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Rhobert Ascal
"Rhob Ascal. Ah, well... if he isn't the living embodiment of Vel Anir, I don't know what is." ~ Anirian Guard
A staunch Anirian knight and soldier, the man that is Rhobert Ascal seems to have been born with the very blood that courses through the city of Vel Anir itself.
As the awkwardness of adolescent growth fades behind him, and his boyish looks mature, he's swiftly become a young man to behold. He grows thick black hair, and a timely fashionable stubble. The darkness of his facial growth only aids in complimenting his fair skin and complexion.
Young yet in the face of battle and coming war, Rhob remains unmarred by the horrors normally encountered on the field. Only a small scar ridges itself into the left side of his head; a mark gained when one became too confident in training, and a master at arms was needed to put one in their place.
Though, what seems to all but glow with the man is his deep green eyes. Gems like them are rarely seen in his homeland, and often earn him a bit of an edge when he returns to court. One could easily assume he enjoys the politics and intrigue that comes with such an environment; his charm no doubt a crucial tool.
In no way is Rhob easily approached, however. He will provide respect, but only because he must. If met by ones he has never seen live and breathe Vel Anir, he will keep his chin level and take great time in making his judgement. At times this makes him seem cold, or perhaps distant.
To say he is merely overconfident may be an understatement, but it is a matter of debate. Rhob is proud in his looks, his skill, and most of all himself. He never loses face, and nor does he ever seem to tire from parading himself as the man he continues to become.
One can only wonder if perhaps there is more to that, than meets the eye.
Skills and Abilities
"In Arethil, your sword arm is an investment. When all else finally fades you will realize all that there ever was, was life and death. Evade the latter a little longer -- go again." ~ Bron the Bold, Master at Arms
As all men do when they finally come of age, Rhob pledged his allegiance to his beloved homeland, and took his house coat of arms in the name of humanity. In the Anirian Guard he is trained rigorously, and is constantly tweaking his fighting style.
He prefers the timeless longsword, as controlling it comes like second nature. His blade, Emerald, unique for the gem at its pommel, is a shining work of the Anirian blacksmiths. Its edge is unseen when one looks at it straight on, and its tip can deliver a vicious bite if thrust precisely.
Rhob is more often than not sporting a riveted chainmail hauberk, and articulated arm guards when he steps into the arena or the training pens. Although, he is close to earning himself enough coin -- or honor -- to acquire his own suit of Anirian plate.
Never without his house, Rhob always dons a professionally stitched surcoat over his mail, as well as a collared jerkin for some added protection.
You say stab, and I ask where: With Emerald an extension of his being, Rhob has learned to master handling the weapon. In the few more proper battles he has practiced for, he delivers a lethal strike that gives even the strongest of armors a run for their worth in coin and steel.
Biography & Lore
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