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Castle Silverrock, a massive fortress located between the fringes of The Reach and the foothills of The Spine.
The castle, ruled by the wise King Gerrid, overlooked and protected a thriving town and vast fields of grain.
It supports itself through its own industry and trade from nearby holdings and even Alliria itself, with occasional caravans passing through from Belgrath.
The castle itself is large, with many courtyards and terraces, surrounded by stone walls with guards on constant vigil from the battlements and towers.
Come orc, goblin, gnoll, giant or even dragon, Castle Silverrock was prepared to protect itself and its people from any threat!
At least... That's what they thought...
An earthquake had given everyone a scare about a month ago, but damages were minimal and the people of Silverrock we're quickly back to normal.
What they couldn't know was the effects the earthquake had on the local dungeon.
Local legends surrounded this dungeon, scholars believe that it was a vault to keep some evil treasure locked away and that's what everyone believed. For hundreds of years since Castle Silverrock was founded the impenetrable dungeon was a source of income, a tourist attraction.
But, in spite of the thick stone and powerful wards, the earthquake broke the seal on the dungeon just enough for its "evil treasure" to escape.
The first victim was a hunter who brought down a deer displaying odd traits. He was bedridden until he began vomiting up this black bile and more people started getting sick.
What was once a thriving kingdom became a ghost town as the king announced a state of emergency, imposing a curfew and interring the sick in the castles own infirmary so his healers and doctors could deal with this threat...
... And things have only been getting worse from there...
Once again, pulling out the same notes for the same plague to try once again against the clock to prevent the same fate... An inferno of cleansing fire to prevent the spread.
Luckily the King of Silverrock Castle was a benevolent man and unwilling to resort to such extreme measures against his people unless all possible options have been thoroughly exhausted, so Tera had a bit more time than usual to actually study this plague and figure out a cure.
She arrived and got to work while the most advanced patient was merely in the second stage of the plague. Vomiting up black bile.
Her previous notes only recorded the plague up to the third stage when it starts to show truly aberrant qualities, changing the victim and almost making them unrecognizable as human.
She stood at a worktable decorated with a massive array of test tubes and bubbling liquids.
The first time she encountered these symptoms she quickly ruled out all common anti-disease potions and magical herbs and treatments, even some of the most rare medicinal herbs in her possession had no effect.
Healing potions could delay the symptoms and provide a temporary relief for the patient, but inevitably the symptoms came back even more violently after the use of healing potions to such a degree that she's discontinued experimentation in that direction.
The sample of the bile, as always with every sample of this bile she's collected, it shows very strange reactions to different stimulus. Fire can destroy it, so they had that last resort still on the table, but fire generally wasn't conducive to the survival of the patient which was the whole point.
Slow heating doesn't work though, the bile seems to be able to adapt to the slower less damaging effects of a slow burn.
Chilling produces interesting results, as it reacts in different ways to maintain a human body temperature above 37 degrees Celsius.
The bile itself seems to act like a living organism, and she's long ago established that she's dealing with a parasite of some kind that's eating away and replacing the host.
Healing magic by clerics and various magic practitioners has only had the same affects as healing potions, delaying symptoms before they return violently.
Which makes sense to Tera... If they're dealing with a living parasite it too would benefit from effects of healing.
But how does one remove this parasite?
This is the first time she's had the chance to really try in earnest!
The castle, ruled by the wise King Gerrid, overlooked and protected a thriving town and vast fields of grain.
It supports itself through its own industry and trade from nearby holdings and even Alliria itself, with occasional caravans passing through from Belgrath.
The castle itself is large, with many courtyards and terraces, surrounded by stone walls with guards on constant vigil from the battlements and towers.
Come orc, goblin, gnoll, giant or even dragon, Castle Silverrock was prepared to protect itself and its people from any threat!
At least... That's what they thought...
An earthquake had given everyone a scare about a month ago, but damages were minimal and the people of Silverrock we're quickly back to normal.
What they couldn't know was the effects the earthquake had on the local dungeon.
Local legends surrounded this dungeon, scholars believe that it was a vault to keep some evil treasure locked away and that's what everyone believed. For hundreds of years since Castle Silverrock was founded the impenetrable dungeon was a source of income, a tourist attraction.
But, in spite of the thick stone and powerful wards, the earthquake broke the seal on the dungeon just enough for its "evil treasure" to escape.
The first victim was a hunter who brought down a deer displaying odd traits. He was bedridden until he began vomiting up this black bile and more people started getting sick.
What was once a thriving kingdom became a ghost town as the king announced a state of emergency, imposing a curfew and interring the sick in the castles own infirmary so his healers and doctors could deal with this threat...
... And things have only been getting worse from there...
Once again, pulling out the same notes for the same plague to try once again against the clock to prevent the same fate... An inferno of cleansing fire to prevent the spread.
Luckily the King of Silverrock Castle was a benevolent man and unwilling to resort to such extreme measures against his people unless all possible options have been thoroughly exhausted, so Tera had a bit more time than usual to actually study this plague and figure out a cure.
She arrived and got to work while the most advanced patient was merely in the second stage of the plague. Vomiting up black bile.
Her previous notes only recorded the plague up to the third stage when it starts to show truly aberrant qualities, changing the victim and almost making them unrecognizable as human.
She stood at a worktable decorated with a massive array of test tubes and bubbling liquids.
The first time she encountered these symptoms she quickly ruled out all common anti-disease potions and magical herbs and treatments, even some of the most rare medicinal herbs in her possession had no effect.
Healing potions could delay the symptoms and provide a temporary relief for the patient, but inevitably the symptoms came back even more violently after the use of healing potions to such a degree that she's discontinued experimentation in that direction.
The sample of the bile, as always with every sample of this bile she's collected, it shows very strange reactions to different stimulus. Fire can destroy it, so they had that last resort still on the table, but fire generally wasn't conducive to the survival of the patient which was the whole point.
Slow heating doesn't work though, the bile seems to be able to adapt to the slower less damaging effects of a slow burn.
Chilling produces interesting results, as it reacts in different ways to maintain a human body temperature above 37 degrees Celsius.
The bile itself seems to act like a living organism, and she's long ago established that she's dealing with a parasite of some kind that's eating away and replacing the host.
Healing magic by clerics and various magic practitioners has only had the same affects as healing potions, delaying symptoms before they return violently.
Which makes sense to Tera... If they're dealing with a living parasite it too would benefit from effects of healing.
But how does one remove this parasite?
This is the first time she's had the chance to really try in earnest!