Aldren Cordale

The Order of the Knights Templar
Still, he never took any vows and wasn't even introduced as a Initiate amongst the Order. All the big details concerning the Templars were shadowed from him by Riss, who always kept him in the dark, only telling him the basic knowledge about them. Later, the Aldren and Riss were ambushed by a group of mercenaries and Riss was killed along with all the mercenaries. That put Aldren in a rough patch and he decided to abandon that path and become a monster hunter, thinking he wasn't really worthy of entering the Order.
And this is where this little thread comes in, and concerns Templars only.
The premise: Aldren ends up finding a Templar temple in his travels and decides it's finally time to face his true purpose, reporting that his master was killed while they were travelling (they spent a long time travelling and Riss never told him why, but they always seemed to evade other Templars). This puts him right in the middle of the plot that Riss was. Turns out there's a hidden power amongst a secret Order that is seeking to unite and take control of all Templars, so they can gather the armies of the faithful and launch yet another mass attack to try and rule the kingdoms.
The plot itself: What i'm aiming at is a bit of development for Aldren and for the Templars themselves, this conspiracy can grow into some major threads concerning the organization if everyone's up for it. He will be put under trial for taking up Riss's belongings and for acting as a Templar, which is all a ruse for the conspiring heads already in control of that temple that think Aldren has Riss's knowledge about their plot. That's when his Templar bethren come in to save him and they embark on a journey to root out the evil from that Temple and learn more about that conspiracy. Aldren will then be properly introduced as a Templar and get his definitive weapon, a sword hidden away by Riss that carries great power, strangely suited only to Aldren due to his magical talents.
So... who's game?
P.S: I'm on discord too so gimme a holla if you want to discuss some other details about the thread.