Something had shifted all of a sudden.
Ivory did not notice it. His attention was arrested by the allure of the shining pale hidden within ruined meat and cut flesh. He licked his lips. If only he could rip into the already decaying meat and yank out the pale, wrap it around his limbs and show all of them what a mistake it was to keep a necromancer hostage.
But his bindings were absolute. Not even a violent struggle that tore his own skin into raw flesh had provided him with the means of escape. Only another indicator of irritation and pain.
He could not be too annoyed by it since it was of his own making.
As transfixed as Ivory was even he could not ignore it when he was roughly yanked up to his feet by the metal bindings keeping his arms locked behind his back. His fingers in stasis in a hand-cage made by artisans hated by mages and beloved by smallfolk.
"Time to earn your feed,
pretty boy." The foul-scented monkey growled in his ear to intimidate him. Ivory had no response because all of a sudden his bindings were loosened and removed entirely. He looked around, seeing the arena for the first time, and noticing the man on the throne.
His liberator? His tormentor? Both?
Ivory did not wait for them to change their minds. He immediately threw himself onto one of the corpses just made by
Half-Blade Zhi. Fingers blackened and raw tore into the meat, hasty, afraid they'd yank him away from the body before he could-
His skin touched the pale ivory. More valuable than diamonds, worth their weight in gold. He yanked a bone out, a rib-bone, small, pathetic... but prized nonetheless.
While they seemed to be finding a new combatant, Ivory was busy... yanking another bone out, causing a gruesome mess as blood splattered across his arms. His fine robes had been run ragged, grime, but now soaked in the life-blood of the dead.
Almost, almost..." He muttered feverishly to himself. Where was the greatest bone? The glory of the Pale? It would set him free from this monkey-infested place.
Sky Rending Tiger |
Four Sealed Sage