Open Chronicles Demonic Cow Men

A roleplay open for anyone to join
She readied her posture just as well. One foot forward to advance, the other ready to spring like a wire coil.
In some ways, the woman was not akin to a grasshopper.
»Can't quite kill a bull with brute force when it's free as a bird, but these things are dangerous...differently. « Ermengarde gazed at the acid spilling cattleman.
»Gross, any ideas? That sounds about right.«
The woman slowly advanced, the reach at least helped avoid any of the possibly dangerous fluids the beast oozed as if it were some kinda sponge.
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Nate thinks for a second, “Unless any of you have magic I do not want any of us to get acid burned anymore. Its gonna leave a scar. What if it gets into our eyes?” He asks them backing up as the cow’s skin was now sluffed off.

The cow man lets loose a howl and charges at Ermengarde, passing Nate who slices its leg as it passes. It did not seemed phased as it charged the one armed woman. Trying to take a bite of any part of her body.

“We can try to get rid of its legs then its heads?” He looks at Jane with a questioning look. “Otherwise damn thing will continue on charging.”