Fate - First Reply Candles on the Sea

A 1x1 Roleplay where the first writer to respond can join
For a moment, it was all the woman could do to stare at the man, cocking a brow as if to find meaning in his eyes. Sure, there was meaning to be found around fingers, with or without the dagger, as much as with the tongue of which throats were getting coated in whiskey, ale and other beverages this evening.

A moment of silence ensued, Nerren simply staring, wondering what his meaning was without actually asking the question. Ed had somewhere to be at midnight, he said, and that she should come with. Was he being that obvious and explicit? Does he mean to bed me already?

It wouldn't be too early by any means, neither too late. Maybe he was simply masking his impatience. Either way, whatever the measure of his thirst, that was another game that would have to wait. There was still the matter of the dagger and more than one hilt mattered to her.

The drinks came. Shots of firewhiskey, to be precise, though Nerren delayed her drink, savoring the moment to take in her companion’s face, eyes into eyes. Words were ever semantics but maybe he had since been promoted from simply being a contemporary in her presence.

“Fun. Rough.” She shrugged. “Wasn’t much of a difference for us. In my village, the children were either building the buildings or toiling the fields if we weren’t out hunting or fishing. We found enjoyment in our work, rest assured.” Nerren leaned closer toward Edward, face hovering over the table inches from his with her own mischievous grin.

“At age seven I was attacked by three boys who didn’t like it when I beat them in a footrace. They beat me bloody so I dropped boiling oil on their heads the next day. At age seventeen I took a boy to bed who meant everything to me.” She waved a hand. “Or so I figured. I was silly. One year later I killed my first man after he stole my wagon and left me in the snow.” She raised her glass. “And all of it was fun.” Time to toast at that.

“To Teth and Nordengaard, this night and sunlight when it arrives, and may it melt hell.”
She knocked her shot back, licked her lips, barely wincing from the burn within. “What might I like come midnight?”

Edward Lorain
Now that he could understand, at least in part. Not the building part, as Edward had already proven his building skills were lacking, but he knew what it was like to be put to work as soon as you could be on your own. A majority of the children of Teth served as busboys, powder monkeys, or just runners for crews when they were on land.

It was a cutthroat world where food was constantly being fought for. He had seen his fair share of young teens shiv others in order to gain food or coin. Even Ed had nearly died twice as murder attempts in his younger years.

"Sounds like they all deserved it. Good on ya."

He raised his glass in a mirroring of her toast, then threw the drink back, although he made a small face as the burn ran down his throat. Not an unpleasant feeling, but certainly packed a punch.

Edward could not help but smile and raise his eyebrows as he could only imagine what Nerren was thinking of. She may have been playing a little hard to get, but she was at least thinking about it which was a good sign. Sadly, that was not what he was referring to.

"Oh, don't you worry, we can partake in that after. But at midnight...let's just call it a show that you won't want to miss."

The Devil was calling due and there would be consequences for poor choices.

Nerren Harclaw