Open Chronicles From Dusk to Dawn [Vel Anir]

A roleplay open for anyone to join

Daemon Vorell

When comes the rising sun, so do rise the men and women of a grand and vast city. Rooted into the ground by both blood and steel themselves, the city is a staple of humanity in the vast open plains to the northwest of the Falwood. The Anirian Guard wake to the thundering calls of their officers, and small children rush to their kitchens looking to break a mighty fast. Within their stalls, the horses begin to stir at the approaching footfalls of their riders, and restless dogs begin to howl and bark a morning tune.

As said sun settles high above the sky, perhaps sat beside the very gods themselves, the winding streets of Vel Anir are birthed new life. Doors are unlocked, windows thrown open, and the markets begin to bustle. Eloquent novels from the mages in Elbion, Allirian silks and jewlery, and perhaps even exotic animal furs from lands further east. Swaths of citizens seek to make this day their own and claim their fortune through endless buying and selling. Though, not all who roam the streets have come seeking the luxurious goods of endless markets. Young lords to great houses have donned their gleaming Anirian plate and stepped into the training yards for rigorous sparring. In the meanwhile ladies steal gossip over mid-day tea, and delve with intrigue into even the most strange of rumors.

Like all things eventually do though, these festivities burn their light and flicker with the setting sun. Traders wheel the last of their goods into their homes and prepare to roll the dice yet again come morrow. The Anirian Guard have retired their dull training blades and have assumed their sentry atop the looming battlements. Dinner is cooked and served within homes, theaters draw open their curtains, and the fighting arena entertains one last audience with an enrapturing duel to the death.

Swords eventually find their sheathes, patrons chug down their last ale, and viewers dispel one last tear with the glowing moonlight now shining down upon them. Though, where the honest man and woman retire to their bed for a long awaited night of sleep, or other such ventures into love, the devious and the dubious toss on their hoods and pace hastily into the empty streets. The dancing glow of torchlight shapes their shadows into nightly beasts, and the tight and abundant alleys make for swift getaways.

Here, at just one days end, in the city of man, endless stories saw their beginnings and their ends. Soon the sun rises. One can only ask: what will this new day bring?
  • Yay
Reactions: Shade and Thren
This was not his first time in Vel Anir, nor would it be his last. Thren had always found his way back here to what could arguably be called the Capital of Humanity.

Elbion gave it a run for it's money, and Alliria was perhaps a bit more famous around the world, Vel Anir was indisputably human. There were no ancient Elven ruins at the center of this city, no dwarves had a hand in building the walls, everything within this place had been built by humanity.

Thren had been born far from here, half the world away in fact, but he couldn't help but feel an odd sort of pride as he walked through the darkened streets.

It was an odd feeling, one that didn't quite sit right with him. He couldn't have said why, but maybe it was because he knew that ultimately this place would never be his home. Vel Anir was too grand for him, too big. He could see the ambition of those around him, the look in their eyes. Here in Vel Anir even the lowest commoner thought that they would one day be King. There was something to admire about that, but for Thren...for Thren it was just too stressful.

So why had he come here?

One simple reason of course; Ambition paid.

There were Seven Great Houses in this city, but beneath them sat dozens more. Minor Nobles and Merchants who had dream of titles. All of them were ambitious, all of them wanted more, and all of them had quite a bit of coin. A mercenary, a man like him could make a lot of money here.

Especially with how the winds were blowing.

So, quickly Thren walked through the market district, headed towards The Queen's Delight. It was a tavern known for it's connections to the local fighters guild, exactly where he could find work.
His arm bent loosely behind him, and his forearm resting at the small of his back, Rhobert Ascal had strolled curiously down the length of the markets in lower Vel Anir. This city had seen many men like him come and go, though he did walk in an aura unique to himself.

A straight line of pearly white teeth were showcased in the smile he held casually on his expression, Rhob having just secured a delicate matter with a family friend. In these endless sprawls of goods and even betters, it was wise to have friends in just the right places.

Throat dry, and his body yet to break fast, he decided to pay a visit to The Queen's Delight.

When he finally came to a stop before the presumptuous tavern, his green eyes regarded it happily. This construct of fine wood and stone was the home to many of his more fond memories, and further yet harbored things more... amorous in times past.

He pushed the wooden door open, not a creak sounding against the lively sounds around him, nor the activity within. His brown leather boots gave that satisfactory thud each time his weight had come down, and soon enough he arrived at the bar.

It was a bit of a masterpiece, seeing as the expensive ivory stone used for the counter had been polished and shined to hold the reflections of those who drank over it.

Rhob slid his hands onto the smooth stone happily, a smile yet remaining as he flagged for a drink. "Cortosi Spirit," he entertained with an amused tone.
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Alona shook the paymaster's hand with a smile, her other hand held a hefty sum of Anirian coin in return for her services guarding his caravan from Alliria to Vel Anir. Most larger goods traveled by sea, but the route around the northern edge of the Falwood was still well traveled, catering to the towns, villages, and smaller cities along the way.

Since leaving the Merchant Guard of Elbion, Alona had seen a fair few adventures in the Allir Reach as a member of the Blades of Alliria, a mercenary outfit that saw to putting mercenaries and employers together. Still, she had felt the need to stretch her legs, and she had always wanted to visit the city of Vel Anir, so her recent employment as a caravan guard seemed to be the sign that she should go do just that.

Turning on her heel, she slipped the pouch of gold into her pack, and clasped it closed. Her leather armor, for all their enchantments of protection, were dusty from the long roads. Her stomach grumbled in hunger, and Alona mentally weighed which need came first. Seeing the sign for The Queen's Delight, she decided that food would be best, and headed inside.

She paused inside the tavern, nodding to the various patrons who looked to see who or what had entered, then moved to a seat with a chair that faced the whole room. It was a small table, with only two other chairs present at it. One soon held her back, and the other soon held her blade, Hearth's Edge.

Long, quick strides took her to the bar, near where Rhobert Ascal stood, and she quickly gained the eye of the keeper after he filled Rhobert's order for Cortosi Spirit.

"What fare for breaking my fast?" She asked, sparing a wide smile as she put down a gold coin on the counter between them and sliding it over to him.

"Eggs, scrambled, rashers of bacon, and a rye toast." The keeper replied, not taking his eyes from hers, but the coin vanished all the same as his own smile became far more sincere.

"I'll take two orders of that, and toss in a tall mug of ale." She replied. The keeper nodded, and called a few words into the kitchen.

"It'll be a minute, I'll bring it to you."

"Many thanks." She turned and went back to her table. While she waited, she pulled a clean rag from her pack and began to wipe dust from her face and hands as best she could without water and a mirror.

It was not as quickly that Alona returned to her seat, that she would have drifted from Rhobert's now peaked interest. He followed her movements carefully; noting that she indeed cared to remove the mark of the road from her being. As the cool liquid and sharp after taste of his Cortosi Spirit lingered in his mouth he decided she would make for interesting conversation.

Most men and women currently within The Queen's Delight were locals, and although occasion bid one to meet a new face from the far edge of the city here and there, Alona looked like an outsider. Her posture and tone, combined with her attire and short kept hair indicated she was not from the likes of Vel Anir.

"Make that three orders, Hammon." Rhob called out to the keeper who had gone to work within the kitchen.

Hammon perked up at the mention of his name, his eyes wandering in search of the lord who had ordered. He only beheld the sight of Rhobert's backside as he'd already stepped away and began making way toward Alona.

"Of course, m'lord." He mumbled to himself, now plucking another coin from atop the counter and returning to the kitchen.

One hand lain idly atop the pommel of his blade, Emerald, named after the gem emblazoned within the steel, Rhob had now halted only a few feet from Alona's table. It was unlikely she would have noticed his approach as he seemingly floated through the other patrons and appeared. His other hand held his mug, to which he tended to with a measured sip.

"You're not from around here. And judging by the filth you've just wiped away, I'd throw a few coins into saying you only just got here." Again Rhob sipped at his spirit, sureness in his relaxed stance that Alona would at least entertain his inquiry.

"You're not from around here. And judging by the filth you've just wiped away, I'd throw a few coins into saying you only just got here."

You didn't become a Knight Captain in the Merchant Guard of Elbion without being sure when you were being watched and followed. You also didn't become so by reacting overtly to everyone who watches or follows you. Alona didn't look up at the man until his opening statement was finished. She polished off one last fingernail, then tossed the rag onto her pack, sat back, and looked up at the man.

"You're a savvy one." She replied, her smile and tone far friendlier than the words would otherwise seem on their own. "Kni...Alona Hawse, formerly of Elbion," even almost a year out from having resigned her commission, and she still defaulted to titling herself Knight Captain. While she was technically still a Knight Captain of Elbion, she didn't feel like it was a title she should use. "Recently in from the Allir Reach and some time with the Blades of Alliria."

So far from Elbion or Alliria, she didn't know if half of what she said made any sense to Rhobert Ascal, but there was no use in being subversive in her statements. Her eyes remained on the man, expecting an introduction in return.
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Reactions: Rhobert Ascal
"You're a savvy one."
"Kni...Alona Hawse, formerly of Elbion,"
"Recently in from the Allir Reach and some time with the Blades of Alliria."

Whether she had meant it in jest, or as genuinely as her smile would imply, savvy was one of many words that could sum up Rhob. He did not invite himself to her second seat, seeming perfectly at home in standing in a stoic pose. "Ah, a Knight Captain of Elbion, hm?" The man asked lightly as he lowered his drink to chest level. "A Knight Captain of Elbion, questing vivaciously through the Allir Reach, and now sat within Vel Anir, the kingdom of man. A tale worth hearing I imagine."

Rhobert stole another sip of his drink, his green eyes now sizing Alona before him from her toes to her top. He'd allow his words to linger in the air for only a brief silence, soon to offer the courteous inclination of his torso.

When he next spoke, it was with an alluring tone, rather than an amused one. "Sir Rhobert Ascal, presently of Vel Anir."
  • Yay
Reactions: Alona Hawse
Thren opened the door to The Queen's Delight with little regard for whoever may have been standing. The heavy wood slammed into the wall behind it, sending a slight rumble through the patrons that sat near it.

A second later the Barbarian stepped through the doorway, his eyes immediately scanning the room. As he had expected, the tavern was filled with people, most of them soldiers. A dozen posters hung on the wall, some advertising jobs, others portraying criminals that needed to be caught.

Thren frowned for a second, lingering in the doorway until he spotted the bar at the back of the room.

Behind it the barkeep was busy washing some sort of glass, though he wasn't really doing a very good job of the task. Thren approached him, clearing his throat as he spoke. "I need a cup of ale, a room to stay, and some job listing from the local Houses."

For a moment the Barkeep stayed still, staring at Thren expectantly.

A large sigh escaped the barbarian and from his belt he pulled a small coin purse. He threw it onto the bar.

"Go on you vulture." Thren said. "Get me what I need."
Alona sniffed slightly, her face becoming slightly less friendly. Her eyes remained on Rhobert Ascal's, but they were now more guarded. She hadn't meant to even mention her rank, and only the symbol of the Merchant Guard was visible on her armor. Her blade and armor were obviously quality, and if he had arcane ability he'd have been able to feel that they were enchanted. She assumed he had made his guess based on all of those.

"You certainly are the loquacious type, aren't you, Sir Ascal?" Her tone held a slight edge to it now. Having parents who were Professors at the Maester's College gave Alona an exhaustive lexicon when she chose to use it. The poetic speech most swashbuckling courtiers used often grated on her. It wasn't likely the response the young knight of Vel Anir expected, but as was clear from her armor and weapons, she wasn't a damsel.

She paused as Hammon came over with her two plates, expertly holding the third in the crook of his arm. Alona always thought tavern keepers and servers were part magician, the way they could lay out an entire tables worth of food and drink with a single trip. Her ale quickly followed her two plates, then Hammon looked at Rhobert.

"Mi'lord, where shall I place your meal?" He asked, looking earnestly to the man.

"Enjoy your breakfast, Sir Ascal." She nodded at the man, then turned to her food, taking up her fork. She ate with the quick efficiency of one who was trained in an elite military or guard unit. A young man from Vel Anir would likely understand, with the requisite military service the city-state had all men perform.
"Loquacious?" Rhobert repeated with a wry grin. "I wonder how many more descriptions I might earn should I choose to remain in the company of such a decorated leader."

Alona had certainly surprised him with her word usage, begging the question as to who might have taught her to hold her ground against the pompous nobles of Vel Anir. Alas, this was a pleasant surprise. She had only added a layer of mystery to the warrior now giving her full undivided attention to the plates of food before her.

Although he possessed no knowledge of the intricacies of the arcane, he could see her equipment for its worth in coin. Such craftsmanship was not often embraced in the fires that forged the weapons and armor of the Anirian military. As much of a soldier as he could claim to be, although lacking in true field experience, he offered his respect to the line she had drawn in the sand.

Rhobert wanted to know more, but her quick and subtle retaliation had won her this meal. Would Sir Ascal return?

"Oh -- just place it with the brute that nearly knocked your door off it's hinges, Hammon." The young lord said to the barkeep still gawking at him with such honest eyes.

In parting he did offer a smile to Alona. She was certainly different from the rest of the common rabble; that is of course including the sword toting types as well.

Maridis walked into the tavern with a smile on his face as he had just been paid for a job, he whistled happily and walked through the doorway, noticing the door off it's hinges. He looked up and noticed the people that filled the tavern and felt the tension in the air, he decided to ignore it and walked towards the bar, he looked at the barkeep and said.

"Can I get an ale please?"

He walked over too an empty table near the back of the room and sat with his back facing the wall as he waited for his ale. He pulled a letter out of his jacket and skimmed his eyes over it, pursing his lips and frowning, he sighed heavily before folding it and putting it back into his jacket.
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Reactions: Daemon Vorell