Fae Courts Gnirebmemer!

Threads open to all members of the Fae Courts group
Character Biography
They were definitely dead.

Curcurbita checked again in case he might be mistaken but, yes, yes they were VERY dead. The missing heart was a bit of a giveaway but he waved his hand over the blank eyes that rested in the look of terror on the grim visage of the corpse.
"Hello? Are you, um are you able to survive... this? Miss?"
It was in trying to get this dead person's attention that he noticed the stains on his hand. Checking both he confirmed they were covered in blood.

Spinning he looked for someone, anyone who might be able to tell him who this person was or what happened.
He was entirely alone in a dim lit room that looked like it was a bed chamber high off somewhere, he knew not where and there was a key in the door. Which he checked, leaving a bloody print on the handle. The door was locked.

Somewhere in the room he heard the fluttering of a moth and he felt he should really know something about that but it entirely escaped him. His mind was preoccupied with the scene before him. Casually he looked out the window. There was a city, it was night but which one he did not recognise.
"This is not right, not right at all."
Bringing his withered and gnarled fingers up to his eyes again he examined them a second time.
"And yet very familiar!"
He mused not hearing the hurried footsteps come to just outside the door.