Complicated character

The Paulinator

The Paulinator
Character Biography
So I have a character that uses enchantments to make automatons with the assistance of blacksmiths. Would that be okay if they're hard and time-consuming to make?
Personally I see nothing wrong with it bc runes can be used (but Id ask a staff member juuust in case), and I have/had a character like it on this form before, basically no guns/victorian inventions, since this is a high fantasy form after all. As for time making them, this site is “fluid” time, so Im sure you can time skip :) just make sure you get an order on what comes first. :) Best of luck and hope to write with yah one day!
Aside from the difficulty to make them, a power source or some thing would likely be necessary for continued use. Spells and enchantments are set up to have a certain draw of power when activated. And continuous use of said spell or enchantment would require a power source. Runes are a one time thing, requiring magic at their activation before the effect is finished. As well, a question to all of the staff is likely in order for making automatons of any variety.