Private Tales Blood and Steel

A private roleplay only for those invited by the first writer


Twice Bloodied
Character Biography
Southern Falwood
Míriel Fëanorna

Kol was starting to dislike the south.

It was hot, too hot. The sun was stronger here than it had been even just above the Forest, and the canopy of trees seemed to keep the heat in even more. The furs that he had worn on the beginning of his journey had been discarded, left behind on the side of one of the hundred dirt paths that snaked along the forest floor.

He had wandered aimlessly for days now, being led forward only by the whispers.

The sound of the Dark Gods had coaxed him forward, telling him that his journey was nearly at an end. Long ago he had forgotten anything but their drive. His curiosity of what they offered pushed him further, and although he had been assailed by both man and monster upon his path, The Sorcerer still continued to walk.

A stream echoed nearby, his head slowly turning as an odd crackle could be heard in the distance.

A frown touched his lips, and slowly he trudged forward.
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It was always a pleasure doing business with her kin over in the Falwood. They were different to the elfish clans of the Ixchel Wilds that were her home but in a good way. A refreshing way. It was like going to see your cousins who had more money and all the nicest things in life. Good to visit but uncomfortable to live in. Like it was all a show and a facade to cover up the darker things that lay under the surface. Even so, they were always polite and complimentary of her work there. It had also been nice to go and drop in on her old Master - Faken - who had taught her for 20 good years during her wanderings. She had learnt a lot from him especially as he shared her gift of talking to metal. It was comforting sometimes to simply be with someone who wasn't constantly wondering in the back of their mind whether it was all made up. Or one of those weird nature-elfish things that nobody else could grasp.

Herself and Thorlion were making their way back towards Alliria at a leisurely pace. There was no rush and these woods were the home of her people, the dangers minimal. Of course there was the threat of Dreadlords who often trained out here but technically.... technically as long as they were unoffensive if they crossed paths everything should be fine. She doubted, however, that they would wander this far south to the clans right near the southern tip of the forest. This was deep Elfish territory. Her horse was clearly enjoying it by the simple fact he wasn't hiding his wings, but stretched and flexing them as they walked.

"Can you hear the stream?" the horse gave a soft nicker and turned his shoulders in that direction. They didn't need to speak much more than that. They could both do with a refreshment stop.

It was a pretty little part of the forest and Miriel slid from the horses back, loosened the saddle and took it off along with the bridal to let him be himself here, before taking her flask and moving to the stream to fill it up and splash water on her face.
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The river flowed towards one of the oceans that permeated the tip of his land, though which one Kol couldn't be entirely sure of.

He stood in front of it now, watching as the water flowed by.

It seemed almost unnaturally clear, as though someone had taken it and run it through a thousand different nets of impossibly small size. Kol could see every fish, every rock, every little thing as though the water itself magnified them.

For some reason the stream made him feel uneasy, and he couldn't help but take an unconscious step back.

What was it that the Dreadlord had said?

There was Magic here, magic far more powerful than in other place. The Sorcerer thinned his lips, gaze flickering over towards a noise on the other side of the bank.
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"Thorlion!" Miriel half scolded half laughed as her horse took a dive into the stream and rolled around in it, soaking himself silly but also coating himself in mud from the rivers bank. It wasn't too deep where they were in a stretch between two bends but it was deep enough for a swim, and the currant was weaker here. It was a pleasant spot to take a dip. Pausing for a moment as she eyed up her horse she then began stripping down herself. She tore off her tunic, kicked off her boots and leggings, undergarments and then dived in.

With a gasp she broke the surface and wiped the water from her eyes. It had been a long time since her and her horse had done something like this. Simply played. It was one of the ways she had convinced him to leave her home and follow her on her travels. Thorlion brought one wing arcing up and threw a sheet of water at her, sensing her mind was wavering from the here and now and hoping to bring her back. With a laugh she put her hands up to shield her face then returned the gesture. The horse went racing to the shallows to avoid her with a whinny then pranced in the shallower water in a gesture that very much said "hah you missed me."
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Kol stayed besides the water for a few minutes, frowning when he suddenly noticed the echoes of sound just down the river.

His head cocked, and slowly he moved along the river's edge until he came upon a bend within the water.

A frown touched his lips as he spotted someone there, someone playing with

The creature did not seem to be like the pack beasts he'd witnessed in the South so far, and the woman was most certainly not like himself. Both of them waded through the waters, running back and forth with one another and splashing with the clear waters.

How strange.

Kol moved closer to the bank, wishing that he'd still had his cloak. "Hello."

The sorcerer croaked, voice barely audible over the waters.
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Reactions: Míriel Fëanorna
Miriel was out of breath from laughing more than the games of chase they were playing. The braids had come out of her hair long ago and she was soaked from head to toe. Thorlion too seemed tired and had retired to the bank to roll in the sand and dust there and not for the first time she was thankful she had a black horse and not a grey. She laid back in the water and just let herself float beneath the surface, enjoying the sun on her face and the cool of the water. But that was all ruined when she heard the voice. Which was promptly followed by a wave of water going over the top of her head as Thorlion shot protectively to his mistresses side.

"Thor-," the elf sat up coughing up the water he had just helped her to inhale before standing. The black winged horse stretched out one wing to cover her and she leaned her arms casually on the arch to peer at the stranger. Her eyes flicked over him quickly before pushing the wet hair from her face.

"Hello," she matched the Common Tongue he spoke and tilted her head slightly. "Err... are you lost?" she raised a quizzical brow. It was unusual to see anyone but elves this far south.
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Kol glared at the woman and her horse for a few moments, frowning slightly.

She was an elf, that much he was already sure of. What she was doing here playing with her horse was entirely unknown to him. From what he had seen of her people they were regal, serious, and almost universally loathed.

At least that was the impression he'd gotten from Zana and the other Dreadlords memories. "Yes."

He answered simply, gesturing to himself.

"I have been wandering this forest for days." One could technically not be lost if there was no true destination, but the small lie would hardly taint his tongue. "These lands are...strange."
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Reactions: Míriel Fëanorna
Miriel wasn't ashamed of her body but she knew humans found it rather awkward so she stayed behind her horse as they both walked to the shore, using him as a shield till she could snatch up her shirt and pull that on, then her breeches. She leaned to the side and wrung her hair out as her horse retreated a little bit to go and graze on some grass, though he kept them in his eye line. Her eyes, however, never left the man.

"Where do you come from?" The Falwoods were strange even for people local but the way he said it made her feel like he referred to the fact he had never seen so much green and life before. "If you're looking for something in particular I could probably point you in the right direction - did you come through the Portal Stone from your home? My name's Miriel, by the way." Risky business travelling without much of a destination in place but it happened.
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"I am from the north." He stated, then quickly realized that must not have been much of a distinction to someone this far south.

Kol had never managed to find a map, but from the Dreadlords memories he had managed some understanding of local geography. Most of the continent was north of here, and a dozen human cities were scattered all around.

To this elf, everyone was a northerner. So he assumed anyway. "The Far North, beyond the oceans."

That was the only way he knew to describe it.

"I came through the Stone, yes." He confirmed, still remembering the Dark God's leading him to the obelisk. "I am Kol, Twice Bloodied."
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Reactions: Míriel Fëanorna
Miriel ran her hands through her wet hair as he began to describe where he was from. He was probably right in thinking she thought most of the world was 'North' - hell even Elbion's would describe themselves as Northerners perhaps. But when he clarified some understanding dawned in her eyes and she nodded. The Tundra. Interesting that she would meet another Nordenfiir so soon after the first when she had gone nearly 300 years with only meeting one other.

"You're a Nordenfiir?" she raised an eyebrow. It caused the stripes of her face tattoo to move too. Then realisation dawned on her. Valthar had started his journey north when he would have been able to go through the Portal Stone near Alliria. Why hadn't he mentioned a Portal Stone in Eretejva? It was possible they didn't know about it yet or at least not all of them. He had been gone over a year after all. Her lips pressed into a thin line and she cursed his luck.

"Well... I can try and help as best I can, I'm on my way back to Alliria if you need a lift in that direction?"
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"No." Kol had never seen the point in lying about who or what he was. If someone was going to try and kill him he might as well offer them the truth of it.

What was the point in keeping secrets?

"Though close enough." He said with a shrug. "They are like...cousins to my people."

The words of the common tongue still felt incredibly odd in his mouth. He had a difficult time finding the right words still, and it did not help that the Dreadlords memories now offered him another tongue as well. "Alliria?"

He peered at her inquisitively.

"Where is that?" Had she misspoken and meant Anir? That would be rather surprising given her ears.
"Huh..." Miriel chewed on that information as she pulled her boots back on. Cousins to the Nordenfiir - what, did they change into arctic rabbits instead of bears? Maybe foxes? What else would live up there? Or maybe it was that they couldn't shift at all, but she was pretty sure they were just Nordens.... weren't they? Silently she made a mental note to read up a little more on the Tundra before she made her own expedition there. Least now she knew there was a portal stone.

"No, not Anir. My kind are not very welcome in Vel Anir," she brushed the hair behind her ears almost subconsciously. "Alliria is a city a few days ride from here towards the East - it sits in the middle of the two continents. Very busy, dirty, and big. If you're needing to find something or someone I would always suggest starting in Alliria."
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Kol nodded as if he understood. "This sounds..."

The Nordwiir glanced towards the grin that slowly floated behind Miriel's head.

"Appealing." Alliria. What an odd place it sounded to be. He did need to find someone, or something. The whispers as of late had grown louder within his ear, and though they had quieted for now, Kol knew they would be back soon. "Will you take me there?"

The question was asked softly. He knew that his appearance made most beings...disquiet around him, but so far this woman had been kind enough. "I do not know the currency of this land, but I am sure I can offer some kind of payment."
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Reactions: Míriel Fëanorna
"Uuhh..." Miriel glanced to Thorlion who gave a firm shake of the head, stomped his hoof and snorted. "Sure," the elf shrugged and gathered up the rest of her things. It was not like she could say it was out of her way at all. "Ignore the horse he isn't too keen on people from the Tundra. Do you ride or are you like your cousins?" she grabbed the saddle and walked over to the black stallion who stood patiently still whilst she got him ready for the journey. Once the saddle was on then she piled the bits of clothing she couldn't be bothered to put back on into the saddle bags instead.

"It's about a three day ride from here there, is that ok? I don't know if you have any kind of schedule...."
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Three days?

Briefly Kol wondered just how far he'd walked. It was difficult to keep track of the days on a Journey like this. The nights often melded together in his mind and the heat made daytime feel far more torturous than he would have cared to admit.

For all he knew he had been walking through this forest for nearly a month. It certainly seemed that way to him, especially considering the state of his own clothing.

"Time is of no concern to me." He offered on simple response.

Briefly he observed the Elf, and then glanced at the oddly expressive horse. A whisper echoed in the back of his mind, but he quickly ignored it.

"You are from this...Alliria?" Was it an Elven city? That would at least be interesting.
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Reactions: Míriel Fëanorna
Miriel put the bridal on and then checked the girth, tightened it once more and then swung herself up and into the saddled with ease. Thorlion quietly tucked his own wings away into the slits on his side. They pranced side ways twice and she leaned down to give her horse an affectionate pat. His question startled a laugh out of her and she shook her head. He truly must be from very... very far North. She knew the Nordenfiir were not particularly clean on the Southernlands but even Valthar had seemed to have heard of Alliria before his travels. Though she could be entirely wrong on the matter of course.

"No, no I'm from the Wilds - the er Jungles. It's very, very hot and very far from here. Alliria is a sort of meeting point of lots of different cultures and people. Have you seen a map before?" Miri turned her horse and then leaned down and held out a hand.

"Come on, it's quicker if we ride, get on."
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"I have not." He said quietly, though the Wilds were familiar to him.

His trek through the Blight had taught him much, or rather, the memories of the Blight Orc had been more than insightful on the subject.

A fact he would not share with the woman. "I know a little of the Ixchel Wilds."

Kol admitted.

"My people are...mostly detached from the world at large." Nordwiir saw most of the rest of the world as 'raid' lands. They cared not for the civilizations there or what could be learned from them. Everywhere that was not the Lost Isles were simply a place to steal wealth from.

That was always the perception, though Kol intended to change that.

For a second he hesitated as the woman told him to mount her great steed, having seen the beasts reaction to him. Then after a moment he sighed, and quietly lifted himself to join her.
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Miriel shifted her position so that Kol could take up the majority of the saddle and then directed his hands to her hips. Thorlion waited with the patience of a saint as she kicked her own feet out of the stirrups so he might have them for extra stability and then tapped her heels to his side. To begin with he started at an energetic trot.

"It's impressive you even know a little - not many people know much about the Wilds it's considered too dangerous," she turned her head slightly as she spoke so her words were not snatched up by the wind. "My people are similar, they do not tend to bother much with the outside world there is enough to deal with in our Jungles. Though it is common for us to travel for our younger years - get a bit of experience outside."

When she was certain he had his balance she nudged Thorlion on into a smooth canter which was probably more comfortable than the trot if at a greater speed.

"If you need to stop let me know."
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"It will b-" Kol found his words cut off as he suddenly had to cling tighter for just a brief seconds. "Fine."

The Nordwiir did not use Horses. The mounts of their people were the abominations bred within the Isles. Most would have seen them as a cross between wolf and reptile, though Kol did not know their true origin.

They were far larger, and less agile. "You are far from home."

He commented.

"How long have you been here?" Or rather, in Alliria he supposed.
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"Yeah pretty far I guess," it never really occurred to her how far she was from her home. It just was what it was. She didn't have the drive yet to go back home. Her mother had always told her she would know when it was her time to go back. She thought about his question.

"Away from home? I started travelling just after my first century. I've been in Alliria itself for about 60 years now, I own my own forge and breed horses there for people. It's a nice change of pace to fighting and wandering around. Actually - I've been considering a trip up your way recently. Do you distant cousins have any unique forging techniques?"
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He blinked for a second, startled. "Century?"

Such age was utterly unheard of among his people. The Dark Gods often claimed ones life before the age of fifty, and usually long before. The Lost Isles were a cruel and brutal place, part of why there were so few Nordwiir even now.

Kol frowned, wondering just how long this woman had actually lived. More importantly, how long had her kin lived? Hundreds of years? That sounded near impossible.

"We do." He told her simply. "Though our methods are often...frowned upon by most."

The words were cryptic, but he was weary of upsetting her. "Where I am from things are brutal, and our ways are not looked on well."
Miriel caught the lilt of his voice when he repeated century and she half smiled but she was more interested in what he had to say about forging. Frowned upon didn't sound like what she had heard of the Norden techniques so it must have been a little different. Perhaps it was more like the Orcs or the Giants - she had once seen them use blood in their forging technique instead of water to cool the blade in between sessions in the fire.

"Brutal is not bad it is a way of life a lot of people in these lands forget," Miri half shrugged. In the Wilds it was kill or be killed. It might not be the same but when people often told her things were brutal she found they didn't quite hit her in the way most people expected it would. She half turned in the saddle then to catch his expression for the next bit.

"Am I the first elf you've met?" a raised brow. "Do you know much about elves way up in the North?"
"You are." He confirmed with a nod of his head.

The first time Kol had ever heard of elves was when he'd encountered the Dreadlords. There had been rumors of creatures in the woods, tribes of different people but no one had ever referred to them as Elves.

More often then not Nordwior did not tend to travel far beyond the coast lands. Raiding was too difficult there.

"I know nothing of elves near the north." He answered. "My people are not exactly wordly, and what is taken back is usually...distorted in a way."

He was one of the few to actually question things, to actively learn. A rarity among his people.
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Miriel eased her horse back down from the gallop he had stretched himself into back to a walk. At times he could forget to pace himself and it would do neither of them good to have a knackered horse by day two.

"There are some of my kin up North - they used to have horrible wars with your cousins and they keep to themselves mostly," she thought about what she knew of them but they kept themselves different even from other elves. The North made them snub their Southern kin. "There's not much you need to know about elves - we have point ears, we're a bit more naturally gifted than humans and are good at magic, and we can live for hundreds of years, There's different types - like there are different races of humans - and we're all slightly different," she threw him a half smile over her shoulder. Perhaps, she was not the best elf for him to meet for a good representation of her people. She knew they were more arrogant than her, she had spent too much time in a place like Alliria to be snobby.
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Elves in the north? Now that was interesting. The truth was his people were far more ignorant than he ever wanted to admit. Nordwiir almost never left the Lost Isles unless they went out raiding, and more often than not that's as the same places.

He'd only known of the Nordenfiir due to the old legends, and even they had been distorted. To find out that these Elves were nearby? It made him wonder about what else he'd missed. His lips thinned, and he scowled as he considered his own foolishness.

I'm the back of his head he could hear a taunting laughter, the sound of the Dark Gods. "There is much I dont know."

He admitted.

"My people are insular, and that is part of the reason I've journeyed so far. To learn." And then bring that knowledge back to the Isles so his people could once more live and thrive.
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