Fate - First Reply For Love of Water

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join


of the Desert
Character Biography
Water. He needed water.

He'd been walking for 8 nights straight now, sleeping during the day under the limited shade of the rags he wore. Even for a Sand Elf, 8 days without water was seriously pushing it. If he hadn't been a soul sage, he definitely would have died by night 6. He needed to find someone to rob, and fast.

The moons rose high over the endless sand, their pale light glaring down disapprovingly upon Nahir. Thievery was unbecoming for someone who'd been raised to know better. But the moons weren't about to awaken the young elf's conscience. Cresting the top of a dune, Nahir scanned the horizon for any sign of life: a caravan, a village, a lizard, something. Only empty desert greeted his gaze. He needed water, and people usually had water. So he'd find someone, and take their stuff. Or he'd die here, in his homeland, in the sands he was meant to be master of. The cruel irony did not amuse him in the slightest.

8 days ago he'd moved on from the tiny oasis he'd found, certain that if he continued Southeast that he'd reach the Baal-Duru River with time. But his sense of direction had clearly dimmed, since in 8 days he'd seen neither the river nor the Gulf of Annuak. Perhaps his course was more East than South? But how could that be? He'd set his course by the stars, and the stars could not lie.... could they?

Using his rusted sword as a walking stick, he tramped tiredly off his dune onto a flat expanse of sand. This was ridiculous. He should have stayed at the oasis. Every step hurt his feet. He should have listened to his cousin. His throat was so cracked it hurt. He should have killed his uncle when he-

A light.

Nahir threw himself prone into the sand, his head propped up and eyes wide. There was no smoke in the sky.... had it been a tiny little dry campfire? Moonlight glinting off armor? A magic spell? A torch?

It didn't matter. Someone was here in the desert with Nahir. And he was thirsty.

Concentrating as hard as he could, Nahir channeled energy through his Sahu, letting his stomach fill with what power he had left. Manipulate Sand

Laying on his stomach, the sand under him began to move. It pulled him along slowly, like a cobra, in the direction of the light he'd so briefly seen.
  • Popcorn
Reactions: Darkensand
How long had it been, since he was last here?

Too long...

He still remembered a period of Time, where there stood glorious Cities in this forsaken desert.

But now?
Most were claimed by Time.
The few that remained were now just ruins.

Nothing remained of that Time, no Cities and the most troublesome thkng, no roads.

No roads he could follow.

Darkensand had now been wandering in search of a Settlement for a few Days, but he had to admit that he got lost, while it was impossible for him to die, if he had to traverse this desert any longer on his own, his stay would certainly be prolonged by several Weeks.

So much wasted time, but what could he do?
A potential guide wouldn't just appear out of thin air.

It was slowly getting dark, so he had to light a fire, to lure any Lifeforms to his Locations.

While he had hoped for some animals, it seemed he had catched bigger fish.

A being clearly adept at Magic seemed to approach.

While he would not have dreamed of a guide really appearing out of thin air, this seemed to good of a opportunity to pass onto.

Darkensand would have to act carefully as to not scare away the potential guide.

Initiating a conversation should prove to be the best strategy, or so he thought:
"Mind coming out young one?"

  • Nervous
Reactions: Nahir
Well, so much for stealth.

And come to think of it, so much for living to see the sunrise. Not only did this living corpse almost certainly have no water, (because why would he?) but he was clearly no mindless undead. This was a Living Ancestor, what Easterners called a Lich. The highest form of animated dead, with usually sound mind and massive latent spiritual potential. Even if Nahir had been at full strength, his Ko was not sufficiently developed to command such a being, and he doubted it ever would be.

Well, he was going to die out here anyway. No point in being disrespectful. All Abtati were taught to revere the honored dead, awake or sleeping. Rising out of the strand like a swimmer climbing from the water, he shook the white and dry out of his shaggy hair. His sword he left in the sand. Bowing low with arms outstretched, he spoke, his voice cracked and pained from disuse. "Greetings, Waking-Dreamer. I apologize for creeping like a lizard; the desert can be unforgiving. I mean you no harm." (Well, that was true. Not anymore he didn't.) "May I sit by the light of your flame?"
  • Yay
Reactions: Darkensand
"Ah, you must be a practitioner of Soul-Channeling. And a Sandelf at that.
Truly what a surprise to meet you here.

I still remember when your kin was at it's peak, especially when they had still People that had mastered and acquired, Ro, if my memory doesn't fool me.
Truly what a tragedy when the thing with the rings happened.

Ah but where are my manners.

You may sit down, but it seems to me, that you aren't in good shape."

The Traveller was visibly in bad shape.
And considering from the magical Energy he felt, it was quite apparent, his guide was dehydrated and as good as dead without any aid.

Quite an unfortunate scenario, but despite Darkensand lacking any kind of drinkable liquid, there was still another method to delay his death.

While he disliked having to transfer his Lifeforce for such a purpose since it was quite inefficient, who knows how long it would take for the next Traveller to stumble upon Darkensand? Too long.

His Options considered, Darkensand grabbed the Sandelfs Arm and started pouring into a bit of his Lifeforce:
"Now, that may feel a bit strange for the moment, but I can't have you dying on me just yet. So you will still have to wait before you can meet your ancestors."

  • Wonder
Reactions: Nahir
Everything was a dream caught in syrup. The Dreamer's words were faint and distant, and Nahir less sat than he fell prone near the flame.

The man was speaking of.... Ro? What did he.... ah, he meant Ko. Of course, a Waking-Dreamer would be familiar with the part of the soul that changed at death. But if he wasn't certain of the word for it, he wasn't Abtati.... what was he saying about dying on him? That was a pretty tasteless joke.... WHOA.

Everything was thunder caught in locusts. This guy's hands were cold. Nahir took a gasping breath as he felt his Sekhem overflowing. The boy's heart was racing as his soul went from fading to burning wildly out of control. Shooting to his feet, he broke from the lich's grasp and took a few paces away, trying desperately to balance his newfound energy. The drowsy stupor was forgotten, now there was only this feeling that everything was huge and coming too quickly: each star in the firmament, every flicker of the campfire, his new friend- oh sweet scarabs, but he was horrifying.

Nahir forced himself to sit, legs crossed. Closing his eyes, he filtered the abundance of life force through his bloodstream, into his mind, his stomach, his lungs and skin. Several long moments passed. The boy did not move.

Finally, he looked up at his corporeal savior. A gift like this was beyond words. What could he say that this man wouldn't know? Wouldn't see in his starving eyes? Thank you? That he was indebted? No, that was all too obvious. Feeling helpless and overwhelmed, he just nodded.

"Nahir. I am Nahir."