that specific scenario, but a good handful of others like it. "Sounds like you get drunk off of experimental potions instead of mead to me."

Then his tongue went back to work, and his fingers resumed their vigor, and her feet lavishly drank it all in and sent wave upon wave of coursing, tingling pleasure up her legs.

"I'll tell you what you are a ki--...ooooo, fffffaaaaa...--king of, Asa. This. Right here. Right now."

Jane couldn't help it now. She wanted it. Greedily. And as her back and neck arched this time, she touched herself; one hand to her bosom, squeezing through the cloth of her dress, and the other down to her pants, slipping through the waistband and disappearing underneath. The Sisters had known many carnal things, all in service to their propitiations to the Dark One Alarak, and there were choice sensual spots a woman could exploit with adventurous fingers.

"Keep going..." she whispered.

Busy fingers, north and south. And Asa's tongue and massaging hands.

"Keep going," she said with a breathy anticipation.




A powerful shudder made her whole body shiver and then convulse. The fire she'd stoked in the cradle of her thighs had reached its full blaze, and joining with the conflagration at her breast and the raging inferno at both of her feet her body had burst into a torrent of euphoric, climaxing flame. Her legs, quivering, had gone limp for a moment, so caught in throes of crushing pleasure that all the strength had abandoned them. And Jane settled, settled, settled into the plush chair, every ounce of tension having been released in that moment and leaving her in a valley of relaxation after that soaring peak.

She didn't have any words. Just a sidelong glance from half-open eyes as her head lay on the chair back like a pillow, and a growing grin.

Asa Renwyk
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
Well the bustiest of knights was managing to keep talking despite how her body flickered about in the fiery throws of pleasure. A woman getting so much carnal pleasure from having her feet massaged and her toes toyed with was something new to him. Every moment of her squirming about was savored and tucked away to be remembered for later on. Even the idle thought of how she would react to placing her bare feet into things that squished, such as mud or berries, crossed his mind as he watched her.

He knew she was going to get a chuckle out of his story, but what was a little surprising was how she had declared him a king of sucking her toes. An odd title to be sure, but one he would gladly claim in her bedroom. Perhaps later on he could get her to call him M'lord or Your Highness. Seem a tad doubtful, but was going to be worth a try. Mostly he suspected she was going to bring it up around her friends in the town as a way of teasing him.

And then she moved her hands across her body. The purpose of this action taking him fully by surprise. He knew she was rather open with her desires, but know she was putting them right in his face. It was even enough to get him to pause in his action for a second, but he went right back to it with the same vigor as before.

Keep going.

Ah those words were honey upon his ears. A command he gladly followed. Followed until every sign of her coming to her sweet release from her repressed stress erupted forth like a shower of sparks.

His patient now spent, the doctor slowly came to a stop. He lifted his lips from her toes and slide his hands down to the edge of the table. Pushing himself back in the chair then standing, his gaze was upon her with an impish grin.

Fingers were slide across the table to her arm and then up her arm to come to a rest cupping her cheek as he walked behind her. He squeezed softly as he leaned down next to her ear.

"Rest my drench dear. I'll prepare you that bath then carry you to it like a Princess." Asa whispered right into her ear. "Sound like a plan?"

Asa didn't wait for an answer. He already was on his way towards the house's kitchen area. Fingers slide off of her cheek. Once there he began to get pots filled with water to boil in the hearth he had lit earlier.

  • Popcorn
Reactions: Jane

That was good.

And talk about going from abundance to scarcity. With the Sisters, she could have it pretty much whenever she wanted it--they didn't sacrifice every captive as soon as they got back to the Citadel. Sure, there were some long voyages out at sea, those actually sailing north to the Cortosi Coast and prior to a raid, but a lack in one area was alleviated by a surplus in another--she loved sailing, and the voyage back would often enough to loaded with captives, so that was that. Abundance with the Sisters, scarcity with the Redeemer and Astra. She couldn't just take what she wanted like she was used to. Not with the parental threat of a reset looming if she strayed a few hairs from the "righteous" path.

But consent was consent, and Asa had given it. Gladly and willingly. However Astra might feel about it, she couldn't do anything to stop it. Jane wasn't derelict in her duty or anything, her self-flagellation wouldn't be neglected, so there--nothing to pin on her.

Asa came around as she relaxed. Touched her face and whispered in her ear. Heh, a princess. Now that was funny.

Jane slid her hand out from the waistband of her arming pants. Casually wiped her wet fingers on the skirt of her arming dress. Said, "The first half of it, yeah. I can haul my own happy ass to that bath." Her grin re-emerging, "And don't give me that doctor shit again."

Fair enough that it was easier to walk while leaning on Asa as they had been returning from Ymir's tavern to Jane's claimed house. But her feet worked. Her legs worked--now, anyway, after the delightfully crippling wave of pleasure had passed and a normal measure of strength had returned.

After a long moment of lounging in the chair, Jane at last stood. Slowly. There was still the tipsy swish of drunkenness in her head, like a laden jug of water listing to one side and the other as its contents splashed about inside. But she was able to stand and stretch, fingers interlaced and arms straight up, back arching as she savored it.

"You just make that potion...and once I'm finished in there...the real fun begins."

Asa Renwyk
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
The doctor had half expected a snarky reply to his plan, and she gave him just that. No carrying her like a Princess it seemed this night. Shame. He was hoping she would let him get a feel of those thighs and grope one of her ample breasts. Fun for later. She certainly was delaying the pleasure of the evening just as she said she would. He just hoped she was not so much a sadist as to deny him his release from his stress after already having one from her own.

The bath was filling faster than expected, but he just couldn't seem to get the water to be as cooled down as he wanted. The thought of a little magic to help bring it closer to warm than hot did cross his mind, but he had to ultimately ignore it. The level of control for such a thing was beyond him. It would surely end in either no substantial change to the temperature or him bringing the water after heating it up too thoroughly to a near icy cold.

Instead, he chose to pour unheated water into it to top it off. A little alchemy trick. One of the basics in fact. When it was bathwater hot instead of tea hot, he smiled a bit. Excellent. And as a finishing touch he added in some dried mint and lavender to the tub to scent it. A pleasant aroma to help ease her body and mind further. This was a treatment he often would suggest to rulers, be they kings or elected lords, to help ease their own stress. A bit of Princess treatment after all for her.

Then the busty knight arrived, commanded him to get the potion ready, and all but kicked him out with the hope of the real fun after.

Asa just grinned at her a bit and bowed slightly. "As my Lady commands."

To the kitchen he went. It wasn't the best equipped place he had used, but it was no camp fire either. He could work with it. After all if he was able to brew potions on the road using that campfire and his kit then he could definitely make due with a kitchen and his kit.

So he pulled out his kit, got a fire going in the various pits in the counter, and pulled out his recipe book. The recipe was something he had memorized and had no need for instruction to brew. It just helped him feel focused and as if he was in a true workshop for the moment. Something he knew he was going to be missing out on for some time thanks to the destruction in Elbion.

And so he began to get Jane that potion brewed to ease her drunken state.

  • Devil
Reactions: Jane
My Lady. Pfft.

Jane merely smirked back and walked into the bathroom. Closed the door. Remembered that she could probably do with a change of clothes and opened the door again and came out and staggered into the adjacent bedroom and rummaged through some of the former wife of the house's dresses (she wasn't needing them anymore, was she) and found a simple evening gown that was good enough for now and she took it and staggered back into the bathroom and shut the door again.

Huh. Smelled odd in here. Not unpleasant, but different than what she was used to--which was a whole lot of nothing. Jane held onto the edge of the wooden tub, leaned down, dipped the fingers of one hand into the water and found it to her liking. Better than the somewhat frigid wellwater she had been using for her previous baths; shit took a long time to warm up so she just grinned and bore it.

Jane slipped out of her boots, arming dress and arming pants. Gingerly (can't be too careful while drunk and around hard edges and water, heh) lifted her leg up into the tub and then the other and then settled down to lay submerged up to her chin in the warm water. A contented sigh escaped her lips.

Praise Astra, what a night. Probably one of the better nights she had ever since being converted. Everything just seemed to be going right. All of the little things were adding up to a marvelous collection altogether.

Which brought her to Asa, as she went down sashaying down her trail of thought. Hmm. Who was he, really? Yeah, he'd said a lot of things to that effect: from some College in Elbion, was a Professor (again, whatever the fuck that was), experimented with alchemical stuff. He had a pet crow that he may or may not talk to. Looked human enough, Asa, but eh, who knew--too many fucking things on Arethil looked human for her to care about details. Pain didn't always bother him so much, the result of the aforementioned experiments--and that could really turn this night lackluster. There was some stuff about a king and a prince that, to be honest, she had been a little too busy to pay thorough attention to--maybe that's where this My Lady stuff was coming from. And, yeah, he had just wandered into Guillotine, they spoke briefly on the walk out to the graveyard, and he simply agreed to give her everything she wanted. What luck, huh? Where Nate tolerated her, David was put off by her, and Torrence had been starkly repulsed by her, Asa just...didn't give a shit. Wait, there was a better way to put that. Hm. Asa just accepted her outright, wholly and unconditionally.

Jane had done that before. With the Eunuch. To gain his trust in order to murder him. Worked like a charm. Maybe Asa was doing the same. Maybe he wasn't. Who could say?

Oh well.

Astra protects.

Jane just smirked devilishly at that thought, keeping associated thoughts and feelings tucked away, and she continued to bathe.

* * * * *​

Some minutes later, the bathroom door opened.

And out stepped Jane. Her normal attire she'd left in the bathroom, and she wore now the green (it was always green, and green wasn't her color, goddamn it) evening gown and naught else, her bare feet dried and pattering softly on the floor which each step.

She leaned with one arm against the corner formed at the junction of the main room to the hallway which led to the bathroom. She flashed a messy smile.

"How's that brew coming?"

Asa Renwyk
  • Cthuulove
Reactions: Asa Renwyk
No witty response back. The woman just smirked and disappeared behind the door. He turned to head towards the kitchen when he heard it open again, the padding of bare feet, another door open, more feet sounds, and then a door closing. Seemed she had forgotten her change of clothes. What a shame. He would have preferred she walk about without them on.

The kitchen was proving less convenient than he was expecting. How did the poor soul who use to cook here daily handle having to turn about constantly? No counter space was big enough to handle more than a single loaf of bread. The water urn was on the opposite end of the kitchen from the fire pits. The shelves for storing supplies looked more like an extensive wine rack. Perhaps they were and all the wine had just been consumed by the busty splendor in the bath tub already.

While the setup wasn't perfect, it worked. The alchemist just had to settle and use what was available. With a sigh he got about his work of getting that potion ready.

Who knew how long it had been. Asa had become completely engrossed in his work. His eye always watched the color of the boiling liquids. The moment it dropped to just the right level in its glass with just the dark enough shade of green to its contents, he pulled it to cool off to the side. New ingredients would be ground into his mortar until they were nothing but a slimy paste. Water added to the slime. Slimy water poured into a bowl then the green liquid poured in after. Stir. Stir. Stir. Stop.

It would be during all of this that Jane would enter after her bath. Her words falling on distracted ears more keen to listening to the bubbling sound coming from the bowl put now over the flames to heat up. The odor originating from the kitchen was pungent. It smelled like entering a musky room or a stall that sold mushrooms and nuts. That mixture of wetness and earthy tastes.

If the alchemist had noticed Jane's words and seen how she looked though there was no doubt some shameless comment praising her body or innuendo comparing her body with ample hills of green would have happened. Too bad such a thing would need to wait or may never come to pass as focused as he currently was.

  • Yay
Reactions: Jane
Nothing. He just kept on brewing.

Jane just shrugged, that messy smile not leaving her face. So he was fixated on what he was doing. Well, how many times did she get pissed off whenever one of her sacrifice rituals got interrupted for some kind of bullshit or another? How much would she get pissed off now if their session tonight got interrupted? The general feeling wasn't foreign to her, that was the point.

So she slid away from the corner and made her way with a carefully crafted, if slow, gait (took a lot of effort to walk straight) back over to the padded chair. Still warm from her body heat. Hmm. She had sat down in it and breathed out and let her already relaxed muscles indulge even more in the comfort of the chair. She arched her head against the chair's back and gazed up toward the ceiling.

And she kept her thoughts as sanitized as she could, batting away any fond memories of her time with the Sisters of the Citadel that came tip-toeing into her awareness. Just focusing on the present. The present that was perfectly in line with Astra's dictums.

Jane did this. And waited.

Asa Renwyk
  • Yay
Reactions: Asa Renwyk