Arthur Morn
The older of the Morn twins, a member of the Allirian City Guard and of the Freedom Fighters.

Arthur is a fair-haired, muscular human with a highly athletic build. A light layer of stubble adorns his face, and his features are noted as being quite rugged and weathered and tanned from years in the sun. He keeps his hair about shoulder length and usually does not care much for grooming and so his hair often appears shaggy and uncombed. In terms of attire, he wears a thick suit of plate armor including a helmet, light blue tunic and thick boots. When out of combat, he opts to wear simple white, blue or grey tunics and trousers.
Skills and Abilities
Master Martial Artist: Arthur is the combat specialist of the Freedom Fighters, called the very greatest unarmed fighter among them, whether it be in striking or grappling. An extremely skilled, formidable martial artist, Arthur's fighting style incorporates elements from boxing, kickboxing, wrestling and ground-fighting. He takes full advantage of both honest skill and brutality to inflict maximum damage on opponents, albeit without killing them. Arthur's style emphasizes use of anatomical weaknesses, pressure-points, momentum, leverage and tactical know-how, and all of it at executed at high speed.
Indeed, Arthur's unarmed skill is so great, he has defeated and arrested dozens, if not hundreds of criminals throughout his career, fought evenly with his brother Elias, and fought on par with Nathan in sparring matches.
Master Spearman: Although he prefers unarmed combat, Arthur underwent mandatory training with the use of the spear to prepare for his career as a guardsman. His aim in particular is notable in that despite a spear normally being a lethal weapon, he has never once used it to take a life. Instead, he makes each blow crippling or highly damaging, but never has he ever taken a life.
Peak Human Condition: Through years of combat training, frequent workouts and specialized diets, Arthur has achieved a high level of physical and mental prowess. Even in his youth, Arthur was noted for being a bright student and excellent athlete. Representing the pinnacle of human stamina, endurance and conditioning, Arthur puts himself through a gauntlet of exercises at least three days a week and still has the energy to fight crime in his home city of Alleria as well as participate in the Freedom Fighters' campaigns while showing no tiredness at all.
Peak Human Strength: Through intense resistance training, Arthur has achieved a high level of physical strength. While not quite on par with his brother, Elias nor anywhere near Max or Nathan in prowess, Arthur is still fully capable of deadlifting several hundred pounds at the very least. His core strength is especially notable, as he is able to lift and support heavy weights with little difficulty. This strength lends itself well to his fighting style in that he relies mostly on hand-to-hand combat, especially his punches.
Peak Human Speed: Arthur is extremely fast, able to run, react and fight at high speeds that put most men to shame. Not as fast as his twin or Gale, but Arthur certainly can hold his own in terms of overall reaction time. During a foiled heist, he demonstrated himself able to disarm and knockout four armed robbers in less than a minute.
Peak Human Endurance: Arthur's highly trained and conditioned body produces far less fatigue toxins than normal, allowing him to perform and fight at peak performance for many hours without tiring. In particular, Nathan notes that of all the Freedom Fighters, barring himself, Arthur is perhaps the most enduring of all of them, able to push himself without showing any sign of fatigue. During their sparring matches, Elias noted his twin was able to endure every one of his blows and still remained standing and keep fighting without any impediment at all.
Arthur has stated the secret to his incredible metabolism lies in frequent training in aerobics, which in turn allows his body to enter a heightened state of rest, making his oxygen intake both greater and more efficient.
Genius Intellect: An extremely intelligent and eclectic polymath, Arthur has achieved degrees in several disciplines including criminology, criminal psychology, criminal justice, forensic science and law. Arthur has mentioned he has an exceptional memory and can recall much of what he has seen, read or heard with uncanny accuracy. He has memorized both Alliria and Elbion's legal codes and has detailed knowledge of their judicial courts and governmental structures, all the better to fight crime with.
Nathan believes few men on Arethil have a greater understanding of justice than Arthur, to the point where he could be an extremely successful legal consultant, should he choose.
Also to note, Arthur has detailed knowledge of human anatomy and has at least some degree of medical skill and knowledge, which he has repeatedly demonstrated to treat criminals (and civilians) who are injured or dying in order to save their lives.
Indomitable Willpower: Arguably his greatest trait, Arthur is a capable, driven and determined man of tremendous willpower. Nathan has praised the guardsman for his sheer refusal to give up, even when faced with seemingly insurmountable odds. Virtually immune to fear and mind games, Arthur always seems to find a way to succeed, even if his opponents are physically stronger or larger. Notably, the guardsman has a nigh-obsessive refusal to compromise his self-imposed rule of no-killing. Despite the fact his own superiors have stated he is well within his rights to take the lives of criminals should the situation warrant it, Arthur has repeatedly found ways to keep them alive and arrest them, even if he is the one to inflict brutal beatings on them.
On multiple occasions, in fact, he has revived or assisted dying criminals, keeping them alive so they could be properly treated.
Arthur is, for lack of better term, complicated. A deep believer in social justice, Arthur has shown a deep-seated hatred of the criminal element. When on the streets, he can be highly brutal in his treatment of lawbreakers, often inflicting serious injuries on them, up to and including to where many of them are left paralyzed or with lifelong injuries, but he intentionally avoids killing them and has a deep-rooted respect for the sanctity of life.
Interestingly, this represents a sort of duality to his personality. While on the job, he is cold, calculating and utterly implacable, off it, he is surprisingly relaxed and can be quite warm and welcoming. His relationship with his daughter Maya, in particular is especially close. Since she came into his life, he has experienced firsthand the love and care a father feels for his child, with all that entails. He takes care of her, listens to her worries, tries not to scold her too harshly when she gets into trouble and applies a firm hand when he feels it necessary to do so.
He is also extremely, fiercely protective of her if she is ever in any real danger, once savagely beating a man that attempted to kidnap her, almost to the point of death. Although he stopped himself at the last minute, Arthur's viciousness resulted in the kidnapper being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of his life. Although he was horrified at the fact he nearly lost control, Arthur did admit he was fully prepared to repeat it if it meant keeping Maya safe.
Quiet and composed if left to his own devices, Arthur has few real leisure activities and has admitted he has no real friends or acquaintances outside the team. His sole pleasures are reading, meditating and exercising.
Also to note, unlike his brother, Arthur has no interest in women or romantic relationships of any kind, viewing such things as a dangerous distraction. In fact, he states that his deceased wife Alisa, Maya's mother, was the only woman he ever truly loved.
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