Character Voices

Sir Nathaniel

The Paladin
Hello, once again. As many of you already have character appearance, quirks and personality traits in discussion, I thought I might try a different spin, that being a discussion into our character voices, everything from pitch to cadence to vocal tone, to accents.

For my own toons, I have thought about this, often and each of them would have particular voices and for comparison, most closely depict their vocal patterns.

Nathan, my main, would speak with a deep, smooth voice with a faint Scottish accent. Think Ewan McGregor but with a lower, baritone voice. His every word and syllable would be precise and carry great weight when spoken. The kind of voice that makes you think, "I had better shut up and listen to what he's saying. He's in charge".

Arthur Morn, my second would have a voice closely resembling Christian Bale (who is Welsh), with a rough, growly voice. Not unlike his portrayal of the superhero, Batman, but not as extreme in its pitch. Definitely the kind you'd expect of an anti-hero.

His twin, Elias would be much lighter in tone. Probably have one like the aforementioned Bale, but using his natural speaking voice. The kind of pitch would make you think, "This guy doesn't take anything seriously" with his casual, lighthearted tone.

Gale, the magic specialist of the group would have a slightly nasally, almost nebbish voice that still carries. Like the kind you'd hear from an aged College Professor. Think Mark Noble, the voice actor for Regis in the Witcher 3. His extremely precise diction and tone just screams "This guy is smarter than you".

Lastly, Max would have an Italian accent, specifically Tuscan, with it being soft and light in pitch when out of combat, but his voice considerably deepens when he's either praying or fighting. For reference, think Ezio Auditore (voiced by Roger Craig Smith) right around his early years for the former and his adult years for the latter. He's got this duality to him that might make others think he's weak one minute and "whoa, he's actually incredibly strong" the next.

How about you, my friends? Any character voices or actors you have in mind?
Thank you for posting this with all of the examples. It's such a great thought. And I was inspired by it to write out an IC description for this character's voice.

His voice was actually a bit gravelly, mid to high in tone, and yet somewhat deep in pitch. With a surreal accent, combining the sneeringly haughty intonation of a Zar'Ahal drow with the fiendishly aggresive pronunciation of an Arradum duergar. The accent of Revash Qelnoth. Certainly his slightly otherworldly voice would add something to his alien and scary quality, but it also definitely had a drowish version of masculinity and toughness to it. To any surfacer, surely, it was the voice of someone or something you'd rather not have as an enemy.
Thank you! I have put a great deal of thought into this. And I have read your post. I think, perhaps if we (very hopefully soon) can RP together, I might use a similar description.